Tianfeng Entertainment.

A group of senior executives were woken up by a phone call in a daze.

The next moment.

When they heard the news, they were all shocked.

What? A popular artist Li Xiaoqin was hyped up in a scandal!

And it was so loud?

A group of senior executives were directly awakened.

Li Xiaoqin has always been pure.


That is absolutely not allowed!

This will cause serious damage to Li Xiaoqin's image.

Before Mr. Zhang got up, he directly ordered: Cancel the hot search immediately.

At all costs!

At this time.

The company's public opinion department reminded.

The other party is Ye Feng!

The online response this time seems to be unusual.

Mr. Zhang was startled.


It's Ye Feng?

The object of the scandal is Ye Feng?


It's okay then!

Not only is it okay, you have to promote me vigorously!

Head of the public opinion department:"???"


At nine o'clock in the morning, all companies were working.

At this time,

Li Xiaoqin's popularity was soaring.

One hundred million!

She was more than eighty million ahead of the second place!

All the companies were shocked by this scene.


Star Entertainment!


A group of senior executives are discussing the development plan of their artists.

Especially Reba's future path!

She has received an invitation from Longing for Life!

This program has created a ratings frenzy as soon as it was broadcast.

It also uses a groundbreaking live broadcast method to let everyone feel the real and down-to-earth scene of the star.

If she can stay permanently, it will be of great benefit to Reba's development.

And Ye Feng's new song!

This is also a super he bomb comparable to Longing for Life! It goes without saying that a new song creates a miracle for a queen.

The two words Ye Feng are the biggest golden signboard.

With the addition of these two projects, Reba will definitely be pushed to the pinnacle of domestic female artists!

At this moment.

The public relations director ran in in a panic.

"Mr. Wang!"

"Something is wrong!"

"Reba's ranking of female stars has been surpassed! And by a large margin!"

Several executives frowned.

Mr. Wang even asked:"How is it possible?"

The public relations director quickly opened the real-time popularity list on the Internet.

The next moment.

A group of executives were stunned


"Li Xiaoqin’s popularity is 100 million?"

"Reba only has over 10 million? Almost 10 times more?"

"What happened?"

A group of senior executives frowned.

The public relations director quickly opened Li Xiaoqin's Weibo

"According to our analysis, it should be this Weibo that triggered a large-scale discussion. The last Weibo post could be said to be a coincidence, but this time, many people believe that there might be something between her and Ye Feng. Now many of Ye Feng’s fans have already tacitly accepted Li Xiaoqin as his real girlfriend!"

Boss Wang frowned:"Hype CP?"

CP hype!

It has been a very popular thing in recent years.

Many artists hype CP, and men and women are getting more and more popular.

The public relations director nodded:"Yes, there is already such a trend in the development of fishing reels now."

Several senior executives were dumbfounded.

Ye Feng is now the well-deserved male god in the entertainment industry!

Every move has caused endless sensation.

You can see this from this Weibo post.

Once Li Xiaoqin really hypes up Ye Li's CP, it will definitely have an impact on Reba.

Boss Wang said:"Send pictures of Ye Feng and Reba's several activities, and spread the word that Ye Feng wants to write a song for Reba. We can't let Tianfeng Entertainment make a real play!"



Xiaoju's company.

All the senior executives were also shocked.

A picture directly helped Li Xiaoqin become the number one artist on the popularity list.

There is absolutely no one else with this strength.

At this moment.

Looking at Xiaoju.

Mr. Zhang said with a smile:"Xiaoju, Ye Feng said before that he would write a song for you. Look, why don't you take advantage of this wave of popularity and post a Weibo or something to thank Ye Feng?"



Jiaxing Entertainment.

Zhang Tianai Studio.

She has been in a bad mood since she came back.

She thought it was just a casual affair.

But after coming back for a few days, she found that the man had completely occupied her heart.

Just then.

The agent reported.

Li Xiaoqin rushed to the hot search on Weibo!

Zhang Tianai's expression suddenly became excited.

She hurriedly opened Weibo.

Seeing the picture, her eyes were full of envy.

It's really jealous to be able to approach Ye Feng so openly!


I must find another opportunity!


Fengxing Entertainment.

A group of senior executives also received the news. Ye Feng's ability is simply too strong to be able to directly help Li Xiaoqin break through hundreds of millions of hot searches with just one picture. But Chen Yuqi, this silly girl, obviously doesn't understand these. Several senior executives can only sigh helplessly.

"In this case, let’s not hype it for now!"

"But can Chen Yuqi and Ye Feng have more contact?"

"Maybe it will give you some inspiration?"


It was almost noon.

Ye Feng got up in a daze.

There were more than a dozen missed calls.

There were also dozens of messages, all asking various questions.

Ye Feng subconsciously looked at Li Xiaoqin.

"What did you do again?"

Li Xiaoqin blushed and said,"I posted another Weibo!"

Ye Feng frowned:"Just posted a Weibo? How could that be possible?"

Li Xiaoqin whispered,"It seems, it seems that the content of the Weibo is a bit ambiguous."

Ye Feng looked over.

Practicing a new song all night?

It's a cliché!

It shouldn't cause such a sensation.

The second half... what?

Improved ventriloquism?

Are you a naughty kid?

He asked,"Don't you know what ventriloquism is?"

Li Xiaoqin said,"Isn't it just practicing singing skills?"

Ye Feng handed over the phone with a smile.

He said,"Just take a look at the comments yourself."

Li Xiaoqin looked over.

The next moment.

His face flushed.

"what the hell!"

"People are really just practicing how to pronounce!"

"How could this group of people do this?"

A top-tier artist.

At this moment, her face was flushed and she was completely dumbfounded.

Ye Feng said:"Can you clarify?"

Li Xiaoqin said:"Well, I will modify the Weibo post right now!"

She carefully selected her words and organized her language, fearing that there would be another misunderstanding like last time.

Ten minutes later.

The Weibo post was re-edited and sent.

She breathed a sigh of relief.

Before it was restored, her agent ran in in a panic.

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