Haifeng Music.

A group of senior executives were also in a meeting.

Ye Feng's second Xuan Guofeng album is about to be released!

President Wei was in a bad mood.

His heart rate monitor remained high.

Several other senior executives hurriedly comforted him.

"Mr. Wei, don't worry."

"This kid thinks so highly of himself that he actually wants to make a movie!"

"This time, the MV of Luzhou Yue was handled by herself from the early stage to the later stage, which is simply ridiculous!"

"A person who doesn't even know how to make a movie comes up and takes on everything. Just wait to see him make a fool of himself!"

"It's definitely a Waterloo!"

Everyone was comforting.

President Wei felt a little better.

At this moment, the secretary ran in in a panic.

President Wei asked:"What's the matter?"

The secretary hesitated.

It was still a vice president who said:"Is it about Ye Feng? His new song MV is officially on the market. How is it? Is it so bad that you are so excited that you can't speak?"

The secretary's face was full of black lines.

She hesitated and said:"You should check Douban.com."

The vice president smiled and said:"Open it!"

The next moment.

Douban.com opened. The banner on the homepage was pinned to the top!

Ye Feng's Luzhou Moon won the first place in the music MV category so far this year with a score of 8.6!


"First? Are you sure this isn't a vote-rigging scam?"

"It must have been spoofed!"

A group of senior executives shook their heads.

Before he could finish, beep beep! President

Wei's alarm went off.

The vice president hurriedly said,"President Wei, don't worry, it must have been spoofed. Let's go check out the original version now. If it's garbage, expose it immediately and ruin his reputation!"

"Yeah yeah"

"That must be the case.

Everyone agreed.


President Wei let out a long sigh.

His heartbeat slowly returned to normal.

He said,"Okay, let's open it and see."

Next, the secretary opened the MV with trembling fingers.

The next moment

"Oh shit!"

"This MV……"

"This is a movie!"

"Wasn't it agreed that this was Ye Feng's first film?"

Many senior executives were fooled.

Beep beep!

President Wei's heartbeat went straight up to 180!

"President Wei! President Wei!"

"Quick! Send him to the hospital! Mr. Wei is dying again!"

"What are you still standing there for? Call the infirmary!"

At this moment, the sound of crying and screaming echoed in the conference room.


Huanya Music.

A group of senior executives were also extremely wary

"How is Ye Feng's new album? Is there still no news?"

Mr. Zhang frowned and looked at the PR director and asked.

The PR director smiled bitterly and nodded:"Yes, Rolling Stone has classified Ye Feng's new album as top confidential. Apart from Wang Dong, only Ye Feng knows about it. Our people can't get any news at all."

Mr. Zhang sighed and said:"Judging from the song"Blue and White Porcelain" that was leaked, the quality of this album is definitely not bad! I'm afraid the gap will get bigger and bigger in the future!"

Everyone was bitter.

"I can only walk and watch"

"《"Blue and White Porcelain" is simply not something that can be written by a human!"

"Ye Feng's talent in music is unique to me! I won't blame him for losing to him!"

At this moment,

Huan Ya, who had always been arrogant and even looked down on mainland musicians, completely lowered his noble head.

Ye Feng!

The name of the musical genius completely convinced them.

At this moment, someone said:"Ye Feng's new song MV is on the market, right? How is the evaluation?"

Everyone's expression relaxed.


"I want to laugh when I talk about this"

"Instead of playing good music, he went to make a movie!"

"Do you really think you are an all-rounder?"

Everyone shook their heads.

At this moment, the secretary turned on the projection.

The next moment, the Rolling Stones battle report came out.

More than one million copies were sold in half an hour!

Douban score exceeded 8.6 points!

The best MV of the year was booked in advance!

Looking at these titles, the senior executives were stunned.

"8.6 points?"

"Best MV of the year?"

"Are you sure this isn't a joke?"

All the senior executives were stunned.

Mr. Zhang said,"Quick, open Douban.com and see what's going on."

The next moment, the homepage of Douban.com appeared.

The banner recommendation was clear and powerful.

The rating of 8.6 points was directly ranked first on the recommendation list!

All the senior executives were dumbfounded.

"How can it be?"

"Are you sure this isn't ticket fraud?"

"Douban.com actually gave a recommendation?"

Mr. Zhang smiled bitterly and shook his head and said,"It may be possible to cheat, but what about the recommendation? Have you seen Douban.com do this?""


The most authoritative movie list!

There may be cheating, but the recommendation list is definitely reviewed by every editor.

No movie that cheats can make it to the list!

Mr. Zhang said,"Maybe we all underestimated Ye Feng. Open the MV and see what's going on!"

The next moment.

The MV was played.

Everyone was stunned.


"Is this a MV shot by a newbie?"

"Even those top directors are only at this level!"

All the senior executives were stunned.

Even though President Zhang recognized Ye Feng's talent, he was dumbfounded at this moment.

He said:"Impossible! How could a novice make such a short film? Oh, it's Chen Kexin! It should be Chen Kexin who helped!"

The more he thought about it, the more possible it seemed.


Zhonghai Yuefu.

Yang Mi and Yang Ma have already contacted the film crew

《Wudang Heaven and Earth!

This top martial arts masterpiece.

Yang Mi will play the leading female role.

At this moment, Yang's mother said arrogantly:"Mi Mi, after this movie, you will return to the first-line ranks. No matter how powerful Ye Feng is, you don't need to rely on him. We will wait and see how he develops in the future!"

Yang Mi said:"Mom, what are you doing? Even if your daughter develops well, you don't have to say that Ye Feng is not good?"

Yang's mother snorted coldly and said:"Who told him to write songs for others instead of for you!"

Yang Mi:"Mom, that's not what I said. After all, we were the ones who proposed the divorce."

Yang's mother snorted coldly.


Qianda Films.

Chen Sicheng Studio.

At this moment.

Chen Sicheng is calling Yaya

"Hello? Is this Yaya? There's a new sake bar here, do you want to go and try it? Ah? Not available? Oh, okay, okay then."

After hanging up the phone,

Chen Sicheng looked gloomy.

He called several times, but Yaya ignored him.

She didn't give him any face at all!

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