Qianda Films.

Chen Sicheng Studio.

After the failure of the last movie, Chen Sicheng's myth of a new talent was broken.

Not only that.

Yaya, whom he had been pursuing, ignored him for some reason.

He was very depressed during this period.

He thought of someone.

Ye Feng!

It was all because of his appearance!

《"Win the Championship" directly became the dark horse!

Several times, it was because of him that he and Yaya argued.

He couldn't figure it out.

This was obviously a boast, but Yaya actually spoke for him several times!


Just because he is handsome?


Chen Sicheng also admitted it.

Ye Feng is a bit handsome!

But can being handsome be used to make a living?

He is the most talented one!

Playing music?

What can you do with it! There has always been a chain of contempt in the entertainment industry. In recent years, music has been declining, and it is obvious that movies are more prosperous.

Of course Chen Sicheng looks down on Ye Feng.

At this moment.

The assistant ran in hurriedly.

"Brother Chen, Ye Feng is making a movie!"

Chen Sicheng jumped up in surprise:"What? He is making a movie?"

The assistant nodded:"Yes, to be precise, he has only shot the MV of the song of the same name. However, it is said that he is in charge of the front and back end all by himself, in preparation for entering the movie market! There is also a movie plan about a mermaid!"

Chen Sicheng laughed:"Do you really think movies are that easy to shoot? And the front and back end are all done together? Get ready to cry!"

At this moment.

Chen Sicheng's eyes were full of disdain.

He ordered:"Keep paying attention to his news. Also, I want to watch the MV as soon as it comes out!"


The assistant nodded!


Luzhou Hotel.

Ye Feng and Li Xiaoqin returned to the room.

The hotel had specially opened a studio for Ye Feng.


Something that surprised Li Xiaoqin happened.

Ye Feng's hands moved quickly between several computers like a magic trick.

The next moment.

The pictures that were shot began to be edited.

Like a reflection of time, the pictures became bright and beautiful.

Ye Feng frowned and adjusted various parameters.

Li Xiaoqin said:"Ye Feng, you, you are a professional?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said:"Self-study! It's very simple!"


Very simple...

Li Xiaoqin looked at the various software parameters and felt a headache.

She stuck out her tongue and said:"Ye Feng, you are really amazing!"

Ye Feng explained:"I think we can finish the post-production tonight. If you have time, practice this song more. Then the female part will depend on you!"

Li Xiaoqin nodded.

Just like that.

The two struggled all the way until dawn.

Ye Feng finished the MV short film, and Li Xiaoqin practiced the new song.

Six o'clock in the morning.

Li Xiaoqin was so sleepy that she took a photo of Ye Feng working, and matched it with a beautiful photo of herself wearing headphones.

She clicked on Weibo

, edited, and sent.

The next moment,

Weibo exploded!



It was around 6am.

The only people who woke up at this time were early risers and students.

A bunch of students took out their phones.


Li Xiaoqin's more than 8 million fans all received a push notification.

【After practicing a new song with my idol for a whole night, I was completely conquered by his strength! Perhaps, we only see one side of genius, and only those around us can see the hard work they put in! 】


An empty room.

Ye Feng showed a thin profile.

His eyes were like gods, staring at the video screen in front of him.

All the fans were stunned

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

"Practicing a new song all night again?"

"And by the way, I was conquered by the male god's strength?"

"Are you sure this isn't driving?"

"This is not the bus to kindergarten, I want to get off!"

"Hello? Is that Yaoyaoling? Yes! We flipped over again, on the same bend!"


"It has that flavor!"

"God damn hard work!"

"It is clearly the farmers working hard!"

"I feel sorry for the goddess!"

"I feel sorry for the goddess +1!"

"Stop talking, it's so uncomfortable!"

Comments were overwhelming.

Li Xiaoqin's Weibo post directly became a hot search.

Ye Feng and Li Xiaoqin couldn't help falling asleep at dawn.

When Li Xiaoqin woke up in the meeting room at noon, she was stunned by the overwhelming messages on Weibo.

"The goddess hasn't replied yet?"

"The goddess was too tired last night!"

"It must be like this!"

"I feel sorry for the goddess!"

"I feel sorry for the goddess +1!"

This is the latest reply.

Not to mention the previous ones.

Li Xiaoqin's face was flushed, and she looked at Ye Feng with hesitation.

Ye Feng said:"Why do you have this expression?"

At this moment.

The phone screen lit up.


A dozen missed calls?

Forgot! I turned it to silent before going to bed!

He answered the phone.

The first sentence of Sister Liang on the other side was congratulations!

Ye Feng was confused.


I was almost exhausted after not sleeping all night!


The second and third calls.

They all came up to congratulate and celebrate that he won the goddess!

Li Yue even said a little resentfully that she has only been gone for a day, and you can't help it, aren't you too beastly?

At this moment, even if Ye Feng was a pig, he knew what happened.

He looked at Li Xiaoqin and asked:"You... do you have anything to tell me?"

Li Xiaoqin blushed and said:"I, I just posted a normal Weibo, I didn't do anything, how did it become like this?"

Ye Feng took the scarf. He was dumbfounded when he saw it! Damn it! What a joke.

Practicing a new song all night?

And being completely conquered by the male god's strength?

Are you sure you are not driving?

Ye Feng was really confused.

He stared at Li Xiaoqin and said,"Don't you know the joke about practicing a new song all night?"

Li Xiaoqin stuck out her tongue and said,"Ah? Is this still a joke? I don't know. I didn't pay much attention to the music industry before. I just thought this sentence was very familiar and I couldn't help but type it out."

Ye Feng sighed and said,"It's okay, let's just leave it at that."

Li Xiaoqin apologized and said,"I'm sorry, it's all my fault for being stupid!"

Ye Feng waved his hand and said,"I'm the kind of person who doesn't mind a lot of scandals. It's okay if you don't mind."

No one expected that as the popularity of the two increased!

The first beneficiary was actually the Luzhou area!

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