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Meiqi came on stage.

The first thing she said was:"Thank you for the music festival. This is my first time to release a song and I can win such a heavyweight award. It means a lot to me!"

There was applause at the scene.

Everyone gave encouragement to this newcomer.

Meng Meiqi continued:"Of course! The one who needs to be thanked most here is Brother Ye Feng. His encouragement allowed me to complete the transformation of my life, and his new song made me find the value of life. Thank you!"

Ye Feng!

It's Ye Feng again!

Liang Jingru came on stage to thank him, and Meng Meiqi came on stage to thank him as well.

Not to mention that he has won seven awards. He has become the biggest winner of the night!

There was thunderous applause at the scene.

The spotlight was given to Ye Feng at the right time.

Ye Feng pushed his hands forward, indicating that it was all your own credit.

At this time.

Meng Meiqi suddenly blinked.

She smiled and said:"There are many jokes on the Internet, saying that you practice all night to release a new song. In fact, I want to clarify for Brother Ye Feng here. It's really just practicing all night to release a new song.���Songs, his creation is very casual, as long as the feeling comes, even if you are not a singer, he can write a song for you!"


The whole audience burst into laughter.

The new song that Cai Zhuoyan practiced all night.

Meng Meiqi solemnly clarified.

Everyone was amused.

Such a stage.

It is not suitable to say these things.

But because Meng Meiqi is young, everyone doesn't care.

Some people are even envious.

"This was originally a joke!"

"But there will definitely be a lot of people who take it seriously!"

"But everyone must have believed Meng Meiqi's clarification!"

"Ye Feng once again received affirmation for his integrity"

"The status of the male god will be more solid!"

Everyone laughed.

At this time.

Meng Meiqi slowly walked off the stage.

She returned to Ye Feng. She stuck out her tongue:"Did I do something wrong just now?"

Ye Feng shook his head:"Just say it if you want to, it's better than holding it in your heart!" Meng Meiqi nodded.

At this time.

The last heavyweight award was also announced.

Best Male Singer!

This is the most important award of the whole venue.

The status of male artists has always surpassed that of female artists!

Just like you may not know who is the queen of this year, but most of the best actor who pays attention to the entertainment industry knows it!


This award is finally announced.

At this time.

Li Shishi said:"Before announcing today's winners, please welcome our presenter today, the double bell of virtue and art! The immortal king! Liu Dehua!"


The whole audience was shocked.

King Liu!

The former top superstar!

The super king of film, television and music!

He is enthusiastic about charity, kind-hearted, and simply an ageless male god.

His perseverance, seriousness, never-give-up and other positive qualities have inspired a generation and he is a role model for artists in the entertainment industry.

The audience burst into applause.

To this ageless male god!

King Liu smiled and said,"Thank you! Thank you everyone. I came here today because I heard that a very talented young man has appeared in the mainland music industry. The organizing committee told me before that Andy Lau is a once-in-a-century artist. This one is amazing. He is a musical prodigy that only appears once in a century!"

At the scene! People started laughing.

King Liu's slightly exaggerated acting skills successfully captured the laughter of everyone.

But King Liu seemed to be afraid that there were not enough laughs.

He said,"If I keep keeping it a secret, will the fans at the scene hit me?"


"Will it?"

"No way!"

King Liu patted his chest and said,"It's okay, it's okay. Everyone is still taking care of the elderly."


Everyone laughed.

The barrage was full of praise

"The immortal king!"

"This charm is invincible!"

"Fifty years old? Still so charming!"

"Love it!"

At this time,

King Liu announced:"Now I announce that the winner of the 23rd MTV Music Festival Best Male Singer is Ye Feng!"


The applause was thunderous.

The whole audience applauded enthusiastically.

The barrage was even more red

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

"Is it really him, Ye Feng?"

"Eight in and eight out, all hit!"

"Is there anyone else like him in history?"

"As expected, history was made again!"

"Record Harvester!"

""Call for the male god!"

The comments were crazy.

Not only did he win the Best Album and Best Male Singer awards, but he also won eight awards, which was unprecedented.

This record is unprecedented and will probably never be surpassed in the future.

All the fans were stunned.


Rolling Stone Records!

All the executives were stunned


"Is it really Ye Feng?"

"I was a little worried just now!"

"Great! Ye Feng has definitely made history this time!"

Led by President Wang, everyone celebrated.


Sony Music.

All the big guys looked grim.

"How can it be?"

"How come this ceremony has no balance at all?"

"Eight awards for one person, how can other artists survive!"

At this moment.

Many senior executives frowned.

Mr. Li shook his head and said:"It seems that the higher-ups are serious!"

The public relations director asked:"What do you mean?"

Mr. Li said:"If you want to revitalize culture, music is an important part. This time, it is clear that the higher-ups want to use Ye Feng's Xuan Guofeng. His momentum is already established, and we can't resist him from now on!"

The corners of the mouths of the senior executives were bitter.

With the strength of Sony!

With the strength of a company!

It can't fight against an artist!

With this strength!

Is there anyone else in the country?


Haifeng Music.

All the top executives were terrified.

Best album!

Best male singer!

Best composer!

Best lyricist!

Best arrangement!


One person won eight awards.

He became the biggest winner of the event!

In contrast,

Haifeng only won one award for the best children's music.

Children's music... all the efforts of the company���It's not as good as one person!

The senior executives simply didn't have the face to stay any longer!

Thinking about the fact that Ye Feng was originally an artist in their company...

This life is unbearable!


Huanya Entertainment.

The senior executives applauded reluctantly.

Two major awards!

Eight awards in the bag!

No matter which one, he is the absolute winner.


Ye Feng won them all.

Of course, everyone felt bad.


"I didn't expect there would be no balance at all this time!"

"Let's see if you can keep being so productive!"

Everyone sneered.

The vice president in charge of artists felt bitter.

Is it time to care about this now?

His own artists are so excited, how can he envy them?

He looked at several senior executives and felt like a pig teammate for the first time._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fulu Novel

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