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"I admire my brother Ye so much!"

"A disagreement? I'll smash you to death with my new song!"

"Xiao Zan is so embarrassing. It's fine for a grown man to just seduce a handsome guy, but why the hell is he trying to get close to my male god?"

"Don’t you have any idea of your own weight?"

"Do you think everyone will support you just because you are good-looking?"

"Little did I know that in terms of appearance alone, my male god is much better than you!"


"Must resist!"

"Dare to bully my idol? It's time to let you know how powerful Zuan Academy is!"

At this moment,

Xiao Zan was completely defeated.

Ye Feng's number of fans was originally higher than his.

As Zuan Academy set out, those fans were defeated and fled.

Ye Feng's invincible myth!

This was established!


On the scene.

Several major companies were arranged in their respective conference rooms.

Room 101.

Where the Rolling Stone Records was located.

A group of senior executives were stunned.

They did not walk the red carpet.

But they saw what happened in the director's camera, and they were extremely angry.


"Running out of ideas?"

"Do you think we, Ye Feng, are easy to bully?"

"This Xiao Zan is too ungrateful!"

All the senior executives frowned.

Wang Dong was even more angry and said,"It must be the news a while ago that stimulated it, but that was not our initiative to promote it! It's too much. Go back and find me some negative news about this Xiao Zan and expose it all to him! You can't bully Ye Feng!" At this moment, the number one brother of the Rolling Stones was extremely angry.

At this moment, a shocking scene happened.

Ye Feng!

He picked up the microphone directly. The next moment, three consecutive hits were played.

The whole audience was in an uproar!


"On-the-spot creation?"

"Or three hits?"

"Is this still a human being? Quick! Record these songs quickly!"

All the senior executives were excited.

Wang Dong hurriedly ordered the music director to record them.

The music director smiled bitterly and said,"Boss Wang, how can we make it in time? Ye Feng sings faster than he writes, but don't worry, I will let the people in the music department record it on video!"

Wang Dong nodded in shock and said,"I didn't expect it. I thought Ye Feng had reached his limit before, but now he is forced by Xiao Zan and he actually sang out three hit songs! It seems that more opportunities like this should be better!"

Everyone laughed.

"Some people get nervous when they are pressed!"

"Some people become stronger the more they are pushed!"

"Ye Feng should be the second type of person!"

"Perhaps, this is the difference between geniuses and ordinary people!"

Everyone sighed



Sony Music moved into the conference room.

At this moment.

Everyone was delighted to see Xiao Zan jump out.

"You deserve it!"

"Let you show your brilliance!"

"Now the victim has come out, right?"

Several executives frowned.

During this period,

Ye Feng was on fire. He was even praised by top newspapers such as Youth Daily.

Everyone was so angry.

But what can they do?

He has already built a golden body.

Even a company of Sony's size can only bow its head.


Seeing Xiao Zan stand up, everyone must praise him.

The next moment, watching Ye Feng slowly walk towards Li Shishi, everyone felt that something bad was going to happen.

"What is he going to do?"

"There won’t really be any songs, will there?"

"Shouldn't it be... not that bad, right?"

These words were obviously lacking in confidence.

Then, a shocking scene happened.

Ye Feng!

Instinctively played four golden songs.

King bomb!

The whole audience... died!

Damn it!

These are golden songs!

Each song is worth tens of millions!

And the kind that money can't buy!

Ye Feng played four in one breath?

When did golden songs become cabbage?

Everyone was shocked.

Looking at the big man who was wantonly displaying his talent in the camera, they sighed!

"Is this his strength?"

"A hit song written in a hurry! A perfect whole!"

""We must have been blind to reject his request to release an album!"

Many senior executives murmured to themselves.

Mr. Li sat back on the sofa, his mouth full of bitterness.


Meeting Room 203.

The location of Haifeng Music.

A group of senior executives were also secretly happy.

Xiao Zan jumped out and helped them to relieve their anger.

These past few days, they had been living an inhuman life.

Since they arrived at the music festival, the most common greetings were the three things:

"How did you let Ye Feng go?"

"Back then in Haifeng, didn’t you discover Ye Feng’s talent?"

"Is there something hidden?"

All the Haifeng executives were very upset. How did they let him go?

Who knew Ye Feng was so powerful at the beginning!

But seeing the idiot look on the other side, if they explained it this way, they would definitely be regarded as idiots*2!

Now seeing Xiao Zan jumping out, everyone was eager to watch the show.


"Let you be so arrogant!"

"Let's see how you end this time!"

Everyone sneered.

At this moment,

Ye Feng walked towards Li Shishi with a smile.

All the big guys were shocked.

No way?

The next moment!

What you feared came true!

Ye Feng!

Not only sang!

He also sang a medley of golden songs!

Four songs!

Every song is a classic!

All the high-level executives of Haifeng were stunned.

President Wei:"……"


Everyone was stunned for a long time and no one reacted.


Huanya Music.

A group of senior executives are also looking forward to

"Xiao Zan’s move is pretty good!"

"He also has the appeal of fans!"

"Watching tigers fight from across the mountain! No matter who wins, the other side will be seriously injured!"

"Serves him right! He is so arrogant and wants to make everyone his enemy! Now his retribution is coming!"

Everyone sneered.

Mr. Zhang even said,"Let's see how he handles it! Eh? He doesn't seem panicked! This mentality is rare!"

Mr. Zhang looked down at Ye Feng.

At this moment,

Ye Feng slowly walked towards Li Shishi.

He took the microphone!

Several hit songs popped out of the microphone.

Mr. Zhang:"……"


All the senior executives of Huan Ya were stunned.

"Oh shit!"

"Are you sure this isn't a joke?"

"The golden song just... popped out like that?"

"Can you be more exaggerated?"

"Stop talking! Take a detour when you see Ye Feng next time!"

"The key point now is not that we are chasing him to fight, but Ye Feng is chasing us for people!"

"With so many new songs released at once, I think all the artists under the company are going crazy! Hurry up and think of a way to remedy the situation!"_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend,

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