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One of the three major record giants in China!

At this moment.

In the office of Vice President Li who is in charge of artist contracts.

Vice President Li looked at Xiaoju with a cold face:"Xiaoju, the company signed an A-level contract with you, you don't understand what it means, right?"

Xiaoju said:"Mr. Li, I understand, I have been in contact with Meiqi Ye Feng during this period."

Vice President Li said:"Then how long do we have to wait? Their concerts are about to start, how can they have time to write songs for you?"

At this point.

He stared at Xiaoju with a greedy face:"Xiaoju, to be honest, Mr. Zhang originally had objections to your contract, and it was me who made it happen. If you can get Ye Feng's new song, then I won't say anything, but now, Brother Li, I am under a lot of pressure!"

Xiaoju hurriedly said:"Thank you, Mr. Li, Xiaoju is very grateful!"

Vice President Li smiled and said:"Thank you very much? How do you say thank you very much?"

A pair of hands were about to put on Xiaoju's arm


Xiaoju was startled.

She quickly shrank back.

Vice President Li's face turned cold.

"What are you moving? Believe it or not, I will withdraw your contract now!"

Xiao Ju said with a red face:"Mr. Li, I admit that I need this contract very much, but if the contract requires me to sacrifice myself, I, I would rather not have this contract!"

At this moment,

Xiao Ju, who has always been weak, burst out with amazing energy.

This refusal was decisive!

Even Vice President Li frowned slightly.

He said lightly:"You go back first and think it over carefully!"

Xiao Ju stepped out and returned to the studio.

Snap! Close the door.

Lock it!

The next moment.

Tears flowed out unconsciously.

A little girl who is still studying silently bears the pressure that she shouldn't have at this age, and also experiences the glory that she shouldn't have too early.

People who have not experienced this kind of feeling will never understand.

At this moment.

The phone rang

"Hello? Meiqi? Ah, my voice? No, nothing, I just choked while eating. Dinner tonight? Ah? What? And Brother Ye Feng? Okay, okay, I'll be there on time!"

After hanging up the phone,

Xiaoju wiped away her tears.

She sat in front of the dressing mirror, carefully drawing her eyebrows and putting on makeup.

After a while, a stunning woman with light makeup appeared in the mirror.


In the evening, when the EMI staff were getting ready to leave work,


This once-in-five-thousand-years beauty walked out of the studio.

The next moment, the whole audience exclaimed.


"who is this?"

"Xiaoju? She's so pretty!"

"This black off-shoulder mini dress perfectly outlines her petite and lovely figure!"

"The light makeup not only does not destroy her pure beauty, but also takes it a step further, which simply complements her beauty!"

"She is indeed a beauty that only appears once in five thousand years!"

At this moment, many staff members looked over.

Even the celebrities were looking at her.

At this moment, a voice came over.

"Xiaoju! Are you done? Brother Ye Feng is waiting downstairs!"

Everyone turned around.

Meng Meiqi appeared at the stairs at some point and was waving at Xiaoju.

Xiaoju said,"It's done, why is Brother Ye Feng here?" Meng Meiqi said,"Hey, you know that if he doesn't like you, he won't care about you no matter what kind of superstar you are. If he likes you, he will look at you differently even if you are an ordinary person. That's perfect! You are just barely worthy of his attention."

Xiaoju blushed and said,"Thank you, Brother Ye Feng!"

On the other side.

All the artists were stunned.

"Oh my god!"

"Is it Ye Feng?"

"No wonder they dressed up for the occasion!"

"That’s Ye Feng, I’m so envious!"

"Are we going to have dinner together? I also hope to have such an opportunity."

At this moment, countless artists were envious.

They wished they could replace Xiaoju and have dinner with Ye Feng!

That would be an opportunity to release a new song!

At this time, the two had already walked downstairs.

At the company entrance,

Ye Feng was wearing a handsome white trousers, a white shirt, and riding a bicycle. He was simply a prince charming.

Seeing the two coming down, Ye Feng was ready to set off.

At this time

""Wait! Mr. Ye, wait!"

EMI's brother Mr. Zhang ran down in a panic.

Ye Feng looked over:"Huh? Mr. Zhang, are you looking for me?"

Mr. Zhang first breathed a sigh of relief, and then said:"Fortunately I made it in time, Mr. Ye, you came here and didn't come up to sit, aren't you blaming me for not treating you well?"

Ye Feng smiled and said:"Nothing, just taking the two girls out for a meal."

Mr. Zhang smiled and looked at Xiaoju:"Xiaoju, you went out to eat with Ye Feng without telling me, are you afraid that I will take your job?"

Xiaoju blushed.

She looked at Mr. Zhang's unprecedented gentle expression, just like the big brother next door.

She blushed and said:"Brother Ye asked me out, I didn't know."

Mr. Zhang's expression became more serious.

He smiled and said:"Okay, accompany Mr. Ye to dinner, and the company will reimburse the expenses after you come back!"

Xiaoju nodded.


In the envy of countless people.

The three left


Youlan Club.

Mr. Zhang personally received us.

Room 301.

Meng Meiqi said,"Xiaoju, what are you still standing there for? Send a Weibo post quickly."


Xiao Ju was stunned:"Why post on Weibo?"

Meng Meiqi said:"Are you stupid? Brother Ye has done this and you still don't understand what he means?"

Xiao Ju blushed:"Brother Ye, I'm sorry, I'm a little stupid!"

Ye Feng knocked on Meng Meiqi's head:"I don't think I'm stupid, it's you who have too many tricks. You've only been a star for a few days, and you have so many little tricks!"

Meng Meiqi stuck out her tongue:"Brother Ye, don't I want everyone to know?"

Ye Feng nodded:"It's a good idea, just say it!"

Meng Meiqi smiled and said:"Thank you Brother Ye, Xiao Ju, why are you still standing there? Hurry up and post on Weibo, just say that you had dinner with Brother Ye and me, everyone will know, and your company's Vice President Li will never dare to touch you again."


Xiaoju suddenly realized.

She took a few selfies and looked at Ye Feng again, wanting to say something but stopping. Ye Feng said with a smile:"Am I a monster? Just say it if you have anything to say!"

Xiaoju:"I, I think the three of us should take a selfie?"

Ye Feng nodded:"No problem."

The next moment, the three of them took a selfie with delicious dishes and sent it to Weibo._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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