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Sony Music.

A group of bigwigs are waiting to see Ye Feng laugh.

According to their understanding.

The first concert has lost more than 100 million.

Even if it is calculated according to the cost, it is tens of millions.

Now the second concert?

Even if the Rolling Stones and Ye Feng are generous, they will never do it again.

By then!

The ticket fraud will be exposed.

As long as they add fuel to the fire, this matter will be nailed to the pillar of shame immediately.

At this time.

The director of the public relations department reported

"I just received news that all tickets for Ye Feng's second concert are sold out!"


All the senior executives stood up.

"How can it be?"

"what happened?"

"Are you sure all the tickets are sold out?"Are you sure they are all sold out?"

All the bigwigs were shocked.

Even Mr. Li asked in surprise:"Are you sure it is 100,000 tickets?"

The Director of Public Relations nodded and said:"Yes, it is 100,000 tickets. Our people were involved in the whole process this time. There was not even enough time to submit the purchase!"

Mr. Li:"...What? How long did it take?"

The Director of Public Relations said:"One, one second."

Mr. Li:"……"


A group of big shots were stunned.

Oh my god!

One second?

Is he going to do it again?

I thought 100,000 photos in three seconds was the limit.

Who knew that the opponent would create another miracle in one second!

Who else?

At this moment, everyone was really panicked.

"In the end what happened?"

"Wasn’t it agreed that there would be a network-wide boycott?"

"Why did this happen suddenly?

Many senior executives were dumbfounded.

Even CEO Li shook his head and said nothing.

After a long while, someone asked,"Could it be that the other party bought the tickets? Or faked the sold-out sign?""

"Yeah yeah"

"Ye Feng is now being hacked all over the Internet, and he must establish his reputation"

"He has a lot of money, plus he has acquired the music network, so this makes sense!"

Mr. Li nodded and said,"This is the only possibility now. Selling 100,000 copies in one second? This is simply impossible!""


Haifeng Music.

A group of senior executives are also waiting for the results of the second sale.

"If you tell a lie, you have to cover it up with many lies!"

"In the last show, Ye Feng created a miracle of selling out in three seconds. This time, just get ready to be slapped in the face by the entire network!"

"The higher you climb, the harder you fall!"

"Unless he pays more than 100 million!"

At this moment, many senior executives were waiting to see the show.

Three seconds?

One hundred thousand tickets?

Who do you think you are?

Several senior executives refused to believe it.

President Wei looked at the projection with a relaxed expression.

At this moment, the public relations director ran in in a panic.

"Mr. Wei!"

"Things are bad!"

"All of Ye Feng's tickets are sold out! This time it's one second!"


A bunch of big guys stood up


"one second?"

"Are you sure you're not kidding?"

The PR director smiled bitterly and shook his head.

He turned on the computer and logged into the official website of Rolling Stone and

The next moment, a huge poster appeared.

Good news!

In one second, the entire network was sold out!

This picture perfectly showed Ye Feng's strength!

All the senior executives were stunned.

"How can it be?"

"What happened to the promised network-wide boycott?"

"Is this what it means to say no but be honest with your body?"

"Where on earth did this group of people come from?"

The senior executives were dumbfounded.

At this time,

Wu Yifan said:"Dear seniors, don't worry, Ye Feng must have swiped the tickets! One hundred thousand tickets in one second? How could there be so many people scrambling for them? I think he has to keep telling this lie!"

Everyone nodded when they heard this.


"He must have swiped the ticket."

" has now also been acquired by Ye Feng"

"I just didn't expect that he would be so generous!"

"Nearly 300 million has been invested in two games!"

Many senior executives frowned.

President Wei sneered and said,"Humph! Since he wants to do it, we will keep an eye on him. If he has the guts, he can also win the next game! By then, an investment of 400 to 500 million will be made just to save face. I can't think of any other words to describe it except stupid!"

"That’s right!"

"That's it!"


The senior executives were excited when they thought that the other party had wasted 400 to 500 million yuan.


Huan Ya Entertainment.

A group of senior executives also frowned.

According to their understanding, the trend of boycotting the whole network will not reach its peak until the ticket sales start.

Then the ticket sales should be extremely unsatisfactory!

But now!

Sold out in one second!

Who dares to believe it?

At this moment.

Many senior executives were shocked. President

Zhang of Huan Ya was even more confused.

He looked at the director of the public relations department and asked:"What's the situation? What is the situation now?"

The public relations director shook his head:"We are already investigating, but it seems that someone is secretly eliminating the traces. We have not obtained the key information. We cannot rule out the possibility that it was really sold out!"


"Someone erased the traces?"

"That must be directed and acted by myself!"

"Taking advantage of the whole network to blacken it and complete a gorgeous slap in the face?"

"A loss of four or five hundred million in one wave, the cost this time is high enough!"

At this moment.

Several senior executives had this guess.

President Zhang shook his head directly:"Impossible! Ye Feng is taking the route of a high-quality idol, how could he use this method? What's more, his popularity is already high enough. Playing a black role can indeed increase his popularity, but if it is not handled properly, it will be a double-edged sword, hurting himself and the loss will outweigh the gain. I don't quite believe this judgment."

Huan Ya's brother shook his head and denied this inference.

"That’s true!"

"He can't afford to do this."

"What's going on now?"

Everyone looked at each other.

Mr. Zhang said,"No matter what, let's wait for the result of the third game. I don't believe he can still sell the third game! Notify them and find some people to buy the tickets for the third game. Let's see how he plays tricks!" At this moment, the No.

1 brother of Huanya personally ordered


Zhonghai Yuefu.

Yang Mi and Yang Ma stared at the screen


"Sold out again?"

"It was only one second this time?"

Yang's mother was dumbfounded.

Really dumbfounded! In the past , the fastest record of concert ticket sales was held by Jay Chou! 70,000 tickets! Sold out in half an hour! This time, Ye Feng only managed one second? Oh my god! What can one second do? _Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection, recommendation,

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