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"What did you say?"

"Tickets... all sold out?"

"Are you sure you are not kidding?"

At this moment, many senior executives were shocked. Even Wang Dong was stunned.

What the hell!

I thought it was a Waterloo!

But it was sold out in three seconds?

Is this really true?

The head of the technical department confirmed:"Yes, the tickets are sold out and turned gray. The same result is on the music network. It can't be such a coincidence that both servers crashed at the same time in three seconds!"

Wang Dong took a deep breath.

He quickly asked his secretary to confirm the situation of the music network.

The next moment.

When the news from the music network was reported, all the bosses were stunned.

It was confirmed!

It was sold out!


"That's great!"

"I thought it would be a disastrous defeat!"

"I didn’t expect it to be sold out in three seconds! That’s 100,000 tickets!"

"Is there any faster data?"

"Ye Feng, you are so awesome!"

"I want to see what those companies can say!"

At this moment, the Rolling Stone's top brother, who never showed his emotions, was so excited that he could not stop talking.

Other executives also congratulated him.

Not only that, they also admired Ye Feng's energy cultivation skills.

From the beginning to now, his expression has not changed.

Instead, it was the old men who couldn't keep their cool.

"Ye Feng!"

"You are still the best!"

""I, Old Li, am convinced!"

Everyone complimented him.

Wang Dong patted him on the shoulder and said,"Ye Feng, congratulations, you broke another record!"

Ye Feng smiled and said,"This is a strong counterattack to those who are just watching the show!"

Wang Dong said,"Why are you still standing there? Quick! Announce this good news to the entire network! I can't wait to see their expressions!"


Just when the fishing boats were waiting for Ye Feng's Waterloo,

Rolling Stone and jointly released the battle report.

Three seconds!

All 98,000 albums were sold out.

This data came out.

The comments were in uproar.

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

"Are you sure this isn't a joke?"

"100,000 copies in three seconds? You ask other artists"

"As expected! Every time an album or concert is released, my brother Ye’s true identity will be exposed!"

"As expected, Fengsu!"


"What happened to the promised network-wide boycott?"

"Didn't you say that I should start by rejecting Ye Feng's concert?"

"Why was it sold out in three seconds?"

"Does this mean you are sincere when you say no?"

"You guys are such a bad bunch of trolls. I was waiting to buy it, but all I got was a grey button!"

"I will never trust you old men again!"

At this moment, the whole network was boiling.


Sony Music.

A group of senior executives wait for final feedback

"This time is definitely Ye Feng’s Waterloo!"

"Next, if Ye Feng can be recruited into Sony, everything will remain the same!"

"If you can't do it, then I will use the power of Sony to let him know what it means to be pushed down by everyone when the wall falls!"

"In short! It's time to prove to the world that Sony is the number one in the domestic music industry!"

A group of senior executives spoke up.

President Li smiled faintly.

It seemed that everything was under control!

At this moment, the director of the public relations department ran in in a panic.

"Mr. Li!"

"Things are bad!"

"The Rolling Stones released the data!"

"Tickets for Ye Feng's first concert sold out in three seconds!"

The senior executives were stunned


"Sold out in three seconds?"

"Are you sure you are not kidding?"

The PR director shook his head:"How dare I joke about such a thing?"

Mr. Li asked:"How many copies were sold? Three thousand? Five thousand? Ten thousand? It can't be that all of them were sold, right?"

The PR director nodded bitterly:"Yes, all of them were sold, ninety-eight thousand copies!"


Everyone gasped.


"Ninety-eight thousand?"

"Are you sure there are no errors?"

"Wasn’t it agreed upon a nationwide boycott?"

"How did it suddenly become like this?"

In an instant, many senior executives were dumbfounded.

President Li sat back on the sofa.

How is it possible?

It is clearly boycotted by the entire network!

Why is it suddenly selling so well?

At this moment, the Sony boss was puzzled.

He immediately said:"Check! Check it out for me immediately! Now the music website has been acquired by Ye Feng. It is no longer the fair and objective website before. Let's see if someone is taking advantage of the situation!"

"Once you find any clues, tell me immediately!"

"This time! I want him to be ruined!"

At this moment.

Sony's brother was completely furious.


Haifeng Music.

A group of senior executives were also waiting to see the show.

In order to be more appropriate, they even invited Wu Yifan to sit in on the meeting.

President Wei encouraged him,"Wu Yifan, after this concert, the company will vigorously train you. You must work hard on those new songs! Ye Feng promised to give us a new song. When the time comes, you will be asked to sing his song and slap him in the face. How about it? Are you excited?"

Wu Yifan was extremely excited.

"Ye Feng's new song? Great! President Wei, thank you! I will definitely contribute my last bit of strength to Haifeng!"

President Wei waved his hand and said,"Sit down, as long as you have this intention."

Next, a group of senior executives waited for the final result.

At this time, the double battle report of Rolling Stone and Music Network came out.

Three seconds!

All 98,000 albums were sold out!


"Sold out in three seconds?"

"Or a hundred thousand albums?"

"Are you sure this isn't a joke?"

"Didn't we agree on a network-wide boycott? Where is the boycott?"

At this moment, many senior executives were shocked.

President Wei seemed to be dumbfounded.

Until the director of the public relations department said,"Could it be that the data is wrong?"

President Wei nodded and said,"Yes! It must be fake! The music network was acquired by Ye Feng. This is a joint hype!"

The director of the public relations department said,"In this case, should we bring up this topic? Tomorrow is the sale of tickets for the second concert, and the day after tomorrow there will be a third. I don't believe that they can buy all three tickets!"

President Wei clapped his hands and said,"Not bad! Even at the average price, 100,000 tickets will cost more than 100 million! I don't believe he can come up with 400 or 500 million!"

At this moment, everyone in Haifeng looked indifferent._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection, recommendation,

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