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Ye Feng said calmly:"Bring up a few more bottles! Director Chen is here today, and we have Brother Chao and Feifei. Let's drink happily. If it's not enough, I'll ask General Wei Teng to bring more!"


Everyone cheered.

"As expected, it’s Brother Ye!"

"He is worthy of being my male god!"

"Millions of bottles of wine!"

"Is there anyone else with such courage?"

"Mr. Cheng, why don't you ask everyone to try it too?"

At this moment, everyone started to speak.

Some even started to tease him.

Mr. Cheng felt so ashamed that he had no place to hide.

He felt like he was sitting on pins and needles.

MMP, why didn't you say it earlier if you were so awesome? If you had revealed it earlier, I would never dare to show off in front of you.

And you're riding a bicycle?

Isn't this deliberately looking for trouble?

Cheng Fei regretted it at this moment.

The female artists all looked at Ye Feng.

Investing 50 million in a casual conversation! Spending millions of bottles of wine in a casual conversation!

He's simply a fighter among men!

"Mr. Ye! I toast to you!"

"Mr. Ye, I didn't expect you to be so awesome."

"He is a first-rate singer and is equally great in business!"

"You are worthy of being a male god!"

A group of female artists raised their glasses.

Ye Feng smiled in response.


The whole meal revolved around Ye Feng.

Until the end of the banquet, Cheng Fei did not dare to say a word.

Liu Tianxian looked at Ye Feng and said:"Ye Feng, can you see me off?"

Ye Feng nodded:"Then let's go."

Ye Feng rode his bicycle.

Liu Tianxian sat on the back seat with a happy look on her face.

It was obviously the same as when they came.

But no one dared to look down on her anymore.

Chen Kexin looked at Cheng Fei and said:"Mr. Cheng, if you want to withdraw your investment, I hope you can reply to me as soon as possible. In addition, everyone has seen that Liu Tianxian is the largest investor, and her position as the leading actress must not be moved. And Xiaoyan, I am afraid your role will be reduced, so be mentally prepared."

Jiang Xiaoyan:"……"

She lowered her head.

Ever since Ye Feng appeared, she knew that her ending would not be good.

But she didn't expect it to come so soon!

Is Ye Feng really that scary?


Tomson Yipin.

Ye Feng looked at Liu Tianxian:"Are you sure you want to go in with me?"

Liu Tianxian nodded with a red face.

Ye Feng said:"You won't regret it if you go in."

Liu Tianxian stammered:"I know!"

The next day.

Liu Tianxian got up.

Looking at the messy room, her face flushed.

Oh my!

How embarrassing!

Thinking of the scenes of last night, she hurriedly got up.

The next moment.

Plop! She fell back again.

Her legs twisted and trembled, and she didn't listen at all.

Just at this time.

Ye Feng walked in

""Huh? What's wrong with you?"

Liu Tianxian pouted and said,"It's you! You acted like a cow last night."

Ye Feng laughed.

The next moment, the game started again.


Rolling Stone Records.

A group of senior executives were in a meeting.

In addition to Wang Dong and others, Ye Feng was also present.

Wang Dong said,"Ye Feng, I asked you to come here this time to discuss the concert."

Ye Feng:"Concert?"

Wang Dong said,"Yes, the company wants to hold a concert for you. This is also the best way to increase your popularity. Next, we will also launch a theme of Xuan Guofeng, which will be of great help to you and the company."

Ye Feng nodded.

If album sales reflect the strength of a singer, then concerts perfectly reflect the strength of a singer's fans!

Ticket prices of hundreds or thousands are enough to discourage many people.

He said,"I have no objection. When?"

Wang Dong said,"Next month is the MTV Music Festival. We are determined to win the title of Best Male Singer. Originally, this award was also yours! But you released your album a little late, and we want to build momentum for you to make up for this shortcoming, so the concert will be from the middle to the end of this month."

Ye Feng said,"Okay! No problem on my side."


Ye Feng agreed.

This matter was publicized at the fastest speed.





Discussions everywhere

"Have you heard?"

"The male god is going to hold a concert!"

"Excited! Must buy tickets!"

"But I heard that there will only be three shows this time! And they are all in Jincheng!"

"Three games? That's a bit too little."

"Others play more than a dozen games."

"What do you know?"

"The male god is too tired!"

"That’s right! How can you not be tired if you have to practice new songs every night?"


"Why did you suddenly start driving while we were chatting?"

"Please drive slower upstairs. Let me buy a bottle of Nutri-Express first!"

"I'm done, how about you?"

"Two shots!"

"Three shots!"

"It's so uncomfortable!"

When everyone's eyes were still focused on the concert,

Ye Feng posted on Weibo: I want to ask for the opinions of all fans. I plan to invite a few female guests for this concert. Do you have any female stars to recommend?

The comments below are all 666


"It must be Liu Tianxian!"

"And there is also Fish Leong as the queen!"

"Meng Meiqi is not bad either?"

"Am I the only one who thinks Xiaoju is cute?"

"It's as if anyone we say can be invited!"

"Don't say that! If it were someone else, they might just be bragging! Male god? I'm afraid those goddesses would be weak at the knees after hearing that!"

"My god, my legs are weak!"·

"Driving again!"

"So many of you are discussing this, am I the only one who thinks why the male god must invite female guests?"

The comments have been distorted since then

"No problem!"

"Can't there be a male guest?"

"Why must there be female guests?"

"Do you want us to spend money to buy tickets and eat dog food?"

"I strongly condemn Ye Feng's immoral behavior!"

Looking at the comments everywhere, Ye Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Liang Jingru said with a smile:"Look at you, the comments below are like this now."

Ye Feng shrugged:"I didn't expect that, Liang���, you can be the guest of my first concert."

Liang Jingru shook her head:"I don't want to."

Ye Feng:"Why?"

Liang Jingru said:"What do you think? Goddess harvester! If I go on stage, the comments below will definitely say that Liang Jingru must have practiced a new song all night last night."

Ye Feng:"……"_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend,

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