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The remaining third- and fourth-tier small companies.

They would like Ye Feng to exchange the copyright for the new song.

But Ye Feng was too lazy to pay attention.

What a joke?

Do you think my golden song is a cabbage?

He solved it directly by negotiation.

Those small companies didn't have any temper.

Multiple channel dealers, and they can also have a good relationship with Ye Feng, why not?

Looking at the copyright in his hand, Ye Feng has been waiting to count the money.

In another parallel time and space.

Penguin Music was one step ahead and took the lead in winning the copyrights of several major music companies.


A storm of membership-based listening to songs officially started.

Xiami Music!

NetCloud Music!

These two are backed by giants.

It can be said that they are also giants.

Just because there is no copyright subject to Penguin.

In the end.

Penguin Music is the only one.

The market value exceeds 100 billion.

Ye Feng must seize such an opportunity.

He didn't have the strength before.

Now it is almost ready.

But the most urgent task is promotion!

Penguin has distribution channels, and the power of Penguin can create over 100 million installations.

He can be said to be penniless. Ye Feng is not worried about this. He has experience from another time and space. The rise of Toutiao is a vivid teaching case.



Ye Feng directly recruited troops and horses.

Together with the original backbone of the music network.

In less than a week.

The music network APP was officially launched.


Dami Technology!

Warwick Group!

Vivo Mobile Phone!

Oppo Mobile Phone!

Several top mobile phone manufacturers.

Ye Feng negotiated with them to install the application.

In this time and space, these mobile phone manufacturers have no feelings about pre-installed applications.

Ye Feng directly negotiated the pre-installation of applications at a price of 0.03 yuan per piece.


Both parties guarantee!

Ye Feng guarantees that each brand will invest no less than 30 million per year. ·

Each brand guarantees that it will not pre-install the same type of music PP within three years.

As for three years later - sorry!

They are all three years ahead.

Plus the experience of foresight.

If they can still be overtaken, then they will not live.

After doing all this.

Ye Feng waited for the results.

Others who were waiting for Ye Feng to do a big thing were a little disappointed.

Calm and peaceful?

What the hell!

I thought he would burn his boats.

They naturally thought that Ye Feng was a donkey in Guizhou.


Rolling Stone Records.

Ye Feng is preparing new songs.

To be honest.

Four songs were given at once.

And they are all golden songs!

Ye Feng is very tired.

Not tired of creating, but choosing.

It can't be too good!

That would be unworthy of his identity as a time traveler.

It can't be too bad either!

At least it has to be golden songs.

After a whole morning of work, Ye Feng finally finished the new song.

If everyone knew his troubles, there would definitely be a group of people jumping out and scolding"You are shameless"!

At this moment.

The agent rushed in.

"Ye Feng, Liu Tianxian is looking for you!"

"Liu Tianxian?"

Ye Feng frowned:"What did she say?"

The agent shook his head:"I don't know, but she's already downstairs and asked me if you were there."

Ye Feng said:"Okay, let her in."

The agent:"No, don't go down to take it?"

Ye Feng:"She doesn't have legs herself???"

The agent stopped talking.

His eyes were full of admiration.

There is no other man who can do what Ye Feng does!

The goddess is not spoiled at all!


You are a goddess?


The goddess has to get down on me too!

So arrogant!


Witnessed by the Rolling Stones.

Liu Tianxian walked up in a pure white T-shirt, hot pants, and a pair of white canvas shoes.



Charming to the extreme!

All the men were shaking their heads

"Who the hell is it?"

"He doesn't know how to be gentle and considerate to women at all!"

"Don’t you know how to go down and greet them?"

"And let the goddess come up in person?"

"If I have to carry her on my back, I’m afraid the goddess will dislike my hard back!"

"You deserve to be a single dog!"

Everyone cursed.

The next moment, when they saw Liu Tianxian knocking on the door of Ye Feng's studio, everyone was stunned.

"Is it Ye Feng?"

"That bothers you!"

"I lost!"

"The goddess harvester is another matter."


The door opened.

Liu Tianxian walked in with a red face.

Ye Feng turned around and asked:"Liu Tianxian, why are you here?"

Liu Tianxian said embarrassedly:"It's the new song from last time. Do you have any idea?"

Ye Feng said:"Why are you in such a hurry? I really don't have any idea at the moment!"

Liu Tianxian said with a bitter face:"Actually, it's not me. The crew knows the relationship between you and me and asked me to ask for a new song. In addition, due to my family situation, I may not be the number one heroine this time unless I can get this song!"

Ye Feng frowned slightly:"Fei Fei, what's going on?"

No details were given that night.

Liu Tianxian was too embarrassed to say more because there were too many people around.

At this moment, being stared at by Ye Feng, she felt aggrieved and spoke out her heart.

Liu Tianxian!

Don't look at her as one of the new generation of young actresses!

But because she has always been a loner, she doesn't have many resources.

She had her stepfather to help her before, so she could be casual.

But this time, her stepfather and her mother had a conflict.

The two have reached the point of divorce.

Cut off the source of income!

Many people began to target Liu Tianxian!

After all!

She has an unparalleled appearance!

She also presents herself as a pure fairy.

There was no need for unspoken rules before, but now everyone is eagerly waiting to pick this flower.

This time, the crew was filming a drama.

The second female lead was competing openly and secretly with her.

Liu Tianxian was straightforward and didn't know how to deal with these things.

Several sponsors were happy to stand by and watch, waiting for Liu Tianxian to ask for help.

Or the director couldn't bear it and showed her a clear way.

Ye Feng understood.

He said,"What's the name of the second female lead?" Liu Tianxian said,"It's Jiang Xiaoyan!

" Ye Feng nodded:"I see, there is a dinner party tonight, right? Is there a rule that family members cannot be brought?" Liu Tianxian shook her head:"No, but why are you asking this...


Are you going to eat?" Ye Feng nodded:"Of course!

" The original MV!

Liu Tianxian resolutely joined.

This friendship has not been repaid yet.

Liu Tianxian cheered excitedly.

She even hugged Ye Feng and refused to let go.

The next moment.

A faint fragrance came.

If outsiders knew that the great Liu Tianxian would also take the initiative to hug, I don’t know how many men would be heartbroken.

At this time.

The door was pushed open.

Liang Jingru walked in with a smile on her face.

_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading-collect, recommend,

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