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Discussions are everywhere

"Isn’t it five hundred million?"

"Why did it suddenly become 250 million?"

"Is my brother Ye the man who is short of 250 million?"


"This cannot be tolerated!"

"It must be 500 million!"

"Not even one less piece will do!"

"Any less is a sign of looking down on my idol!"

The comments were full of puffs.

At this time, the official statement of the music website came out.

The price that the two sides had been negotiating was 250 million, not the 500 million that was rumored online.

According to the valuation of the music website, the offer of 250 million is also a reasonable number. I hope that netizens will not misunderstand, let alone spread rumors.

Netizens from all walks of life became active again

"You should have said it earlier!"

"Just say that my brother Ye is not bad!"

"According to various valuations, 250 million is a reasonable value."

"We agreed on 500 million, and I definitely won’t give you less!"

"Don’t force the kind on your hands!"

"Is it really okay for you to consume your male god like this?"

"It's time to expose my identity as a traitor!"

The comments became cheerful again


Rolling Stone Records.

A group of senior executives were in a meeting.

At this time, the news came that the music network was sold to Ye Feng for 250 million.·


"2.5 billion?"

"Isn’t it 500 million?"

"Are you sure you are not joking?"

At this moment, many senior executives were stunned.


You can take over the music website!

What kind of treatment is this?

It's simply a blessing from heaven.

The music website looks like an ordinary website, which includes the purchase of music copyrights, including music ratings, charts, etc.

According to another time and space, it is a bit similar to Douban.

But it is Douban that owns the copyright of movies.

The valuation is not high!

But 2.5 billion!

That is based on its market share and operating model.

If the music website really offers 250 million, there will definitely be a lot of companies willing to buy it.

"I can’t believe it!"

"I thought it was 500 million"

"I didn't expect to be able to do it with just 2.5

"If it's this price, I'd buy it!"

"The music website is actually willing to offer this price!"

Everyone was stunned.

Wang Dong said meaningfully:"If we go to buy it, they may not sell it. After all, it is Ye Feng, and only Ye Feng, who can do this! Now that I think about it, Ye Feng really got a good price. I am already looking forward to his next big move."

"What does this mean?"

"Mr. Wang, can you give us an explanation?"

Many senior executives asked.

Wang Dong said:"Think about it, if Ye Feng had offered 250 million at the beginning, would the music network still discuss it?"


"They are not short of money at all!"

"I guess they didn't even give us a chance to discuss it!"

Everyone shook their heads thoughtfully.

Wang Dong said:"It was precisely because he offered 500 million that the top management of the music network dared not neglect it and reported it up the chain of command.

Eventually, when the higher-ups saw that it was Ye Feng who wanted to buy it, they would definitely understand his motives.

I'm afraid the two parties would have a negotiation in the middle.

The details of the negotiation are unknown, but Ye Feng must have convinced the other party and let the other party see the value after it was sold!


"Even! Because of his status, the music network did not ask for too much, but still gave him the average price."

"From being impossible to getting it at a normal price, is this something an ordinary person can do?"

"I can only say that geniuses are always geniuses!"

At this moment, even a demon like Wang Dong had to sigh.


So smart!

How did Ye Feng grow a brain?

In fact, if Ye Feng were here, he would definitely be stunned.

Wang Dong guessed it almost right!

Except for the reason that he was willing to let the other party give up!

Everyone sighed.

"It’s really amazing!"

"Such strength at such a young age!"

"I have been in the business world for so many years and still cannot do this!"

Many senior executives sighed.

Someone whispered,"Maybe we are overthinking it?"

Wang Dong smiled and said,"Then let's wait and see what the next move will be."


Sony Music.

A number of senior executives also learned the news


"2.5 billion?"

"Isn’t it 500 million?"

"This is just a bargain price."

"If I had known it would cost 250 million, I would have gotten it!"

"That guy got a great bargain!"

A bunch of senior executives were stunned.

They had intended to watch the show.

But they didn't expect to be taught a lesson.

Aren't you waiting for Waterloo?


I'll give you half the price.

This result made the senior executives grit their teeth in anger.


There was nothing to say.

Mr. Li sighed and said,"Let's not talk about this. We can only say that Ye Feng once again surprised us. But even so, we can only say that he happened to be lucky. Let's see what he can do with the music network next!"


"Gotta take a look!"

"I just don't believe that a website that has not seen much progress for so many years can be made into something special by him!"

At this moment, many senior executives were waiting to see the show.


Haifeng Music.

A group of senior executives also received this news


"Only 250 million?"

"Ye Feng is so lucky!"

At this moment, many bigwigs were indignant.

They thought it was a good show, but who would have thought that it only cost half the price.

This result made everyone smack their lips.

President Wei shook his head and said,"250 million, so what? Everyone knows what the music network is like. I don't believe he can do anything fancy!"


"I agree with this view!"

"I don't dare to talk about music, but I'm sorry about the commercial value! Ye Feng is still a younger brother!"


At the same time.



Several major record companies received the news.

On the one hand, they were shocked by the seemingly low price, and on the other hand, they were not optimistic about Ye Feng's next move.

The commercial value of a website has long been formed.

They don't believe that a kid in his twenties can come up with anything.

But even so.

Everyone dares not take it lightly.

After all, Ye Feng has created too many miracles.

This time, when everyone was not optimistic, he bought it at half the price, which was enough to show his strength.

Everyone is paying attention to the latest developments of the music network.

_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection, recommendation,

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