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Ye Gang, a single young man who is almost 30 years old, has never been interested in love.

But when he heard this song, he seemed to be moved.

"Suddenly I feel that love is also beautiful"

"How about trying a relationship?

He called home.

"Mom! The blind date you introduced to me last time, when do you think it would be convenient for us to meet?


After a long silence, he cried out"Wow".

His son finally got it?

Is there anything more exciting than this?


This kind of scene happened repeatedly.

Ye Feng's song"Looking Forward to Love" directly created a nationwide love craze.

And the actual sales data made everyone stunned.

This new song!

It was released simultaneously by Rolling Stone and Huan Asia.

Just half an hour after it was released.

A shocking scene happened!

400,000 copies!

400,000 copies were sold directly!

This is only the unilateral data of Rolling Stone Records!

Huan Asia's data involves Hong Kong.���The results for Southeast Asia and other places have not yet been released.

In an instant, the entire network is boiling!

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

"Is this my brother Ye’s speed?"

"Four hundred thousand in half an hour? If you add the money from Huanya, it would cost millions!"

"Is it going to break two million today?"

"Wouldn’t that mean 10 million over the entire life cycle?"

"Are there such awesome people in Xuanyu District?"

"Yes! The previous one is also by Ye Feng: Hair Like Snow》!"

"The male god is a record harvester!"

"Isn't she a goddess harvester?"

"Am I the only one who noticed that Brother Ye Feng is so fast?"

"+1 for the great speed!"

"I finally made some progress, but it went back to the way it was when the album was released!"

"There is a speed called Fengsu!"


"Why did the screen suddenly turn yellow again while we were chatting?"

"I admire you, my friend who is so cool. I once had a friend who was just as cool as you. Every time I talked to him about his glorious past, he couldn't help but stand up from his wheelchair!"The whole Internet was boiling.

Even a number of entertainment companies were shocked.


Rolling Stone Records.

A group of executives are waiting for data

"This new song is a cheerful love song!"

"The data should have a wider audience than Li Yue’s sweet love song!"

"I estimate that the number will be half a million within half an hour!"

"But you haven't taken into account the previous data about the difference between us Rolling Stone and Huanya. The ratio between us is between 1:2 and 1:3. That is to say, even if we calculate based on sales of 500,000 copies, each side can only get 200,000 copies at most!"

"Indeed, the market that Huan Ya faces is broader, and we still need to work hard!"

At this moment, several senior executives had a strong urge to work hard.

Originally, they did not see hope.

After all, the size gap was too big.

But Ye Feng's appearance was like a rocket.

He directly controlled the gap within a calculable range.

At this moment, the sale officially began.

The moment the purchase button turned red, the number jumped directly to 30,000.


"That’s only 30,000?"

"Are you kidding me?"

The executives were surprised.

In response, the data continued to soar.


, 100,000,


The numbers didn't show any sign of stopping.

They went straight to 410,000.

At this time, only half an hour had passed.

The executives were stunned.


"Are you sure this isn't a joke?"

"We sold 400,000 pieces in half an hour. If we add Huanya…"

"A million in half an hour?"

"Definitely breaking the previous fastest record!"

"Even Ye Feng's"Hair Like Snow" can't compare to it!"

"That’s so awesome!"

"This is understandable. This is a popular love song, and it only costs 1.99 yuan per song. There is also a MV for that song. 9.9 yuan is a lot of money."

"But even so, this achievement is shocking enough!"

The people of the Rolling Stones were shocked.

They were even more convinced that Ye Feng was a treasure.

This big thick leg must not be touched by others!

If the people of the Rolling Stones were shocked, it was still expected.

After all, they had experienced several times of fear from Ye Feng before.

Then the shock of many high-level executives of Huan Ya was really dumbfounded.


Huanya Entertainment.

A group of senior executives were also in a meeting

"The release of Cai Zhuoyan's new song is not only an opportunity to witness the appeal of Cai Zhuoyan's fans, but also an opportunity to witness Ye Feng's strength!"

General Manager Zhang of Huan Ya looked around the audience and said calmly


"I've always heard that he's great."

"Every time a new song is released in an album, it never sells less than one million copies!"

"But I always feel that the data is inaccurate!"

"This time the data is in our hands, let's see if it's true!"

Several executives spoke up.

At this moment, the new song was officially on sale.

All the executives were staring at the data curve.

Almost the first second that the purchase was released, the curve rose by 90 degrees.


"Is this one, ten, one hundred, one thousand... thirty thousand?"

"Thirty thousand photos a minute?"

Everyone looked at each other in bewilderment.

"Should the purchasing emotions be placed at the beginning?"


"The next one shouldn't be so exaggerated."

Everyone thought.


The shocking scene continued.

Everyone thought that the beginning was the peak, but the new song soared at a speed of 30,000 copies per minute.

It didn't stop for a minute!

Half an hour later.


A group of senior executives stared at the screen

"Nine hundred and twenty thousand?"

"Is this half an hour's data?"

"Holy shit! Does this even make sense?"

"Even those international superstars don’t have this kind of appeal!"

""Quick! Go ask the Rolling Stones about the situation!"

Mr. Zhang shouted loudly.

The PR department immediately contacted the Rolling Stones.

The next moment, the numbers came back.

Four hundred thousand!

The other party sold four hundred thousand in half an hour!


Everyone gasped. ps: The second update is here! I've been a little busy these two days, so I guess the update will be late, but no matter how late it is, I will guarantee at least eight updates. If you have flowers and votes, I hope you can vote for me. It would be even better to subscribe. Thank you!_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fulu Novel

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