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"What kind of music is this?"

"Is this Ye Feng's talent? He is worthy of being called a musical genius!"

"This simple song fully expresses the delicate emotions of sweetness, youthfulness, ignorance and shyness. I can even imagine Ye Feng’s state when he created the song!"

"What a musical genius!"

"I'm convinced!"

At this moment, no matter how hostile they were, several senior executives sighed.

With one song,

Ye Feng completely convinced the senior executives of Huan Ya.

These big guys who always claimed that there was no music in the mainland were completely convinced in front of Ye Feng's new song.

Mr. Zhang's eyes gleamed,"I thought before that EMI's awarding of an S-level contract to Ye Feng for one song was an exaggeration. Now it seems that there is no exaggeration at all. Li Yue's song is definitely at the level of a famous song, and it will even surpass the golden song. We can't stop it even if we want to!"

"What should I do then?"

"Sweet songs have a huge audience in Hong Kong and Southeast Asia!"

"Are we going to sit back and watch her take over the market?"

Mr. Zhang said,"I know what you mean, but this is not the most urgent task. First stabilize the rear area. Pass the order down. Huanya Entertainment will release Plan F! Whoever can get a new song from Feng will immediately sign an S-level contract! The status will be equal to that of my Huanya Queen!"


"F line?"

"Are you serious?"

At this moment, several senior executives were dumbfounded.

Huan Ya is not like Sony and Haifeng.

They are the weather vane of the domestic entertainment industry.

What does it mean if Lian Huan Ya bows its head?

In a small sense, it means that their company bows to the mainland music talent!

In a big sense, it means that Hong Kong music bows to mainland music!

President Zhang said firmly:"How can I not understand what you said? But it is better to take the initiative than to be beaten passively! What's more, recognizing Ye Feng's status can also gain the support of his fans, making the hostility between the two sides seem less intense."

Everyone suddenly realized.

Does President Zhang have another series of tricks?

President Zhang gave everyone a reassurance and said:"Don't worry, this F plan is both an opportunity and a way to paralyze him! I already have some information in my hands! When the time comes, I will knock him down in one blow!"

Everyone was surprised.

President Zhang obviously didn't want to say more


Just when everyone was immersed in Li Yue's sweet new song, a red-marked document with the title"Huan Ya Entertainment" circulated on the Internet.

F plan!

Whoever can get Ye Feng's new song will get an S-level contract from Huan Ya Entertainment.

The fishing reel was boiling

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

"Are you sure this isn't a joke?"

"Huanya Entertainment is the leader in the domestic entertainment industry!

"It is known as the only super giant that is connected with the mainstream Western music industry!

"He actually bowed his head?"

"Didn’t you pass the needle to them last time?"

"Why did it suddenly become like this?"

Everyone was talking about it.

The first reaction was disbelief.

For a long time, there have been no outstanding figures in the mainland music industry.

Whether it is the four kings of the old generation or the four little kings of the new generation, they are all singers from Hong Kong or Taiwan.

Mainland music seems a bit inferior to those companies.

But now!

Ye Feng successfully broke this convention.

If the final evidence is true, it will be a major victory for the mainland music industry.

This is Ye Feng's baptism of the mainstream music industry!

Coincidentally, the next day.

Huan Ya held a press conference.

Several artists under its banner are about to release new albums.

A live host asked about the authenticity of the"F Plan" circulating on the Internet.

The person in charge of Huan Ya said generously:"This matter is indeed true. We, Huan Ya Entertainment, have indeed released the F Plan. This plan is mainly aimed at our artists. We hope that they can learn from better artists."


The spotlights flashed on the scene.

This scene was spread across the entire network at the fastest speed.


"Kneel down to daddy!"

"Huan Ya’s move is so exciting!"

"As soon as he was slapped, he knelt down and said it felt so good, he wanted to do it again!"

"The person above is really talented. This description is so appropriate."

"Obviously, he was on full fire some time ago, but now he is giving in."

"This is the most exciting moment in mainland music!"

"Recorded in history!"

Countless netizens left messages.

Fans from all walks of life were even more excited.


The speeches of several heavyweight media directly promoted this wave of fishing reel upgrades.

I Love Music Network!

The top music review website in China.

He commented on Weibo: Huan Ya Music's bowing seems to be bowing to Ye Feng, but in fact it is a recognition of all domestic musicians! In recent years, more and more outstanding musicians have emerged in China. Their existence has made mainland music an existence that cannot be ignored. Ye Feng is an outstanding representative among them.

Music Observation!

It is also a top music website in China.

He commented: Ye Feng draws nourishment from classical culture and brings a new force to all music creators. It is said that many people have been studying Xuan Guofeng works during this period. We have reason to believe that domestic music will get better and better!

The joining of several heavyweight media in succession made everyone more excited.

At this time.

Ye Feng announced.

His next new song will be released in a week.

The main hit this time is still a sweet love song!

But it is a duet with Cai Zhuoyan.

The whole network was shocked.

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

"What did I see?"

"Another new song?"

"Boss, you've obviously been releasing new songs faster recently!"

"Did you find inspiration from the goddess?"

"I feel sorry for my goddess!"

"I feel sorry for my goddess +1!"

"I declare! From now on, Ye Feng will be renamed Goddess Harvester!"

"From Fish Leong to Meng Meiqi, from Wan Qian to Li Yue, now there is another Cai Zhuoyan"

"I admit, I'm jealous!"

Countless netizens left comments


Luo Xiangxiang's studio.

Hearing the company's announcement of the F plan, his face turned green.


He rushed directly into the door of the conference room.

The next moment, his hysterical roar spread throughout the entire floor. ps: The second update is here! Please subscribe and support! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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