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I can become popular again this time, and get a beautiful girl by the way!

This is a surprise!

Luo Xiangxiang has already begun to imagine the happy time in the future.

Lost in one place!

Gain in another!

What's one Ms. Zhou?

As long as I can turn things around, I will have thousands of Ms. Zhou!

Just then.

The door of the studio was pushed open.

Vice President Li, who is in charge of artist contract management, walked in with an indifferent face.

Luo Xiangxiang greeted him with a smile and asked:"Brother Li, what's the situation? When will Cai Zhuoyan and I record our new song?"

Vice President Li frowned and said:"Don't call me Brother Li in the future, we are not that familiar! I'm here to inform you that your cooperation with Cai Zhuoyan has been cancelled."

"" Ah?"

Luo Xiangxiang asked in confusion:"Why?"

Vice President Li said:"Cai Zhuoyan has a schedule and needs to go to Jincheng."

Luo Xiangxiang had a bad feeling in his heart.

He asked:"What are you going to do in Jincheng?"

Vice President Li said:"What else can you do! Of course, record a song! Ye Feng wants to compose a song for her."


Luo Xiangxiang was completely dumbfounded.

A huge sense of disappointment came over him.

"What? Isn't this betrayal? Ye Feng is the company's rival, so the company doesn't care about it?"

Vice President Li frowned and said,"Betrayal? Are you crazy? There are only eternal interests, no eternal enemies! What is Ye Feng's identity, and what is your identity? People are willing to write songs for Cai Zhuoyan, it is Cai Zhuoyan's honor, even the company has to treat it seriously, as for you? Reflect on it carefully!" After speaking, he left without looking back.

Luo Xiangxiang:"……"


"Why? Why did God play such a trick on me?"

"Isn't it just time management? What's wrong with me? What man doesn't want this?"

"Ye Feng! You and I will never reconcile!"



Ye Feng had completely forgotten about Luo Xiangxiang.

This kind of role was no longer in his eyes.

He was confirming the new song with Li Yue.

Everyone was looking forward to it.

Li Yue's new song was released

《Tell You Gently"!

It also features the style of sweet love songs.

Sung by Miss Yang, the queen of sweet songs from another time and space, her voice shocked a generation.

It is no exaggeration to say that the streets were deserted to describe the popularity of this song.

Later, due to various reasons,

Miss Yang retired from the music scene.

However, she has become a beautiful memory for a generation of young people forever.

This time, Ye Feng chose this song because he saw that it was a perfect match with Li Yue's style.

In fact, when Li Yue sang it, she felt as if this song was tailor-made for her.

This also made her admire Ye Feng even more.



Li Yue posted on Weibo: This new song"Tell You Gently" was written and composed by Ye Feng. I think it is the most perfect performance since I entered the music industry. I feel like this song expresses my inner world. Thank you @叶枫!


"After this song, no one will deny that Li Yue is the queen of pop!"

"Produced by a male god! Must be a top quality product!"

"Does the goddess' thighs still need a pendant?"

"Ahem! Am I the only one who is curious about how Ye Feng found inspiration from you?"

"Same curiosity!"

"+1 for the same curiosity!"

"The word"body" is very insightful!"

The comments have been distorted since then


"Is this the rhythm of time management?

"Amazing time management!"

"I admire you so much that I don’t even lean on the wall!"

"The tree-lined hut you long for is covered with hoarfrost every morning and night."

"I admire you, my friend who drives the car. I once had a friend who was just as cool as you. Every time I talked to him about the good old days, he couldn't help but stand up from his wheelchair!" Someone even @叶枫. Ye Feng replied: A secret that can't be told @李悦! A bunch of comments below

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

"Did the male god reply?"

""The secret that God can't tell!"

This wave directly pushed the new song to a point where it became popular before it was sold.

All media were shocked.

All companies were also shocked.

At this time, the new song was officially released.

At the moment when the Sony official website was released, countless people poured in.

The next moment, those fans seemed to hear the sound of nature.

A cheerful piano solo brought everyone into the song. Next, the extremely sweet prelude made everyone look forward to the song.

When Li Yue sang, all the fans were dumbfounded.

Really dumbfounded!

【Let me tell you gently, the stars in the sky are waiting to share your loneliness and your joy. Is there anything else that cannot be said?

Let me slowly approach you, stretch out my hands, you and I, give you my fantasy and my blessing】


"What song is this?"

"Isn't this too sweet? My ears are getting pregnant!"

"Beautiful! So beautiful, the sweet melody fully showcases Li Yue's sweet voice!"

"It is just a simple image, but it completely depicts a beautiful picture."

"Stretch out your hands and you still have me, I admit that I am moved"

"Is this Ye Feng’s strength?"

"The truth is simple!"

Countless people are waiting for the next part.

Next, the music continues to be sweet.

【Don't ask me how high the sun is,

I will tell you how real I am.

Don't ask me how many stars there are,

I will tell you how many there are.

The song comes suddenly.

It's just a simple melody.

It's just a simple lyrics.

It was composed by Ye Feng and sung by Li Yue, but it seems to have a natural magic.

"Sounds good!"

"sounds amazing!"

"It’s simply heavenly music!"

"The singing is sweet and the melody is sweet!"

"I suddenly believe in love again"

"Ahhh! Ye Feng is indeed a musical genius!"

"At this moment, I finally understood why just one of his songs was worth an S-level contract!"

"Everyone thought that sweet songs would never improve, and would become a synonym for vulgarity, but Ye Feng's song now tells everyone! It's not the song that's bad! It's you!"

"My male god! I want to give birth to a baby for you!"

Everyone sighed


Xiao Shi!

A girl who teaches in the mountains.

She had just experienced a breakup, and she felt rejuvenated when she heard this song.

Especially the line"Don't ask me how high the sun is, I will tell you how real I am", which made her strong again.

She wiped away her tears, looked at the sunset in the distance, and began to believe in love again


Li Qiang, a strong man born in the 1980s, has turned 30 and is about to turn 40, but he has become the person he once hated the most. He continues to work hard for his career, but the burden of his family makes him breathless.

However, when he heard this song, he seemed to return to his youth.

At that time, he studied without worries.

Now think about how happy it was.

As he listened, he shed tears unconsciously.

He couldn't help but write a few words on the comments below the music website: How many people are like me, who return to their youth as they listen to this song? Tears flow as they listen to this song?


Yunxiu, the class beauty back then, has now become a married woman.

She put on her blouse and worked diligently at the housework.

At this moment, this song suddenly came out from the speakers. She was stunned for a moment.

The next moment, tears welled up all at once. Youth! Sweat! Those days and nights of struggle! These things kept coming out of her mind. She wiped her tears, but still couldn't stop laughing with tears in her eyes.


At this moment, countless people were touched by this song.

At this moment, countless people cheered for this song! ps: The eighth update is here! As usual, this chapter has lyrics, which are a few hundred words longer than usual. I hope everyone can listen to this song when they have time. It's very good! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fulu Novel

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