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Xiaoju has a bright future!

She has an outstanding appearance and a unique temperament.

Now that she has climbed up the towering tree of Ye Feng, if she writes another song...

Tsk tsk!

I dare not imagine!


She looked at the CEOs in disbelief.

Oh my God!

She was promoted to A-level contract?

In the whole EMI, there are only a handful of female artists with A-level contracts!

I am lucky enough to be one of them?

At this moment.

A huge happiness and joy rushed up.

Ye Feng!

That calm and domineering figure lingered in her mind for a long time.

Just a few words have such power.

Is there another person in the entertainment industry?

She said gratefully:"Thank you! Thank you Mr. Zhang! Thank you all the bosses! I will definitely work hard!"

Mr. Zhang waved his hand and smiled and said:"Xiaoju, don't thank us, if you want to thank someone, thank Meng Meiqi and Ye Feng. They helped you a lot this time. You can treat them to a meal to express your gratitude when you are free."

These words.

It is obvious that he is pointing a finger at her.


Xiaoju nodded.


While the fishing boat was still discussing Fengsu.

Ye Feng was writing a song for Li Yue.

Tomson Yipin!

The music room on the second floor has been converted.

In addition to the necessary musical instruments, there is even a recording studio.

Ye Feng sat in front of the piano to test the sound.

He was dressed in white casual clothes, with a handsome face, he was simply a walking bulldozer.

His hands seemed to be performing magic, wandering on the black and white keys, playing beautiful music in the interweaving.

Li Yue was mesmerized!

Really mesmerized!

A great queen!

At this moment, she turned into a fangirl!

She didn't want new songs!

She didn't care about her reserve!

She slowly stepped forward and said gently:"Ye Feng, do you want to eat buns?"

The next moment.


Ye Feng slapped her directly


Didn’t I just tell you not to disturb me while I was practicing music?"???"

At this moment, the queen of the music world was completely resentful.

Oh my god!

Are you kidding me?

I am a queen after all!

If I were to leave her out there, there would be countless men who would kneel down before me, not to mention taking the initiative.

Even if I just beckoned her fingers, countless men would obediently roll over and kneel down at my feet.

And you actually ignored me?

For a moment, Li Yue almost doubted her own charm.

Until - the music that was like clear spring water flowed out.

Her beautiful eyes widened instantly.

It was as if!

Everything just now was just a passing cloud!

She couldn't help but crawl at Ye Feng's feet.

She was completely overwhelmed by Ye Feng's talent!


Under everyone's attention,

Li Yue and Ye Feng's new song is officially scheduled to be released in three days!

《Tell You Gently!

The main theme is sweet love songs!

Li Yue's sweet voice makes it even more beautiful!


Because of Ye Feng's male voice, this song has a different sound effect.


Sony Music.

A group of senior executives are looking forward to

"Li Yue's new song is coming out soon!"

"This is the first time Ye Feng has created a sweet lyrical song!"

"Whether it will be accepted by the market in the end, no one knows!"

"I always feel a little uncertain.

Several senior executives discussed


Haifeng Music!

A group of senior executives are in a meeting.

After several consecutive blows, Haifeng has completely lost his way.

Before, President Wei dared to give orders and scolded a group of senior executives.


He can't even keep them.

If he scolds them again, they will probably run away.

He throws out a package of star-making plans

"Since EMI has a plan, why can’t we have a plan? Not only should we have one, but we should do it better than them!"

He said firmly.

"Y plan?"

"Mr. Wei, you are really far-sighted!"

"Now Haifeng is in need of top artists, and this move by President Wei is definitely a solution to our urgent needs!"

Several senior executives flattered him.

President Wei smiled faintly.

He looked confident.

Vice President Wang asked:"President Wei, do you know what Plan Y is?"

President Wei smiled and said:"Plan Y! Whoever can get a song from Ye Feng will get an S-level contract! Our Haifeng is Ye Feng's old employer, and many artists have a good relationship with Ye Feng, which is definitely an advantage over EMI."

Vice President Wang:"……"


There was a brief silence.

The conference room burst into brilliant applause.

"President Wei is just great!"

"Ye Feng's last name is obviously Ye, but EMI insisted on making up a story!"

"Mr. Wei’s plan Y is more appropriate!"

"Agreed! Shall we issue a notice here?"

President Wei nodded:"Yes!"

The next moment.

This order was issued.

All the female artists in Haifeng were shocked.


Just one song from Ye Feng?

All the girls started to put on makeup.

On the other side. As soon as the meeting ended, several senior executives waited for President Wei to leave.

The next moment.

Several people looked at each other.

"I think it's time to quit!"

"This company can't stay any longer"

"President Wei must be so exhausted during this period of time that he has to come up with even this kind of Plan Y!"

"It's not easy for him either. He has to deceive himself first before deceiving others."


Wu Yifan's studio.

He beat his chest and roared


"My original intention was to kill someone with a borrowed knife!"

"I want you to go against Luo Xiangxiang and Huan Asia Entertainment!"

"I didn't expect you would actually hand the information to that stinky woman!"

""Ye Feng! You are so despicable!"

At this moment,

Wu Yifan screamed hysterically.

At this moment, a piece of news jumped into his eyes.


"Write a song for Li Yue?"

"who do you think You Are?"

"Are you good at rock, traditional Chinese style, folk music, and sweet music?"

"You’re dreaming!"


"Y plan? Just ask Ye for a new song?"

"Great! God is helping me! I will go and ask him right now! With our previous relationship, it will definitely work!"

"By then I will become a popular young actor!"


"It smells so good!" ps: The fifth update is here! I will be out for a while, and the sixth update may be in the afternoon, sorry!_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend,

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