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【Oh shit!】

【What did I see?】

【That's Yang Mi! It's Yang Mi!】

【Stop talking, look at her wet hair, it’s obvious that she just took a shower!】

【I kneel down to the people upstairs. In such dark weather, you can actually see this!】

【Stop talking! I can already smell the fragrance of the goddess' hair!】

【The guy above is a real bootlicker!】

【+1 for the real bootlicker above!】

【But your goddess is in the middle of the night……】

【Slow down, you who are driving upstairs! Let me buy a bottle of Nutri-Express first!】

【I'm done guys, how about you?】

【Two shots!】

【Three shots!】

【It's so uncomfortable!

Even the anchor Phil was dumbfounded.

She stared at the camera and said,"Oh my god, I've heard that Yang Mi has great legs, but this is too beautiful, and her figure is also superb!"

Before she could finish her shock!

There was another exclamation in the live broadcast room

【Oh shit!】

【Oh shit!】

【What did I see?】

【The new generation little queen Meng Meiqi?��

【And there is Xiaoju, a pure beauty that appears once in five thousand years?】

【Wow! She is indeed a goddess!】

【This is too good!】

The comments were filled with wailing.

Even Phil was incoherent.

She thought that X-row only attracted some fourth- and fifth-tier celebrities.

But in just a short while, three popular artists have appeared. There are even two top beauties.

I am so envious.


Ye Hong!

This popular artist!

The audience in the live broadcast room directly recognized the license plate!

Liu Waner!

Another popular artist!

Was waiting quietly at the door.

A group of netizens were completely jealous

【I admit it! I'm jealous!】

【I can only say that handsome people really do whatever they want! 】

Even Phil forgot to host the live broadcast for a moment.

At this moment.

Suddenly, a burst of exclamations broke out again in the live broadcast room.

【Oh shit!】

【Oh shit!】

【what's the situation?】

【Yang Mi is coming out now?】

【So fast!】

【Five minutes?】

【I suddenly felt balanced!】

【Sure enough! God is fair to everyone. He gives you unparalleled talents, but he will also take something back.】


The comments were rolling.

At this moment, the camera captured two figures.

Meng Meiqi!


The two walked out together.

【Oh shit!】

【Oh shit!】

【Out again?】

【Or both at the same time?】

【Has anyone calculated how much time has just passed?】

【In less than ten minutes!】

【The man is so fast!】

【+1 for the speed of this man!】

【Why did the screen suddenly turn yellow while we were chatting?】

【Hello? Is that Yaoyaoling? Yes, we flipped over again, on the same bend! 】

The live broadcast room was filled with wailing.

At this moment, the drone quickly followed.

Just as Phil was about to continue the live broadcast, a reminder sounded in the background.

【Sorry! We have detected that your account has been used for candid filming and other activities. We have now cancelled the playback and permanently banned your account. 】



Ye Feng is famous!

He is famous again!

This time it is not his songs that are popular.

It is gossips!

Yang Mi!

Ye Hong!

Xiao Ju!

Meng Meiqi!

It is said that more than 20 artists waited at the door of Ye Feng's house that night.

Just to ask for a song!

When this news broke out, the comments were in uproar



"He is worthy of being my male god!"

"Even the gossip is so handsome!"

"Just over twenty in one night? Suddenly I felt sorry for my brother Ye!"

"Maybe! This is the strength of the male god."

The barrage was all over the screen.

The strength of the male god was directly opened up as a topic.

This scene made everyone laugh and cry.

At this time.

An insider broke the news.

The cause of the incident was EMI's announcement of a plan.

Whoever can get a new song from Ye Feng, EMI will directly upgrade the contract to S-level!

This is why the scene last night happened.

The comments were hot again

"Oh shit!"

"Is this the X plan?

"What a fucking plan! Just call it the Raiders Ye Feng Plan!"

"I can only say that if you are talented you can do whatever you want!"

"Suddenly I really want to learn music!"

"Brother Ye, I want to give birth to a baby for you!"

Countless people's eyes were red.



It was so sour!

A song was directly upgraded to S-level.

Comparable to the queen of pop!

How many women are thinking about this?

It's so happy!


Ye Feng, who was in the vortex, didn't know what was going on.

The next day, when he returned to the studio, a group of people looked at him with deep meaning.


"You were so tired last night, but you still came?"

"Why don't you take more rest at home? Why did you come here?"

Ye Feng frowned at the numerous greetings.




What the hell is this!


He sat in the studio.

Liang Jingru and Wang Dong came over with smiles on their faces.

Liang Jingru said with a smile:"Okay, little brother, you were like that last night, without any dark circles under your eyes. Being young means having a good body!"

Ye Feng couldn't sit still:"Sister Liang, what's going on

?" Liang Jingru said with a smile:"You don't know yet?"

Wang Dong patted him and said:"Okay, stop pretending, we are all men, I understand!"

Ye Feng said with a smile:"What happened? Why are you all so confused? Congratulations and rest."

Liang Jingru said:"You really don't know?"

Ye Feng said frankly:"I really don't know."

Liang Jingru turned on her phone.

The next moment.

Weibo hot searches popped up.

The first one:"How did the male god do it overnight……》

Article 2:"X-ray"

Article 3:"The True Strength of the Male God!"

Ye Feng:"???"

What the hell?

What is this?

He randomly picked one and clicked it.

The next moment, he was completely confused.


"More than twenty in one night?"

"And you say it perfectly matches Ye Feng's speed?"

"WF? ? ? Are you sure you are not joking?"

Liang Jingru asked with a smile:"Isn't it?"

Wang Dong also looked over. ps: The second update is here! Keep it up!_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fulu Novel

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