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When this interview was released, netizens were shocked


"Is this something a star could say?"

"Well-mannered, humorous, grand, and every word is a gem!"

"I suddenly understood why he could write such beautiful lyrics!"

"With such talent, why can't you succeed?"

"We are all men, why are you so showy?"

"Sing! Invincible! Filming a short film! Even Director Chen applauded! Accepting an interview, he also beat all the media people!"

"I suddenly don’t want to live anymore!"

"He is worthy of being my male god!"

"My male god, I want to give birth to a baby for you!"

At this moment, the whole network cheered.

All the praises were positive!

Especially the sentence that broke the monopoly of Western pop music was even more moving.


Rolling Stone Records.

An impromptu meeting was held.

The theme was to celebrate the success!

Wang Dong excitedly shook Ye Feng's hand and said,"Ye Feng, I didn't expect it! I really didn't expect it. Your answers really brightened my eyes. Even the public relations staff of our company are not as good as you. You started from small things and continued to improve. You are a model textbook for asking questions!"

"Yeah yeah"

"Ye Feng, you are so awesome!"

"I really admire you!"

A group of senior executives complimented him.

They were completely convinced.

If some people were dissatisfied with Ye Feng's rise before.


No one is dissatisfied!

He can get away with it even with all the negative articles on the Internet! He has even condensed his golden body!

Who dares to say no?

Not only that!

This interview made everyone see Ye Feng's talent.

If it was just a simple musical talent before, this time it is a real all-round understanding. It is not an exaggeration to say that he admires him so much.

Ye Feng waved his hand and said:"I am speaking from my heart, Mr. Wang, please don't praise me anymore."

Mr. Wang smiled and said:"Why is it a compliment? Tell the truth."

At this moment.

He received a call

"Hello, who is this? Ah, ah, ah?"

He asked three questions in a row, and then his voice suddenly became louder:"Okay, okay, I'll do it right away!" He hung up the phone.

He looked incredulous.

"what's the situation?"

"What happened again?

Everyone was puzzled.

President Wang took a deep breath and said,"I just received news that someone is coming to our company for inspection and specifically asked Ye Feng to receive him!"


Everyone gasped.

Jiangnan Governor's Mansion?

That's... all in a row.

Everyone looked at Ye Feng.


Jiangnan Governor's Office.

When the interview report came out, the big boss in charge of publicity was shocked.


"How could you have such a broad mind?"

"Very good!"

"Donate another 100 million?"

"This is simply the best example of publicity!"

At this moment, the boss in charge of publicity was extremely excited.

He immediately asked his secretary to find Ye Feng's specific information.

He was stunned when he saw it.

《"Iron Rose"!

It directly promoted Liang Jingru's popularity!

It was even selected by the sports department as the promotional song for the women's volleyball team!

《"The Sun and the Moon in My Heart"!

Original Xuan Guofeng songs!

Breaking countless records!

Every song is a classic!

Caring about education!

Love charity!

Donated 20 million to Sichuan and Shu!

Donated 100 million to Huayin!


The phrase charity is not hype!

It made the big boss applaud.


Know the overall situation!

And talented!

It's simply a template for young people!

At this moment.

He really had a heart to love talents.

He picked up the materials directly and ran to the Governor's Mansion.

Ten minutes later.

He gave the governor a comprehensive account of the materials.

The governor was also shocked:"It's a dereliction of duty. Such talents actually appeared in our Jiangnan! We must support them! We must pay attention to them! The last black article incident must not be allowed to happen again!" The propaganda boss nodded:"Don't worry, I have already given the order for this matter, but……"

The governor asked,"What's wrong?"

The propaganda boss said,"But there is a situation now. Ye Feng went to Shudu before... unexpectedly, Sichuan and Shu got there first. They awarded Ye Feng the title of image ambassador. Should we?"

The governor frowned and said,"What? There is such a thing? No! Ye Feng is from Jiangnan, why does Sichuan and Shu have to get involved? Since he was awarded the image ambassador by Sichuan and Shu, we will award him the title of outstanding youth, and he must not be worse than Sichuan and Shu!"

At this moment.

The super boss looked as if he was afraid that Ye Feng would be preempted.

The boss in charge of publicity laughed.

He nodded,"Okay, I'll do it right away!"


The Governor said again:"Look, contact the Rolling Stones and see if we can go and investigate and ask Ye Feng to receive us! Let's take a closer look at this young man and let him know how much we value him!""


The publicity boss nodded.


Next, the bosses went to Rolling Stone Records to inspect the company.

They specifically asked Ye Feng to receive them!

Even Wang Dong, the head of Rolling Stone Records, could only lag behind.

Seeing Ye Feng chatting and laughing with the bosses, Wang Dong was shocked!

He was even more grateful! He did not give up on Ye Feng because of prejudice!

At the end of the inspection, the bosses encouraged Ye Feng and Rolling Stone Records.

"Make great music!"

"Ye Feng’s words about drawing nourishment from classical culture are very good!"

"I hope that one day our music can truly break the discourse power of Western music!"

"The future! In the hands of you young generation!"

Ye Feng also nodded excitedly:"There will be such a day!"

The boss patted Ye Feng on the shoulder and encouraged:"You are very good, really good, come on young man! But next time there is a black article, don't carry it alone, we are your strong backing!"


The whole audience was shocked.

The Rolling Stone bosses were stunned.

Even the staff who accompanied the inspection did not expect the boss to say this.

With the power of his stomping his feet and shaking three times.

After saying this...

I am afraid that many people will be unable to sleep and eat. ps: I wanted to write about the inspection in detail, but now there are more rules and regulations, please understand._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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