Enlightenment begins with covering the sky

Chapter 889 Designing the future (1,000 votes plus more updates)

The universe is turbulent, this is a thrilling era, stars are shining, and geniuses from all walks of life are emerging. In this life, not to mention quasi-emperors, there are also countless geniuses who have become enlightened.

During this period, there were not many geniuses who attacked Yan Ruyu's Tianxin Seal, hoping to replicate Zhou Tong's miracle back then, and forcibly opened ten thousand ways to prove the truth before someone could prove it.

But without exception, everyone failed.

The situation of the complete Dao is that it is too difficult to break through the Dao and forcibly prove the Dao.

Some geniuses even died directly when they hit the Tianxin Seal.

After many geniuses failed and survived, they immediately sealed themselves up and prepared to wait for the future.

It was only then that everyone was horrified that Zhou Tong was the first and only person in history who forcibly attained enlightenment when the emperor had already attained enlightenment.

Batian Emperor is too special. He is the only one who has broken history throughout the ages.

The Tyrant Emperor is invincible. Even if he is dazzling with gold in this life, there is still no one who can surpass him.

I don't know what level Ba Tian Emperor has reached in his cultivation, and I don't know what kind of cultivation system he and Qing Emperor developed last time...

Seeing the fate of countless geniuses, countless people in the universe started talking about it.

At the same time, in the divine realm.

Eternal times have passed, and there are so many geniuses and talents! After thousands of years, Zhou Tong opened his eyes again, scanning the countless geniuses in the entire universe, When it comes to the geniuses under the immortal way, they are no longer as good as those in the ancient era. Worse.


But just when he glanced at Ye Fan's heaven, suddenly a huge wave appeared in the heaven. The heaven that was originally full of spiritual energy and surging energy, all the spiritual energy and essence seemed to be swept away by something. It sucked it dry instantly.

Such a big movement, it turned out to be the Innate Sacred Body Tao Fetus... But that's right, in such a prosperous age, even the Chaos Body has appeared, how can there be no such thing as the Innate Sacred Body Tao Fetus? After seeing it clearly, Zhou Tong Suddenly he smiled, Ye Fan and Zixia's son was finally born.

As expected of an innate holy body, he was able to run and jump as soon as he was born, and his physique was astonishing.

Forget it, since you just happened to see it, let's give you something small as a courtesy! Zhou Tong casually took out a piece of Biluo Divine Jade and refined it into an auspicious cloud jade lock. Then he directly poured a stream of immortal energy into it, and directly made it into a jade lock. At most, the Biluo Divine Jade that can only be used to refine the Great Sage's holy weapons can be raised to a level sufficient to refine imperial weapons.

He casually imprinted some immortal runes, and after raising them to the level of an imperial weapon, he tossed them casually, and the jade lock turned into a stream of light and flew into the heaven, landing directly on the palm of the little baby.

In the heavenly court, Ye Fan was also shocked when he saw the jade lock that suddenly fell into the hands of his son. He scanned the jade lock with his heavenly emperor-level consciousness, and immediately found that the power emanating from the jade lock was nourishing his son's body. , long-term wear can slowly transform your body.

At the same time, he also understood that this thing must have been sent by Zhou Tong. In today's universe, no one except him can quietly send things directly to heaven.

The Immortal King is worthy of being an Immortal King... turning decay into magic, and things like the Biluo Divine Jade can be made into imperial weapons by him... Ye Fan also felt a little emotional in his heart.

In the divine realm, Zhou Tong casually sent a gift out, and Zhou Tong immediately looked into the depths of the universe again.

If you want to restore the glory of the Ancient Immortal Period, the first thing that needs to appear is the World Tree... Zhou Tong pondered for a while and looked at the Fuso Sacred Tree in his ten-hole Heavenly God Ring.

This tree is the World Tree that was formed after Emperor Huang Tian completed the rules of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths in the Ancient Times. As for the World Tree from the Immortal Ancient Times, we don’t know where it went. It might have been destroyed by another world. must.

“However, according to the method I have mastered to create a world tree, that is to give the Tianxin Seal directly to an emperor-level sacred tree, and use the Tianxin Seal to turn this emperor-level sacred tree into the world tree of this world.

Using the Tianxin Seal is the simplest and most direct way to create a world tree; if it is other methods, it will require too much time and various opportunities, making it difficult to create it manually.

However, if the Tianxin Seal that covers the world is given to the World Tree, then there will be no obstacles for the monks in this world to advance to the position of the Great Emperor. When anyone attacks the position of the Great Emperor, there will no longer be any obstacles to hinder them, as long as If you meet the conditions, you can become emperor directly.

Zhou Tong thought of the batch of great emperors produced by Ye Fan in the original work. That group of great emperors was because Ye Fan forcibly broke through Wandao and created opportunities for them to impact, so that group of great emperors did not have the mark of Tianxin.

However, Zhou Tong is also a little worried. He is worried that if there is no such thing as the Tianxin Seal, the whole world may weaken by then.

The weakness he worries about is not the weakening of the aura of heaven and earth, but the weakening of talents.

The most critical reason why the geniuses in Zhetian World have such terrifying combat power is because of competition.

Only one emperor can be determined in each life, and the Thousand Sails Race is like raising gu. Those who can reach the end are absolute geniuses. For the great emperors of the past, if we go back to the ancient immortal era, it is hard to say whether they will be immortal kings, but there will be no problem in becoming immortals.

If the Tianxin Seal is taken away, the competitive atmosphere of the entire world will definitely weaken a lot, and the combat power of the entire world may drop by then.

It's not just a matter of the Tianxin Seal, but as the world becomes stronger, immortality substances will appear little by little, and the lifespan of every monk will greatly increase. By then, I'm afraid the combat power will be further weakened... Zhou Tong quickly Another question came to mind.

The supreme beings in the chaotic ancient times lived close to a million years, but none of them became immortals. If you use Mark's words, the group of supreme beings in the chaotic ancient times are not even as good as pigs.

This is why the life span is too long.

The lifespan is too long, and the monks have no sense of urgency. Naturally, the efficiency of cultivation slows down significantly.

Emperor Huangtian's generation had produced many truly talented people, including several Immortal Kings; the most important reason was that the environment of their generation was harsh, and aliens could attack at any time, and they could fall at any time. In this case, how could it not be strong?

The first emperor's lifespan of thirty thousand years is the limit. This lifespan should be just right. It not only gives them time to study the method of immortality, but also does not make them relax too much and reduce their combat power. But if you want to complete this The first step is to do something in this world, or do something to the World Tree that has not yet been born in this world.

An idea vaguely emerged in Zhou Tong's mind, but he had to design a world tree in advance.

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