Enlightenment begins with covering the sky

Chapter 887 Chaos Body Repair

After carefully studying the cultivation system of the Immortal Realm, Zhou Tong secretly thought that he was lucky.

Fortunately, what I absorbed was only the enlightenment of the Great Dao, and the most basic cultivation system has not changed! Zhou Tong said secretly in his heart, and at the same time, he looked at the old body of Chaos that he shed in his ten-hole God Ring.

I used to think about using this old body to practice the Heavenly Monument Mysterious Technique, but now that I look at it, I'm afraid I can't directly practice the Heavenly Monument Mysterious Technique. It needs certain modifications. Otherwise, God knows what will happen if this body is integrated into my body. What will it become! Zhou Tong hesitated, as his old body could not just practice according to the Mysterious Method of Heavenly Monument.

However, the Heavenly Stele Mysterious Technique is not considered a major skill for me. All I need is the accumulation of this technique. At worst, I can directly abolish the Heavenly Stele Mysterious Technique by using the Heaven-Shielding Technique. Drop... After pondering for a while, Zhou Tong finally made up his mind to practice.

He pushed open the coffin, and the old chaotic body immediately sat up cross-legged, operating bit by bit in accordance with the mysterious method of the heavenly monument, and the speed of practice was extremely fast, and the orifices of his body were almost visible to the naked eye. The acupuncture points are deified one by one, like stars being lit up.

Zhou Tong's old body has a very strong foundation. Coupled with the powerful heaven and earth spirits in the ten-hole heavenly god ring, and even the heaven and earth spirits accumulated in the inner world of the true dragon's true life. Cui.

All these are turned into essence and poured into this chaotic body. These essences are deposited in every acupuncture point of the chaotic body little by little along the path of movement.

Almost a dozen acupoints can be lit up in a day. In just one month, 365 acupoints have been lit up in this chaotic body.

As these acupoints lit up, divine veins reappeared from the body in an instant. Countless divine veins intertwined a mysterious network in his body, building a brand new circulation system of divine power.

At this moment, Zhou Tong's old chaotic body was covered with a hazy glow, and mysterious patterns reappeared on the body surface, and traces of the heavenly monument could still be vaguely seen.

At the same time, among the 365 acupoints, there is a phantom sitting in each acupoint. Each acupoint is like a brand new world, and the phantom is the world. dominate.

However, the completion of the deification of the 365 acupoints does not mean that the practice of the Heavenly Monument Mysterious Technique has reached the end.

The essence of heaven and earth is still pouring in endlessly, and there are more subtle acupoints in Zhou Tong's chaotic body that are being further deified and illuminated.

There are almost endless acupoints in the human body. The previous 365 acupoints were just main acupoints, but there are also some extremely small acupoints. For example, there are a full 108 tiny acupoints on one thumb. , it looks like stars in the sky.

And Zhou Tong knew that after deifying these one hundred and eight acupoints, there would be even smaller acupoints.

Along with the orthodox practice of the Heavenly Stele Mysterious Technique, Zhou Tong also had a clear understanding in his heart. The acupoints cultivated in the Heavenly Stele Mysterious Technique are actually the door to the potential of the human body.

If the smallest acupoints are lit up, it is equivalent to lighting up every potential door of the human body. Vast and endless potential is poured into these potential gates.

Time passes day by day, and hundreds of years pass by in an instant.

Zhou Tong himself is still further understanding the great path of the world of immortality; his True Dragon True Life is still slowly absorbing the great path of perfection in this world and slowly laying a solid foundation.

In the ten-hole divine ring, Zhou Tong's old chaotic body sat quietly under the enlightenment tea tree. His whole body was shrouded in divine radiance, like a supreme god, with 365 orifices shining brightly. It is particularly dazzling in the flesh and blood, and the intricate patterns formed by the mysterious method of the heavenly monument are looming on the body surface.

There is a figure exactly like Zhou Tong sitting cross-legged in the three hundred and sixty-five acupoints. There are hundreds of thousands of tiny orifices shining around him, and his whole body is like a map of the starry sky.

According to the normal practice of the Sky Monument Mysterious Method, if you have reached this point in your practice, you should have reached the realm of the Ancestral God.

However, Zhou Tong only regarded the Heavenly Monument Mysterious Technique as a way to accumulate potential, and did not really advance according to the orthodox method of improving his cultivation level according to the Heavenly Monument Mysterious Technique, so his current level of cultivation is very low.

Although his cultivation level is low, the potential of his body is already extremely terrifying.

If the deified acupoints in his body can be regarded as gates of potential, then the potential contained in these potential gates is no longer inferior to Zhou Tong's own body.

The potential is constantly accumulating, and the essence of heaven and earth and the essence of heaven and earth in the inner world of Zhou Tong's True Dragon True Life have been consumed too much. It is roughly estimated that it is equivalent to the entire power of a stone man king.

Fortunately, before Zhou Tong left the Immortal Realm, he killed too many stone kings, extracted all their life essences, and poured them into his inner world. Otherwise, he would have just relied on the energy accumulated in the ten-hole god ring. The power is probably not enough.

Because in order to deal with Emperor Zun last time, all the foundation and accumulated power in the Ten-hole Heavenly God Ring were exhausted, and it was impossible to make up for it in a mere ten or twenty thousand years.

Finally, after another hundred years, all the potential gates in Zhou Tong's old chaotic body were filled with endless potential. Some of the potential gates were even as powerful as Zhou Tong himself. .

The next crucial step is to rebuild and completely abolish the traces of the Mysterious Law of the Sky Stele! Zhou Tong's heart was cruel, and he directly broke all the divine veins in the body of the Chaos Body that were running the Mysterious Law of the Sky Stele.

Lun Hai, open!

At the moment when the divine veins were broken, Zhou Tong burst into tears, and the energy of life and death condensed in his abdomen at the same time. The various divine acupoints that were originally disordered due to the break of the divine veins were now arranged and combined in a more mysterious way, with potential. An endless stream bursts out from it.

In an instant, when the wheel sea was completely opened up, Zhou Tong's old chaotic body was filled with endless vitality, and divine power fluctuations that were no less powerful than his previous chaotic body bloomed from the body.

This is just a secret realm that has just been opened, but it already has Zhou Tong's previous combat power. You can imagine how much potential is accumulated in this body.

At the same time, due to the reconstruction, endless divine patterns were once again born in the wheel sea. Under Zhou Tong's control, billions of divine patterns turned into a brand new overlord bell, floating in the wheel sea.

This is a domineering bell composed entirely of divine patterns, but it looks as if it is made of chaotic soil, with streaks of chaotic energy hanging down, like a large waterfall falling from the sky.

But Lun Hai was just the beginning. Zhou Tong then spoke——

The secret realm of Dao Palace, open!

As soon as these words came out, the gods in the 365 major acupoints cultivated by the Heaven Stele Mysterious Technique in his body immediately collapsed at the same time, turning into endless power to nourish Zhou Tong's body.

At the same time, the energy of the five elements was condensed in the five internal organs, and gradually, a large number of divine patterns were born from the five internal organs, and were imprinted on this brand-new overlord clock bit by bit.

The secret realm of the Four Extremes, open!

The Dragon Transformation Secret Realm, open!

Sendai Secret Realm, open!

As Zhou Tong shouted several times in succession, the potential door in this chaotic old body completely bloomed, and endless power was released from the potential door.

The deified acupoints condensed by the Sky Stele Mysterious Technique completely disintegrated and completely transformed into the foundation of the Heaven-Shielding Technique.

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