Enlightenment begins with covering the sky

Chapter 879 Purple Sky Stone King

At the same time, in the eastern part of the prehistoric world.

This is a vast lake with a radius of tens of thousands of miles. It can even be called a sea. It is even larger than the ocean in the ordinary world.

However, this is indeed a freshwater lake, surrounded by the vast land of the ancient world.

Looking from a distance, this huge freshwater lake is surrounded by a faint purple aura, and the aura on the lake is extremely rich.


At this moment, streaks of purple auspiciousness suddenly emerged from the lake, and at the same time, the waters tens of thousands of miles around began to tremble.

Purple energy came from the east, the void began to crack, and an endless mountain range appeared, standing on the lake.

The giant mountain is majestic, boundless, and its entire body is purple. There is a magnificent purple palace on the main peak in the middle of the mountain range - Zixiao Palace.

With the appearance of Zixiao Palace, the water area with a radius of tens of thousands of miles suddenly surged with purple energy, and the rays of light were colorful, and the entire sacred mountain was shrouded in rays of light.

The door of Zixiao Palace suddenly opened, and a tattered stone figure sat cross-legged on the ground, covered with dust, as if it had not moved for millions of years.

This person is none other than the Zixiao Stone King who was thought dead in the prehistoric world. He is also the oldest stone king in the entire heaven.


Like two rays of purple lightning streaking through the void, the stone man king's eyes finally opened, and a terrifying killing intent appeared in his eyes.

My other true form was suppressed by the Ancestral Dragon. If I don't take action, I may fall. Zixiao Stone King's face was a little ugly. He has been pretending to be dead in the ancient world for these years, just to cultivate his second true form. body, but now this true body will finally fall into everyone's eyes.

Ancestral Dragon, do you think that you are invincible after defeating the ancestors from the other world? Since you are seeking death, I will help you! Zixiao Stone King's face was cold, and his whole body was instantly mobilized, and he turned into a purple glow. , streaking across the sky of the prehistoric world, so vast and majestic that everything is covered in the slightest.

The Zixiao Stone King has been pretending to be dead for countless years. Now that he is reborn, he needs someone to establish his authority.

At this moment, monks in most of the prehistoric world could see an endless purple cloud coming out from the east and passing across the sky in a mighty manner.

This purple energy...is it him? Zixiao Stone King? He is indeed not dead!

Hmph, the Zixiao Stone King is out again? After his battle with the Saint of the Nitian Family, he thought he had fallen. Unexpectedly, not only did he not die, but he went one step further.

Countless stone kings looked at the purple energy in the sky, and their hearts were extremely complicated. A giant was born in the heaven.

The purple energy filled the heaven, but disappeared in the blink of an eye. The Zixiao Stone King tore apart the world barrier and left the heaven.

At the same time, in the world of death.

Hongjun had been completely suppressed by Zhou Tong. His whole body was covered with golden stone blood, and countless stone fragments were flying, and the stone body all over his body was cracked.


At this moment, a long roar came from the direction of the ancient world. Along with the mighty purple energy, a seemingly broken stone man king charged towards him. It was extremely powerful and mighty, making people tremble.

Purple sky and Hongjun unite, Yin and Yang Tai Chi, endless life!

With a wild roar, the Zixiao Stone King and Hongjun instantly merged into one, forming a huge Tai Chi figure. In just a moment, his cultivation level directly climbed to the most incredible level of the Stone Man King. One person can withstand it. It took several stone kings to join forces.

At this moment, countless people in the entire world of death were shocked. There was actually such a person who had cultivated two true bodies, and at the same time, he made the ultimate leap and turned into a stone man king. Now it is even more integrated in this way.

Purple Sky Stone King, you finally showed up! Zhou Tong looked indifferent, but there was a trace of disappointment in his eyes.

The Zixiao Stone King was originally the most powerful Stone Man King, and now that his twin bodies work together, he is even more powerful to the extreme; but unfortunately, his twin bodies are not fused, but form something like a Tai Chi diagram.

It's a pity. I thought your two bodies could be perfectly integrated into one, but you are still far behind! Zhou Tong's voice was full of disappointment.

If my twin bodies really merge into one, now in all the worlds, unless the little Stone King is reborn, I'm afraid there will be no opponent. Zixiao Stone King is very confident. He believes that if his twin bodies really merge into one, it will definitely be A strong man who can rival the Little Stone Emperor.

Zhou Tong shook his head and said: No, you are far behind the Little Stone Emperor. Even if your two bodies are united into one, you are still far inferior to the Little Stone Emperor. Even if your two bodies are really united, they will only reach the point where the Little Stone Emperor transforms into an emperor. It’s just the previous state.”

But even so, killing you is enough! The two voices of Zixiao Stone King and Hongjun spoke at the same time.

True Dragon Seal!

Zhou Tong was too lazy to say more, so he just created an unparalleled divine seal. A true dragon penetrated all the heavens and all realms, and came down instantly with the endless power of the heavens, forming a huge divine seal, covering the Zixiao Stone King below, and the void shook. , forever empty.

What? Your strength? You actually held back before! This True Dragon Seal caused Zixiao Stone King's face to change drastically. At this moment, he was not as calm as before, but with a hint of shock and anger.

Zhou Tong's murderous aura surged and he used all his strength to activate the True Dragon Seal.

When he fought with Hongjun before, he held back because he was afraid that his true fighting power would scare Hongjun's true body, Zixiao Stone King, causing Zixiao Stone King to hide directly.

Now that the Zixiao Stone King has appeared, Zhou Tong naturally no longer holds back and takes action with all his strength.

Damn it, today I'm going to reveal all my trump cards. The trump card that Zixiao Stone King has hidden for countless years is finally coming to light.

Zixiao Stone King waved his hand, and a huge single-story stone tower rushed out and faced Zhou Tong's True Dragon Seal.

Five Emperors Tower.

The single-story Five Emperors Tower!

No one thought that Zixiao Stone King would have such a pagoda in his hands.

During the time when Zixiao Stone King was pretending to be dead, in addition to cultivating another true body, he was also constantly refining this level of the Five Emperors Pagoda.


The True Dragon Seal faced off against the Five Emperors Pagoda. The two faced each other head-on. In an instant, the long river of time collapsed. The past, present and future were completely reversed. The endless power of time was shattered. An unprecedented collapse occurred here.

However, the Five Emperors Tower is the Five Emperors Tower after all, and Zhou Tong was repelled and flew out.

Ancestral Dragon, you will definitely die today! Zixiao Stone King activated the Five Emperors Tower and continued to pursue Zhou Tong.


Facing the Five Emperors Pagoda, the most precious treasure, Zhou Tong became excited. He did not take out things like the Soaring Sword and the Three Emperors Mirror, but instead took out his own battle armor and the Ancestral Dragon Sword. He wanted to fight with his own strength. Five Emperors Tower.

After all, this is just a incomplete one-story pagoda. Even if it is the fourth holy weapon in the past, it only has one level, and its power is greatly reduced. Zhou Tong does not believe that he cannot bear it.

An earth-shattering battle started in an instant. Under the joint efforts of Zixiao Stone King and Hongjun, the Five Emperors Tower became so powerful that Zhou Tong continued to retreat.

This is the pinnacle battle of kings below the emperor level, even very close to the emperor!

Faced with such pressure from the Five Emperors Pagoda, Zhou Tong has mobilized all his strongest Taoism and energy. For him, this is also a test and a way to achieve enlightenment through battle.

In successive battles, Zhou Tong, Zixiao Stone King and Hongjun have all raised their combat power to the extreme. Their vast combat power has turned the world upside down and shocked the world.

However, during the battle, Zhou Tong collided with the Five Emperors Pagoda one after another. Each collision shook the imprint of the Five Emperors' Avenue in his body. During the battle, Zhou Tong seemed to hear five voices taking turns explaining the Avenue of Heaven and Earth.

This feeling is very strange, both real and illusory, ethereal and uncertain. I am clearly fighting, but it is like listening to the Five Emperors expounding the secrets of the great road.

Countless great principles resonated with Zhou Tong at this moment. Every time he swung his fist or sword, his power was increasing, increasing, and increasing again.

At first, he was suppressed by the Five Emperors Tower, but as he improved and resonated with the Five Emperors Tower, he gradually began to be on par with his opponents.

On the other side, Zixiao Stone King was shocked and angry. This opponent was actually using himself as a whetstone and getting stronger; and he vaguely noticed that his Five Emperors Tower seemed to be getting out of his control little by little.


Finally, Zhou Tong seemed to realize something, and he suddenly struck out with his sword.

This sword seemed to break through the constraints of time and space. The Ancestral Dragon Sword turned into a real dragon. The dragon soared above the void, the dragon soared above the years, ignoring the constraints of time and space, and flew across the sky.

If you look carefully, it's like time is flowing backwards, the years are reversing, and everything in the world is going backwards.


The power of the Ancestral Dragon Sword is immeasurable, and the light of the sword rushes past like a dragon, and Hongjun is cut in half.

Then, Zhou Tong punched out with a backhand. If Xiao Chen were here, he would definitely recognize that Zhou Tong's punching posture was exactly the same as the Five Emperors engraved on a picture on the Five Emperors Pagoda.

In the endless brilliant fist seals, the Zixiao Stone King was shattered.


The Zixiao Stone King and Hongjun fell at the same time, and the Five Emperors Tower lost control and fell heavily to the ground of the death world, directly smashing the earth into a bottomless and terrifying abyss.

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