Enlightenment begins with covering the sky

Chapter 875 Inside the Stone Jar

The Beidou God-Sealing Technique transformed into the Beidou Demon-Sealing Formation... Xiao Chen was dumbfounded by Zhou Tong's methods. He had never thought that some of the mysterious methods recorded on the heavenly monument could be used in this way.

One is a secret method and the other is a formation method. Unexpectedly, they are actually connected.

He even changed the formation in the divine map?

All principles in the world are actually interlinked. You will understand after you practice for a while. Zhou Tong said, and at the same time he put the stone jar into the Beidou Demon Sealing Formation.

Do you want to open the stone jar? Xiao Chen asked.

It's not about opening the stone jar, but about entering it. Zhou Tong directly pulled Xiao Chen into the formation.

The stone jar was left behind by the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors. Many of the decorations inside can only be touched by those who have truly practiced the mysterious method of the Heaven Stele, so Xiao Chen must be dragged in together.

Although he has the Three Emperors Mirror in his hand, this mirror is only a certificate for entering and exiting this place. Even if he encounters a crisis, it is only the last trump card and cannot replace Xiao Chen's existence.

What exactly is this stone jar? Xiao Chen was a little confused.

The source of all evil handed down from ancient times! Zhou Tong explained casually, and then directly opened the seal of the stone jar, and in an instant——

Chi!, Chi!, Chi!...

Suddenly, the stone jar burst out with streaks of brilliance, which was a strange curse power, turning into streaks of light and rushing toward Zhou Tong and Xiao Chen.

But soon, the Beidou Demon Sealing Formation showed its power and suppressed all these curses.

Let's go! Zhou Tong pulled Xiao Chen into the stone jar.

As soon as he entered the stone jar, he was greeted by a terrifying sea of ​​thunder. This is a terrible restriction. The power of this thunder sea is equivalent to the attack of a king-level master. If Zhou Tong was not by his side, Xiao Chen would probably be severely injured as soon as he entered.

Yes, I remember that there seems to be a restriction similar to the eighteenth level of hell in this jar. Zhou Tong immediately took out the Three Emperors Mirror with a thought.

After activating the divine power, the Three Emperors Mirror directly emitted bursts of rays of light and floated beside Zhou Tong and Xiao Chen.

As if aware of where this place was, the three humanoid traces behind the Three Emperors Mirror instantly became much clearer, and finally turned into three phantoms and appeared from the mirror surface.


The dazzling light shined from the stone mirror and swept towards the thunder sea. The thunder sea was immediately broken open, revealing the scene below. It was a sea of ​​fire, but the light of the Three Emperors Mirror did not stop. It also broke through the sea of ​​fire and entered the blood pool below...

The power of the Three Emperors Mirror is endless. Just a ray of mirror light breaks through more than ten layers of restrictions, revealing the scene at the bottom, which is a grotto.

Go down! Zhou Tong led Xiao Chen forward and soon entered the grotto.

There was chaos in the distance, and nothing could be seen. There was only a stone wall not far away, and on the stone wall there was a huge grotto in front of you.

Boom!, Clang, clang, clang!

At the same time, the sound of the shaking chains was like a drum beating on the eardrums, which made people feel extremely uncomfortable.

Is this the inside of the stone jar? It turns out that the sound of the iron chains I heard came from this place. Xiao Chen suddenly realized, and at the same time he raised his head to look at the sky. The light from the Three Emperors Mirror had dissipated, and the sky was chaotic and misty. Nothing could be seen, as if the thunder sea and blood pool just now were all illusions.

How will we get out later? Xiao Chen asked.

The Mirror of the Three Emperors is a token of entry and exit from this place. As long as you follow me, you can exit at will. Zhou Tong responded, and then walked directly to the grotto in front of him.

Not long after walking, a piece of ghostly flame appeared in front of them. However, these flames had the feeling of a vast ocean, sweeping directly towards the two of them. But the Three Emperors Mirror glowed slightly, and the fierce flames seemed to have turned into a soft lake, flowing gently past the two of them.

Xiao Chen, who was on the side, reached out and sensed it for a while, and suddenly felt that his consciousness seemed to be ignited. He was so frightened that he immediately withdrew his consciousness.

Don't try it casually. This place is very dangerous. If you touch some restrictions that I don't know about, it will be troublesome. Zhou Tong noticed Xiao Chen's movements and smiled.

Xiao Chen nodded and followed Zhou Tong closely.

After walking less than three miles, the front gradually opened up, and a swamp with a radius of about one mile appeared. This swamp was so muddy and stinky that it was impossible to tell what had been left here to rot for thousands of years.

After crossing the swamp, the front became more and more open. When we reached the end, there was an ocean with vast blue waves. There is a huge island in the sea with countless palaces, and in the center is a gloomy stone prison.

This stone prison was trapped in the center by countless palaces, which was also the source of the previous vibrating sound of the iron chains.

Zhou Tong was extremely fast and took Xiao Chen forward, approaching the island in a blink of an eye.


But at this moment, the sea water was turbulent and the waves were so huge that it was like a sudden tsunami.

I saw a headless weirdo with a pair of stone king wings on his back, riding on a stone beast, holding a phoenix-wing stone boring machine, charging toward the two of them.

Stop... one step...

The headless and winged weirdo made a harsh sound, like fingernails rubbing against glass and metal. He also spoke very awkwardly, and seemed to be a little confused and intermittently. After a long time, he continued to ask: What... …people……

I'm here to find the source of all evil! Zhou Tong said directly.

Come to find...the source of all evil. Is there...the Mirror of the Three Emperors...the Tower of the Five Emperors? The headless and winged weirdo asked in a formulaic manner.

Zhou Tong used his divine power again, and the Three Emperors Mirror suddenly burst out with brilliant rays of light.

Three Emperors Mirror... the token is correct, please! The headless monster seemed to be leading the way, directly driving the stone beast forward, and motioned for Zhou Tong and others to follow.

Xiao Chen was confused as he walked. He didn't expect that he really needed the Three Emperors Mirror as a token to enter.

But how did Zulong know this kind of news?

However, Xiao Chen didn't think much about this problem. He looked at the headless weirdo leading the way and said secretly: It seems that this thing is not a living person, but something similar to a puppet. The living stone man king was He killed people and refined them into puppets to protect this place.

Soon, Zhou Tong and Xiao Chen followed the headless monster to the island.

The island was lush and densely covered with jungles, but this puppet-like headless monster did not move forward. This area should be his restricted area, where he could not move forward.

After that, they can only rely on Zhou Tong and others to move forward.

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