Enlightenment begins with covering the sky

Chapter 871 The Emperor’s Death

Little Stone Emperor suddenly turned his head and stared at Zhou Tong, his expression not as sad as before. His eyes were so sharp and majestic that the other kings were so shocked that their bodies cracked and they stepped back a lot.

Zhou Tong, who was stared at by the Little Stone Emperor, was naturally even more stressed, and his whole body seemed to explode; but he was not afraid of any pressure and raised his head to look at the Little Stone Emperor.

As long as Little Stone Emperor has the slightest sign of taking action, he will leave this world immediately.

What a courage, I want to see if you can break through! Little Stone Emperor's eyebrows flashed, and a spiritual thought was instantly transmitted into Zhou Tong's body.

The moment his spiritual consciousness entered his body, Zhou Tong's mind was filled with all of Little Stone Emperor's Tao, all of Little Stone Emperor's insights, and all of Little Stone Emperor's preparations for a breakthrough.

Is this the method of Little Stone Emperor's breakthrough? It doesn't seem to be applicable to me. It may need a little research and deletion. Zhou Tong understood this method in his heart and said secretly in his heart.

The core of Little Stone Emperor's breakthrough method lies in the old body and the new body. The new body of new flesh and blood is the key to breaking through the barrier between the king level and the emperor level.

First of all, what is required is the cultivation level of the body, which cannot be too low. However, Zhou Tong made a rough estimate and found that he had barely reached this point.

Secondly, the old body dies and a brand new body is born from the extreme of death.

Finally, the fusion of the old body and the new body is a crucial step. Only by blending life and death can the barrier between the king level and the emperor level be truly broken.

However, the blending of life and death is not enough, there must also be a sufficient avenue environment. Little Stone Emperor relied on the divine power of the seven kings and the avenues of the fourteen kings to create such an environment.

The birth of a new body from the old body of Little Stone Emperor is a pioneering work! Zhou Tong felt a little emotional in his heart.

In the world of Zhetian, there is the possibility of corpses to attain enlightenment. A new consciousness and soul are born from the dead corpses and are reborn. The most typical one is Duan De, which is his method of immortality.

In the world of immortality, there is also the possibility of corpses becoming enlightened. A typical example is the Stone Corpse, a great power in the ancient world. He is the Stone Man King who was rebuilt after the corpse of the Stone Man King who died in ancient times was born with spiritual wisdom.

But Xiao Shihuang's method of giving birth to a new body from an old body is completely different. This method is not to give birth to a new soul after the death of the physical body, but to give birth to a new life from the remnants of the soul left behind after the death of the consciousness of the soul!

This method is completely opposite to the common corpse path to enlightenment. It is not the body that gives birth to the soul, but the soul that gives birth to the body.

The same soul gives birth to different things, one at the extreme of life and the other at the extreme of death. The two merged with each other with the soul as the link, and with the help of the power of the fusion of life and death and the great power of the kings, they forcibly broke through the barrier.

No wonder the Little Stone Emperor fell billions of years ago, but he has to wait until now to start his plan, because it is extremely difficult for the soul to give birth to a new body. Even the Little Stone Emperor spent so many years to succeed. Zhou Tong He said secretly in his heart.

So this method is not suitable for me. When I use this method, I'm afraid the final battle will be over. Zhou Tong shook his head secretly in his heart.

And just when Zhou Tong understood the method of Little Stone Emperor, the world in Little Stone Emperor's tomb was instantly wiped out, and the vast prehistoric heaven appeared in everyone's sight.

This is a desolate land, with all life in a radius of one hundred thousand miles, and only seven large tombs remain.

Little Stone Emperor looked at the ancient land with a trace of nostalgia in his eyes, and then he spoke——

“Through the past and present!!”

At this moment, the scene around Little Stone Emperor blurred, and countless shadows appeared. Finally, they settled on a shadow, and Little Stone Emperor rushed forward to fight with it.


The dreamlike scene dissipated, and everything returned to normal, except that the temple of Little Stone Emperor was punctured, and blood flowed gurglingly.

The future peak powerhouse did not disappoint me! Little Stone Emperor looked at Zhou Tong again as he spoke, It's a pity that you were blocked by others and couldn't rush to the more distant future. I don't know whether you will succeed in the future.

Zhou Tong was stunned. He didn't expect that Little Stone Emperor would rush to the future first, just to see if he succeeded?

Nonsense, how can I succeed? Even if I am sure to break through to the emperor level, I can't break through in this world where the world is damaged. Zhou Tong was also speechless. Most of the people the Little Stone Emperor met were the saint ancestors from other worlds, so An incarnation came down and wanted to kill the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, but ended up meeting the Little Stone Emperor...


Then, there was another loud noise, and the surrounding scene changed again, and countless phantoms emerged. Finally, a few phantoms took action against the Little Stone Emperor. An earth-shattering battle occurred, shattering the whole world.

Everyone present was shocked, the scene in front of them was like a dream.


Then there was a loud noise, and all the scenes disappeared, and the Little Stone Emperor came back again, but this time, there was a finger hole between his eyebrows, which had obviously been penetrated by someone.

The great power from the ancient past did not disappoint me! Little Stone Emperor's eyes showed a hint of relief. On this road, I am not alone. There are people at my level from the great power from the past and the future. .”

It's a pity that they are destined to be like me and cannot last long. The outcome has already been determined. It's a pity that they were blocked by these two people. I don't know how many people have reached such a state...or is there a higher level?

Little Stone Emperor rubbed the Three Emperors Mirror in his palm and said, What state has your master reached?

Little Stone Emperor was full of thoughts, his eyes were wandering, and he looked around the world. Finally, the scene deepest in his memory appeared - a rough big hand holding Little Stone Emperor's small hand when he was a child...

What he remembers most deeply is always the tenderness between him and his parents when he was a child...


A crisp sound came out, and the Three Emperors Mirror in Little Stone Emperor's hand fell to the ground, making a crisp sound.

The terrifying divine power of the Little Stone Emperor that shocked the past and the present is also rapidly dissipating, completely dissipated in the blink of an eye, and even the life breath of the Little Stone Emperor itself has disappeared.

The invincible Little Stone Emperor finally fell completely on this day.

Dead, finally dead!!

One of the Stone Kings, the Stone Corpse, came forward with a wild smile and was about to take away the Three Emperors Mirror. But as soon as he got close to the body of the Little Stone Emperor, he found that there was still some luster in the eyes of the Little Stone Emperor. He suddenly screamed and backed away suddenly. .

Even if the Little Stone King is dead, his corpse can scare a Stone King, which shows his power.

The other stone kings did not dare to act rashly.

However, the Little Stone Emperor died after all. After the stone corpse retreated for a moment, the corpse disappeared into ashes and returned to the world. At the same time, all the seven magic stars on his palm flew back to the seven tombs.

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