Enlightenment begins with covering the sky

Chapter 867 Little Stone Emperor’s Tomb

After talking with King Pangu, Zhou Tong went to the place where Ge Gan was.

It was still deep inside a palace in the old Pangu land.

Arriving here, Zhou Tong immediately saw a huge stone dragon.

It has a body like an ancestral dragon, but has a pair of wings growing on its back, but half of this pair of wings has been chopped off. The dragon lay on the ground, struggling for a while from time to time, and occasionally opened its eyes, which were so red that you couldn't even see the appearance of normal eyes.


Suddenly a roar came out, and bursts of blood mist suddenly rose around the dragon, and the evil energy surged out. Beings below the king level may explode and die on the spot if they are charged by this evil spirit.

However, in front of Shilong's head, Gegan sat quietly on the spot. Whenever Shilong roared and struggled, Gegan forcibly suppressed it. At the same time, a ray of light stretched out from the center of his eyebrows and connected with Shilong's eyebrows. He was trying to restore Shilong's consciousness.

Now that Gegan has completed his undercover career, he no longer needs a petrified arm to cover himself up. He has removed the stone arm and reborn as a flesh and blood body.

You're here! Ge Gan had already sensed Zhou Tong's arrival.

This is your father... Zhou Tong also looked at the dragon.

There is no doubt that this dragon is very strong, and its combat power is definitely not inferior to that of the ordinary Stone Man King. But in fact, he was just like the Archosaur, he didn't really take that step, only the last step was missing.

The experiment in the other world was successful... The stone man who was only one step away was transformed into this appearance by them. After the stone man took that step, he was completely different from before, but now he is Possessing the fighting power of the Stoneman King.”

He is not a Stone Man King, but he has the fighting power of a Stone Man King. This situation is similar to that of the War Ancestor in the Ancestral God stage. If he must be named, maybe he is the War King... Zhou Tong was also a little shocked and surprised.

The power of the other world is not only their strength, but also their bottomless foundation. Now even this kind of artificial king has come out...

Yes, he is my father, but unfortunately he is already unconscious. Gegan said, Although I have found a way to recover, it has been three civilizations since his fall. This period of time is too long, even if I want to To restore him, I will need at least one or two years of civilized history.”

I can't relax at all during this period! Please forgive me! Ge Gan said.

Forget it, just know that he can still be saved. Take care!

Ge Gan was very busy now, so Zhou Tong didn't say anything more and turned to leave.

After leaving Gegan's side, he returned to Dragon Island.

After entering the prehistoric world, no matter the environment or conditions, everything must surpass the previous Kyushu, so the dragon clan of Long Island has experienced a big explosion in the past hundred years.

The previous nine War Ancestors all understood the mysteries of the Ancestral Gods within these hundred years and became the Ancestral Gods. After that, there were three dragon clansmen who successfully broke through to the realm of war ancestors within a hundred years.

King Pangu really knows the secret of the emperor level. He is warning me not to think about breaking through to the emperor level. Zhou Tong said secretly in his heart, But unfortunately, even if I want to break through, there is no way...

Zhou Tong also secretly regretted that although he has made further progress in the past hundred years, he has only truly reached the imperial level. There is currently no way to truly reach this level.

If we look at the Zhetian World's cultivation system, Zhou Tong could only be regarded as a giant Immortal King before, but now he can be regarded as the kind of Immortal King who gave birth to a ray of brilliance as a quasi-Immortal Emperor. Of course, his so-called Emperor's Light is still very thin and even undetectable. After all, he has just stepped into this realm.

However, it is impossible for me to stop here and not get involved in the mystery of the Emperor. Although the Emperor cannot exist in this world, it does not mean that the world that covers the sky cannot exist. Zhou Tong said silently in his heart, As long as we confirm what the Emperor is, we should be able to start thinking of ways to break through.

Calculating the time, things about Little Stone Emperor can almost begin. It just so happens that the chess piece of land warfare can be put to good use! Zhou Tong had a thought and disappeared on Dragon Island.

He appeared on the top of an ancient magic mountain, and there was already a stone man king on the top of the mountain, Lu Zhan, one of the three ancestors of the other world.

At that time in the foreign world, Lu Zhan's real soul had already been restrained by Zhou Tong, suppressed, soul-searched, and refined. The soul in this body now was simulated by Zhou Tong's distraction. .

And in order to prevent others from noticing the traces, he deliberately cut off the connection between this distraction and himself, and even cut off many memories, leaving only Lu Zhan's original avenue mark.

In the original work, the Little Stone Emperor successfully transformed into an emperor, with the help of Lu Zhan's avenue and divine power; Zhou Tong didn't know if the Little Stone Emperor would still be successful if Lu Zhan were replaced by someone else, so Lu Zhan couldn't die.

But Zhou Tong desperately wanted to know the secret of how the Little Stone Emperor became an emperor, so he could only control the land battle; this was actually his ultimate goal to go to another world and climb the ninety-nine stone steps! !

Is there any news about Little Stone Emperor's tomb? Zhou Tong said leisurely.

Lu Zhan nodded and said: A strong man from Xuankong Island accidentally discovered the location of the Little Stone Emperor's tomb. However, after he went back to report to the giant of the heaven, Ancestor Xuankong, the tombs in that area had long since disappeared without a trace. There is no trace. It’s as if this mausoleum ran away, I don’t know where it went.”

Afterwards, Ancestor Xuankong stayed there for three days, searching with the Stone King's powerful spiritual thoughts; in the end, he could only conclude that there was indeed an extremely powerful restriction there, which blocked the aura of the Little Stone King's Tomb.

Lu Zhan, who had been controlled by Zhou Tong's spiritual thoughts, told him bit by bit what happened in the heaven during this period. The tomb of the Little Stone Emperor was a crucial thing during this period.

Ancestor Xuankong originally wanted to slowly break the restrictions left by the Little Stone Emperor in ancient times, and then seize all the creations in the Little Stone Emperor's tomb alone, but in the end the news was leaked, and the matter of the Little Stone Emperor's tomb was announced to the world.

The originally peaceful prehistoric world was once again boiling, and now all the giants in the entire prehistoric world began to take action, constantly searching for the tomb of the Little Stone Emperor. As a result, this ancient world became turbulent.

The time is indeed about the same. The Little Stone Emperor's mausoleum may be another good opportunity to spy on the emperor's level. Zhou Tong said silently in his heart.

During this period, I will hide on you, just take advantage of the situation! Zhou Tong pondered for a while, and then his body flashed and disappeared in an instant, hiding himself on Lu Zhan.

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