Enlightenment begins with covering the sky

Chapter 852 Meeting Xiao Chen again

After leaving the other world, Zhou Tong immediately went to a chaotic world - the land of sin and chaos.

The so-called Sin Chaos Land is the name given by the alien world. This world was the predecessor of Kyushu, but it was destroyed during the war with the alien world.

The battle between the Stoneman King and the First Level turned the entire world into a forbidden land, where the remaining divine power of the King wreaked havoc, enough to obliterate everything in the world.

Except for the king, basically few people dare to go there.

But for Zhou Tong, it was the safest place. He was prepared to sit here and attack the king.

The land of crime and chaos is terrifying. The bloody sunset sets and the sky and earth instantly become dark.

Immediately afterwards, the biting cold wind rolled over the earth, making a shrill roar; then a black wind swept over like a violent wave, which was terrifying.

Buzz!, Buzz!...

The strong wind blew, and the armor on Zhou Tong's body buzzed.

This kind of black peak can simply obliterate everything in the world. Even Zhou Tong's armor is trembling. He senses the extremely terrifying power of destruction contained in the strong wind. Even the ancestral gods of the Nine Heavens are here. It could be destroyed in an instant.

After the strong wind blew, the entire land suddenly became silent, and an aura of desolation and desolation hit our faces.

After midnight, three blood moons burst out of the dark clouds, casting down a strange bloody moonlight.

However, as the bloody moonlight fell, a mysterious and magnificent power came from the central area of ​​​​the land. Facing this power, Zhou Tong felt as if his soul was about to leave his body.

However, this mysterious force disappeared instantly, and was replaced by another mysterious force, which pulled Zhou Tong forward in a certain direction.

Zhou Tong continued to move forward following the mysterious power, and finally he saw a bloody light rising into the sky; and in this bloody light, there was a mysterious huge palace.


At this moment, the bloody light seemed to have noticed Zhou Tong's arrival. Thousands of bloody lights turned into a sea of ​​blood and attacked Zhou Tong, trying to crush Zhou Tong.

Even Zhou Tong couldn't stand resisting the bloody light at close range, and the armor on his body had cracks.

However, at this moment, the blood seemed to lose its aggressiveness and rippled around Zhou Tong like water waves. This is a kind of camp identification, identifying whether it is Kyushu or another world camp.

Of course, if the strength is too weak, even the people from Kyushu will not be able to bear it, unless they carry some kind of token unique to Kyushu.

After being recognized, Zhou Tong moved further. Along the way, he saw the corpses of some stone men. They were the corpses left after the death of the Perfect Stone Man. One can imagine the horror of this battle back then. At the same time, this palace is also showing Zhou Tong some scenes of the battle that chaos hundreds of millions of years ago.

Walking into the deepest part of the huge palace, Zhou Tong saw an unexpected but expected figure.

Xiao Chen! Zhou Tong muttered the name softly.

Logically speaking, he should have left Kyushu with Xuanyuan Huangdi and the others. Why did he appear here?

Moreover, he has actually cultivated to the realm of half-ancestor, and the divine images are everywhere around him. How can he get the chance to cultivate to the realm of half-ancestral in such a short time?

Zhou Tong's voice also woke up Xiao Chen who was in the process of enlightenment. He suddenly turned his head, saw Zhou Tong, and exclaimed: Zu Long? You...are you really okay?

He still remembered what Huangdi Xuanyuan said when he left. Xuanyuan Huangdi said that Zhou Tong stayed behind after cutting off all of them.

Even Xiao Chen imagined that Zhou Tong might be in danger, but he didn't expect to meet him again.

How could something happen to me? Although the other world sent fifteen super ancestor gods to attack together, how can they be my opponents? Zhou Tong said leisurely, It's you, how did you get here? And your cultivation, We haven’t seen each other for a few years, how come you made such a breakthrough so quickly?”

Is such that……

Xiao Chen was pleasantly surprised and told about his experiences in the past few years.

Although they left on the Ancestral Dragon Boat, because of the affairs of the Keke family, they returned to the past time and space and saw the city where Keke Xuanzu passed away.

Xiao Chen used the space-time secret realm arranged by the Keke family to practice, so he reached this point in just a few years, and even condensed the divine city.

This place is different from the original work. In the original work, Xiao Chen and the others were chased by the ancestor gods from another world, so the other world also discovered the city. Naturally, Xuan Ancestor Ke Ke could not keep them here; but now, no one is chasing them at all. Kill them, so Xiao Chen seized this opportunity and quickly broke through.

I was sent here by a stone man from another world whose nirvana failed. Xiao Chen finally said, and used his divine power to depict the man's appearance.

Zhou Tong was immediately speechless: You actually met him...

Do you know him? Xiao Chen exclaimed.

Among the monks sent from other worlds, the fifteen super ancestor gods were just appetizers. In fact, he was the one who finally fought with me, the existence that surpassed the ancestor gods. You met him and he was still alive. You had to Say, this is a miracle. Zhou Tong said with a smile.

Ge Gan must have met Xiao Chen when he returned to the other world after chatting with him, so he gave him a chance.

Of course, Zhou Tong was not prepared to tell Xiao Chen that Ge Gan was an undercover agent.

It would not be good if Xiao Chen was told about this kind of thing.

Because Xiao Chen himself is an important chess piece of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, he will definitely encounter all kinds of things in the future. What if he accidentally reveals his flaws and makes people from other worlds realize that Ge Gan is an undercover agent?

Ge Gan is fine now. He has made a breakthrough and the Supreme Ancestral God has achieved perfection. At worst, he will just leave, but Zhou Tong will be in trouble.

After the news about Ge Gan's undercover service came out, the alien world would definitely conduct a thorough investigation into the people and things related to Ge Gan, and even the affairs of the Ancestral Dragon would be leaked. By then, the Stoneman King might even take action himself, and then the other world would have a chance to find out what Zhou Tong had done.

Although the possibility is extremely low, Zhou Tong does not want to risk his own path.

You can't even do anything about him? Xiao Chen was shocked.

Among the people Xiao Chen knew, the strongest and most mysterious monk, apart from Keke's father, was Zhou Tong. Who would have thought that even he couldn't help that stone man from another world?

Isn't it normal that I can't resist him? Although I have invincible confidence, my training time is still short after all. Ge Gan has practiced more than me for three civilizations. I can compete with him. Not bad. Zhou Tong said leisurely, It's you... you have a great chance to get this divine map...

Zhou Tong immediately focused his eyes and looked at the divine picture beside Xiao Chen.

This picture is the scariest thing here.

There are fifty avenues and forty-nine Tianyans. The forty-nine battle swords are the so-called Tianyans, and the formation diagram is the escaped one. The combination of the battle swords and the formation diagram is complete. The avenue of omission!

After the final battle in the original work, the Heavenly Monument was destroyed, the Huangni Platform was destroyed, the Three Emperors Mirror was destroyed, and the Five Emperors Pagoda was destroyed... Almost all the sacred objects in the heavens were destroyed, and only the War Sword and the Divine Map survived. The last thing.

The combination of the complete battle sword and the divine map is the emperor's combat power.

It can be said that this divine map is an emperor-level formation map, which is many times better than the formation map that Zhou Tong refined in Zhetian World!

This is definitely the strongest formation he has ever seen.

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