
Ge Gan sighed, and then said: Your character makes me very uncomfortable.

As soon as he finished speaking, Ge Gan's temperament changed instantly. He was no longer peaceful, but like a magic sword unsheathed. Although there was no bloody scene, this temperament instantly made the world of Kyushu turn into Shura. Hellish.

So that's it, this is your Tao... The mortal world is vast, the Tao seems ruthless but has feelings... Zhou Tong instantly understood Ge Gan's path to the supreme ancestor god, which is a way to enter the Tao with emotion.

He ignited his own entanglements, his own guilt, his own resentment, he ignited all the extreme emotions, and finally turned them into the materials to attack the Supreme Ancestor God. This is a way to enter the Tao through emotion.

Zhou Tong instantly noticed another feasible path to the Supreme Ancestral God.

Ke Ke’s father and the human demon Ge Gan are both beings who have walked the path of the supreme ancestor god.

Ke Ke’s father’s path is on the avenue of time and space.

The path of the human demon Gegan is based on the word emotion. His path is the route of emotions, joy, anger, worry, thought, sadness, fear, and surprise. With emotion as the core, it operates power and divine principles. The more intensely the emotions are suppressed, the fiercer the fighting power, and the faster the progress.

Another road to the Supreme Ancestral God for reference, but many details of this road can only be noticed after fighting. Zhou Tong said silently in his heart.

However, the moment Zhou Diao's voice fell, Ge Gan's expression suddenly changed and he became extremely ferocious in an instant.

I can't keep you! Ge Gan roared wildly, his eyes full of ferocity. The sleeve of his left arm instantly shattered, and even the void where he stood was shattered.

Just Zhou Tong's worldly world, seemingly ruthless but sentimental has already revealed Ge Gan's inner anger, unwillingness and guilt; this shocked him as an undercover from another world, and this battle will definitely be defeated by the other world's undercover. The Supreme Ancestral God was watching, and he did not dare to say more, for fear that Zhou Tong would reveal some more information, so he took action angrily in shock and anger.

Although Gegan's petrified arm looked ordinary and simple, it revealed a terrifying aura that made all the ancestor gods tremble.

The moment he took action, the ordinary stone arm turned into a mountainous ridge spanning thousands of miles across the sky. The sky and the earth were eclipsed, and nothing could stop it.

The stone fist destroys everything and destroys everything!


Zhou Tong also had unparalleled fist power. He swung out the Unparalleled Dragon Fist, causing the earth to tremble and swallowing thousands of miles of energy. It was like an ancestral dragon sacrificing his entire body and turning it into a terrifying divine power that blessed his fist.

Nearby, the sky fell and the earth collapsed, and the void exploded, as if the entire world was about to be destroyed.

This is immeasurable fist power. With one blow, everything in the world will explode. Its power is invincible.

He was obviously just flesh and blood, but his movements made the entire Kyushu world shake, as if he was an angry stone man.


Zhou Tong's dragon fist collided with Ge Gan's stone fist. In an instant, the color of the sky and the earth changed, blood-colored lightning exploded, the divine power fluctuated for thirty million miles in an instant, and the boundless void shattered millions of times in an instant.


However, the next moment, the dragon scales cracked on Zhou Tong's fist, making a clear cracking sound, and then strands of the ancestral dragon's blood sputtered out from the fist.

Zhou Tong instantly stepped back. His fist had already suffered a lot of trauma. The enemy in front of him was Ge Gan after all, a supreme being who had truly embarked on the path of the stone man. That stone arm was almost as good as the real stone man king. arm.

Okay! Okay! I have been in the world for hundreds of years, and finally I can meet an opponent who can suppress me head-on!


Being suppressed, Zhou Tong was not angry but happy, with fierce fighting spirit and unparalleled momentum, the higher he got, like a flame, the stronger it burned!

I really can't get along with you! Ge Gan was cold and unfeeling, his voice was like falling into an ice cellar.

Death!! Ge Gan let out a long roar, and the world was shattered. Two yellow lights burst out from his eyes, and he rushed forward with strands of yellow light flowing all over his body.


This was a violent and unparalleled offensive. Ge Gan's slightly curly hair danced wildly, and the murderous intent in his eyes skyrocketed, making him look like an unparalleled demon king. He had no means of defense at all. He opened and closed widely. His petrified arm was extremely powerful and his fists were powerful. As soon as he came up, he beat Zhou Tong back continuously.

But Zhou Tong did not give in at all, and was repelled from the head-on collision, and then rushed forward to continue fighting with Ge Gan.


After dozens of moves, one of Zhou Tong's arms finally couldn't bear it anymore. It was shattered by the heavy punch of Ge Gan's petrified arm, and the dragon's blood with a little green glow flowed down the inner wall of the armor.


However, Zhou Tong's body shook, and strands of divine energy rippled out from the deep sea in his body, instantly repairing Zhou Tong's physical injuries and making his physical body stronger.

After dozens of moves, Zhou Tong's back was also hit by Ge Gan's heavy punch, and his body almost exploded; but at the same time, a wave emerged from the deep sea and integrated into Zhou Tong's body, causing his injuries to heal quickly. Continue to engage in the subsequent battle.

The deep sea that Zhou Tong cultivated with the Heavenly Tablet Mysterious Technique, and the surging divine power, potential and life essence hidden in it, are Zhou Tong's greatest foundation for using the weak to attack the strong.

As long as the deep sea does not dry up, his potential is endless. The more dangerous the battle, the more potential can be stimulated, making him gradually stronger in the battle.

The more you fight, the stronger you get, and the more you fight, the fiercer you get!

Most of the daily practice is to accumulate foundation and potential, while fighting is a time to consume foundation and release potential. This is Zhou Tong's consistent style since the beginning of Zhetian World.


After fighting thousands of moves in a row, Zhou Tong finally gave up his human body completely and transformed into the indestructible ancestral dragon body to continue fighting against Ge Gan.

And Ge Gan also wanted to fight this battle for the outside world to see. He had the upper hand in cultivation and wasted so much time. For a moment, he became anxious, his eyes were red, as if he was completely crazy, and he also followed suit. With Zhou Tong, he transformed into a dragon-shaped body.

Although Gegan is the youngest son of the ancestral dragon, he is not in the form of the ancestral dragon. Compared with Zhou Tong's ancestral dragon form, it looks more like a dragon, and one of the dragon's claws is still made of stone.

The two dragons soared into the sky and directly entered the vast starry sky. The dragons roared continuously in the sky and the earth. The vast dragon power fell like a vast sea of ​​stars, causing the whole world of Kyushu to rumble.

Throughout the land of Jiuzhou, both the strong men from other worlds who have re-entered this place and the strong men from Jiuzhou who have not left all feel sad. They all understand that a battle of this level is enough to destroy the world, and even a trace of the aftermath will be enough to destroy the world. It can severely damage ordinary ancestor gods.

In this battle, both Zhou Tong and Ge Gan showed real fire.

And after transforming into their true bodies, the two men's fighting power became even more fierce. The dragon's horns tore through the void, the dragon's roar moved the years, the dragon's body cut off the past and present, the dragon's tail shattered the starry sky, and even a drop of dragon's blood flew out and destroyed it. A vast sea of ​​stars.

Zhou Tong's potential has been released, and his combat power is constantly approaching Gegan, becoming stronger and stronger.

As Zhou Tong's potential was released, his combat power soared, and the battle further escalated. Even Ge Gan showed his greatest achievement on the path of stone man. His petrified dragon arm suddenly shook out and crossed the galaxy, shaking the world. In this world, terrifying fluctuations shook Kyushu.


The situation that was about to be balanced was once again disrupted. With this blow, Zhou Tong was severely injured again. Countless dragon scales all over his body were cracked, and a large amount of dragon blood spilled out of the cracks.

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