Enlightenment begins with covering the sky

Chapter 843 Arranging the Dragon Clan

This is my eternal source of light!!

Zhou Tong looked at the eternal light source in front of him, a hint of joy flashed in his eyes.

This light source is exactly the same as the eternal light source in the most evil place. It blooms with a brilliant eternal glow, which is dazzling. The only difference is that it is slightly smaller.

The eternal light will be consumed. The eternal light source in the most evil place was originally used to make swords, but the remaining eternal light is bigger than mine. If I guessed correctly, the eternal light in the most evil place The quality of the Ancestral God Soul used in the light source should be far higher than my light source. Zhou Tong said softly.

According to Zhou Tong's own speculation, the light source in the most evil place is most likely made using the souls of more than a dozen super ancestor gods. There may even be souls of monks who have taken the path of the supreme ancestor god or the stone man. That's why that light source is so scary.

But forget it, from now on I will kill the ancestor gods from other worlds, refine their souls, and just throw them inside! Zhou Tong didn't think much about it. He glanced at Long Island and looked directly at it.

At this moment, the corpses of the ancestor gods left by Zhou Tong have been used up, and brand new war ancestors have also appeared on the island. Chi You, Zhuang Zi, Lao Tzu, Sun Wu and others all came to Long Island to receive the infusion and baptism of the essence of the ancestor gods, and their cultivation levels skyrocketed.

With all these people here, there is a chance that some ancestral gods will appear. Zhou Tong casually took a shot from his eternal light source, and more than twenty rays of eternal light suddenly burst out.


In an instant, the entire Long Island shot into the sky, and the eternal light was brilliant and brilliant, making everyone look at it.

Ah, that's the eternal light! He actually brought out so much eternal light from the most evil place! Xiao Chen and others recognized it and exclaimed.

Then, in the envious eyes of countless monks, these eternal lights penetrated all the war ancestors present and some of the ancestor gods of the Nine Heavens.

Whether you can break through the realm of the ancestral gods depends on you! Zhou Tong followed, and Zhou Tong's voice came from the void.

The brilliant light shone on these War Ancestors and the Nine Heavens Half-Ancestors, and everyone immediately benefited greatly, but soon——


A magnificent vision of heaven and earth erupted instantly, and brilliant rays of light erupted from the two of them, soaring into the sky.

The entire land of Kyushu was suddenly filled with visions, everything was rejuvenated, and the majestic sound resounded in the sky.

Zhuangzi and Chiyou... they are the only two who have broken through the ancestor gods. What a pity! Zhou Tong shook his head slightly.

But that's right, Zhuangzi's spiritual realm was infinitely close to the ancestor gods, and Chi You had fought against Xuanyuan Huangdi, so he was naturally the closest to the realm of the ancestor gods. They first accepted the sacrifice of the life essence of the ancestor god, and then accepted the eternal light. It is normal for these things to promote them to go further.

After a long time, the vision of heaven and earth where the ancestral gods were born dissipated, and the rosy light on Zhuangzi and Chiyou also disappeared.

Under everyone's envious gazes, the two of them bowed down and paid homage to the Dragon Clan's Holy Mountain, saying, Thank you Zulong for your success.

Time is running out, and the next invasion from the other world is coming soon. Remember, the strength of the other world is far beyond your imagination. Don't think about confrontation. You go and settle the creatures in Kyushu with Xuanyuan. We are not fighting back now. Time. Zhou Tong's voice spread throughout Long Island.

Although unwilling and angry in their hearts, these half-ancestors, war ancestors, and ancestral gods also understand that what Zhou Tong said is true. The strength of the alien world is indeed far beyond everyone's imagination. Confrontation now is like hitting a stone with an egg. What Jiuzhou needs most now is not fighting, but patience!

Soon, all the other half-ancestors, war ancestors, and ancestor gods also left Dragon Island; only the dragon clan remained on Dragon Island.

At this time, Zhou Tong appeared in front of all the dragons.

This subordinate is incompetent and has wasted your eternal light! The God of War King knelt on the ground with a look of self-reproach.

Even the old dragon of the Southern Wilderness, the Winged Dragon King, was full of self-blame. With such good conditions, the people who became ancestor gods were all human monks. The best they could do was become war ancestors, and they could not break through even if they got the eternal light.

It doesn't matter. You can have as much eternal light as you want. It's not a waste! Zhou Tong took out his eternal light source with a wave of his hand.

The God of War King was stunned for a moment. The source of eternal light appeared in the hands of his Ancestral Dragon?

In order to cope with the catastrophe in Kyushu, I distributed the corpses of the ancestor gods to all the qualified half-ancestors of the hundreds of tribes. I also gave all the qualified half-ancestors and war ancestors an eternal light. I will do what I need to do. It’s almost done, and the next step is a baptism for our dragon clan.”

Gather all the dragons on the island, and all the dragons will have the opportunity to enjoy the baptism of eternal light! All the half-ancestors can enjoy an eternal light, and the dragons under the half-ancestors will have the opportunity to share a ray of eternal light! Zhou Tong said. .

The eternal glow is not eternal light, it is just the glow emitted by the eternal light source. It has some of the power of the eternal light, but it is far inferior to the real eternal light.

However, even the half-ancestor can only enjoy one piece of the true eternal light, any more will damage the soul; and those below the half-ancestor can only enjoy a ray of rays of light at most.

Yes, Ancestral Dragon!! The God of War King looked at Zhou Tong with enthusiasm.

After all, the ancestral dragon is the ancestral dragon of the dragon clan, and more good things are reserved for his own dragon clan.

Also, these ancestral divine weapons will also be distributed together. Those who have reached the semi-ancestral level will have the opportunity to obtain the divine weapons. It depends on how much strength it can increase! Zhou Tong tossed it casually, and a large number of weapons fell around him.

These weapons are ancestral weapons that have been refined by the ancestral gods from another world for who knows how many years. Now, Zhou Tong has erased the imprint of the other world and wants to distribute them to the dragon monks.

Pterodactyl King, bring your Pterodactyl Island here too. It's time for the pterodactyl lineage to merge with the dragon clan. Zhou Tong looked at the old dragon of the Southern Wilderness aside and said softly.

Yes! The Winged Dragon King also nodded, showing a hint of joy.

The pterosaur lineage has returned to Dragon Island, which means that all pterosaurs also have the opportunity to enjoy the eternal glow.

Not long after, the Pterodactyl King moved his Pterodactyl Island to the vicinity of Dragon Island. Zhou Tong used his great powers to merge Dragon Island and Pterodactyl Island into one body. Soon the area of ​​the entire Dragon Island doubled.

After that, countless wild dragons came to worship near the holy mountain. As the dazzling glow shone, all the wild dragons felt that there was a brilliant and eternal glow in their bodies.

This ray of light is enough to benefit all the dragons present for life, and their resistance to reaching the semi-ancestral realm in the future will be much reduced.

The strength of the Dragon Clan has increased, but after all, we still need a safe place to avoid the catastrophe! As Zhou Tong thought, he kept waving his hands in the void, and terrifying formations spread from Zhou Tong's palms. came out, and was finally branded on Dragon Island.

Soon, the secret of the entire Dragon Island became much blurred and could no longer be deduced; the entire island seemed to have escaped from Kyushu and completely disappeared into this world.

At the same time, Zhou Tong suppressed the Tongtian Death Bridge, one of the sacred objects of the heavens, in Dragon Island, further blurring the secret of Dragon Island.

Finally, Zhou Tong moved the Dragon Island to another location, and at the same time captured an island that looked similar from a distance, shaped it into the shape of the Dragon Island, and placed it at the original location of the Dragon Island.

With an island as a surrogate for death, coupled with the method of concealing the secrets of heaven and the suppression of the holy objects of the heavens, the Bridge of Death, I used all my strength. Unless the king of the other world goes all out to deduce, Dragon Island will never be discovered! After Zhou Tong did all this, he finally felt at ease.

Now that there are no worries, it’s time to consider how to deal with the other world next...

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