Enlightenment begins with covering the sky

Chapter 840 Food Delivery (200 votes plus update)


Xiao Chen, Keke and the friends around him were all shocked. The alien ancestor god who was so majestic before was suddenly killed by the ancestor dragon in front of him. The contrast was too great!

The alien... alien ancestor god just... died? A fat man next to Xiao Chen stuttered.

He's not dead, he's just sealed; but it doesn't matter. When the situation calms down, he can be refined to death at any time. Zhou Tong said leisurely, The ancestor gods from other worlds will come. There will definitely be more than one or two ancestor gods. Kyushu will be in turmoil again.

Then what should we do? Xiao Chen asked.

You go to Dragon Island! Zhou Tong said, then casually threw Li Huiyou's body in front of Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen was shocked. This was the physical body of an ancestor god. Just the pressure emanating from this body made his body tremble.

At the same time, he waved his right hand, and a huge war spear surrounded by black clouds and full of destructive aura was also thrown in front of Xiao Chen. That terrifying aura made Xiao Chen feel like his body was about to be penetrated.

This is the Great Destruction War Spear, and it is also a weapon belonging to the true form of the ancestral god Li Huiyou. This divine weapon is extremely terrifying and is the best among all divine weapons.

Xiao Chen, you have received all the inheritance of the Martial Ancestor. This body is given to you. You go to Dragon Island to sacrifice it, and give half to the God of War King. And this Great Destruction War Spear, you give it to him together. . Zhou Tong said one last word to Xiao Chen, then jumped up and flew directly into the sky, preparing to face the alien ancestor god.

The God of War King is currently the strongest person in the Dragon Clan except Zhou Tong himself, the Half-Ancestor of the Nine Heavens. Let Xiao Chen Saint sacrifice half of the power of the ancestor gods to him, enough to make him break through to the realm of war ancestors. Coupled with the Great Destruction War Spear, even if you encounter ordinary alien ancestor gods, it will be enough to fight.

And just after Zhou Tong left, Xiao Chen and others quickly began to take action. They quickly left the soul world, returned to Kyushu, and landed on Dragon Island...

At the same time, on the other side, Zhou Tong stood quietly in the void, and opposite him was a dark passage. This was the passage through which the ancestral gods from other worlds descended.


At this moment, light flashed in the void, and a figure appeared, standing next to Zhou Tong. It was Xuanyuan Huangdi who had just been promoted to the Ancestral God not long ago.

Fellow Taoist has killed an ancestor god? Huangdi Xuanyuan looked happy when he saw Zhou Tong. Over the past hundred years, he had also noticed that something was not right with the situation. He went to Long Island to look for Zhou Tong, but he could not find him. arrive.

Fortunately, he came back at the critical moment.

No, it's just to seal his soul. If the ancestor god dies, the vision of heaven and earth will be too grand to hide from the alien world on the other side of the passage! Zhou Tong said leisurely.

You...fishing? Emperor Xuanyuan couldn't help but be frightened by Zhou Tong's boldness. This was simply contempt. He didn't treat the ancestor gods from other worlds as equal opponents at all!

But the next moment, Xuanyuan Huangdi's eyes changed slightly when he looked at Zhou Tong, and he exclaimed: Fellow Taoist, your cultivation is... Ninth Heaven? Or...

I accidentally broke through on the basis of the Nine Heavens of the Ancestral God and took half a step forward. It's no big deal! Zhou Tong said softly.

Fellow Taoist Tianjiao is unparalleled, I admire you! I admire you!! Huangdi Xuanyuan sighed.


Another powerful aura rushed out from the mysterious pitch-black passage in front of him like a flood and tsunami, and then a terrifying ancestral god thousands of feet high was revealed.

As soon as this alien ancestral god came out, he saw Zhou Tong and Xuanyuan Huangdi. He was immediately overwhelmed with emotion and roared: Who are you? Where is Li Huiyou?

I am here to guard the passage. The alien ancestor god cannot cause trouble. Fellow Taoist, you can go to Jiuzhou first and send away the people who have insufficient cultivation! Zhou Tong didn't even look at the alien ancestor god and turned to look. Speak directly to Emperor Xuanyuan.

While speaking, Zhou Tong waved his palm directly towards this alien ancestor god.


The void exploded directly, and the roaring ancestor god was directly slapped by Zhou Tong until his body exploded, leaving only a soul that escaped into the void.

But it was useless, Zhou Tong grabbed his soul out of nothingness and sealed it away.

The whole movement was completed in one go. Although the alien ancestor god also resisted, it was all in vain.

Xuanyuan Huangdi on the side was stunned. This ancestral dragon killed the ancestral god from another world as easily as killing a chicken. But when he thought about it, he was right, after all, he had surpassed the realm of the ancestral god...

I'll leave this to you, Fellow Daoist... However, Fellow Daoist is acting like this, and two consecutive Ancestral Gods from another world have come without any feedback. I'm afraid everyone will know that there may be changes here! Xuanyuan Huangdi was still a little worried.

The other world suppresses the Jiuzhou side to the extreme, and does not allow any strong people to appear in the Jiuzhou side, especially the strong ones above the ancestral gods, which must be suppressed absolutely.

If the other world discovers that the ancestral gods they sent to Kyushu have lost several in a row, then I am afraid that the real big shots may come.

At most, the Supreme Ancestral God from another world can take action himself. I also want to try out the quality of those Supreme Ancestral Gods! Zhou Tong said softly, But I'm afraid that before the other world loses seven or eight Ancestral Gods, it may not be possible at all. Maybe you can react.

That's right! I'll leave this to you, fellow Taoist! Xuanyuan Huangdi nodded, and then prepared to turn around.

You should also leave Kyushu! But at this time Zhou Tong continued to speak, Take some potential seeds of hope and leave this world and go to a safe place.


Xuanyuan Huangdi's face changed slightly. He understood clearly what he said. The other party wanted to cut off his queen!

Then Xuanyuan Huangdi solemnly said: No, you should protect them and leave, and I will break up the rear. Your talent is far superior to mine. In the future, maybe you will have the opportunity to take that supreme step and become a true king. More useful than any number of ancestor gods.

Don't show such an expression. No one among the ancestor gods from other worlds is my opponent. The only ones I'm worried about are those supreme ancestor gods. But do they really dare to leave their place of residence? Zhou Tong remained calm, Know yourself and your enemy, and you will never be defeated in a hundred battles. I also know a lot about them.

He knew very well the details of the supreme ancestor gods in the other world. The place where they were located was the most important ninety-nine steps in the other world, and their job was to protect it.

This is destined to make it impossible for them to attack with all their strength.

And as long as these few people don't take action, relying on other ancestor gods, as long as they don't fall into some formations, it's useless no matter how much they come!


At this time, the third ancestor god from another world arrived, but he was delivering food again, and his soul was captured by Zhou Tong's move, and his huge body, a thousand feet high, crashed into the ground.

Fellow Taoist, you should do as I say! Zhou Tong finally said to Xuanyuan Huangdi.

Forget it, be careful! Xuanyuan Huangdi finally nodded, turned and left, leaving Zhou Tong alone to face the space passage opened by the other world.

I don't know if these ancestral gods sent by other worlds can excite me... Zhou Tong also had some vague expectations in his heart, looking forward to seeing different powerful people.

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