The deepest and most evil place in the world of death.

The stars twinkled in the sky, and each star was like a magic lamp, hanging in the sky.

There are also dots of brilliance rippling out of the earth. The grass and trees on the ground are blooming, the mountain flowers are blooming, and they are full of vitality. There are also divine springs flowing and streams gurgling.

This place is known as the most evil place, but when you really enter this place, you feel full of life.


But as soon as Zhou Tong approached, cold murderous intent emerged instantly.

It was a cold metal iron man, completely made of enough materials to create the Ancestral Divine Weapon. And it can be clearly seen that this iron man's left hand is a divine sword, and his right hand is a magic knife; there is a huge black hole between the chest and abdomen, which is an anti-matter weapon; in his eyes is a killing power that is enough to compete with the ancestor gods. Light.

The most important thing is that this iron man was condensed into one body, and his whole body was refined into the ancestral weapon, not just the swords limited to his arms.

The Eternal Light is indeed man-made, and something was sent to protect it. It condenses the most essence of two civilizations. The combat power of this thing should be close to that of the Ancestral God of the Nine Heavens! Zhou Tong saw through the details of this thing at a glance , then took a step and rushed past.

He was so fast that the iron man didn't react at all and was directly broken through by Zhou Tong.

Finally, we are close to the source of eternal light. The sacred and peaceful light source is as big as a house. It floats quietly in the air, just like a bright moon shining on the land covered with flowers and plants, and there are rays of divine clouds surrounding it.

This is the eternal light, the eternal brilliant light, the eternal light. Everything in heaven and earth loses color in front of it.

But after getting really close, you can see that the land near the light source is a little different. Within a radius of ten feet, there was no grass growing, and even the soil was dark red.

There is no doubt that the bodies of the dozens of ancestral gods that make up the eternal light have dyed this place red. The eternal light is the brilliance that blooms after the souls of more than a dozen ancestor gods whose consciousness has been annihilated are burned.

This is the eternal light!! Standing in front of the source of the eternal light, Zhou Tong felt as if his soul had undergone a baptism. The soul became purer, and his realm even vaguely moved forward. So one small step.

Originally it was just the first time to enter the Nine Heavens, but now it seems to have been consolidated and can move to a higher realm.


Just as Zhou Tong continued to approach, eight brilliant rays of light suddenly rushed out. They were four rays of killing light and four ancestral gods' killing thoughts. These eight rays of light intertwined and rotated to form a perfect defense. This is to prevent monks under the Ancestral God from entering, because only the Ancestral God can withstand the eternal light.

Zhou Tong was naturally not afraid and easily passed through these eight defenses and walked into the eternal light source.

The ancestral dragon of the Dragon Clan? This generation is actually the Dragon Clan that came here first! At this moment, the eternal light source actually made a sound. It was a conscious thing.

The Ancestral Dragon of the Dragon Clan, if you meet the conditions, I can give you eternal light! The light source continued to speak.


Nine brilliant rays of eternal light instantly emerged from the light source, each one as thick as a bucket. Zhou Tong immediately took out his armor and Ancestral Dragon Sword and caught the nine eternal lights. Among them, the armor got six points and the Ancestral Dragon Sword got three points.

After absorbing the eternal light, Zhou Tong obviously felt that his two weapons were a little different from before.

The Ancestral Dragon Sword had previously refined the Light of Slaughter and the essence of Doomsday Sky Ge, but the refining time was still very short. Although it could not be improved, there was no real qualitative change. But now integrated with the eternal light, the Ancestral Dragon Sword is completely integrated, and even has a vague feeling of life.

Similarly, the armor that received the six eternal lights also underwent a qualitative change. Zhou Tong can clearly feel that the battle armor has also given birth to life fluctuations; especially the brand new Dragon Clan Holy Tree integrated inside the battle armor, and it is faintly sending out a bud, which is the eighth leaf that is about to appear. sign.

The eternal light is the product of burning the souls of more than a dozen ancestral gods after their original consciousness has been erased, so it is of greatest benefit to weapons? Can it transform weapons into real life? This thought emerged in Zhou Tong's mind.

At this moment, he thought of the Soldier Burial Valley, a place where countless semi-ancestors and ancestral gods gathered in the Immortal Realm. Moreover, the rays of eternal light will occasionally fly out from this place, causing these weapons to undergo qualitative changes, and even transform into real monks.

This is a step further than the weapons in the Zhetian World that have awakened the secrets of immortal gold. It is somewhat similar to the small tower that Emperor Huang Tian had when he was a child. Get rid of the shackles of weapons and become a completely new life? Zhou The more he thought about it, the more he felt that the eternal light was extremely mysterious and must be studied.

With this thought, Zhou Tong came directly to the core area of ​​​​Eternal Light.

I've given you nine rays of eternal light, what else do you want to do? the eternal light source said, vaguely feeling a bad feeling.

Take a bath! Zhou Tong didn't say much, he just lay down quietly and let his body bathe in the eternal light.

... Eternal Light Source was speechless in his heart. This guy was just as virtuous as that bastard from the Nitian Family.

In the eternal light source, Zhou Tong was very relaxed, his body was soaked in the eternal light, and his whole body was warm. He closed his eyes and looked inside himself, and could see strands of divine glow overflowing from the eternal light, seeping into his body, integrating into his skin, flesh, limbs, and internal organs, and even his deep sea was filled with glow.

Even his soul was nourished by this glow and became stronger little by little.

The soul, body, divine power and many other things became stronger after being immersed in the eternal light. Even during the immersion process, Zhou Tong was vaguely aware of strange divine laws.

These gods have greatly promoted Zhou Tong, especially giving him a deeper understanding of the mysterious method of the Heavenly Stele. The mysterious meaning of the Heavenly Stele, which he had not yet fully comprehended, was also gradually improved in the process.

Zhou Tong knew in his heart that this place was the birthplace of the Forty-nine War Swords, and it must contain some of the charm of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors. Only by immersing yourself in it wholeheartedly could you possibly perceive it.

I don't know how long it took, but he vaguely touched the limit of the realm of the ancestral gods.

At this time, Zhou Tong also opened his eyes and said leisurely: Is the limit of the Ancestral God? If you want to continue to move forward, you must choose a path...the stone man or the supreme Ancestral God...

At the same time, Zhou Tong looked at the source of eternal light. He found that the light source had shrunk significantly. It was obvious that he had consumed a large amount of eternal light while taking a bath here.

I think it was the same when Keke's father took a bath here, so the eternal light source is still fresh in his memory.

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