Chaotic time and space.

As the name suggests, time and space here are confused. The creatures you see here are likely to be the shadows left behind hundreds or even thousands of years ago. And here, one step forward may lead to a completely different world. of time and space.

However, the White Bone Ancestor that Zhou Tong saw before had been testing here for who knows how many thousands of years, and had already figured out most of the rules here. And Zhou Tong, who had obtained these laws, naturally understood the laws of this place.

Along the way, Zhou Tong saw many prehistoric creatures. They were creatures left over from the previous civilization. The outside world had long been extinct, so only this chaotic time and space had a chance to survive.

While moving forward, Zhou Tong also saw some dangerous things, such as the killing light, the killing thoughts of the ancestor gods, and other things that could kill the ancestor gods. But there is no surprise that these things have become Zhou Tong's trophies. After being refined, he put them away and prepared to take them back to Zhetian World for study.

Along the way, the surrounding time and space rippled like water waves, and Zhou Tong directly opened up one time and space after another. When he opened up the last time and space, his eyes suddenly became clear.

It was a desolate land, bare and completely barren, empty and lonely.

The chaotic time and space has been opened up, and the next journey will be much simpler! Zhou Tong continued to move forward.

Not long after Zhou Tong left, he discovered a ruins.

The moment Zhou Tong arrived, a broken metal man rushed out from under the ruins, holding a firearm similar to a modern thermal weapon in its hand. In an instant, the gun burst out with a terrifying wave of energy, blasting towards Zhou Tong.

This thing from the last civilization, the legendary anti-matter weapon? Zhou Tong slapped the energy wave away and looked at it with interest. Then he took action again and smashed the energy wave with one punch. Metal Man, put away the weapon and prepare to have time to study it.

After taking care of the ruins, Zhou Tong continued to move forward, and soon discovered another strange place.

There is no danger here, it is like entering a pure land. There is abundant spiritual energy and essence here, and there are countless immortal mushrooms and spiritual fruits, which are filled with fragrant fragrance.

Zhou Tong was not polite and directly transplanted all the good things here into his inner world.


Continuing to move forward, at this moment, a mountain peak in front suddenly collapsed, and a huge white-bone ancestral dragon rose into the sky. It looked like a mountain range dancing in the void.

Just a small part of the body that is exposed is hundreds of miles long, and there is still a little bit of divine fire beating in the head of the ancestral dragon.

The Ancestral Dragon has fallen. Has the remaining spiritual consciousness been reborn? The divine light in Zhou Tong's eyes surged, and a terrifying dragon power rushed away instantly. This impact was like a meteorite smashing into the sea, directly here. A stormy sea broke out in an area.


The white-bone ancestral dragon trembled slightly and suddenly felt something. There were two divine fires pulsing in the hollow dragon eyes, showing its restless mood.


However, in the next moment, he suddenly opened his dragon's mouth and burst out with an earth-shattering dragon roar that shook the world. The White Bone Ancestral Dragon rushed out of the surface in an instant. The terrifying White Bone Dragon's body stretched for thousands of miles and coiled in the void. It was like a white continent pressing down, giving it a terrifying sense of oppression.

The new ancestral dragon of the Dragon Clan? The Bone Ancestral Dragon seemed to have regained some of its sanity.

Zhou Tong nodded slightly and said, Not bad!

I have fallen, and now there is not much time to regain my consciousness. It is enough to see that the dragon clan is still passed down to future generations. During this time, it is time for me to be free!! The voice of the White Bone Ancestral Dragon shook the world, and then It shattered suddenly and turned into bone powder floating down in the sky.


At the same time, a brilliant divine flower rushed into Zhou Tong's body with a high-pitched dragon roar.

Zhou Tong also sighed slightly in his heart. The unity and dedication of the dragon clan exceeded his expectations. These ancestor dragons were willing to sacrifice their lives to fulfill their descendants when they saw them.

Whether it's the dead black ancestral dragon in the curse world or the white-bone ancestral dragon we see now.

Don't worry, as long as I am here, the Dragon Clan will not be exterminated... Zhou Tong made up his mind that he would not let the Dragon Clan make the same mistake as in the original work, and in the end there were only three dragons left.

To preserve the Dragon Clan, the first thing we need to do is to attack the ancestral gods from the other world, and also destroy Xutian deep in the world of death! Zhou Tong said silently in his heart.

In the original work, another invasion from another world led to the complete destruction of the dragon clan remaining on Kyushu; as for the dragon clan dispersed to the world of death, they were all devoured by Xutian.

After thoroughly digesting the power left by the Bone Ancestral Dragon, Zhou Tong continued to move forward. This time he had already sensed it not long after walking, and knew that he was about to come to the most evil place. He was no more than three meters away from the most evil place. Hundreds of miles.

But at the same time, he also felt a pressure in his heart, as if there was something dangerous somewhere ahead.

Fifty miles forward, the ruins ahead are endless and continuous. At the same time, in the distant front, there is a mighty atmosphere of vicissitudes of life.

Ahead is a majestic ancient demonic city. This city is intact. It is somewhat different from the ancient demonic cities that were destroyed along the road before Zhou Tong. It seems to have a hint of eternal artistic conception, as if it can stand here forever.


At the same time, there were two terrifying ancestral gods’ murderous thoughts swirling around this ancient demonic city.

The so-called murderous thoughts of the ancestor gods are the terrifying things formed after the death of the extremely powerful ancestor gods, the purest murderous thoughts merged with the origin of the world. This thing can penetrate the Ancestor God easily.

These two ancestral gods' killing thoughts were tamed by the Ancient Demonic City and used to protect the divine city.

I don't know who left behind this ancient demon city. To be able to achieve such an ancient demon city, I am afraid that even if there is no king of perfection, it should have reached the final stage, and it is only one step away from perfection. Zhou Tong thought. Said silently.

Such an ancient demonic city is not something he can provoke now and must be avoided.

Continuing forward, not far away, we saw another terrifying ancient demon city, equally majestic.

The Ancient Demonic City is everywhere, and it should be considered that it has reached the deepest part of the world of death; moreover, the eternal light should be not far ahead, and it is also a light source! Zhou Tong's eyes flashed and he stared at the horizon. , although it was too far away, Zhou Tong had already sensed the breath of eternal light.

However, before that, we still need to solve some troubles first!

Zhou Tong did not move forward. He turned around and said loudly: You have been following me for so long, it's time to come out!!

Sorry, I have something to do today, so I'm a little late! !

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