Enlightenment begins with covering the sky

Chapter 830: Cultivation under false pretenses, the secret of the Heavenly Monument

The divine light on the black ancestral dragon's corpse became increasingly dim, and the entire dragon corpse seemed to have experienced tens of thousands of years in an instant. It quickly decayed, and all its essence was given to Zhou Tong.


However, as Zhou Tong advanced to the seventh level of the Ancestral God, the dragon corpse suddenly erupted with a loud noise, and the huge mountain-like ancestral dragon corpse burned completely, and then suddenly collapsed.

All the essence in Zulong's corpse instantly turned into a dragon-shaped rainbow, which rushed directly into Zhou Tong's body with great momentum.

And Zhou Tong, who had just made a breakthrough, suddenly received such a violent impact of Shenhua, and immediately completed the stabilization and accumulation of the seventh heaven.


A clear dragon roar was heard, echoing between heaven and earth, filling this abyss with supreme pressure. At the same time, powerful dragon energy rose into the sky, and a brilliant blue divine light illuminated the entire abyss, shocking people's hearts.


At this moment, the originally calm black lake water seemed to be stimulated by something. Black water splashes rolled, and black mist and black waves washed up on the island.

All this happened so suddenly, and you could clearly see a pair of huge eyes, like houses, staring at Zhou Tong ferociously. The next moment, the black figure stood up, his blood-red eyes widened, his big black hands penetrated the world, covering the sky, and grabbed Zhou Tong.

Divine power is incalculable.

Each pitch-black finger shone with an icy sheen and was more than ten feet tall, not to mention the terrifying body, which was majestic.

This is genuine Ancestral God-level pressure.

You dare to be so presumptuous with a corpse! Zhou Tong turned around and slapped him directly.


The pitch-black waves were instantly defeated, and the rich aura of death burst out and turned into devil mist. At the same time, half of the giant's body was shattered by a palm, and blood spattered and turned into fly ash.

A strong evil spirit rushed out of the giant's body and turned into a demon roaring in the sky.

An evil spirit has taken possession of the corpse of the ancestor god, and he dares to attack me without knowing whether to live or die! Zhou Tong's cold eyes swept across the air, and at the same time he pressed his palm in the void -


In an instant, the void collapsed into a huge cauldron, and then the furnace mouth opened, swallowing all the remaining corpses of the ancestor gods on the island in one breath. Then the fire burned, directly igniting these corpses and extracting all the life essence contained in them.


Zhou Tong moved cleanly and directly sacrificed all the extracted life essence to the seventh sky tablet. He knew that this sky tablet was completely different from the previous sky tablets and required a massive amount of life essence. Qualification unlocks the mystery.


After receiving a large amount of life essence, the sky monument began to tremble violently, the patterns on it glowed brightly, and majestic divine brilliance overflowed from the entire island. At the same time, all the words on the sky stele glowed with brilliant light, like little ancestral dragons, almost leaping out of the sky stele.


At this time, Zhou Tong also transformed into his own ancestral dragon body. But this time, he did not manifest the huge dragon body that stretched across the sky and the earth, but shrunk it down to the size of the words on the heavenly monument and only one foot long. He blended into the words on the heavenly monument.


Not only that, he even used his divine power and brand to attack at the same time, causing six celestial monuments to appear around him. These shadows are not real sky marks, but simulated by Zhou Tong himself.

Zhou Tong has really seen the Heavenly Stele and understands the mysterious method of the six Heavenly Steles. He even erased a word on the Heavenly Stele on Dragon Island; so the Heavenly Stele he simulated really has some real marks on the sky. that kind of fluctuation.

At this moment, the entire abyss was shaking, and the light was dazzling, dispersing the darkness here, making the depths of the abyss dazzling.

The changes in the abyss have already attracted the attention of many monks in the curse world, especially the great light in the abyss. Countless monks thought that some treasure was born and came here one after another.

But at this moment, all the monks could only feel a wave of vibration that made their souls tremble.

Although the light in the abyss is brilliant, it is too bright, just like the sun, submerging the lower part, and no one's consciousness can peep into it.

Next to the heavenly monument, those words that looked like ancestral dragons seemed to be alive, gathering together a series of supreme secrets and pouring them into Zhou Tong's heart.

At this moment, he had vaguely understood the meaning of the words that he couldn't understand at all.

And just when Zhou Tong acted like this, the Sky Marks forged by him around him actually showed the rhythm of the avenue. These sky marks actually stole some of the secrets contained in the sky monument.

The deep sea in his body also began to further evolve based on these profound principles. The movement of Yin and Yang became increasingly mysterious and unpredictable, and even some more obscure mysteries appeared.

This is the essence of the Heavenly Stele Mysterious Technique, and it is being integrated into Zhou Tong's mind little by little at this moment. Even though he has not really practiced the Heavenly Stele Mysterious Technique, he has also gained the true secret of the great avenue.

For a moment, Zhou Tong was immersed in the ocean of avenue.

And while Zhou Tong was doing all this, a turtle head suddenly appeared at the base of the sky monument.

It was a stone turtle, currently staring at the Heavenly Monument and Zhou Tong in the void.

Monsters, they are simply monsters. The ancestral dragons of this generation of the dragon clan are too heaven-defying!! The old turtle was shocked in his heart, There is such a way to deceive the heavens and forcibly absorb the secrets in the heavenly monument!!

This dragon must have seen the Mysterious Technique of Sky Stele, but it was just like that young man back then. He just confirmed it and did not practice it. At the same time, there are no sky marks in his hands, and those sky stele are also fake.

He actually went one step further than the young man named 'Martial Ancestor' back then, forcibly extracting so many secrets of the Heavenly Monument. It's heaven-defying, it's really heaven-defying!! Old Turtle was extremely shocked in his heart, Cultivation through false pretenses! Damn it, how could there be such a dragon? Damn it, it’s scarier than the man that Old Turtle raised back then!!”

The cauldron in the void is still burning continuously, and the vast essence turns into divine flowers and rushes into the sky monument.

More and more secrets are manifesting in Zhou Tong's heart, making his deep sea more mysterious and unpredictable.

All this was seen by the old turtle, which made it even more excited. This dragon was simply a monster among monsters!

He could actually come up with such a way to extract the secrets in the sky monument, and even forge a new sky mark artificially.


Finally, the corpses of all the ancestor gods were refined into ashes by Zhou Tong and disappeared into smoke, and the light on the heavenly monument gradually dissipated.

At this time, Zhou Tong also transformed into a human form again, sitting quietly in front of the heavenly monument, comprehending the great road. The shadows of six forged heavenly monuments were spinning around him.

These six fake sky marks have been marked with mysterious Taoist charms, and they look just like real sky monuments.

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