Enlightenment begins with covering the sky

Chapter 823 Reality and Illusion

When Zhou Tong fought against the alien ancestors, his advantage continued to expand and get bigger and bigger. At the end, he almost overwhelmed the aliens and attacked wildly. If it weren't for the huge gap between the three realms, this alien ancestor god would have died long ago.

On the other side, Hongjun and the ancestral god Shennong were confronting each other in the void.

Shen Nong, you broke the agreement and took action! Hongjun's majestic voice resounded. He was like a ball of light, and could only see a blurry shadow, like nothingness.

The figure of Shennong opposite Hongjun was like an ancient lamp, flickering on and off. His body had long been destroyed, and even his soul was just a remnant.

Shennong said: That day, on the Devil's Plain of the Immortal Realm, you took away the souls of tens of millions of soldiers. This battle has long been inevitable.

Hongjun's voice was still cold and ruthless: All the ancestral gods are ants. I collected tens of millions of soldier souls to repair the heaven and earth copper furnace of the ancestral god Suiren's family and complete a catastrophe of heaven and earth. This is a great merit.

What is killing calamity? You can't come up with an exact explanation yourself. Everything is just your own words. I only see you shaking the world!! Although Shennong only has his soul left, his momentum is like a mountain. So majestic, he scolded Hongjun to his heart's content.

The Suiren family used their own essence to create the copper furnace of heaven and earth, which benefits hundreds of millions of people all over the world. But what about you? You took away the souls of millions of soldiers and just re-sacrifice the copper furnace of heaven and earth. Will it benefit the ants in your mouth? Heaven and earth? I'm afraid the copper furnace will become a big killer weapon in your hands!

Different Taoists do not agree with each other. The ants in your mouth are the people I protect, and they are more important than Mount Tai in my heart!! Shennong said loudly.

Back then, the mountains and rivers of the human world were separated and coexisted with the illusory world. Fuxi, Nuwa, Suirenshi, and you, etc., traveled through the four worlds to protect them, but in the end they failed to protect them fully. Instead, the alien ancestors took control of the three worlds, leaving only one The world of immortality. And you died and were injured in order to protect those ants, which is a pity.

Although Hongjun said It's a pity, his voice was as cold and ruthless as ever.

Although the remnant soul of the Shennong clan was not bright, its momentum remained undiminished, with the spirit of killing millions of people. He said: No one in the world is immortal, even the ancestral gods will fall. But since they are called ancestral gods, they should be Do your best to protect your people, die a worthy death, and die with no regrets!!

If the Ancestral God has feelings, he will no longer be an Ancestral God. You are just an ancestor of the human race now. The battle between you and me between reality and reality has not yet begun, but you have already lost. The outcome is already doomed. The world in all directions will be destroyed! Wait until I destroy you first. Then help the ancestor god from another world to kill that little dragon!

As soon as Hongjun finished speaking, he took action immediately. He knew that he didn't have much time left.

He also did not expect that the ancestor god of the alien world would be defeated so quickly at the hands of Zhou Tong. If he did not take action to destroy the Shennong clan, he would be the unlucky one when the winner was decided on the other side.


As soon as he made a move, he had unparalleled supernatural powers. His terrifying divine power shocked the world and suppressed the whole world. He beat the Shennong family continuously backwards and their soul light was unstable. After all, the ancestral god Shennong only had a remnant soul left, so it was naturally difficult to withstand Hongjun's fighting power.

Hongjun and Zhou Tong want to compete for time. Whoever gets rid of his opponent first will directly seal the victory.

But after a moment——


Zhou Tong's figure flashed forward. He stepped in the starry sky, seven steps after seven steps against the dragon. Within fourteen steps, like a violent surge, an unparalleled terrifying storm was shaken. With a bang, he flew directly towards Hong Kong. Jun rushed away.


Too fierce and powerful, and too fast, Zhou Tong's seven reverse dragon steps were superimposed, and he stepped heavily on Hongjun's body, almost crushing its illusory figure.

Hongjun's illusory figure kept shaking violently, obviously suffering a huge loss and being severely injured.

How could it be so fast!! Hongjun was finally shocked. He forced himself to steady his body, and his voice finally failed to live up to its previous calmness and coldness, but was filled with shock.

At this moment, he finally saw clearly that Zhou Tong had not really eliminated the ancestral god from another world, but only used a strange magical power to trap him in a strange space.

That is Zhou Tong's inner world. It is easy to defeat the ancestor god, but it is much harder to kill the ancestor god. Therefore, after severely injuring his opponent, Zhou Tong used his inner world to directly suppress the alien ancestor god.

A mere ant in nothingness dares to attack me. Who do you think you are! Zhou Tong shouted coldly.

He didn't leave any time for Hongjun to react, and once again performed the Seven Steps Against the Dragon, and used the power of the previous fourteenth step as a starting point to further superimpose the power of this combat skill.


As soon as Zhou Tong stepped down, the void suddenly rioted, the universe exploded, and a powerful aura poured down from the sky and covered the earth, shaking the ages.

This kick was simply to trample Hongjun completely under his feet like a crawler on the ground.

After the previous superposition of the seven steps of Nilong, the power has reached a new limit. With this step, Hongjun was unable to avoid and blocked. He was stepped on the chest, directly covering most of his body. They were all trampled to pieces.

The moment of youthfulness!

At this moment, the Ancestral God Shennong seized the opportunity and used the opportunity to display an earth-shattering magical power. The vast God of Time surged and directly pinned the defeated Hongjun in the void.

At this time, Zhou Tong finally used his great magical power for the first time——


In the dazzling divine light, the stars collapsed, the six paths rotated, millions of stars turned into fly ash, and the endless galaxies in the universe were almost destroyed and became an eternal dark area.

I saw six huge world wheels, instantly involving the suppressed alien ancestors and Hongjun who was immobilized by the Shennong clan.

Both Hongjun and the alien ancestral god were screaming in the six realms of reincarnation at the same time.


Zhou Tong did not directly destroy them with the Six Paths of Reincarnation, but directly sat cross-legged in front of the Six Paths. He wanted to use the great magical power of the Six Paths of Reincarnation to forcibly refine these two ancestral gods at the same time.

Of these two ancestral gods, one is the real ancestral god from another world, while the other is the illusory Hongjun.

The reversal of reality and illusion is like the yin and yang fish of Tai Chi. In the process of refining these two ancestral gods, the six paths were turbulent, spreading a mysterious and unpredictable power, which benefited Zhou Tong a lot.

This is the greatest result of the battle between reality and reality! !

With such huge benefits, Zhou Tong was not in a hurry. He just sat here, pushing the six paths and refining them bit by bit, not only for the mysterious and unpredictable power of the reversal of reality and illusion, but also for these two people. The method in the memory of the ancestor gods is even more for the divine power of these two ancestor gods.

The mysterious and unpredictable power represents the unknown, the supernatural combat skills in the memories of the two ancestor gods represent the profound foundation, and the divine power of the two ancestor gods after being refined and integrated into the deep sea represents the potential! !

Zhou Tong felt that after refining these two ancestor gods, he would definitely receive a major improvement.

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