Enlightenment begins with covering the sky

Chapter 817 Rescue Ruoshui (1400 votes plus update)

The Green Lotus Goddess was thrust into the six worlds by Zhou Tong's magical power of six paths of reincarnation. At this moment, only Zhou Tong's figure and the six paths of reincarnation were left in the void.

Ruoshui!! Xiao Chen cried out sadly, he wanted to rush into the six realms of reincarnation and grab Ruoshui's body.

Xiao Chen! That's the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the supreme magical power. Don't seek death! Taihao on the side held down Xiao Chen.

Don't worry, when I peel out the soul of Qinglian Goddess, I will give you a complete Ruoshui body! Zhou Tong didn't even turn his head, staring intently at the six paths of reincarnation in the void.

The reason why he ignored the voices of Qinglian Goddess and Xiao Chen was because Zhou Ting knew the details of Qinglian Goddess. The Green Lotus Goddess herself is connected to the Tongtian Death Bridge. If she does not take full action, the Qinglian Goddess will be desperate and desperately urge the Tongtian Death Bridge, and then there will be trouble.

As one of the holy objects in the sky, the Tongtian Death Bridge has infinite power. Once it is activated by the Qinglian Goddess, countless variables will arise out of thin air.

Therefore, the best way is to use the Six Paths of Reincarnation to completely immerse the soul of Qinglian Goddess in reincarnation, and then separate her soul from Ruoshui's body.

If you are lucky, you can go one step further and find traces of Ruoshui's marks from Ruoshui's body. Maybe you can directly resurrect Ruoshui.

Although the Qinglian Goddess claims to have wiped away all traces of Ruoshui, it is impossible to wipe it clean, and there are always some clues to be found. Even when the original Qinglian Goddess knew she was doomed, she told Xiao Chen that as long as she let her go, she could return Ruoshui to Xiao Chen in the future.

Regardless of whether the Qinglian Goddess deceived Xiao Chen in order to survive, there was still a little hope.

Moreover, in the original work, when the goddess Qinglian died and her body returned to the Tongtian Death Bridge, two patterns appeared on the bridge - Qinglian and Ruoshui. It can be seen that in Tongtian Shiqiao's view, Qinglian Goddess has not fully gained control of this body.

What the Azure Lotus Goddess said is right. It is almost impossible to separate her soul from that body. Only the ancestral gods can do it. However, a great magical power like Six Paths of Reincarnation may be able to do it. Tai. Hao looked at the six reincarnations spinning in the void and said in admiration.

He already understood Zhou Tong's thoughts, and he must have wanted to use the great magical power of Six Paths of Reincarnation to separate the soul of Qinglian Goddess.

It's amazing... It's amazing that even a great magical power like the Six Paths of Reincarnation can be controlled in such a subtle way. It's really amazing!! Taihao looked at it for a moment, and he was more and more impressed in his heart. It's true that if he takes it seriously, he can easily kill the Qinglian Goddess. Dragon can actually exert such delicate control over magical powers such as the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

Can you separate the soul of the Qinglian Goddess? Xiao Chen also rekindled his hope at this moment.

His fists clenched tightly unconsciously, like a traveler in the desert seeing an oasis.

Six paths rotated in the void, as if six great worlds were rotating in the void, and Zhou Tong in front of the reincarnation was covered in sweat. Only the Ancestral God stage can truly bring out the power of such a great magical power as the Six Paths of Reincarnation. Zhou Tong is only a half-ancestor now. Controlling the Six Paths of Reincarnation in such a precise way is extremely exhausting.

Thanks to Zhou Tong, if it were anyone else, even Keke and his father would not have been able to control the Six Paths of Reincarnation level to this level.

Time passed little by little, and in the blink of an eye Zhou Tong had completely pulled out the soul of Qinglian Goddess, and rotated it several times in the six paths of reincarnation, completely refining every trace of her soul. But in the end, no trace of Ruoshui could be found.

Qinglian Heavenly Girl is really smart... She didn't refine Ruoshui's soul information into her own soul, otherwise she might have been contaminated by Ruoshui's soul. Zhou Tong said silently in his heart, But there is nothing wrong with the soul. Then the only remaining glimmer of hope lies in Ruoshui's body.

Six paths of reincarnation, turn!!

Zhou Tong tried his best to control the six paths of reincarnation. A majestic force instantly acted on Ruoshui's body, and the power penetrated into every corner of her body.

After a long time, Zhou Tong finally made a discovery. It was a incomplete imprint, a imprint belonging to Ruoshui. With this discovery, Zhou Tong was shocked and continued to increase his search efforts. Soon he found more imprints.

It's just that these marks are all broken. In order to occupy this body, the Qinglian Goddess destroyed all traces of Ruoshui. But after all, Qinglian Heavenly Girl is only a half-ancestor. He thought that there was no trace of her imprint at all, but in Zhou Tong's eyes, there were still some residues.

With different levels of cultivation, the scenery they naturally see is also completely different. These remaining imprints cannot be discovered by the Qinglian Goddess, but they cannot be hidden from Zhou Tong.

It's just that these imprints are only incomplete. Even if they are put together reluctantly, what will appear is only a incomplete Ruoshui.

It's better to be incomplete than to be dead, and maybe there will be a chance of recovery in the future! Zhou Tong said silently in his heart.

If he discovered the imprint that Qinglian Heavenly Girl didn't discover, then there might be some deeper imprints that even he didn't discover.

After pondering for a while, Zhou Tong turned the six paths again.

The soul of the Green Lotus Goddess was directly refined by the Six Paths and turned into the purest soul essence. This essence was poured bit by bit by Zhou Tong into the remaining imprints of Ruoshui.


Gradually, traces of soul power fluctuations appeared in Ruoshui's body. This fluctuation was subtle at first, but as Zhou Tong poured more and more soul essence into her body, the fluctuations in her soul power became stronger and stronger.

This wave of fluctuations stopped abruptly when Ruoshui reached the realm of Yukong.

It's not that Zhou Tong can't continue to strengthen Ruoshui's soul, but Zhou Tong feels that it's better to let Ruoshui go through a state like Nirvana by himself, maybe it can activate some imprints that are not noticed in the physical body.

Ruoshui is almost done, then it's my own business!! Zhou Tong turned six paths, and the remaining soul essence was refined all at once, turning into Zhou Tong's own power and potential.

After refining a Nine-layer Heavenly Half-Ancestor, Zhou Tong's consumption of Six Paths of Reincarnation was completely replenished in an instant.


Finally, the Six Paths disappeared, and Ruoshui's body floated down from the void.

Xiao Chen immediately rushed forward and hugged the body, trembling all over, especially when he discovered that the soul power fluctuations in this body were something he was very familiar with - Ruoshui! !

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