Enlightenment begins with covering the sky

Chapter 812 Ke Ke’s Rebirth

Zhou Tong came back to Dragon Island with endless brilliance. After this forging, his dragon scale armor was solid, vast and majestic, and each dragon scale seemed to reflect a star of the universe.

And because of this forging, the dragon holy sword in his hand became Zhou Tong's property. He basically forged the sword all over again. He only retained the material, power, and appearance of the holy sword, but its interior was completely changed.

Zhou Tong ordered this sword to be further sublimated, from the previous Dragon King's Sword to the true Ancestral Dragon Sword.

It's finally done!! Zhou Tong withdrew all his glory, and both his armor and divine sword disappeared.

Next, it's time to go see the other five worlds left by the ancestor dragon... Zhou Tong looked at the five worlds high in the sky with a hint of expectation in his heart.

He flashed and entered the second world directly. A moment later, he walked out of this world covered in blood and sat quietly on the holy mountain for two months. After his aura surged, he entered again The third world...

In this way, Zhou Tong visited five worlds in succession, each of which took ten years. He would sit quietly for two months each time he completed a world.

It was not until ten months later that Zhou Tong slowly opened his eyes. At this moment, it had been two months since the ancestor dragon's world of six reincarnations was destroyed.

Half-Ancestor Ninth Level... And after these decades of crazy fighting, there are still many things that I have not fully understood. Give me a few more years, and I can easily reach the Ninth Level!! Zhou Tong was still thinking about that in his heart. Various battles in the world of six realms.

It has to be said that Old Ancestor Dragon has very rich experience. He has fought against strong men from the Immortal Realm, masters from hundreds of races in ancient times, and also fought against strong men from other worlds and the world of death. The world of six realms he left behind opened Zhou Tong's horizons, and he realized many things that he usually didn't realize during the battle.

Every time he sinks his mind to understand what he sees and hears in those worlds, Zhou Tong gains a lot. This move of Lao Zulong can be said to be the best catalyst for Zhou Tong.

Because Zhou Tong's own realm is extremely high, all that is needed is to transform the realm of Zhetian Dharma into the Tao and Dharma of the world of immortality, and display it in the cultivation system of this world.

Therefore, the more extensive the knowledge, the more Zhou Tong can display his own realm.

If it were his normal cultivation, it would probably take hundreds of years to reach the ninth level of the Half-Ancestor. How could it be accomplished in just fifty years?

But the semi-ancestral to the ancestral god is the real difficulty for me. Zhou Tong couldn't help but think of the key to the entire world becoming the ancestral god - the law of all realms.

What the true ancestor gods need to understand is the laws of all things in the universe, understand the secrets of all realms, and understand the secrets of all gods in heaven and earth. This is a kind of realization. We must understand the origin of the world and know the essence of all things.

Although Zhou Tong himself is at an extremely high level, the test of the Ancestral God level is his understanding of the various principles and origins of the world of immortality. At this step, Zhou Tongdao doesn't have much advantage.

Of course, if you can't understand these things, your body and soul will continue to grow, so that your combat power reaches the standards of the ancestor gods. This kind of thing is called in this world - the war ancestor!

That is to say, he has not cultivated into the ancestor god, but he has the fighting power of the ancestor god!

Now it's my turn to officially take charge of the Dragon Clan. Zhou Tong stood up and walked towards the depths of this oasis.

That area was a place that Zhou Tong had never entered. The shadows of the trees were dancing, and you could see that at the deepest part of the oasis were huge tombs. In front of each tomb stood a pair of huge dragon horns.

There are nine tombs in total, each of which occupies a very large area. Walking here, Zhou Tong felt the extremely rich dragon aura, but it was not entirely the aura of the ancestral dragon. These tombs were all the tombs of the Dragon King.

It should be the group of dragon kings that the ancestor dragon killed! Zhou Tong walked quietly in front of each cemetery. He was very familiar with those dragon horns. He had basically seen them in the memory of the ancestor dragon.

Finally, he stopped next to the last tomb, which was the tomb of the ancestor dragon. The pair of huge dragon horns in front of the tomb were the ones that fell off the head of the ancestor dragon.

The ancestor dragon had prepared a tomb for himself before his death, but unfortunately his body finally collapsed, and the tomb only contained the dragon scales that he had shed.

Zhou Tong came to the tomb and paid homage. However, his expression changed slightly because he saw something in front of the tomb - a stone man's arm.

Yes, part of the Nine Points Stone Man is in the hands of the Ancestral Dragon, and he placed it here! Zhou Tong picked up the stone arm and was a little curious in his heart. This was part of the natural stone man.

Zhou Tong was very curious. The nine-point stone man should resonate with people who have practiced the mysterious method of the heavenly tablet. So, can he be regarded as practicing the mysterious method of the heavenly tablet?

Almost subconsciously, Zhou Tong activated the deep sea magical power that he had transformed from the mysterious method of the heavenly monument. Almost immediately, the arm moved slightly, and then disappeared into Zhou Tong's hand in the blink of an eye, sinking into the In his deep sea.


With a stone man's arm entering his body, Zhou Tong could feel that there was an extremely terrifying thing in his deep sea. This stone arm exuded some kind of strange fluctuations, making his deep sea deeper than before.

The Nine Points Stone Man is also good for me! But unfortunately, this thing is too important to keep with me for a long time. Zhou Tong felt the performance of this stone arm in the deep sea, and suddenly understood in his heart .

Next, we should sort out the affairs of the Dragon Clan. First, bring the little dragons and the little dragon kings that the Ancestral Dragon has dismissed to the Holy Mountain. I am going to start preaching!! Zhou Tong immediately left the Dragon Clan cemetery and prepared to start bringing the real dragons to the Holy Mountain. Part of the Dragon Treasure Technique was introduced to the Dragon Clan in this world.


However, just when Zhou Tong left the Dragon Clan Cemetery, a brilliant colorful glow suddenly appeared, accompanied by the condensed dragon energy, which attracted Zhou Tong's attention.

He left the Dragon Clan's Holy Mountain almost instantly and came to the place where the colorful rays of light condensed.

He is very familiar with this place, it is the stump of the sacred tree that reaches the sky.

And in the center of this tree stump, where the colorful rays of light condense, there is an extra colorful divine egg, and a familiar aura is gestating in the egg.

Ke Ke...is finally reborn! It seems that the time for the Immortal Realm to reintegrate into Kyushu will be very close! Zhou Tong looked at the egg carefully and said in his heart.

At the same time, he also noticed that it would only take Keke half a month to come out of the eggshell and be completely reborn in the world.

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