Enlightenment begins with covering the sky

Chapter 810 New Ancestral Dragon

Zhou Tong walked out of the first world and sat quietly on the holy mountain. At this moment, there were only five of the six black holes left in the void.

One of the six reincarnations arranged by the ancestor dragon has been destroyed by Zhou Tong. This means that Zhou Tong has obtained one-sixth of the ancestor dragon's magical powers and techniques and even the great enlightenment.

Inheriting one-sixth of the Great Ancestral Insight from an Ancestral God is enough to make Zhou Tong's foundation skyrocket. Of course, it was only his foundation that skyrocketed. He did not blindly follow Zulong's insights and move forward. He only used them as a reference. He wanted to walk out of the path he had set - the True Dragon Treasure Technique! !

Ten years of crazy fighting, ten years of understanding, ten years of life and death, the True Dragon Treasure Technique has transformed half of it into a method in this world!! Zhou Tong said silently in his heart.

At this moment, the movement routes in his body are completely different from before. This is a brand new method that he has comprehended and transformed from the True Dragon Treasure Technique.

The complete True Dragon Treasure Technique not only includes combat methods, but its core is also the fundamental method of the dragon clan, which can cultivate the purest True Dragon Qi. Now that this method has been modified by Zhou Tong and turned into a method for the immortal world, naturally the true dragon's energy in it has become the ancestral dragon's energy.

In fact, this is the method that Zhou Tong has realized through his ten years of experience in refining dragon energy, integrating the inside and outside, so that the entire body is filled with the energy of the ancestral dragon.

Everything has been perfected. The body of the ancestral dragon that has been trained in hundreds of battles is now perfect. The energy of the ancestral dragon has also been refined. The enlightenment of the semi-ancestral level has been reached. Next, it is time to officially advance!! Zhou Tong transformed into the body of an ancestral dragon again, and a 500-foot-long blue ancestral dragon hovered in mid-air.

At the same time, Zhou Tong mobilized the divine power in his body, and suddenly——


Divine power like an angry sea surged instantly, and he rushed towards the true semi-ancestral realm in one fell swoop. At this moment, a bright divine light erupted from the Holy Mountain of Dragon Island, and extremely terrifying energy fluctuations shot into the sky.

The dazzling light made the entire Dragon Island shine. At this moment, Dragon Island was like a sun falling into the sea, dazzling.

Then, a series of green rainbows rose into the sky, just like countless overwhelming waterfalls rising up into the sky. The scene was extremely spectacular.

Each green rainbow is like the endless flow of the Yangtze River, with deafening roars resounding across the sky.

And as the blue rainbow soared into the sky, a huge sea of ​​thunder suddenly descended on the sky. The situation changed in an instant, and the sky and the earth were eclipsed.


Thunderbolts as thick as mountains all fell down in one breath, the sea of ​​thunder boiled, thousands of lightning flashes, it was so dazzling that nothing could be seen.

At this moment, Zhou Tong completely broke through and stood above the Tongtian realm, that is, the half-ancestor. The divine light in his eyes became even sharper, like two peerless divine swords. At the moment when they were opened and closed, it was like two divine lights, shattering the void and traversing the entire immortal world.

When hitting the half-ancestor realm, this kind of fluctuation cannot be hidden from anyone, because if you want to become a half-ancestor, you must use the power of heaven and earth to temper yourself. This kind of movement is really too scary.

It can be said that as long as you are in the immortal world, you can sense Zhou Tong's current fluctuations.

At this moment, all the half-ancestors on the Changsheng Continent opened their eyes at the same time, showing expressions of shock.

This fluctuation is so sudden that no new half-ancestor has appeared in the Immortal World for many years; everyone looked towards the South China Sea in the southernmost part of the Eternal Life Continent. They could sense that the one who attacked the half-ancestor should be in the South China Sea. On a certain island.

Countless people opened their eyes, only to see a dazzling divine light rising into the sky like a peerless sword in the area where Dragon Island was located.

The person who attacked the Half-Ancestor...is on Dragon Island? How is that possible? Isn't Dragon Island sealed? A Half-Ancestor with evil intentions was extremely surprised. He wanted to stop him, but after seeing clearly the location of Zhou Tong's breakthrough, , and immediately gave up the idea of ​​taking action.

Because of the seal of Dragon Island, breaking through the customs there can prevent interference from outsiders to a certain extent.

In the southern wilderness, the old dragon king also stood up suddenly and looked in the direction of Dragon Island. At this moment, he felt that the ancestral dragon energy in his body seemed to be faintly surrendering and bowing in the direction of Dragon Island.

The old ancestral dragon is really dead? A brand new ancestral dragon was born at this time? And... how could it be a half-ancestor? Did he become a real ancestral dragon when he was a half-ancestor? The old dragon king of Nanhuang was extremely horrified. This speed of evolution far exceeded his imagination.

He himself has participated in the Ancestral Dragon War, and is now a half-ancestor. No one understands better than him how difficult it is to evolve into an Ancestral Dragon. It can be said that becoming an ancestral dragon so early means that he is already absolutely invincible in the dragon clan, and has the potential to crush other dragon kings at the same level.

Is it really going to give birth to the strongest ancestral dragon in history? The old Dragon King was shocked.


On the Dragon Island, endless thunder descended and turned the entire Holy Mountain into a sea of ​​thunder. It was so terrifying that a random burst of lightning from the Holy Mountain was enough to turn a huge mountain into ashes. However, the Holy Mountain of the Dragon Clan is extremely special, and those thunderbolts are restrained by the Holy Mountain.

At this moment, there are no dragons left on the Holy Mountain. When the Ancestral Dragon decided to fulfill Zhou Tong, he had already dismissed all the dragons on the Holy Mountain.

Because the old ancestral dragon knew that Zhou Tong was the only ancestral dragon in this life.

Is this the thunder catastrophe that hits the Half-Ancestor? It's too weak!!

Zhou Tong didn't care in the face of these thunders. He was used to it after going through tribulations. He didn't even have any defense and allowed the thunder sea to rush into his body.

These thunderbolts could not do anything to him at all, but were completely absorbed by his body. At the same time, deep in his body, dragon energy struck one after another, and the last molt of the dragon king's evolution to the ancestor dragon began.


The sea of ​​thunder came to the world. This was a boiling ocean, belonging to the world of thunder. Thunder carrying countless laws of the world came to Zhou Tong, rushed into his body, and tempered his soul and body. There was no waste. Every bit of strength.

The endless thunder bombarded for a full day before finally stopping. At this moment, Zhou Tong also successfully completed the last transformation on the road to evolve into the ancestral dragon.

hold head high!!

The dragon roared for nine days, and Zhou Tong shed his old skin and was completely reborn, with the inside and outside becoming one. He was extremely powerful, with inexhaustible terrifying divine power at his fingertips. He finally completed the final leap and underwent an unprecedented transformation.

At this moment, the dragon clan finally gave birth to a new ancestral dragon.

Tens of thousands of dragons roared on Dragon Island, welcoming the arrival of the new ancestral dragon.

However, this is not the end of Zhou Tong's current transformation. The endless star power in the sky converges into Yangtze Rivers, turning into brilliant waterfalls, rushing toward Zhou Tong's body.

The body is tempered by the brilliance of billions of stars. This is something that only half ancestors can enjoy after they have passed through the thunder tribulation. The only baptism given by heaven and earth, Zhou Tong's power has been sublimated again!

The starry sky completely submerged the entire Dragon Island.

On the Eternal Life Continent, the monks who paid attention to this matter all showed shock on their faces; especially the half-ancestors, they were even more shocked.

How is it possible to have so many stars? When I was promoted to half-ancestor, the stars were less than one ten thousandth of his. How could I be so strong? A half-ancestor couldn't believe it.

The newly promoted half-ancestor seems to be on the Dragon Island. With such a terrifying starlight infusion, could it be that the dragon clan has given birth to a new ancestral dragon? The other half-ancestor was also a little shocked. The strength of the dragon clan was a bit scary.

In fact, this baptism of starlight when he was promoted to Half Ancestor can also give a rough idea of ​​the strength of this newly promoted Half Ancestor. The more terrifying Xinghui is, the more terrifying the strength of this new half-ancestor will naturally be.

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