Zhou Tong quickly entered the oasis and saw several young dragons fighting.

Although the Dragon King was not seen, there is no doubt that these dragons are also transforming into the Dragon King.

Although some dragon kings of the dragon clan are innate, there are also those who are acquired. If some dragons that are not dragon kings are strong enough and even kill the dragon king, it is possible to replace them, but this possibility is extremely low.


However, after Zhou Tong approached, the fighting young dragons stopped at the same time and turned their heads to look at Zhou Tong.

Even though the dragons are young, they are very vigilant. They have discovered Zhou Tong; of course, this is also related to Zhou Tong not hiding his aura.

Zhou Tong did not hide anything and walked out of the jungle directly. The surging dragon energy and power on his body, as well as the pair of sapphire-like ancestral dragon horns on his head, already showed his identity as the Dragon King.

Although those little dragons were a little vigilant, they still did not take action against Zhou Tong, because they were no longer able to deal with dragons that could transform. These little dragons just roared at him a few words symbolically, and then dispersed.

After the little dragons dispersed, Zhou Tong turned his head and looked at a towering ancient tree, only to see a skinny old dragon lying on the ground. This is an old and disfigured old dragon. The dragon horns on his head have fallen off, and the dragon scales on his body have almost fallen off. Only the old skin is left wrapped around the bones, just like a skeleton.

The body of the old dragon is not that huge. It is coiled together like a snake. It looks as big as three houses, and it seems to be almost twenty feet long.

At this moment, the old dragon's cloudy eyes were looking at where Zhou Tong was.

The two dragons looked at each other, and the old dragon showed a hint of kindness, a hint of relief, and a hint of surprise in his eyes, just like an old man watching his descendants achieve great achievements.

Greetings to Zulong! Zhou Tong bowed and saluted.

You're back! I didn't expect you to transform so quickly! The old dragon made an old voice, and a faint light flashed in its cloudy eyes. It stared at Zhou Tong. To be precise, it saw Zhou Tong. The ancestral dragon energy in the body.

Two dragon kings of this generation have fallen in your hands. You have also absorbed the ancestral dragon energy from the Dragon Island that was scattered on the island after the death of the ancestor dragons, as well as the ancestral dragon energy of the previous dragon kings. Your transformation speed is far faster. Beyond my imagination.”

Lao Long saw through Zhou Tong's true identity and the origin of his ancestral dragon energy with just one glance.

There is a curse in our dragon clan. The ancestor dragons do not meet each other. It is still too early for you to return to Dragon Island. The old dragon said bluntly.

Please give me some advice from Zu Long! Zhou Tong's attitude was very low. The old dragon seemed to mean that he was still far away from Zu Long and it would be useless to come back now.

With your current level of evolution, you still need one ancestral dragon beard to be perfect. But does it mean you have reached the level of an ancestral dragon if you have gathered all the characteristics of an ancestral dragon?

When the old man said this, his eyes dimmed, he shook his head slightly and said: Having gathered all the characteristics of the ancestral dragon, this can only be regarded as meeting one of the standards of the ancestral dragon. You still need to transform further.

If I guess correctly, after you have cultivated to the realm of perfection, you will have gathered all the characteristics of the ancestral dragon, which can be regarded as the initial completion of the body of the ancestral dragon. But there is a further step of cultivation, which is to transfer the dragon energy in the body Thoroughly refine it and transform it all into the energy of the ancestral dragon!

After a pause, the old dragon continued: The Dragon Qi and Ancestral Dragon Qi in your body are as distinct as water and oil, so I can see how you got the Ancestral Dragon Qi. If you really refine Transformed into dragon energy, the inside and outside are integrated, so even I can't see what you have been through...

Lao Long didn't say much, but Zhou Tong already understood.

After breaking through to the realm of perfection, he can only transform into the body of an ancestral dragon, but he is not yet an ancestral dragon inside. It is necessary to go a step further and integrate the dragon energy and ancestral dragon essence in the body, further refine it, and integrate the inside and outside. From then on, every essence in the body is the essence of the ancestral dragon, and every dragon qi is the energy of the ancestral dragon.

I see...If that's the case, then I don't have to continue suppressing it!! Zhou Tong pondered for a while and then started to break through.

In the Youchaotian Palace, I had already cultivated to the point where I could leap into the ninth heaven. Later, I was afraid that I would continue to break through and trigger the curse of the Dragon Clan, so I quickly came to Dragon Island. Now that he knows that he is still some distance away from the ancestral dragon, he can naturally break through this realm directly.

Zhou Tong directly transformed into the true form of Baizhang Qinglong. Now, his body is extremely close to the ancestral dragon, and the dragon's body flying across the sky directly makes the little dragons in the holy mountain extremely envious.

However, in their envious eyes, a majestic dragon power surged out, with Zhou Tong as the center, it was like a tsunami, with terrifying fluctuations surging in all directions.

The entire Dragon Island seemed to feel this majestic pressure. The sound of dragon roars on the Dragon Island came one after another, and then the Dragon Clan's holy mountain began to shake violently, as if a big earthquake had occurred on the island.

The terrifying fluctuations were like extremely terrifying sources of destruction, shaking all directions. If the Holy Mountain of Dragon Island was not so special, it would definitely be shattered by this fluctuation when Zhou Tong broke through.

Zhou Tong's whole body was shrouded in azure glow, like a phoenix reborn from the ashes. He shed a layer of old skin directly in mid-air. Then the azure glow bloomed all over his body, and powerful energy fluctuations swept away like a tide. , earth-shattering.

The body evolved again, and a brand new body was displayed in front of all dragons.

The ancestral dragon horns, ancestral dragon head, ancestral dragon body, ancestral dragon claws, ancestral dragon belly, ancestral dragon tail, ancestral dragon palms, ancestral dragon whiskers, ancestral dragon scales, all the characteristics of the ancestral dragon were completely perfected at this moment.

At this moment, he finally truly entered the realm of perfection, and his body had transformed into the perfect ancestral dragon body.

Cultivation is all about going against the will of heaven, and Yu Yue successfully transformed into a human being, which can be said to have greatly broadened the path of cultivation. After cultivating to this level, even if there is an accident later in the practice, it will be difficult to destroy and there will still be a chance to repair it.

This is a powerful and terrifying realm!

This is the realm of perfection, this is the body of the ancestral dragon!! Zhou Tong couldn't help but feel a sense of perfection in his heart. This is the psychology produced by the body's complete evolution into the perfect ancestral dragon state.

But, it's still not enough!! Only after he truly transformed into the body of the ancestral dragon, did he have a clear understanding in his heart. What Laozu Long said is right, he is already perfect on the outside, but there is still something lacking on the inside.

The body has completely transformed into the body of an ancestral dragon, but it still needs to continue to temper the energy of the ancestral dragon to unify the inside and outside of the body. Only then can it be regarded as a true ancestral dragon.

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