Enlightenment begins with covering the sky

Chapter 1496 The Universal Sixth Secret Realm

After confirming that Zhou Tong was willing to take over this territory from God, Luo Tianxian and Meng Hai also showed a smile.

If he agrees, then he is considered to be on God’s side.

Meng Hai waved his hand, and a picture scroll suddenly unfolded in front of Zhou Tong's eyes, forming a giant picture with a radius of ten feet, and a large map appeared in front of Zhou Tong.

This is a rough map of God. Any area you point at with your finger can be compared to a big world. Pressing a palm print on the map is a huge area equivalent to the peak fairyland.

This is only a part of the area that is currently suitable for survival. There are still large areas that are polluted by weirdness and ominousness, and are not reflected on this map. Immortal Emperor Menghai said, According to our previous rules, any reliance on Anyone who has developed their own abilities can put a handprint on the uninhabited land of this map. The large area covered by this handprint is equivalent to your territory.

Immortal Emperor Menghai waved his palm again, and the map suddenly fluctuated, with pieces of territory appearing on it. Each territory had a handprint, blooming with endless light, high above, at least they were all masterpieces of Dao Ancestors, and even There are also some taken by the Immortal Emperor.

Although it is said to be a handprint, the handprint actually only represents a general position. There are a large number of blank spaces between each handprint on the map. There are lines on those blank spaces, which are what distinguish each piece of land.

That was once the territory of the powerful, but those places have now become their territory that reflects history. On this map, 80% of the places are full, leaving not much space, but it is more than enough to give Zhou Tong a piece of land.

Luo Tianxian continued: Now is a special time for God. If fellow Taoist is willing to bring a group of creatures up to replenish God's blood, fellow Taoist can press three fingerprints on it.

Zhou Tong looked at Luo Tianxian. Although they hoped to resurrect their past companions and hope that God would be revived, in fact, they were still worried about the future of God. They also hoped that fresh blood could enter God and resurrect God from another way.

In order to increase combat power as quickly as possible, we chose this method of resurrection that reflects history...but while reflecting history, it also leaves room for other people who rush into the sky to develop further. Zhou Tong After thinking about it carefully, God's measure really cannot be considered a mistake.

They may be more confident than Emperor Huangtian, even to the point of arrogance. Otherwise, how could they take such an extreme method of resurrecting the entire heaven?

You just underestimated the weirdness and ominousness, and overestimated your own methods. Zhou Tong finally understood God's thoughts on these choices.

But such a piece of land is good, let the Ba Ti lineage also gain a foothold in Heaven! Since Cang Tian Ba ​​Ti contains the word 'Cang Tian', how could it not be stationed in Heaven? Zhou Tong said silently in his heart, It's just right for Ba Ti There are also a group of self-proclaimed Dacheng Hegemons in the Ancestral Cave, and they have no chance to become mortal immortals, so let them come here and lead the descendants of the Hegemon lineage to open up the territory of God!

It just so happens that some of the mysteries of my own Sixth Secret Realm are directly transmitted to the lineage of God's Tyrant Body, allowing them to go one step further. Zhou Tong said in his heart.

After cultivating to Zhou Tong's current level, it is completely easy to sum up a sixth secret realm method that can be practiced by others based on his own sixth secret realm.

It is to use some of the mysteries of the God Emperor Sutra as a guide to cultivate the divine form into potential life, and then use secret methods to transform it into true life, and then use true life as the sixth secret realm.

When Zhou Tong himself took this step, he relied on the Mirror of Reincarnation and the spiritual nourishment in the cave of ancient chaos.

But now that he has completely taken this path, it is not difficult to sum up a secret method for turning latent life into real life. It can even be said to be easy.

In fact, Shi Hao could also make others easily follow his own path of looking up to the gods, but for the sake of future generations, he was afraid that his own path would lead future generations astray, so he did not pass it down. That’s all.

But Zhou Tong doesn't have that big of a worry. Anyway, according to his opinion, those who practice the Sixth Secret Realm are juniors with little potential, who will not be able to become quasi-immortal emperors in this life. Rather than letting this kind of juniors dissipate little by little, it is better to let them go further.

The hegemons with real potential stay in the lower realm and follow the path of mortal immortals.

Those who have little potential go to heaven and open up territory for future generations. It would be better to just give them the method of the Sixth Secret Realm and let them become Immortal Kings.

As for those who can't stand the temptation and practice directly, that doesn't matter. Because they have no pursuit of their own and no perseverance to resist temptation, no matter how talented they are, it will be in vain.

Thinking of this, Zhou Tong began to think about the scriptures of this secret realm.

Hmm, but speaking of it, my secret method seems to be tailor-made for the bloodline of Ba Ti. This secret method can definitely become the sixth secret realm that is common to the Ba Ti bloodline!! He thought a little in his mind. After reading the scriptures of the Sixth Secret Realm, Zhou Tong couldn't help but have this idea in his mind.

The divine form turns into latent life, the latent life turns into real life, and the real life turns into secret realm.

In fact, any living being can practice this secret method. At least it is not difficult to become an immortal with this secret method.

However, according to the current situation, the more divine forms there are, the more true life will be transformed, and the stronger the Sixth Secret Realm will be. Besides a bloodline like Ba Ti, who else can cultivate multiple divine forms?

Generally, pure-blood hegemons have nine divine forms. Even for hegemons with impure blood, it is not difficult to have two or three divine forms; for those with higher blood concentration, six or seven divine forms are no problem.

However, even if it is suitable for Tyrant Blood, it is still a kind of imprisonment... After learning my secret method, it is almost impossible to become a quasi-immortal emperor. Zhou Tong said in his heart.

He didn't finish what he said, because according to his situation, the divine form is different, and the true destiny he will achieve when the time comes is also different. For example, the Ba Ti lineage itself has the divine forms of snakes and white tigers.

We must know that each person's divine form actually represents his or her own path. Turning the divine form into true life and secret realm is essentially an extension of the path.

The sixth secret realm they actually cultivated according to this method may not be the same as Zhou Tong's.

Therefore, there is still a slight possibility that they can break through the confinement and leap forward; this sixth secret realm method is not actually a dead end, and it is still possible to break through.

The key is whether they can take their own step on this basis.

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