Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 652 Certificate of Surrender

When Colin Capello brought up the practice of martial arts, the faces of the servants of the Gilvis family immediately fell.

This is indeed a long-standing tradition of the knighthood ceremony. Although it is a sideshow, for the recruits, this is a great opportunity for them to show their faces. If they perform well, they will have the opportunity to stay in the minds of the lords of the various knights and the senior management of the consortium. Very impressed.

But the canonization ceremonies in previous years have never been as one-sided as today.

Almost all the recruits with the highest comprehensive evaluation went to the Scarlet Knights, and the Gilvis family didn't even pick up the leftovers. Only one of them applied to join them. Even if she hadn't taken the initiative to apply, they would have fallen into It reached a point where no one participated in martial arts exercises.

Colin Capello let nature take its course and became the leader of the performance.

Everything is going according to his expectations now.

What he really values ​​​​is not the ennobling ceremony or the martial arts performance itself, but the party after the ceremony. This is an opportunity to showcase the Capello family to others, and those who have the opportunity to influence the decision-making of the consortium will be present.

Their ultimate goal is not just to make the Gilvis family lose face, but to take back the scepter that dominates the future of the consortium into their own hands.

They have waited too long for this day to come.

Colin secretly sent a look to the maid behind him, and the other party responded to him with a reassuring look.

His fists, which were clenched with nervousness, finally relaxed.

The order of the martial arts performance has been arranged in advance. The one who represented the Scarlet Knights was naturally Kane. He put on his helmet confidently and quickly stepped onto the martial arts field - this was a must-win duel. In the comprehensive evaluation , his combat skills are second to none at his level.

The Monk family discussed this for a long time, and finally selected an unlucky guy to accept this duel that had no suspense for a long time.

Kane felt that this duel did not even require him to take action personally. There were at least several people in the audience who could easily put the opponent down.

The reason why the Monk family was put in second place was because the Capello family did not take the Monk family seriously. The protagonists of this conferment ceremony were the Gilvis family and the Winter Knights.

Not surprisingly, the first martial arts performance ended quickly, and it was probably the most disparate battle in recent years.

Before the servants could recover, the recruit who represented the Monk family was easily thrown off the ring by Kane. It seemed that even the loser himself had not recovered.

It stands to reason that the difference in strength between students of the same level should not be so huge.

An older servant said with a frown.

Although he has never been a knight or participated in martial arts performances, as a spectator, he is experienced. Did he cheat or fake the match?

How could it be a fake match?

The young servant refuted him, Wu Yan represents the face of the family. What's more, even if he doesn't want to take into account the face of the Monk family, he still has to consider his future situation in the Knights. This kind of failure will be looked down upon by others. of.

Hearing this, Song Lan glanced at Young Master Frantine.

Fortunately, the respected Young Master Frantine was emotionally stable, and the failure in the martial arts performance did not make him unhappy. His mind was never even focused on the ceremony of enthronement and the martial arts performance.

His face was still pale, and judging from the way he was fidgeting, Song Lan guessed that Master Frantin must not have done anything well yet.

He could only wish the young master a speedy recovery, gain wisdom from the pain, and eat less spicy skin in the future.

There is no knowledge in the choice of the Knights of Winter. They can only send the only recruit of this batch who is willing to join them to the martial arts stage.

I hope I won't be beaten too badly. She is a girl after all.

The older servant saw this and muttered.

Song Lan didn't like hearing this. He had absolute confidence in Director Lu. From a long time ago, he had determined that the director's duel level was invincible among his peers. I have never defeated the opponent before.

He believed that the supervisor must have more than a dozen ways to kill Kane.

First of all, the name Kane doesn't sound like he's very capable of playing.

the other side.

Aren't you going to say something?

Seeing that Lu Xiang still didn't say a word, after both parties performed the standard knightly salute, Kane said in a voice that only the two of them could hear, Actually, I was really sweating when the instructor assigned you to the Scarlet Knights. If you agree, we won’t be able to meet in this way.”

He couldn't help but think back to the conversation last night.

I said, one day, we might be at odds with each other.

It's just that this time came earlier than he imagined, and it was still under such an occasion.

Who would have thought that as the chief of this term, he would eventually face the crane tail who ranked last in the comprehensive evaluation? Moreover, he came prepared.

After arriving home last night, Master Colin sent an experienced member of the Guards to formulate detailed tactics for him based on the technical and tactical characteristics of each level.

The Capello family made only one request to him.

No matter who represents the Knights of Winter during the ceremony, don't make it easy for the other party.

Mo Lian, this is not against you...

It was his pledge of allegiance to the Capello family.

What responded to him was the roar of the projectile launcher. The explosion was so close that it once caused Kane to have a brief tinnitus, and Mo Lian, who was only a few steps away from him, had lost sight of him.


The Guards Knights have specifically mentioned Mo Lian's tactical characteristics. They believe that her fighting style is more similar to that of an assassin than that of a knight, which can make up for the gap in her strength and exoskeleton armor operation to the greatest extent.

But once the assassin is found out, what awaits them will be complete defeat.

They had rehearsed this scenario many times.

Even if his vision is blocked and his hearing is impaired, he can predict the opponent's next move.

Your target should be my chin, right? This is where the exoskeleton armor defense is weakest...

Before he finished speaking, Kane suddenly felt his feet light up and fell backwards on his back.

The defensive posture he confidently assumed had no effect at all, but instead formed a rather funny scene in the eyes of the knights.

When the opponent moved around behind him, Kane, the chief, confidently put up a defensive posture in front of no one, and slashed into the air with his sword before falling down in a hurry.

Lu Xiang glanced at Kane, who was lying on the ground in a daze, speechlessly. For a moment, she couldn't tell whether he was a knight or a battlefield announcer.

However, Kane's broadcast gave her some clues.

The reason why the opponent was able to win such a devastating victory just now was not only suppressed by strength, but also because someone gave him guidance in advance and formulated tactics based on the technical characteristics of each peer, allowing him to gain the ability to predict the unknown in the battle.

This can only be regarded as a backstory at best, and is far from truly predicting the future.

And she had seen the ability to truly foresee the future.

According to the principle of point-stopping, Kane was defeated the moment he fell.

Because if this were on a real battlefield, she could already use the projectile launcher to blow the opponent's head off. However, the Iris Foundation's martial arts competition is mainly about sparring and the use of lethal weapons is prohibited, so she is projectile today. The ammunition installed in the launcher is only a shock bomb that can make the opponent dizzy and tinnitus.

What happened next made the crowd's excited voices gradually disappear, replaced by silence, leaving only the sound of the sword blade rubbing against the exoskeleton armor from time to time on the stage.

They all held their breath in unison, because Lu Xiang's attack method was so light that he didn't look like a knight at all.

Whenever Kane struggled to get up from the ground, the sword's edge would hit his joints accurately, causing him to fall to the ground in humiliation again.

The thick exoskeleton armor became a burden, and only the lords and members of the Guards saw the way.

In addition to his unparalleled accuracy, what was even more terrifying was that in front of Lu Xiang, Kane was like a blind man.

The knight's standard helmet has a built-in thermal imaging system, so that even invisible opponents cannot escape their scanning. The reason why Kane is in such a embarrassed state is because at this moment, his vision, hearing, and the impact of being hit by the blade Each part conveyed completely different information to him.

Instead, his senses deceived him into making incorrect judgments.

The lords all looked at their mentor in unison. This was not a skill that recruits were exposed to. At one point, they even saw the shadow of the chief knight in it.

As time passed by, impatience and anxiety filled Kane's heart.

Gradually, he seemed to understand the other party's true purpose.

Under the continuous impact, the exoskeleton armor at his ankles could no longer protect him. His feet began to tremble uncontrollably. The weight of the exoskeleton armor became the last straw that was about to crush him. Now he It seemed that all it took was a slight push to cause him to fall to the ground.

What's more, since the moment he lost his center of gravity for the first time, the opponent has never allowed him to truly stand up.

This reminded Kane of the days when he aspired to become a knight in his childhood. His parents spent a lot of money to hire a knight who was said to be quite experienced to teach him fighting skills. He was also teased in this way at that time. Falling to the ground again and again.

Does this also mean that Mo Lian had no intention of treating him as an opponent that needed to be taken seriously from the beginning?

His ankle was completely numb and he fell to the ground again.

And Mo Lian also spoke for the first time after stepping onto the martial arts stage, Are you admitting defeat?

A simple and direct inquiry without any emotion.

Don't admit it, ah——!

The angry shout was blocked by a muffled sound in his chest.

Mo Lian didn't seem to give him a chance to breathe and struggle. When she received a negative reply, she raised her right foot and stepped on Kane's chest, completely suppressing the latter's unwilling roar. .

Are you admitting defeat?


This time, the sword fell towards the helmet. Just when the sword edge was about to sink into the gap in the helmet, it deflected and sank into the ground beside Kane's neck.

Are you admitting defeat?

Lu Xiang responded with a long silence.

All the spectators watched the showdown come to an end without saying a word.



Kane was interrupted by a sudden voice in his mind.

It passed directly over his opponent and reached him, leaving him at a loss and instinctively feeling uneasy and fearful in his heart. Kane clearly felt that the voice seemed to be occupying his consciousness and body.

Don't think about anything, don't do anything.

The voice warned him, Then, give me your body.

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