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Baili Qingfeng is a little stunned.

“Baili Ruler can take a look first.”

Qi smiled during the day.

East Divine Continent attracted the attention of all over the world because of the appearance of Three Fusion Technique. Among them, Baili Qingfeng, one of the three founders of Three Fusion Technique, is also watched by all great characters.

Different from Dongshengyang and Nanfeng.

Baili Qingfeng is only 21 years old.

At the age of 21, I can already create the Refining Spirit Secret Technique, such as Three Fusion Technique, which inspires the power of the heart. The talents of Innate Talent can be imagined.

Others thought that his path to the Xeon was decided, but during the day he was more or less heard and doubted.

In addition to Body Refining, Baili Qingfeng Refining Spirit has reached 9th level. If we can go further, Spirit breaks the barriers of illusion and reality and interferes with the material world. It is not necessarily worse than top powerhouse.

Investing and paying for such a promising young talent is good for Heaven’s Mystery Building.

So there was the day when Qi Xuan was sent at this moment.

“Don’t read it, I believe that white clothed wins the big guy, I believe the landlord.”

Baili Qingfeng did not immediately look through it.

It is mainly the Primal True Body that he has only seen before. The most core part of Primal True Body is the Ancestral Dragon Mountain unspread secret, which is not recorded in the book. It is often passed on by word of mouth, reaching a certain level in the cultivator. The degree will be passed on to the next generation.

In other words, he has not seen the real Xeon method, and he has no idea whether this Wind and Thunder Heaven and Earth Qi can be used or not.

“I remember, was n’t the Xeon law monopolized? There is a tacit understanding among the Xeon forces around the world. No one should pass the Xeon law out, otherwise all Xeon forces will resist. A martial artist who has the right and the right to take a shot, and steals the Xeon Fa, who owns the Xeon Fa? “

“So it is, but …”

Slightly smiled during the day: “If the Level 9 martial artist had successfully broken through before the matter was leaked, refining the truth into reality, stepping into the top powerhouse realm?”

“en! ?”

Baili Qingfeng looks at this Lord of Heaven’s Mystery Building.

“No one will tear his face for a Xeon and a real top powerhouse.”

He smiled during the day and said, “Baili Qingfeng Ruler cultivation only needs to be concealed deliberately for a period of time. Naturally, people are not afraid of being discovered. With the growth speed of Baili Qingfeng Ruler, when the secret is really leaked out, then, Baili Ruler has already reached the top of the world and is a member of the world’s top powerhouse. “

Baili Qingfeng understood the meaning of daylight.

This is probably another form of cut-and-roll.

“So what do I need to do?”

Baili Qingfeng said.

“I said that this Xeon method is just a meeting ceremony.”

Said in the day: “The next topic is the transaction. We are interested in Three Fusion Technique by Baili Qingfeng Ruler.”

“Three Fusion Technique? Oh, you guys want Three Fusion Technique. Well, Three Fusion Technique is not very valuable, just equivalent to a Xeon battle skill …”

“Baili Qingfeng Ruler, we mean … want to buy the right to use Three Fusion Technique.”


Baili Qingfeng quickly understood the meaning of Daytime Kai: “You guys … want to buy out Three Fusion Technique?”

“Yes, of course, it is naturally your right to pass the Three Fusion Technique to Baili Qingfeng Ruler in the future, but we hope Heaven’s Mystery Building can also teach Three Fusion Technique to outsiders.”

Qi Tian said that the tone was lightly paused: “Three Fusion Technique can inspire the power of Heart, but Baili Qingfeng Ruler probably does not know the meaning of fully grasping the power of Heart?”

“Body Refining, Qi Refining, Refining Spirit, martial skill, heart, 5 strengths all make up a martial artist?”

“not only that.”

The daytime involuntarily lowered some voices: “Baili Qingfeng Sect Master should understand that our Martial Dao inheritance is almost completely derived from the 2nd World. Before our World completely contacts the 2nd World, human beings are the most powerhouse and can only reach True. Immortal’s situation … “

“No, isn’t there the Remining Spirit Prominent Divine?”

“Ahem, I’m talking about Body Refining, Qi Refining lineage.”

Said during the day: “True Immortal’s subsequent Celestial level and World Level are based on the Body Refining system in the 2nd World and combined with our own system to refine it. Baili Qingfeng Ruler has been to the 2nd World It should be known that there is almost no internal cultivator in 2nd World. “

Baili Qingfeng nodded: “I know that 2nd World refers to Level 7 as Swordsman, Level 8 as Reserve Knight, Level 9 as Knight, Top Powerhouse as Great Knight, and the well-known figure is called Great Knight Long and so on …… “

“Ahem … this is the same, but most of us still use Small Commander, Commander, Great Commander, and the lord to call the 2nd World cultivator …”

Baili Qingfeng rubbed his head.

Can’t everyone unify one after another? It’s hard to remember.

Called Knight and so on, how good?

“But since Baili Qingfeng Ruler knows Knight and Great Knight, then it should be known that Knight, also known as the Temple Knight, because they believe in their deities … Although we have never really seen the so-called 2nd World so-called Deities, but … there are eight-nine, this terrifying life form really exists. “


Baili Qingfeng listened with some surprise.

The difficulty of his mission …

Added again?

He just wanted to read a book quietly, go to school, and by the way one after another under the Aurora World to eliminate humanoids, why …

How many goals are getting farther and farther away from him?

Is there a pure land where people can live and work when the world is bigger?

“I know that when anyone hears this news, they feel shocked, incredible, and even heart-born …”

“Say, what does the shrine look like? How can I fight to death? Finish it earlier and I will make up for my lost studies earlier.”

As for going to school on time every day, not being late, not absent from school, not leaving early, and not asking for leave?

He has dared no longer hope.


Qi tilted his head during the day and glanced at the white clothed win beside him.

Seems to be asking something.

And white clothed wins …

As usual and personable, clothes whiter than snow, floating like a fairy, he smiled implicitly, and was extraordinary, giving a smile to the day.


Daylight was silent for 3 seconds, with a smile on his face: “So far we haven’t figured out whether or not a god exists, but just inferred that there is such a horrible life …”


Baili Qingfeng looking thoughtful.

This situation seems familiar …

Is the level not enough, hasn’t a new map been opened yet?

Or is the new map open by time, 100 years ago, the upper limit of the level was from Level 8 True Immortal, to the top powerhouse level?

It’s been 100 years now … It looks like a god-level map?

The next words of Tian Qiqi verified Baili Qingfeng’s speculation: “In the past ten years, as our exploration of the Second World has intensified, it has even gradually affected the situation of many forces in the Second World. The orcs, feathers, treants, and tartars gradually turned their attention to our world …. Your East Divine Continent Tianmen Mountain Battlefield Caves increased their troops to hunted thousand. This is the best example. If the war intensity rises, I am afraid, God He will show up … “

“I know, the oracle and the power of this heart …”

“The Yuanzhishi Master recently translated a key piece of information. The key to the success of the oracle is the power of the heart. In other words, the power of the heart is the main cornerstone, or even one of the most important cornerstones.”

Said in the daytime said solemnly: “At present this news is only in the hands of a few forces, but as the news spreads, it will inevitably lead to the madness of those World Level powerhouses. When you master Three Fusion Technique, Dong Shengyang When the south wind passes, it will be pushed to the tip of the wind. “

It’s the cusp again …

Baili Qingfeng was a little silent.

just like……

Pediatrics holding gold over downtown?

“If you trade Three Fusion Technique to us, we can take all the risks for you.”

“Trading Three Fusion Technique is not a problem. I originally planned to promote Three Fusion Technique so that we humans and humanoids have a greater advantage in the battle. However, I do not want the Three Fusion Technique I created to eventually become evil for others. Tool, if anyone has used Three Fusion Technique to commit evil, then in the future, I will be eligible to recover Three Fusion Technique from them. “

Baili Qingfeng solemnly said, “Before anyone cultivates Three Fusion Technique, you have to make it clear to them.”

Kai glanced at Baili Qingfeng during the day …

He thought that Baili Qingfeng’s idea was a little naive. The other party learned Three Fusion Technique. What did he want to do? How can he stop it? What is the significance of such a warning?


Just tell me something, what impact did they not at all have.

“Okay, I can promise you, those who are extremely sinful, we will not teach them, and we will tell you the Baili Ruler intact. If they use Three Fusion Technique as evil, Baili Qingfeng Ruler and we have the right to recover Three Fusion Technique on them. “

“That’s okay. I’ll talk to Dong Shengyang and Nanfeng.”

Baili Qingfeng said, took out the phone and turned on Dong Shengyang and Nan Feng Guo.

Dong Shengyang and Nanfeng tried to push Baili Qingfeng when they first appeared in Three Fusion Technique. In fact, they also had a mind of avoiding disasters. Now this thing is getting bigger and bigger. Baili Qingfeng, an Innate Talent, is full of Level 9 Ruler. Some couldn’t bear it, Heaven’s Mystery Building appeared and was willing to take the Three Fusion Technique, they naturally have no opinions.

“They agreed.”

Baili Qingfeng hung up the phone.

“You … don’t need to ask us what we plan to trade with you? After all, this is an Equivalent to buyout.”

“The proud Sword God moderator and white clothed winner helped me a lot on my cultivation path. I can trust the character of you two. Moreover, even if Heaven’s Mystery Building really didn’t come up with a transaction that satisfied me. Let me be grateful to the two big brothers for their help over the years. “

Baili Qingfeng said.

During the day, Qi took a deep look at Baili Qingfeng, and for a moment, he said, “Then we will bring the item to Xia and Baili Qingfeng Ruler to trade in 3 days.”

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