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Today, if the East Divine Continent is the most concerned martial artist, naturally, the powerful Emperor of the Aurora Empire is the first.

Even Zhao Jiansheng, who was previously rated as East Divine Continent’s first powerhouse by Heaven’s Mystery Building, was not able to rival the Aurora Emperor in fame and attention.

After all, one is Peak top powerhouse, while the other is also Peak top powerhouse, and he is also in command of one of the most powerful super empires in the military in the world today, the Aurora Empire.

In this case, naturally the attention received by the two people is not much comparability.

The aurora empire is the first of all martial artist’s attention, but among the younger martial artists, it is because of the fall of Su 1000 Line, the 8-level peak True Immortal, that the name Baili Qingfeng has been brought to the forefront.

At the age of 20, a sneak attack assassinated a True Immortal, a peak of 3 Holy Alliance who can fight against the Level 9 powerhouse. This record is simply Legendary.

Even the East Star Divine Continent’s top ten stars, the North Star Constantine and the Bucks Simba, are afraid to say that they can do this.

Let them fight head-to-head with Su 1000, the well-known 8-level peak powerhouse, for less than 2% of the time.

Even though Baili Qingfeng killed Su 1000 by the assassination method, his 20-year-old age was enough to smooth the small flaw of “sneak attack.”

Especially before that, he had defeated Miro, the god of God in East Divine Continent, and stepped on this breakthrough to reach the rank of God incarnation of True Immortal realm, which made him become a nearly 3 month, A young powerhouse with the highest profile.

Such a young powerhouse can cause countless people to discuss spiritedly.

In this situation of amazing attention and exposure, Baili Qingfeng returned from the 2nd World Endless Forest and stepped into the land True Immortal realm in one fell swoop, but he regretted that he had missed the news of the Xeon Road, and it was like a storm. In a very short period of time, it spread to less than half of the East Divine Continent, letting everyone know the news.

So that…

While Baili Qingfeng was still sleeping and rested, his cell phone had been persevering for several minutes.

Baili Qingfeng with eyes opened first looked at the time on the wall …

He slept for ten hours.

It can be seen that the endless forest and his party really made him miserable.

Then he tilted his head, took the non-stop phone, and pressed the answer button.

“Qingfeng, I’m true.”

“Senior Senior?”

Baili Qingfeng calmed down slightly from waking.

“Qingfeng … is the news from the Bucks real? Your path to Xeon …”

Shouzhen was anxious, but asked with a hint of caution.

Xeon Road …

This topic silenced Baili Qingfeng.

And Shouzhen guessed something, but also said nothing.

The atmosphere on the phone was quiet for ten seconds.

Ten seconds later, Baili Qingfeng said with guilt, “I’m sorry … Senior … I let you down.”

“Really … really failed …”

The fidelity on the phone was also a bit lost, but soon he had adjusted his mood.

He understood that Baili Qingfeng was not intentionally causing the failure of the Xeon Road, and it must be that the endless forest was forced to make this decision due to special circumstances, so he turned to comfort: “It’s all right, the Xeon Road itself is not a part Simple things. There are more than a dozen Peak forces in our Divine Continent. Each has a Level 9 powerhouse. In addition to many kingdoms, it is not a minority that can advance to Level 9, but these Peak powerhouses can achieve Xeon. Yes, you can’t find one out of ten, Cheng Xeon … It is much more difficult than raising a god to become a Grandmaster, Wargod to become a Kingdom Guardian, you will not be able to take this step in the future, don’t go to your heart. “


“Don’t be sad, don’t have too many ideas, to keep your spirit, we broke the limit 2 times, and achieved Level 9 martial artist, which is still enough to be proud of the East Divine Continent.”

Shouzhen quickly comforted.

But the more open-minded the Seniors are, the more Baili Qingfeng feels sorry that they spared no effort to cultivate them.

“I didn’t expect, it’s so difficult to set foot on the Xeon …”

Baili Qingfeng said with some pain: “Actually … even without this endless forest trip, I feel that … I am not likely to be on the path of Xeon to become a Xeon seed …”


Shouzhen stopped there for a few seconds, but soon he comforted him: “The path to Xeon is really not a common martial artist who has the courage to go on. It is not shameful to fail, it will be in almost 5 Wargod or Grand Grandmaster Some people tried to go on the path to the Xeon, but eventually they came out smoothly. There are only one or two inside the thirty-forty ones. This probability is much harder than breaking through the Grandmaster and condensing the true body. “

“It’s my Innate Talent that’s too bad.”

“Oh, you are the highest Innate Talent person since our founding of the State. You all say that your Innate Talent is poor. What should we do with other youngsters?

It is true to say with a smile, but he also seems to realize that it is a bit wrong to discuss his cultivation innate talent with Baili Qingfeng at this time, adding: “Heaven is fair, people can’t expect perfection, and your real strong direction is not Body. Refining, but Refining Spirit. On Body Refining, you stop at the path of Xeon. I am afraid that it will be difficult to achieve top powerhouse in the future. However, in Refining Spirit, your height of Innate Talent is unprecedented, as long as you can work together in Refining Spirit. Keep going and break through to the Tenth Layer. Compared to top powerhouse, you will not be much different. “

“Refining Spirit is tenfold !?”

Baili Qingfeng slightly startled.

“Yes, Refining Spirit is ten!”

Shouzhen seems to have found the direction to motivate Baili Qingfeng, and quickly encouraged: “Refining Spirit, but the harder and more mysterious direction than Body Refining and Qi Refining, as far as I know in our East Divine Continent, the top powerhouse can still find There are so many, but there is only one of the top ten of Refining Spirit … No, there should be no one. I believe that as long as you can break through to the top of Refining Spirit, your future status will never be inferior to that of top powerhouse. In the war with the cavemen and beasts, the top powerhouse can’t compare with you. “

“Is Refining Spirit tenfold …”

Baili Qingfeng listened, expression was condensed again.

The frustration on his body dissipated a little.

“Yes, there is Refining Spirit. I miss the top powerhouse in Body Refining, but I can work hard in Refining Spirit! Practice at all costs! As long as there are enough targets, I can do it for up to a month. Reach the pinnacle of the Awakening phase, and as long as I accumulate to the peak, I immediately choose to break and stand and squeeze myself to the extreme to impact the Refining Spirit 9! Wait until the Refining Spirit 9 … The Refining Spirit is not far away! “

Thinking of this, Baili Qingfeng said carefully to the faithful on the phone: “Senior Senior, I understood, many thanks for your support, I am sorry for Body Refining, I am disappointing you, but for Refining Spirit … I Never let you down again for the second time. “

There was a reassuring voice from Shouzhen on the phone: “I believe in you, you are the most spiritual and innate talent I have ever encountered. I believe that we, our entire Hea, and the future, will use you Proud. “


Baili Qingfeng is heavily nodded.

At the moment, he hung up.

Now that people are awake, Baili Qingfeng doesn’t want to spend any more time in the dark.

Right now he washes a little, cleaned himself up, and found Commander Qi Rui.

As Baili Qingfeng slept for ten hours, Space Passage naturally closed, and Qi Rui, the commander of the fleet, had left, leaving only General Harde to remain.

“Baili Qingfeng Sect Master.”

Seeing Baili Qingfeng’s arrival, General Harde greeted him with a smile, but his attitude did not change.

Although Baili Qingfeng has suffered setbacks, breaking the second human limit may not be difficult for him, but a Kingdom Guardian-level powerhouse, he has no qualifications.

“The past few days, there will be a host of labor in your country, and then I plan to set off and return with labor.”

“Qingfeng Sect Master, is this going back?”


Baili Qingfeng said: “I lived up to the expectations of the elders. Fortunately, with the awakening of the true Senior, I realized that Body Refining is not okay. I can also Refining Spirit, so I will return today and invest all my energy. Together with Refining Spirit, we strive to be successful in Refining Spirit. “

“Refining Spirit …”

Hard listened to understandable nodded.

Refining Spirit is also one of the three major systems. Although the Refining Spirit method is not useful when dealing with powerhouses of the same level, even after the martial artist has completed the leak-free real body, the formidable power of the Refining Spirit Secret Technique will be reduced, but There is still a lot of convenience when lowering a realm by a higher realm.

Moreover, Baili Qingfeng is young at the Refining Spirit 8 years old, and coupled with the early training of a leak-free true body, the lifespan in the future is bound to be longer than the average 7-level powerhouse. Maybe I can punch the legendary Refining Spirit tenfold!

If you can really get to that realm, there is still hope to climb to the top of Cultivation World!

“Qingfeng Sect Master can rejuvenate so fast. I am really happy for Qingfeng Sect Master. I will arrange the boat for Qingfeng Sect Master and return to Qingfeng Sect Master.”

“It’s working.”

Baili Qingfeng promised.

Seeing Baili Qingfeng’s departure, Hard had to express his mentality.

The Xeon Road cut off such a big blow and recovered in just one day. I have to say that genius really has something to do.

As long as he can maintain this mentality of getting frustrated, it is not difficult to break the second limit, and once the second limit is broken, Sia Kingdom’s financial resources can naturally pile him to Level 2, and it will still be East Divine Continent Overlord level character on the roaring side.


The ship was bumping on the sea for a while, and the port of Shia was already in sight.

It was different from Duanmu Ruixiang when he went.

When he returned, not only Duanmu Rui arrived, Baili Changkong, Baili Tianxing, Shi Tianya, Shi Yiyi, Lu Ping and the others were waiting in the port. Among the crowd, he also saw Baili Die who had not met for a while.

After seeing him disembark, Baili Changkong immediately stepped forward, Pats his shoulders comforted: “Well, isn’t it just that you haven’t made the path to Xeon, you can’t go without success, just come back safely.”

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