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“What a nice weather …”

Baili Qingfeng looked at the clear blue sky and quietly felt the injury on his body.

The key to the heart was penetrated by a sword, although Su 1000 was worried that he wanted to fight with him to burn both jade and stone, bayonet and draw sword in one go, never twisted his sword with a circle …

Of course, Yao Jin Battle Armor’s sturdiness, it is not easy to twist the sword body that penetrates within the body.

But even so, this injury …

Can still be described as extremely serious.

In addition to this sword injury, he was hit by the fist strength of the Su 1000 line, penetrating through his body, and the internal organs are probably fragmented and the blood is permeated.

Injured and injured, now he …

Almost lost the ability to move.

At this time, I am afraid to come to any land True Immortal casually, and he can be put to death, even the new land True Immortal like Miro is no exception.

And he…

Can only lie down and wait for death.

With this pain, with this sorrow, and …

With this dissatisfaction with life, his eyes gradually became blurred …

“I don’t want to die, I really don’t want to die.”

Baili Qingfeng said to himself.

What a wonderful time, what a wonderful time, what a wonderful scenery …

Unfortunately, I’m afraid I won’t see it in the future.

It’s not completely invisible, but there will be very few opportunities for future viewing.

He doesn’t want to die, but the people of the Aurora Empire want to put him to death again and again, and the enemy each and everyone is also terrifying terrifyingly amazing. First is the land True Immortal, now it is Level 8 True Immortal. It wo n’t take long for Level 9 master. Are you coming out? Wait for another 3 to 5 months, isn’t the Aurora Emperor going to shoot in person?

Peace of mind!

Martial Practice!

Desperately Martial Practice!

Make every effort to complete 99 hardenings, embark on the path of Xeon, and then condensed a leak-free true body, stepping into the Kingdom Guardian level, and at the Kingdom Guardian level, he will strengthen by 30% in all directions.

This 30% seems not much, but it is enough to prevent him from being suppressed by all aspects when confronting the Su 1000 just now, and also allows him to start developing formidable power on the basis of the Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique 3 which has gradually stagnated. The bigger Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique 4.

After all, the physical toughness of a person who has developed a true body will be greatly enhanced. The ordinary explosion secret method can be used casually as a small skill. Then it is reasonable and reasonable for him to create Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique 4 with greater formidable power.

With Leakless Reality, Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique 4, and the assassin in front of him, he shouldn’t have to fight for his life by relying on such fluent tactics to kill him to death.

However, the path to Xeon … too difficult!

If he wants to truly embark on the path of Xeon, become a true body without leaks, and be promoted to the Kingdom Guardian level, he must devote 90% of his energy for the next 100 days, desperately trying to practice hard, otherwise After the Five Qi Towards The Origin is completed, the leak-free body is formed, and the Xeon Road will be closed to him permanently.

“That’s all, that’s all, I have already taken time off from school, and I will leave reading and listening to music. From now on, I will use it for six days a day …… fourteen hours a day for cultivation Origin God and Demon Purgatory Physique! Even if everything is left out, you must complete the training of the Xeon Road in the next 6 days! “

Baili Qingfeng has a decision in his heart!


Baili Qingfeng When thinking wildly, Kelly who came with the Su 1000 line was already stunned.

As early as Su 1000, when he noticed the crisis, he forcibly crashed into the vehicle. When flying to avoid, in order to avoid a car accident, he has immediately stabilized the steering wheel to stop the vehicle.

Fortunately, this is an urban area, all old streets and lanes, and the speed is not fast, otherwise it is strange that this sudden change does not cause a car accident.

But the next battle was to make him feel an unprecedented fear.

Each time Baili Qingfeng and Su 1000 confronted each other, a horrible gas explosion was formed. These gas explosions rolled about like a thunderous thunder. Even though the windows of some residential buildings outside the ten meters were broken.

Kelly, a Level 2 martial artist who is looking forward to the future, feels that his brain is struck by the hammer, dizzy, and blood leaks from the eardrums during the constant collision.

The battle lasted for a short while, and the battlefield moved to another area. Otherwise, he felt that at most half a minute, his eardrums would be completely shattered, and he would become deaf directly.

But even so, when watching the horror of two people smashing the small building and continuing the war, Kelly still didn’t escape his life.

He had only a single thought in his head.

That’s all up.

It’s a big deal.

The two of them are so powerful that they can guess what amazing identity they have without their brains.

For a while, he could not wait for the outcome of the war between two people, and immediately fled the car.

But before he had time to leave by car, a figure had already been smashed, and he didn’t master any clever boxing skills. In one contact, he was interrupted by his opponent’s arm, and his right foot was broken by one leg. The severe pain made him scream half-knelt: “rare life! Big brother spare life! It’s none of my business!”

It was Zhang Qingshan who did not go far to capture Kelly.

Su 1000 line came in Kelly’s car, and it seemed that someone was in the middle of contact. He had to fumble down this line, completely hiding the secret hidden in Xia, and even in Thunderbolt Sect.

Subdued Kelly, Zhang Qingshan looked at the battlefield not far away with some worries.

He didn’t know who the infiltrator was, but judging from the scene he had just seen from a distance, the invincible Sect Master of their Thunderbolt Sect seemed to …


“Nothing, Qingfeng Sect Master, 10000000 nothing.”

Zhang Qingshan murmured to himself.

At this moment, the battle volatility seemed to stop and the victory and defeat had been divided.

Perceiving this, Zhang Qingshan did not care what kind of consequences the invader would have if the winner was, his figure flew and he walked toward the battlefield outside several dozen meters immediately.

On the battlefield, two people were lying there without any movement.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Qingshan suddenly sank with a heart.

both sides suffer! ? perish together! ? burn both jade and stone! ?

Fortunately, the level of judgment that Level 3 powerhouse should have is still there.

One of the two lying people was clearly silent, and the other …

The breath is fiery!

Although it has fallen a lot compared to the heyday, it is a short distance away from life, which is 108,000 li.


Seeing this clearly, Zhang Qingshan sighed in relief, but immediately came to Baili Qingfeng: “Sect Master ……”

“Well, are you still there?”

Baili Qingfeng lay down for a while, and felt his body slightly.

After a break, his body was better.

After all, although the sword of Su 1000 line penetrated his heart, it was not a hole in his within the body. How could the severity be compared with that of Oya Forest?

It is estimated that the wounds are now healing on their own, but it will take a while for that’s all to fully recover.

He propped up and climbed up again, pats shining gold on the dirt on the Battle Armor.

At this time, Zhang Qingshan also saw the cave on Baili Qingfeng Yaojin Battle Armor and the position corresponding to the cave, and his pupils suddenly shrank: “Sect Master !? Your injury !? I’ll go immediately and ask for the best Doctor! “

“No need. It ’s not easy for doctors to see that many patients every day. Although I was seriously injured, it ’s not difficult to delay the doctor ’s time. I have a medicine in my yard. Yes.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

Zhang Qingshan on the side listened, and thought of Baili Qingfeng’s identity as nodded.

How can the medicine in the hospital be better than those Peak medicine prepared by Baili Qingfeng Sect Master?

“Then we return quickly!”

Zhang Qingshan said, and at the same time his eyes fell on the man Su 1000 who was strangled by him: “This person … I’m afraid it’s at least the peak land True Immortal powerhouse? Looks great.”

“It’s really amazing! Even if I didn’t guess wrong, he should be the 2th-level powerhouse who broke the second human limit!”

“Level 8 !?”

Zhang Qingshan’s pupils suddenly shrank.


Baili Qingfeng said picking up Su 1000’s Sabre and asked, “Do you know his identity?”

“This one……”

Zhang Qingshan couldn’t help but face revealed a bitter smile.

His level allows him to investigate the masters of the Grandmaster, Heavenly Revolution Grandmaster, and Grand Grandmaster. The land of the Grandmaster up to the True Immortal, and even the 2th level True Immortal that broke the second human limit …

That’s far beyond his strength limit.

“Even if you do n’t know it, it is estimated that it is an unknown and hidden expert in the Aurora Empire. You can find someone to clean up the battlefield. In addition, I just broke the houses of several families. You can ask someone to discuss the compensation and the funds will be from me Each month’s dividends are deducted. “

Baili Qingfeng said, adding: “The standard of compensation is higher.”

“I’m understood, please rest assured Sect Master.”

Zhang Qingshan promised carefully.

“Okay, it’s up to you. I’ll go back first. Anything to call me.”

Baili Qingfeng said, looking at himself …

Although a pocket-like space was reserved on his body, it was used by him for the walkman, wearing the Yaojin Battle Armor, and the mobile phone was really inconvenient to carry.

After a brief account of Zhang Qingshan asking him to take charge of the closing, Baili Qingfeng also walked through the old city and came to his own yard.

In the courtyard, only Yu Caiwei was present, and Ge Feibai and Ge Shasha went to school.

Seeing Baili Qingfeng’s appearance just after the war, Yu Caiwei was slightly startled: “Qingfeng, you are …”

“I have an assassin from the Aurora Empire who is going to assassinate me. I will kill him first.

“Aurora Empire? Mirow?”


Baili Qingfeng did not explain.

And Yu Caiwei saw Baili Qingfeng said so casually, but did not ask any more.

Going upstairs, Baili Qingfeng took off Yaojin Battle Armor.

After taking off the Battle Armor and Inner Armor, he glanced at the sword wounds and bruises on his body, affixed the large wound that he had bought, and smeared it with some safflower oil.

At the end, it seemed that he had vomited several mouthfuls of blood, but too much blood loss led to imbalanced nutrition. He also took some Vitamin tablets.

After taking the wound healing medicine internally and externally, he left things behind and seriously tried to further integrate the Origin God and Demon Purgatory Physique.

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