Endless route

Chapter 372 12 The sadness of the mountains and the sea and the blowing night wind

Chapter 372 12. The sadness of mountains and seas and the blowing night wind

There are no sea islands and boundless cliffs.

Dark clouds shrouded the place and heavy rain poured down. The heavy raindrops came from high in the sky, crackling against the green leaves all over the mountain. They gathered into a stream at the bottom of the dark valley and flowed into the distance along the mountain.

The mountain behind the village.

Jidao stood under the eaves, looking at the sky through the heavy rain curtain, his face as gloomy and desolate as the sky. After looking for a long time, he sighed and said to Zhang Ergou beside him:

"Er Gou, you and I are in this catastrophe. Since destiny is like this, you can't hide from it. Just accept it."

"Master Dao, your trouser legs are wet, please step back."

Zhang Ergou had an old face and a strange expression. He lowered his head and looked at Jidao's trouser legs, which had long been soaked by water splashes.

"It doesn't matter if it's wet or not."

"It doesn't matter anymore."

Ji Dao waved his hands and ignored his trouser legs. Instead, he raised his sleeves and wiped the corners of his eyes, whether to wipe away tears or rain.

"Master Dao, maybe there is a chance. We can ask Master Xian for help with this matter. In fact, in Master Xian's eyes, this is not a big deal at all. Maybe he doesn't care about it at all."

Zhang Ergou carefully worded his words and persuaded carefully.

"Perhaps, but the Immortal Master entrusted it to me, but because of my carelessness, it ended up being buried in this unknown valley. No matter what, it is difficult for me to explain to the Immortal Master."

Ji Dao felt sad and sighed repeatedly.

What he was sad about was nothing else. It was the scrawled nameless mountain village here. There was neither a majestic scene nor a relic that had been passed down through the ages. It was just an ordinary valley that was inconspicuous.

The business failed half way through.

The achievements have not been made, the fog has not been lifted, the riddles have not been solved, and just halfway through an ordinary ravine, he suddenly died suddenly.

The boat capsizes in the gutter.

Plant a hole in the ground.

No one can accept this result.

If you were asked to choose a burial place, it would be impossible to choose this place no matter what. How many hundreds or even thousands of these mere cottages and ordinary valleys are there in Wubianya?

A tombstone will be erected today.

It will be hard to find next year.

It doesn't take a hundred years, but only a dozen years. When the weeds grow wildly and the trees grow up, this place will be forgotten by everyone, and future generations will not be able to find the tombstone if they want to pay homage.

"My condolences, but this matter..."

Zhang Ergou sighed again and tried to persuade.

"Master Shan here must be killed. If he hadn't secretly caused trouble, what happened today wouldn't have happened."

Jidao opened his mouth bitterly and looked at the cave ahead. If the culprit was not killed, he would no longer have to be the heir of the Heavenly Palace. He resigned from the Immortal Master that day and returned to the Heavenly Palace to continue farming and shoveling shit.

"Master Dao, please don't hurt your body with anger. Although I went astray in Qianxian Dojo for half my life, I have saved some pension money. I can use some of it now to resolve the situation."

Zhang Ergou gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

He couldn't survive without bleeding. Ji Dao was really different from ordinary people. He stood under the eaves for a long time, his figure was sad and his tone was lonely, as if he had encountered a huge disaster.

But he was really making a fuss out of a molehill.

Because what he was sad about was not the Yin soldiers and ghost generals, nor the cold fairy ghost sedan, but the excavator invited from the Heavenly Palace.

This matter has to start from before.

After hearing that Mr. Shan might be hiding in the back mountain, and that there was a cave in the back mountain that was blocked by huge rocks filled with iron ropes, Ji Dao mobilized troops to blockade the mountain stronghold and hired an excavator to dig into the mountain.

This decision is undoubtedly the right one.

The cave is indeed filled with huge rocks, and the long and thick iron cables are indestructible, but it is not difficult in front of the excavator.

The excavator was born to do this. It can excavate directly with a breaker, and it can break even the largest boulders, and it can uproot it with just a pull of the iron cable.

As long as the excavator comes out.

Cooperate with the Yin soldiers to clean up the rubble.

There are heavy rains day and night, and no matter how deep the cave is, the excavator can clear the road in less than ten days.

But no one thought of the problem.

The excavator actually got stuck in the ditch.

Because of the heavy rain on the boundless cliff, the slippery soil and the difficulty of walking on the mountain road, and the dark clouds and dim light in the sky, the excavator accidentally fell into a ditch just halfway through.

At this moment.

The excavator was in the ditch ahead, looming through the woods, its bright yellow wagon covered in mud.

Originally, it was no problem, just trying to get it out, but the boy who drove the excavator in the West Factory said that the excavator damaged key equipment during the planting process.

To put it bluntly, it cannot be used.

When ordinary people hear this, their first reaction will definitely be to repair it, but in Ji Dao's eyes, it's completely the opposite.

The excavator is dead.

This is how Ji Dao understood it.

When he witnessed the excavator falling into the ditch earlier, Ji Dao opened his eyes wide and gasped for air. He held his breath and gritted his teeth for a full minute, and did not let go until the excavator slipped to the bottom of the valley.

Later, I was shocked to hear the news of the death of the excavator.

Ji Dao felt sad and desolate. He stood under the eaves and sighed gloomily with despair on his face. Even if the rain wet his trouser legs, he didn't care and muttered something.

Zhang Ergou really had nothing to say.

He was also born in the Qianxian Dojo and has been a Taoist boy in the Dojo since he was a child. He can understand Ji Dao's misunderstanding of machinery.

Although Ji Dao has been away from the Heavenly Palace for some time, he is either running around or looking after the pawn shop. He watches the cars running in the streets every day, but he has no time to understand deeply.

He probably thought so.

The excavator is broken and cannot be repaired.

If you can't cultivate, you will die.

Ji Dao has some feelings for the excavator, but in fact his sadness has little to do with the excavator itself.

Master Xian bought this excavator with money and handed it to Ji Dao for him to use. The life of the excavator didn't matter, but this background story was worth a lot of money and it was hard to part with it.

A magic weapon given by the Immortal Master.

Haven't made any achievements yet.

Planted in the gutter here.

Jidao couldn't accept this situation. He couldn't bear to part with the excavator, and he didn't know how to explain it to Master Xian.

Zhang Ergou hesitated for a long time, thinking that the only way to deal with the situation at hand was to repair the excavator. Instead of letting Jidao go to Xianye to ask for money, he might as well give him the money himself.

"Can it really be resolved?"

Ji Dao turned his head and looked at Zhang Ergou.

"It's really possible. If you don't believe me, just ask the guy from the West Factory. The excavator is made up of thousands of parts. Some parts are damaged. You only need to buy new parts to replace them and it can be brought back to life."

Zhang Ergou explained to Ji Dao.

After all, this is a descendant who has been isolated in the Heavenly Palace for many years. This common sense needs to be informed to him by others.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let Hetong take care of it immediately." After hearing this, Ji Dao immediately ordered to deal with the matter.

He had indeed discovered clues before, found signs of the mountain master's existence, and set up a dragnet at every outlet in the mountain. As long as the excavator opened the way, he could get a glimpse of the truth.

The sooner this happens the better.

This must not be delayed until the water level rises.

Because Ji Dao had already guessed that the mountain master must have water to leave the mountain. When it doesn't rain, there is no water in the mountain, so the mountain master cannot leave. After the rain turns into a river, he is allowed to swim.

There are several clues.

They are all obtained from the investigation around the cottage.

First, although this cottage is halfway up the mountain, the wells in the cottage are not deep. There is water a hundred meters down, and the bottoms of these wells have traces of being filled with stones.

Noriichi looked at all the wells.

It was filled with or without water.

This means two things. There are underground rivers flowing through this mountain range, or there are closed spaces to store rainwater, and Triton deliberately blocked the wells, possibly blocking access.

Master Shan is hiding in the depths.

Nine times out of ten it is hidden in the water.

The space below the cottage is very large, and the water is extremely deep. If it were a landlubber who couldn't see water, it would have been drowned dozens of times, so it was probably an aquatic creature.

Second, in the stories about Shan Lao's cannibalism circulating in the surrounding villages and towns, it always happened when there was a heavy rain like a waterfall. It was a rare heavy rain every time, and no one had ever seen Shan Lao Shan's appearance.

Ji Dao rode a crane and braved the rain to investigate.

I found that these villages and towns are not far from the river.

It can also explain two things. The mountain master may have to go to the outside world through a river, and the survival of this mountain master requires a lot of water, and small rivers and streams cannot accommodate it.

Because when it doesn't rain, there are small streams and rivers in the boundless cliff, but every time Mr. Shan goes down the mountain to eat people while it's raining, he will eventually return to hide deep in the village.

Now that it's out.

And why come back?

Unless this mountain master is a huge aquatic creature, there are no big rivers or lakes in the nearby valleys when it doesn't rain at Wubianya, and it doesn't dare to migrate thousands of miles to gain a chance to survive.

Theoretically speaking, the rivers will eventually converge into lakes and seas. As long as the mountain master swims downstream when it rains, he can continue to swim lower with the rainy river and finally find a place to live.

But this move is extremely risky.

No one can predict the changes in the situation.

No one knows how long the heavy rain will last. If it stops raining halfway and has not found the big lake when the sun comes out, and gets stuck halfway and is unable to turn back, the fate will be death.

The mountain master was as timid as a mouse and did not dare to risk his life. Only when the rain was so heavy that it was rare in history, he would dare to go down the mountain to eat someone, and then immediately return to the village to hide underground.

This should be correct reasoning.

Through two clues, Ji Dao can roughly guess the habits and character of Master Shan. This thing is by no means a powerful monster that shakes the mountains, but a timid little kid trapped in the mountains.

It's raining heavily now.

It may not even dare to go down the mountain.

But we have to be on guard. If this thing hears the movement of the excavator and is frightened out of fear, and decides to desperately escape from the village, it will indeed be a bit of a headache for Jianxian Si.

No matter what, we still have to let the excavator clear a passage. The cave in the back mountain is located at a high level and cannot be flooded. Only by going down this road can we learn the details.

"Master Tao, Master Xian has sent a message."

At this moment, the little Taoist priest suddenly ran from behind, holding a mobile phone in his hand, and handed it to Ji Dao's hand.

Nanze Ancient City, Gold Rush Town Camp.

The sky darkened into night, and the fog in the rainforest finally dissipated at this moment. The bright moon overhead quietly reflected into the camp, but the streets of the camp were bustling with explorers.

A bonfire was raised in the clearing.

A large number of explorers drank and socialized.

"It's really scary. It's turned into a bar street. You guys, look at that corner. There are several couples of men and women..."

Huzi stretched out his hand and pointed forward, the expression on his face was extremely exciting, as if he had seen something extraordinary.

There are thirty-two hours in a day on this planet.

The night lasts for sixteen hours. Human beings do not need such a long sleep. They will wake up naturally after sleeping in the middle of the night.

The long night has just begun, and it is not suitable to explore the ancient city of Nanze at night. These healthy and adventurous explorers will naturally go to the streets to relax.

The explorers were both male and female.

Wearing thin clothes again in the tropical rain forest.

The story of what happens to these men and women due to hormones after drinking alcohol is that they all have their own abilities, but the quality of the explorers is still high, and ridiculous things will not happen.

"It's your sharp eyes that make you stand out. If you are envious of others, just get a wine bottle and join them."

Xiao Hu curled his lips and spoke in disgust, then immediately quickened his pace to catch up with the team, staying as far away from Hu Zi as possible.

"Wait for me."

Huzi hurriedly chased forward.

In front of them were Zheng Yun, Song Wan, Liu Ming, Hu Ruihua and others, walking through the crowd towards the Gubo camp.

The group of them had just returned to the camp at this moment, because the road into the camp was already full of off-road vehicles, and they could not drive in at all. They had to park the car outside the camp and walk back.

"There are so many people."

Liu Ming looked around. There were bonfires and travel chairs everywhere on both sides of the street. The Western expedition team was independent and had no rules, so they could drink during the expedition.

“Kind of like the town of La Maine.”

Song Wan looked at the bonfire and laughed softly.

Their figures were illuminated by the bonfires along the way, their faces were red and yellow, and they were also affected by the cheerful atmosphere.

The scene in front of her was very similar to the town of La Maine, with bonfires, explorers, and wine bottles in their hands. At that time, she and Zheng Yun had attended one of the small cocktail parties.

"It's really similar."

Zheng Yun also smiled, and couldn't help but recall that at that time, he and Song Wan were as nervous as if they were entering a tiger's den.

"Looking for a drink somewhere?"

Liu Ming asked Zheng Yun and others that although they could not drink alcohol, they could still drink carbonated drinks.

"If you're not tired, it's up to you."

Zheng Yun nodded and did not veto.

Everyone voted. Those who were tired would go back to rest. Those who were not tired could find an open-air bar on the street to sit and eat something at the same time, including some high-calorie fried chicken.

Shortly after.

Several people sat down with drinks in their hands.

Liu Minghuzi and Xiao Hu were both single now. They were whispering to each other and showing weird smiles from time to time. They stared at the young female explorer coming and going without knowing what they were talking about.

Zheng Yun listened to a few words.

They were probably encouraging each other to see who dared to go out and strike up a conversation, talk more than who, and put up some bets to see who was better.

"Brother Zheng, don't you want to try?"

Song Wan sat next to Zheng Yun, holding a glass bottle of drink in her arms, looking at Zheng Yun who was leaning on the chair with a straw in her mouth, pointed to Liu Ming's side, and asked in a low voice.

"Do you think I'm interested?"

Zheng Yun shook his head and glanced at Song Wan. It was probably because the moisture in the tropical rainforest was good for the skin. Song Wan's skin was delicate and moist, and looked very white and tender in the firelight.

She wears quite a lot.

The rainforest jacket was tightly wrapped, with only his arms and calves exposed. He was holding a drink bottle and drinking with his eyes full of smiles. He is still very energetic to this day.

It looks easy to deceive.

It doesn't go well with a chaotic environment.

"Brother Zheng doesn't like Western girls?"

When Song Wan heard this answer, she still smiled and blinked slightly, and asked another question as if chatting.

"Western girl, haha, if my ancestors knew about this kind of thing, they would be so angry that they would be resurrected."

Zheng Yun smiled and spoke. Unknowingly, he became more and more similar to his adoptive father. He liked to talk about his ancestors, but his adoptive father's ancestor jokes were obviously of a higher level.

"Ha ha."

Song Wan covered her mouth and smiled softly, and then she didn't speak again. She just sat quietly next to Zheng Yun and blew the night breeze with him.

Zheng Yun took out his mobile phone and looked through it. After a while, he put away his mobile phone and looked up at the sky meaningfully.

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