Endless route

Chapter 362 2 Raising Sarcophagi in Rainforest Tanks

Chapter 362 2. Raising sarcophagi in rainforest tanks

Have you seen it clearly, Mr. Dao? The weather forecast clearly says there will be no rain. Where did this rain come from?

Huzi asked in a low voice while holding the playing cards. He originally wanted to ask Zheng Yun to play cards, but Zheng Yun kept sitting at the desk playing with the map. Even when Ji Dao spoke, he told him to stay quiet.

Ji Dao complained but it didn't work.

He could only quietly put away the playing cards.

In fact, anyone with a discerning eye can see that something is wrong with Brother Zheng during this period. He stayed up all night the past few days, frowning and thinking all day and night.

The past two days have been better.

Brother Zheng's work and rest returned to normal, and the others began to talk and laugh as if they had a tacit understanding. The atmosphere returned to normal inexplicably, and everyone seemed to be fine.

But after Brother Zheng returned to normal, he took out the map and started studying it. He didn't have time to play cards with them to relieve their boredom. They always played by themselves, and they had long since stopped playing.

That's bullshit rain. It's just the humid mist in mid-air condensed into water droplets. If Master Tao could fly, he would fly into the air and bask in the sun. Ji Dao pointed at the sky and said angrily.

When had he ever suffered this kind of crime? Even if it rained heavily in heaven, it would not have made him wet to this extent.

“The rainforest is really tough.”

Li Wu wrapped his head in a towel.

The northerner couldn't get used to this kind of environment. His hair was all wet and his toes were wet to the point of skinning. If he stayed there for a few more days, he would have wanted to follow Ji Dao and shave his head.

Why does Sister Song have a room by herself? She has two dehumidifiers by herself, but there are so many of us, but we only have four dehumidifiers, which is not enough!

Huzi complained softly.

The brothers chatted and watched TV in the dormitory, treating it as a vacation and resting. In fact, they didn't feel bored.

But the moisture was too great.

They were isolated in a simple building. This building was not a permanent building, and the cracks in the walls were not perfect. Moisture could always seep in, making people feel wet all over their bodies.

Although the living conditions of the archaeological team are exactly the same, the archaeological team can at least go out to explore, wear diving suits and oxygen bottles to isolate moisture, and jump into the lake to cool off.

Are you a lady too?

Hu Ruihua glanced at Huzi.

There is no such thing as women's privileges in the Gubo camp, and all members of the archaeological team have to endure the same hardships as the male members.

But at the beginning, there were only eight women in the archaeological team and royal expedition team near Ancient City No. 3, of which Song Wan and Jias Aileen accounted for a quarter.

And because of the east-west division, Song Wan became the only woman on the archaeological team. It was impossible to isolate her with a group of men, so she stayed in a separate room.

Master Yun, don't bother me. Staying here is really suffocating me. I can't go anywhere, and if something happens to that place, we have no news.

Jidao sat next to Zheng Yun with a frown on his face. He held a cattail leaf fan in his hand and kept fanning it into his soaked short sleeves.

Seeing the archaeological team pulling back cultural relics one by one, he thought of his own Immortal Division. The cultural relics they brought back to Tiangong had not yet been carefully inspected.

What he is most worried about at the moment is the Immortal Tower and the Demonic Bell placed in the Heavenly Palace. Neither he nor the Immortal Master is in the Heavenly Palace. If something happens to the Immortal Tower and the Demonic Bell, he will not be able to know immediately.

This time it was fruitful.

But it is precisely because the harvest is greater than before that Tiangong does not have enough manpower, so it can only be roughly processed, stored in a safe place, and studied in detail later.

Among them, the black-haired sarcophagus was transferred to the Death Valley of the Heavenly Palace, and the demon bell with its tentacles cut off was put into a blue and white porcelain jar, with some fish and shrimp thrown in to raise it, preparing to move it to other places later.

Just wait a few more days.

Zheng Yun still gave the same reply, and then took out a few magazines and handed them to Ji Dao: If you have nothing to do, just read.

There is nothing that can be done about it.

The reason why Ji Dao appeared here was because he had to pass the review committee. Ji Dao got off the helicopter with him, so he couldn't just disappear into thin air.

The second reason is that Zheng Yun is worried that Ji Dao can't handle the parasite of Yao Guiling. Ji Dao doesn't understand Yao Guiling. If he doesn't cure it by blindly inserting acupuncture for a long time, it will be the end of his life.

So when Zheng Yung just walked out of the crack in the city wall of No. 3 Ancient City District, Li Wu informed them that they needed to be quarantined for physical examination.

Zheng Yun used the excuse that Ji Dao was still exploring somewhere, so he went into the crack alone, found a place to lead Ji Dao out, and was isolated here with him by Gu Bo.

At least with the capabilities of modern medicine, it is not difficult to deal with the parasitism of the demon bell. As long as he claims to have been pricked by some kind of swamp creature, Ji Dao can get a full set of treatment.

And it is the most advanced treatment.

Expert number from the Gubo archaeological team.

It’s also hard to afford spending money outside.

Ji Dao was tortured a lot during this period. He was pulled outside for individual diagnosis every day. Today the director and tomorrow the expert were inspected in turn by various technological equipment.

Then there’s minimally invasive surgery.

He took out a flesh thorn from Ji Dao's neck.

The thorns were the same tentacles that pricked Ji Dao, but after research, it was strange. Experts from the archaeological team did not think that the thorns were the parasitic organs of some kind of parasitic organism.

It's true if you think about it carefully.

It was the cephalopod's tentacle that attacked Noriichi, and that cephalopod tentacle was the host of the demon bell. It was not the demon bell itself, and its attack did not necessarily involve parasitism.

Looking back at the scene.

Yougui Ling controls the tentacles to strangle Norimichi.

Strangulation, flesh stabbing, and the subsequent anesthesia are an attack method for the tentacles to carry out the Yaogui Bell's orders. It is just an attack by the tentacles and has nothing to do with the Yaogui Bell's parasitism.

And those attack methods are also in line with the common characteristics of cephalopod creatures. This is how these creatures hunt.

The two must be distinguished.

The demon ghost bell should be parasitic on the body, which is the lump on the neck of the living person in the coffin. It should be parasitic through body fluids or other weird methods. It should be difficult for it to transform the host's body.

This matter cannot yet be determined.

Now we can only continue to observe. On the one hand, we are observing Ji Dao, and on the other hand, we are observing the Yin soldiers who have come into contact with the sarcophagus.

Now those Yin soldiers are also isolated by Zheng Yun. Their lives are worthless and can be used for observation, recording and research. The final findings can also be used to treat Ji Dao.

This is interesting.

Ji Dao picked out a magazine, which was a record of a foreign rainforest tank competition. This rainforest tank competition is held every year, and one hundred winners are selected from a large number of contestants.

I've heard about this. I heard that the prizes are very high. The highest-level prizes can be worth millions, and the rainforest tanks that win the prizes can be sold for a lot of money. There are rich people who collect these.

Huzi also leaned over.

In modern society, a rainforest tank is a luxury toy. It is the same as a fish tank, but it artificially creates various micro-ecologies in the tank and controls the temperature and humidity through technological equipment.


As long as there is enough detailed data, the rainforest tank can simulate all ecosystems, reproduce ecological details one to one, and rare creatures can be kept in the tank for viewing.

The Rain Tank Competition is a rich man’s competition.

In many places, there are no laws to protect animals and plants, and there are no restrictions on the entry of foreign organisms. Rich Westerners pay high prices for rare animals and plants. The rarer they are, the more powerful they are.

This trend has been around since the Age of Discovery. At first, explorers captured biological specimens, ranging from butterflies to various insects to specimens of various large animals.

There are marine creatures and terrestrial creatures, including whale skeletons and rare animal bones.

At that time, animal and plant specimens were favorite playthings of the upper class. There were wealthy businessmen who collected butterflies and insects, and there were also family daughters who collected all kinds of precious bones to make jewelry.

The ancient East is not exempt from vulgarity.

The powerful also collect rare things.

Later, science and technology gradually advanced, and biological specimens became rainforest tanks. There are also large and small ones. The richer you are, the bigger the fun. The top rich even have private ecological museums.

After all, being dead is worse than being alive.

The cost of raising many rare creatures for one day is enough to feed thousands of people for a year, which can be called the highest luxury.

In addition to various wealthy businessmen, the contestants of the rainforest tank competition also include many famous explorers and ordinary explorers. It is common to become rich overnight through this kind of competition.

Their entries are also very exquisite, and all of them are extremely rare and beautiful rare animals and plants, and even a large number of new species that have never been seen appear every year.

This magazine was sent in by Liu Ming from outside, and he got it from Professor Zhang's team. Professor Zhang and his team will also learn about new biological discoveries through competitions.

Brother Zheng, why don't you participate?

Huzi took a few glances and asked Zheng Yun. Based on Zheng Yun's experience in exploring the dangerous areas of the ruins all year round, it would not be difficult to catch some rare animals, and he could easily win a prize.

This is really not something that ordinary people can get. I heard that there was a first place a few years ago. There was a purple-lighting bug in the rainforest tank. It was discovered from the northern continent of W-21.

Li Wu also participated in the topic.

W-21 Where is the Northern Continent? It is so far away that there are no human traces at all. It is the purest primitive ecology. It is difficult to sail there, let alone bring back live animals and plants.

Moreover, it is useless to just capture live animals and plants. You must also dig up the local soil and plants and thoroughly understand the habits of these animals and plants in order to create a livable ecology in the rainforest tank.

The difficulty is very high.

The risk is also extremely high.

The explorers who can eat this kind of rice are definitely not ordinary people. There is really no need to envy people who make this kind of money.

But Brother Zheng is definitely fine.

Huzi still thinks Zheng Yun can do it because he has been to Tiangong and knows part of Zheng Yun and Jidao's secrets.

He's really not a fool.

Just take a look at the Tiangong, and no one can guess one, two, or three. Every room is filled with precious cultural relics. Ji Dao's ancestor must be a vassal king with a fiefdom in the Ming Dynasty.

Ji Dao is a relative of the emperor.

In ancient times, you had to kowtow when you saw this kind of person.

Fortunately, modern society does not pay attention to this, otherwise it would be really difficult to get along with each other, and we would no longer be able to hang out with each other while drinking.

But the place where the Heavenly Palace is located must be Ji Dao's fiefdom. The exclusive location is unknown. Any beautiful insect caught on the roadside is a rare thing that no one has ever seen.

Watch what I do? Do you want to try it?

Jidao turned his head and glanced at Huzi, who kept winking at Huzi, and suddenly laughed and asked.

If Huzi wants to try out the Heavenly Palace, then let him try and see if those living ancestors in the Heavenly Palace, who are so demonic and can make people angry to death, will be easily captured by him.

I mean Brother Zheng.

Huzi trembled and felt bad, and quickly ignored himself. Although he couldn't make this money, he felt that Brother Zheng could. If he didn't make money, it would be nothing.

Technology can be studied, there is no need to compete.

Zheng Yun said this to Jidao.

They have been worried about the problem of dealing with Yaogui Ling and the host's tentacles. They can not only prevent Yaogui Ling from leaking out, but also want Yaogui Ling to survive and refine the immortal Gu.

But it's actually quite simple.

Because it is similar to Hanxian.

The Hanxian must not be leaked, and at the same time, it must be kept alive. Their method at that time was the rainforest tank, and it was quite successful, and the Hanxian was raised to this day in one breath.

Later, they moved one-third of the Han Immortals from the Immortal Sacrifice Cave to the Heavenly Palace. For this purpose, they also designed a Han Immortal Pavilion and used materials from the rainforest vat to create a replica of the Immortal Sacrifice Cave.

In fact, it is a large rainforest tank.

But the size of this rainforest tank is astonishing. In order to accommodate the nine-meter Hanxian and reserve the twenty or even thirty-meter Hanxian after the Hanxian reproduces, the Hanxian Pavilion is extremely large.

For this purpose, a cold empty valley was even found, and excavators were constantly excavating the mountain. Eventually Hanxian Pavilion would occupy a valley to itself, leaning against the mountain to stand at the bottom of the valley, and a feeding system would be installed on the top of the mountain.

After Hanxian Pavilion is completed, it will be eligible to participate in the rainforest tank competition, because Hanxian Pavilion meets the rainforest tank standards from the inside out, but it is impossible for them to participate in that kind of competition.

It’s not a matter of whether you can win the prize.

At a level like Hanxian Pavilion, it shouldn't be difficult to win a prize, because Hanxian itself is an extremely beautiful creature, and the misty fairy light is the supreme aesthetic of our ancestors.

The sparkling, fairy-white dazzling and ethereal light can turn into fairy lights flying up and down like fairy silk. Zheng Yun can't even imagine that there are more beautiful creatures in the world than Han Xian.

But why should Xianshu participate in the competition?

Being able to become an Immortal and be named Immortal means that Han Xian has won first place in the Ming Dynasty competition and was unanimously given the highest score by all the ancestor judges and ranked in the Immortal level.

They both took first place in Ming Dynasty.

Why go to the West to get a bad prize?

Zheng Yun just wanted Ji Dao to study the principle of the rainforest tank and keep the demon bell in the rainforest tank.

The appearance of the ghost bell in the underworld cannot have anything to do with immortals. It is not raised in the rainforest tank for viewing, but the transparent tank is suitable for observation and subsequent research.

At the same time, the rainforest tank is also the most trouble-free.

The materials for building rainforest tanks are very cheap, so Ji Dao is asked to find a place to build several completely enclosed rainforest tanks, and to raise the tentacles, black-haired sarcophagi, and the living people in the coffins.

Although the style of painting is still the underworld.

Raising ancient coffins in rainforest tanks, weird-looking broken-arm tentacles, parasitic and swollen ancient immortals...

No matter how you think about it, this is not something that normal people can do. It is estimated that only some wealthy businessmen with extremely twisted habits would do this in their basement.

But Zheng Yun couldn't care about this.

In addition, rainforest tanks and transparent display cases for protecting cultural relics are similar. Many oriental museums also display coffins. If you think about it in that direction, it will become more normal.

Not a rainforest tank.

It's a cultural relic display cabinet.

They will build a small Nanze Ancient City Ruins Cultural Relics Museum somewhere in Tiangong to display some special cultural relics, and the sarcophagi are just exhibits.

You can even put up an introduction board and ask Ji Dao to write the name and introduction of the cultural relics. Place it in front of each display cabinet. You can also get some cultural relic conservation lights and add ambient light on the display cabinets.

Anyway, what does the museum do?

They do the same thing.

The atmosphere of a museum must be designed by an expert. As long as it looks like a museum display cabinet, no matter how hellish the painting style inside the display cabinet is, it will not spread outside the display cabinet.

I'll do the same thing if I find anything in the future.

Otherwise, over time, Tiangong will really become unfortunate. The previous ghostly figurines are still soaking in the dead pool. If a few more come, Tiangong will no longer be a Feng Shui treasure.

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