Endless route

Chapter 340 110 Ask Hanxian to clear the tomb

Chapter 340 110. Ask Hanxian to clear the tomb

Master Immortal, if that coffin is the key magic weapon of Qili Guimeng, then let's go and move it away now. As long as we take it away, everything here will be gone.

Ji Dao hung on the wall with a rope, looking at the high platform in the distance, he couldn't wait to take away the coffin.

Wait a moment, look for the mechanism.

Zheng Yun observed his surroundings. He couldn't rush this kind of thing. The more urgent it is, the more likely it is to cause trouble. He always felt that there was something strange about this place, and it was not so easy to see through it.

Qili Guimeng is a level of immortal arts.

The protection agency only has a group of snakes?

Such a crucial instrument and magic weapon is placed on a platform in the distance, only sixty or seventy meters away. It seems that it can be easily taken away by building a rope bridge across it.

Is this reasonable?

It's not like I and others have never seen the world before. They also robbed Hanxian in the depths of the glacier. It is located in the restricted area of ​​​​human beings at the end of the world, and there are also ancient ships and will-o'-the-wisps.

There are not many protection mechanisms for Hanxian. Firstly, it is because of its remote location deep in the glacier. Secondly, because Hanxian itself is a pure killing magic, which had no solution in ancient times.

Hanxian is a mechanism.

All trespassers will be slaughtered.

No other protection mechanism can be stronger than Han Xian, so the mechanism in the Immortal Sacrifice Cave is not used to protect Han Xian, but is a prison used to restrict Han Xian's activities.

But Qili Guimeng's situation is slightly different.

It is true that Qili Guimeng is a killing magic. It can transform evil objects and kill people in dreams, but after all, it is not a pure killing magic, but a battlefield auxiliary type.

The coffin looks like a dead object at first glance. It will not suddenly stand up and actively kill people. It is just a magic weapon that can be moved away.

This place was built in the era of the ancient city of Nanze, when the whole city was still living. As the magic of ghostly dreams, Nanze should protect it more strictly and diversifiedly.

Master Immortal, we are in a dream and cannot see through the real world. Why don't we call a little Taoist priest to take a look and then return to the secret realm to tell us what he saw and heard?

Ji Dao thought for a moment and immediately suggested that the little Taoist priest was also the evil soldier of the immortal master, so it would not be difficult to complete such a task.

There is no water here, so it is difficult to open the fairy gate. Maybe we can open the gate and let the water in. Zheng Yun lowered his head and looked down.

The snake creatures and excrement were so thick that Zheng Yun didn't know if there was water or silt underneath.

There are probably some.

All living things need water and food. These snakes can survive for hundreds of years and would have died of thirst without water.

Think of this.

Zheng Yun suddenly realized what the problem was.

Where does this underground rock formation come from with so much food to support so many snake-like creatures? What do they eat?

This place is not filled with water, which means that this space is sealed and there is not even a single gap. Otherwise, it would have been filled with all-pervasive swamp water.

But without being able to communicate with the outside world, there would be no food to feed the snakes. Moreover, to feed the snakes from ancient times to modern times, the food needed is not even a little bit.

This is too incredible.

Is this place similar to the Pregnant Demon Tower? Is there a special structure that allows snakes to feed but cannot escape from the outside world?

Or is there also a fairy gate here? Just like the situation in the Fairy Cave, there were ancient people who opened the door specifically to feed food?

The Immortal Gate is impossible. After the ancient city of Nanze was completely submerged in the silt, it was completely abandoned by the Ming Dynasty. The Ming Dynasty did not even take away Qili Guimeng and the Nanze Immortal Gate underground.

Whether it is the Immortal Sect or Wei Meng, they are extremely critical magic weapons, especially the fairy magic of Wei Meng. As long as the Ming Dynasty has the ability to take them away, it is impossible to leave them here.

They exist to this day.

It's just that the ancients didn't have diving suits and oxygen bottles, so they couldn't dive deep into the mud to salvage these lost magic weapons.

Even modern expeditions and archaeological teams have to use large amounts of explosives and a full set of technological equipment to blast a passage and drill into this place. The ancients did not have this condition.

If there was a fairy gate here, the ancients would have taken Qili Guimeng away through the fairy gate and rearranged it in another place. The Endless Route is very big, and there is always a place to accommodate Wei Meng.

So there is no way here.

But if there is no fairy gate.

What exactly do these snakes eat?

Thinking of this, Zheng Yun subconsciously looked at the walls around the tomb, trying to find some feeding mechanism.

After scanning around, Zheng Yun suddenly discovered that there seemed to be some secret compartments similar to 'ventilation shafts' on the dome above the tomb, leading to unknown places.

Ventilation shaft?

Where does it lead from here? Is there food that keeps falling off? What kind of weird mechanism is this?

Right now.

Mutation occurs again.


The group of snakes below suddenly started to commotion, and a thick and long tentacle suddenly stretched out, heading straight for the suspended path in mid-air.

This time it was extremely fast.

It seemed as if the tentacles had been staring at Ji Dao for a long time, and had been preparing to attack in the dark. It was only now that they suddenly attacked.

Nidao! Hide!

Zheng Yun quickly reminded him.

Ji Dao no longer cared about talking, gritted his teeth and stretched his legs to push against the wall. With the help of the rope's toughness, his whole body left the wall, narrowly escaping the sneak attack of this tentacle.

But a horrifying scene immediately appeared.

The group of snakes became even more commotion. Seven or eight tentacles protruded from below at the same time. Each tentacle was at least twenty meters long. In just an instant, they reached the dome and swung towards Ji Daoguijiang.

The pressure brought by the tentacles is extremely strong.

They were almost the same as the tentacles I had seen before. Their bodies were pitch black and thicker than a human waist. Their bodies were so long that they could even squat half a circle in the middle of the tomb, but their flexibility was not inferior to that of snakes.

It was as if several seven-story-high trees were smashing down on their heads and faces. In front of such huge creatures, human beings looked extremely small, and would be crushed to death if they touched even the slightest.

Hua Hua Hua.

The sound of breaking wind sounded.

Seven or eight tentacles hit the area near the robber's cave one after another. They stood side by side to block all escape routes. The shadows quickly enlarged in the pupils of several people, blocking out the sky and making people feel desperate.

There is absolutely no need to hide.

The thief's cave is too narrow.

It was impossible for Gui Jiang and Jidao to get back into the robbery hole in an instant, and Zheng Yun didn't even have time to vacate his position.

The two of them could only hide.

There is no other way.

Ji Dao still had a rope at least, but the ghost general was hanging on the entrance of the thief's cave with one hand, leaving him no room to dodge.

What a snake demon, you wait for the Taoist Master. If you can't kill your Taoist Master with a slap now, the Taoist Master will invite Han Xian to eat him alive!

Ji Dao yelled angrily, grabbed the rope underneath and swung it towards the ghost general, and then slipped down along the rope.

The only way to survive at this moment is the group of snakes at your feet. The tentacles are more than 20 meters long and draw down from above. There may be a blind spot in the angle between the wall and the group of snakes.

Not sure if there is.

But now I can only take a gamble.

As long as it takes this breath, this tentacle will definitely die. There is no water here to invite the Han Immortal, and the Heavenly Palace raises a full nine meters of Han Immortal, and this thief can be killed in just a few strokes.


The ghost general suddenly drew his sword.

Zheng Yun thought the ghost was about to turn around and fight back, but the ghost suddenly let go and fell freely downwards. At the same time, he took off his backpack with one hand and threw it into the air in front of it.


The ghost general slashed through the backpack with his sword.

A large amount of powder spilled out from the backpack, like a handful of black flour, falling all over the sky towards the snakes below.

After doing all this.

The ghost continued to fall head first. Just before he fell into the group of snakes, he suddenly hooked the end of the rope with his ankle and stabbed the long knife in his hand into the group of snakes, going deeper and deeper until the blade disappeared.

Jidao, are there any holes in your diving suit?

Zheng Yun was still lying on the entrance of the thief's cave, with no intention of retreating even if the tentacles were thrown in front of him.

The tentacles couldn't reach him.

He could use a few more glances.

No, don't worry Master Xian, I won't be poisoned by Master Ghost. Ji Dao laughed and let go of his hands.

He understood the situation well. The Ghost Master slashed the backpack with his sword and spilled the poisonous powder from the Ghost Suppression Division. The poisonous powder was also a thunderous and sinister method that could kill a large number of living creatures in an instant.

This time the black face is spread out.

Can clear out a safe area.

So Ji Dao made the same judgment, let go of his hands and fell freely, and followed the ghost general to the group of snakes.


A loud noise.

The first tentacle had already packed a huge force and hit the wall below Zheng Yun hard, causing the entire wall to vibrate violently and making Zheng Yun's eardrums buzz.

The tentacles appear soft.

The power is terrifying.

Bang bang bang!

Other tentacles fell one after another.

The earth shook and the mountains shook with loud noises.

Zheng Yun endured the pressure caused by the shock. After all seven or eight tentacles were smashed, he immediately stuck his head out and looked down, but those tentacles completely blocked his sight.

All you can see is the tentacles smashing downwards.

But he couldn't see the ghost general Ji Dao further down.

Hua Hua Hua.

The tentacles smashed into the group of snakes, and the thick excrement was scattered everywhere, turning into thick smoke and flying all over the sky.

Jidao, how are you doing?

Zheng Yun asked loudly with a solemn expression.

If these tentacles smash Ji Dao and Gui Jiang to death, then Zheng Yun swears that there will be no living creatures in the entire tomb, and all the tentacles will have to be buried with them!

Master Immortal, we are still alive. This tentacle has withdrawn its strength. It will never kill itself. Ji Dao's voice came from below, as if separated by a layer of obstacles.

Where are you hiding?

Zheng Yun leaned out and looked down.

Those tentacles had retracted their bodies and crawled back into the snake group, probably preparing for the next round of attacks, but Zheng Yun also couldn't see Ji Dao and Ghost General among the snake group.

We are in the excrement, Master Immortal. This fragrant sand mountain is really thick. It is taller than me, and there is something like a mushroom growing on it. Ji Dao responded loudly.

There was a slight commotion among the snakes in the corner.

Jidao poked his head out of the group of snakes, holding a strange object in his hand and waving it to Zheng Yun above.


Zheng Yun was silent for a moment.

Ji Dao is such a big-hearted kid that he actually has the leisure to study the mushrooms here in such a critical moment.

Xiangsha Mountain sounds nice, but isn’t Xiangsha just excrement? To put it bluntly, isn’t it just a shit mountain? People are buried in a place like this, but they are still picking mushrooms to observe?

Master Immortal, I seem to recognize this mushroom. There seems to be a special kind of mushroom in King Gui's Hongzhou Palace. This mushroom was mentioned in Haiwei's loss annals that year.

Ji Dao mentioned another thing.

That vassal king, King Gui, was the victim of Qi Li's strange dream. He killed three maids in the dream, and then violently killed the victim in the dream. His fiefdom was in Hongzhou.

Triton's loss and depletion annual record is an account book, which records in detail the loss and gain of Triton every time he goes out to investigate cases. Ji Dao had previously dug out the account book but found no problem.

In other words, this mushroom is probably taken from the Hongzhou Palace and has some connection with Qili Guimeng.

Can you guys come up?

Zheng Yun took a quick look and saw that the mushroom was called a mushroom, but it was actually a strange-looking fungus creature. It had no umbrella, only a pole, and was a dull gray-blue color.

Not ugly.

The surface is still furry.

The excrement here is very thick and full of nutrients. It is not strange for this kind of fungus to grow in the corner, but this is a dangerous place, so this fungus is definitely not simple.

Master Immortal, we are probably in trouble. Those tentacles are down there and may kill us at any time...

Ji Dao just said half of it.


A tentacle poked out from under Ji Dao, flicked it from bottom to top, and suddenly threw Ji Dao into the air.

Ji Dao flew directly from the ground and flew six to seven meters before hitting the wall hard. He suffered a heavy blow and fell into coma on the spot.


Ji Dao fell back into the snake group.

He didn't say a word from beginning to end, and had no chance to say anything. He fell into a deep sleep with blood flowing from his mouth.

Ji Dao?

Zheng Yun shouted with his eyelids slightly drooped.

But there was no response from below.

Ghost general, guard the discipline. From now on, don't make any noise. This tentacle lives in a lightless environment and is likely to lose sight and only have hearing.

Wait for me for a while. I'll be right back.

Zheng Yun warned the ghost general loudly with a serious tone.

Remain silent below, the ghost will strictly abide by any orders given by Zheng Yun, and will not move if Zheng Yun does not allow him to move.

Zheng Yun immediately retreated along the same route.

In fact, he had a general feeling that the mushrooms and tentacles below, as well as the excrement and coffins, were probably all part of Qili's strange dream, and they were matching magic weapons.

Similar to the ghost figurines.

The ghost figurines themselves are the means of gods and ghosts, but they are also living creatures. To feed a ghost figurine, you need ancient shipwrecks and deep-sea ghost algae. All links and preparations are indispensable.

The tentacles are part of the dream.

The things in this tomb have constructed a set of mechanisms that are temporarily incomprehensible, and they should be indispensable. Killing all the tentacles will probably cause the dream to fail.

In other words, if you ask Han Xian to take action at this moment and kill all the tentacles, you may not be able to use the coffin even if you take it away.

But now Zheng Yun can no longer care about his funeral. His only goal at this moment is to kill all the tentacles and rescue Ji Dao and the ghost general, because Ji Dao is far more important than an immortal technique.

I want to change my path.

Ten magical arts are not enough.

It would also be a good story in ancient times. In ancient times, a woman who conquered a country could be exchanged for ten cities, but today there is a rule that ten immortals cannot be exchanged.

But how long.

Zheng Yun returned to the underground palace via the original route, went straight into the underground palace and returned to the secret realm. He ordered the young Taoist priest to ride a crane to the Tiangong Temple to offer sacrifices to the Immortal Pavilion.

Balloons can also hold cold immortals.

Because Hanxian doesn't like eating plastic.

Although Han Xian felt a little aggrieved, Zheng Yun didn't care about anything at the moment and quickly invited Han Xian out and went straight to the tomb.

About ten minutes.

Zheng Yun completed a round trip and invited seven to eight meters of Hanxian, and then opened the tank and released all the Hanxians.

The Han Immortal came to the world again after a long time, and the bright fairy light lingered on the dim entrance of the robbery cave. At the top of the entire tomb, overlooking the entire tomb and suppressing the rift valley.

The misty fairy light of the Hanxian is slightly dimmer than the fairy jade figurines and fairy sedans in the dream, because the Hanxian itself cannot emit light and can only reflect, but the fairy charm of the fairy light is not bad at all.

Many things cannot be said well.

Even the Han Immortal can truly exist in the world and release the ethereal fairy spirit, so the fairy magic in dreams may not be fake...

But Hanxian was not transformed by Qili's dream, and did not change into another appearance. This was not because Hanxian was also an immortal and Qili's dream could not change, but because Jidao fell asleep.

Ji Dao is the only one here who knows the appearance of other magic techniques for all insects to become immortals. He and the ghost generals cannot provide the materials, and Qi Li Gui Meng cannot steal them, nor does he know how to transform them into immortals.

I really didn't expect it.

After Ji Dao completely quit the dream.

Weird Dreams can’t even transform evil things...

Kill this place.

Zheng Yun sighed softly and stopped thinking about it. He sprinkled a handful of fragrant sand and forced Han Xian out, letting the bright fairy light float into the tomb.

at the same time.

He ordered the ghost general to climb up with Ji Dao in his arms. With Han Xian here, no one could hurt them.

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