Endless route

Chapter 325 96 Heaven and Earth Catastrophes Destroy the World

Chapter 325 96. The great catastrophe of heaven and earth destroys the world

The light at the bottom of the pit is dim, and the dark wooden beams are stacked horizontally and vertically. In the shadowy blind spots covered with mold, countless demons and evil things appear out of thin air, looking up to peek above.

Rays of light shine into this place.

It is vaguely visible from the cracks.

Lanterns with ancient styles fell from high places, as if falling into water, slowly floating down from the gaps in the wooden beams.

It fell at the same time as the lantern.

There are also a lot of corpses of evil things.

Those corpses fell one after another like rain, and after falling into the dark shadow, they dissipated on their own in an extremely strange way, as if they had merged with the abyss again.

Die to Master Dao!

Eat Dao Master's stick!

How dare you, an evil creature like you, approach the Immortal Master?

A seemingly invisible roar sounded from a distance, echoing between the walls and reaching the bottom of the pit.

Whenever the roar appears.

Then a fairy light suddenly lit up, penetrated into the gaps between the wooden beams, and illuminated the bottom of the cave in a fairy-like light.

The evil creature that had just been transformed had a dull expression. It looked up at these scenes, letting the light of the magic shine on its face and reflected in its lifeless pupils, while its body gradually became complete.

The moment the transformation is complete.

These evil creatures moved together, rushing upwards with a sense of death. No matter what happened above, it had no effect on them, even if the corpses fell next to them.

As they continue upward.

The light in front of my eyes is getting clearer and clearer.

Finally, at a certain moment, they got out of the gap and looked directly at the light source, only to see a fat, bald Taoist priest carrying various magic weapons, standing alone on the wooden beam, fighting fiercely with evil objects in the sky.

He holds an immortal jade auspicious cloud-pattern Taoist staff in his left hand, an uncovered square immortal bronze tripod in his right hand, an ice pick to control demons and immortal Gu hanging around his waist, and an immortal Tao Xiaoyao Qing curse tablet hanging around his neck...

This man was wearing a large number of magic weapons all over his body. His neck and wrists were all piled high, adding up to at least dozens of kilograms, which was more than the old man selling handicrafts in the antique market.

Bursts of laughter thundered through the ears.

The laughter was mixed with an indescribable sense of joy, and contained an unknown pleasure, like a demolished household who got rich overnight and went to the street to buy egg-filled biscuits with five or six eggs.

The fairy light is endless.

There are endless magic spells.

With a smile on his face, the fat Taoist priest swayed leisurely and leisurely with all the magic weapons in his pocket, jumping left and right along the complex wooden beams, facing many evil objects as he kept going down.

You evil creatures shall die!

The ghost descended from Mingshan Mountain? Take Taoist Master's stick!

Qinghe Water Monster? You will also die for Taoist Master!

The fat Taoist priest opened his bow left and right, activated the magic weapon in his hand continuously, and used various magical techniques one after another, releasing a stream of fairy light and ghost shadows, suppressing evil objects wherever he went.


A large number of evil objects were instantly wiped out.

Only the so-called Mingshan descending ghosts and Qinghe water demons in the scene were able to escape the disaster. They each used ghosts and ghosts to attack the fat Taoist from left and right at the same time. The angles were so tricky that Ji Dao could not prevent them.

Death to Master Dao!

Jidao was not afraid at all, he stabbed the wooden beam with the stick, reached into his sleeves with his free hand, took out several fairy magic weapons, and threw them headlong and face-first at the Mingshan descending ghost.

The ghost descending from Mingshan Mountain was ten feet tall and wore an ancient oriental armor. His whole body was covered tightly, but there was a faint black mist overflowing from the gaps in the armor.

As long as it moves.

The black mist dispersed in large quantities.

At this moment, when the fight was fierce, Mingshan Jianggui suddenly attacked Jidao with a eight-foot-long thatch. Black mist rolled everywhere he went, as if there was no body under the armor but black mist.

Ji Dao did not dare to touch the black mist, because the black mist was originally a ghost insect from Mingshan Mountain. When it descended on a living person, it would seize its body, devour its soul, and make the person die without becoming stiff. It was neither a human nor a ghost.

Several magic weapons arrived in an instant.

One of them exploded in mid-air and turned into a stream of green fire, covering the entire body of the oncoming Mingshan Demon Lord, including the black mist and armor, and was completely burned by the fire.

The Qinghe water demon on the other side is extraordinary. This demon is two meters long, with a slender head and body, and long shawl hair. At first glance, it looks like an ancient woman who accidentally drowned.

But that's just one of them.

The body of this water monster is more than ten meters long, and it looks extremely disgusting, as if the front body of a drowning woman is just a bait.

Ji Dao originally wanted to use the Yellow Box Immortal Gu to control this demon, but when he thought about the appearance of this demon, it might disgust the immortal master, so he no longer thought about picking up the Taoist staff and beating him fiercely.

Bang bang bang.

The Immortal Jade Taoist Staff is very magical. In addition to various magical powers, it also has two sides, Yin and Yang. When the yang side is facing up, the Taoist staff is as light as nothing, but when the yin side is facing up, it weighs a thousand kilograms.

Jidao faced down with his sunny side, and struck the Qinghe Water Demon's forehead with his stick several times, and immediately beat the long shawl hair to a bloody pulp, but he saw that the long hair was full of poisonous pimples.

Bang bang bang!

A few more strokes of the stick.

The water demon who occupied the Qinghe River for eight hundred miles and murdered countless fishermen was beaten directly by the Taoist staff until his original soul flew into the sky.

Good death, who else?

Ji Dao smiled cheerfully, raised his eyes and scanned the pit, only to see rustling in the darkness, and all kinds of monsters and ghosts that kept on appearing, transforming and appearing immediately.

Who else yelled this sentence?

There were even more evil things rushing out from all directions, hundreds of them so densely packed that it made people's brains ache.

What a group of people who are not afraid of death.

Ji Dao's eyelids twitched slightly.

The Taoist master is already so ferocious, possessing more than a dozen kinds of magical skills, and is invincible and powerful in all directions, yet he still dares to come.

Isn't this a slap in Master Dao's face?

Master Xian was watching the battle from above. What if he saw this scene and had doubts about his own strength.

Well done!

Ji Dao bit the tip of his tongue, bravely faced it, and took the initiative to fight. He jumped under the wooden beam with all the magical weapons in his pocket, jingling bells and palms, and took the initiative to jump to the next floor, standing alone among hundreds of evil objects.

He glanced coldly in all directions.

Take the magic weapon from behind.

He has been carrying a huge 'jade brush' on his back. This brush is weird and unusual. The tip of the brush and the penholder are the same length, which is somewhat similar to the Taoist whisk.

This brush is a real magic. One stroke can determine life or death. One word of void can curse and kill the opponent. Most people can't even hold on to the simplest stroke of one.

The key to this method is not the brush itself, but the ink stained by the brush. That ink is the core method.

The ink is formless and colorless, neither a gas nor a liquid nor a solid. It is stored somewhere in the brush but hidden in the void. No matter who searches for it at will, the ink cannot be found.

The tip of the brush is usually white.

Clean and touchable.

But as long as a stroke is swung out, the tip of the pen will turn black in an instant, and a large amount of ink will flow to the tip of the pen from nowhere. With just a flick, the enemy's soul will be instantly dispersed.

Regardless of whether they are flying in the sky, running on the ground, swimming in the water, or any monsters and ghosts, they will all be killed if touched.

Completely impossible to prevent.

The process is unsolvable.

Even Ji Dao didn't know the principle of the brush. He only knew that its origin was indescribable. It was researched by an evil old Taoist in the world, and he also used this method to establish a sect and became the founder.

The old evil sect spent the first half of his life as a bachelor, and he only realized this way when he was sixty years old. However, his lustful nature is hard to change, so he set up a sect rule. If he wanted to become a disciple, he would give a hundred taels of gold and a woman to him.

It can also be seen from here.

This old man has no knowledge.

An enchantment can be spread with only a hundred taels of gold, which is cheaper than cabbage at the door. If Haiwei had known about it earlier and bought him out with gold, many unjust cases would have been saved.

But the unjust case has nothing to do with Lao Dao.

Because the old man is not picky, there is no restriction on the woman, as long as she is a woman, young or old, and anyone who comes from a brothel is welcome.

Someone kidnapped a young girl from a good family and went to the mountain to become a disciple.

The old Taoist accepted them all, but if the girl refused to follow him, he would quietly open the mountain gate and send the girl away, give her some money as travel expenses, and tell the public that he had killed the girl.

The old Taoist did not harm many people, but his method of recruiting disciples caused endless harm. Many disciples committed evil after they learned it, and finally attracted the attention of the sea guards, who wiped out all the disciples...

Today, hundreds of years later.

In Qili's dream, Ji Dao took out the brush and waved it. The tip of the brush turned black and the ink was thrown out.


The brush writes a word in the void.

He was unable to dodge a large number of evil objects around him, and his body was stained by ink. He bleeds from all his orifices and died suddenly in less than a breath.

Hahaha, they all die!

Ji Dao burst out laughing with joy, holding the pen in both hands and opening and closing it, like an old man writing in the park, but he spread the ink everywhere and didn't clean it up.

The ink is endless.

Just wave and there will be a steady stream.

If you don't see it, the water of the Yellow River comes up from the sky and rushes to the sea never to return... Jidao stood in the field, waving his brush everywhere, and actually began to write poems silently at this moment.

Right now.

A gray shadow shot out.

Ji Dao glanced at it with his peripheral vision, and when he saw the true appearance of the gray shadow, he was so frightened that his hands shook.

Just because that gray shadow is also an immortal.

If you get hit, you will definitely die!

Moreover, this gray shadow is not an ordinary magic, but a living creature magic. It is alive, can move on its own, and is invulnerable. Even the ink stick cannot kill it.

Master Immortal, save me!

Jidao put down his writing brush and immediately retreated. He placed his feet on the wooden beam and quickly darted upward like a fish.

Thirty meters above Ji Dao's head.

In the vacuum area close to the rock wall.

The place was brightly lit and there were no blind spots. Two hundred Yin soldiers moved down the row little by little. Each one had a lantern in his hand, which was derived from the searchlight that came with the archaeological team's diving suit.

The pit is thirty meters up and down.

All the wooden beams have Yin soldiers.

The originally weird and gloomy pit now even has the texture of a palace building, as if the emperor was assassinated, two hundred internal guards searched with lights, and candlelight continued like a dragon.

The atmosphere is also completely different from down below.

Ji Dao single-handedly attacked with passion from one enemy to many, but Zheng Yun ordered the Yin soldiers to control the terrain and fight in groups. There was no expression on his face and the entire team was silent.

After hearing that Ji Dao asked for help.

Zheng Yun sent ghost generals to respond without saying a word.

The same situation applies to human and ghost generals. All the magic weapons from the Ghost Suppression Division are basically universally usable. If you are not familiar with the magic from other places, you can still use it if you teach them a few words.

The ghost general also has all his magic skills, which is slightly worse than Ji Dao, but not much different, but the ghost general is much calmer and more stable, never like Ji Dao, begging to have a good time.

The two ghosts will take action immediately.

He rushed towards Ji Dao.

Zheng Yun waved his hand to stop all the Yin soldiers, and all stared in the direction of Ji Dao. If he could force Ji Dao to ask for help, the enemy must be extremely powerful, and he must be fully prepared.

Just in case another fairy sedan appears.

Ji Dao and Oni General combined are no match for each other. All Yin soldiers must attack together, and the immortal magic and tentacles must attack continuously to suppress them.

Zheng Yun himself stared down.

He could see Noriichi all the time.

Because Ji Dao is not stupid, he knows that the several immortal arts he possesses have not yet reached the level of Zongheng Qili Weimeng, and he still has to rely on the immortal master to rescue him at the critical moment.

The Immortal Master has not just a few immortal arts, but dozens of immortal arts, and a full two hundred Yin soldiers who can use magic methods, and their methods are only a few centimeters away from the immortal arts.

The firepower was frightening.

A hundred times stronger than him alone.

So although he was happy to kill, he did not kill with red eyes, and always kept himself in Zheng Yun's sight.

Zheng Yun also watched the whole process.

The longer you stay in Qili Weimeng, the more enlightened you become, because the stories told by Weimeng can make people immersed in the scene, which is much more exciting and exciting than what Ji Dao can tell with his mouth.

Just like the fairy writing brush.

Jidao's words were miraculous, but Zheng Yun had a vague guess that the ink of the brush might be in Maoli.

The hair of the brush may be the hair of some kind of animal, or even the skin and bones of the brush. The ink is hidden in the hair follicles and usually does not spill out. It can only be thrown out by shaking it out.

It is also a kind of poison in essence.

Very similar to the Yin Ghost Terracotta Warriors.

But the applicability may be stronger than the neurotoxins of ghost figurines, and it does not need to be transmitted through contact in water.

Master Immortal, call the Yin soldiers to take action!

Jidao called out for help again. Even though the ghost general was already at his side, the three of them were still no match for the gray shadow.

Get away immediately.

Zheng Yun made a sound to let the three of them dodge. At the same time, he raised his hand and pointed directly at the gray shadow from a distance of thirty meters.

Ji Dao ghost general heard this and immediately fled in three directions. Ji Dao didn't even bother to look back.

If they run a little late and two hundred evil creatures attack at once, ordinary people will not be able to withstand the devastating attack. They are not fairy sedans and will die in an instant.


The three of them moved away at the same time.

All the magic techniques in the sky have arrived, and all the Yin soldiers are Zheng Yun's right-hand men, throwing their means in the direction Zheng Yun pointed, as if he has two hundred heads and six hundred arms to direct them.

His finger has no lethality.

But the fingers were completely wiped out.

Two hundred spells were accurately fired at the gray shadow, and the dazzling visions gathered from all directions. Before Zheng Yun could see the true form of the gray shadow, it was overwhelmed by a large number of spells.

For a while.

The venue was full of splendor.

Light and shadow interweave.

The ghosts kept crying and screaming.

This hand is like the overwhelming sea, and the gray shadow is a mayfly in the sea, which will turn into ashes in an instant.

Death to Master Dao!

Ji Dao laughed loudly while escaping. He didn't look back and knew that the gray shadow would definitely die, because although he couldn't see it, he could feel the earth-shattering momentum behind him.

It's so scary.

A glance at it can shock someone to death.

Now he felt personally the first-person view of the immortal sedan chair, which was really not something that ordinary immortals could resist.

It's like a great catastrophe from heaven and earth is about to destroy the world.

The overwhelming force of gods and ghosts pressed down directly from the top of the entire pit. There was no blind spot to hide in, and no gap to get through. People who had not survived the catastrophe would be frightened to see it.

How deep?

Zheng Yun calmly stopped and asked.

It should be forty or fifty meters away. I just vaguely saw the fairy sedan. It was rolled up to the end by the tentacles.

Ji Dao replied immediately.

Be careful and keep going.

Zheng Yun nodded and asked the troops to continue the investigation.

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