Endless route

Chapter 313 84 A clever plan to kill Qili Guimeng [End of Dungeon]

Chapter 313 84. Come up with a clever plan to kill Qili Guimeng [End of Dungeon]

Zheng Yun recalled carefully that from the time they entered the dream to now, everything they saw came from Ji Dao and Gui Jiang, and nothing came from him.

This matter is easy to distinguish.

Anything that he didn't recognize at all and had no impression of was not something he dreamed of. And when he came here in one breath, he didn't recognize anything.

I haven't come yet.

Or won't come at all?

What is the difference between yourself and Ji Dao?


Suddenly there was a sound of breaking wind.

Zheng Yun's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sound. He turned back and looked to the right, only to see a black shadow emerging from the gap in the wooden beams under their feet and heading straight for his legs.

This thing is extremely fast.

And the angle is tricky.

Ji Dao didn't have time to react.


Zheng Yun subconsciously raised his hand and ordered.

The two Yin Zhugui generals beside him took action immediately, without any hesitation, and pulled out two slender soft swords from the hidden compartments on the waist and abdomen of the palace clothes, and slashed at their feet with one sword.

Yin Zhugui will be outside the dream and cannot see the situation in Qi Li's dream. This sword is commanded by Zheng Yun, just like a pair of Zheng Yun's arms, he will cut wherever he points.

Master Immortal!

Ji Dao exclaimed anxiously.

He also didn't know whether the ghost master outside the dream could kill the monster in Qili's dream. If the sword hit the empty space, the immortal master's life would be in danger.


The sound of skin and flesh being ripped apart was heard.

General Yin Zhugui slashed his swords to one point, and pierced the black shadow's body accurately and quickly, killing him instantly. When his body fell deep, he realized that it was a black snake.

The ghost will be outside the dream.

But it can also kill evil things in dreams!

Master Immortal, this... it's true. Although Master Ghost is outside the dream, in our eyes, they are the ghost-skinned women in the dream, and they belong to the same category as these evil things!

Since they are all of the same kind, how can there be any saying that they can't kill them? However, if the ghost master can attack outside the dream, then wouldn't they be directly invincible and be able to kill evil objects without harming them?

Ji Dao immediately made an analysis.

This discovery is really a surprise. The immortal master can actually give orders to the ghost master outside the dream to kill the evil objects in the dream!

As long as the ghost master is outside the dream, there is no risk at all. They can't even see the evil objects in the dream, and they can't be attacked by the evil objects in the dream except themselves and others.

Only if they attack the ghost master as a monster can they be injured, otherwise there is no danger!

What supernatural powers does the candle-skinned woman have? Zheng Yun asked thoughtfully. This discovery may be the interpretation of ghost dreams.

How the ancients deciphered Qili's strange dream is unknown to them for the time being. There are no clues for reasoning.

But in many cases, you don't have to follow the rules. Maybe there are many ways to crack Qili Weimeng. You don't need to find them all, but just one is enough.

The expert who originally cracked Qili's strange dream was also a member of the Haiwei family. In order to investigate the unresolved case of the prince's death in his dream, he would definitely bring with him a large number of unique magical methods.

Perhaps that method is specially used to solve crimes, it is the ghost version of modern criminal investigation methods, and it is also the key to cracking Qili's strange dream. He cannot copy it without the same method.

Although it cannot be copied.

But they also have unique magic and ghost methods, which the ancient sea guards did not have, and it is difficult for them to imitate them.

That is Guixi.

This thing has long been sealed.

It was never used by the ancients.

If they can use Yin soldiers and ghost generals to kill the evil things, maybe they can find another way to crack Qili's strange dream!

But swords alone are not enough.

They must have matching strength, otherwise they still can't defeat the increasingly powerful evil things in Qili Meng!

The Yin Candle Skin Girl herself doesn't actually have the power of fairy and ghost arts. It's just that her appearance and method of making are strange. At the same time, as a symbol of Yin Candlestick Mountain, people are frightened by it.

The real fairy and ghost art is the technique used by Yinzhutai Mountain to make skin figures, and skin girls are just one of them.

But even so, as one of the Skin People, she also has several methods to scare people. The first is Chuan Zhu, which can infect the dark candle in her heart to living people.

Master Immortal, I have said before that the Yin Candle is extremely terrifying and cannot be contaminated at all. As long as it touches it, it will burst into flames. It can never be extinguished, even if you dive into the water.

The temperature of the Yin Candle Fire is not high, and it does not burn violently, but with its lukewarm energy, it can quickly burn people to death, let alone swallow them and burn them out.

I didn't understand the principle before, but later I read from other ancient texts that it might be something similar to white phosphorus or will-o'-the-wisps. Burning it will create a highly toxic substance that will invade the skin and kill it instantly. After the person dies, it will be slowly roasted by low-temperature fire. Human skin.”

Ji Dao quickly explained in detail.

As a descendant of Tiangong, he has read thousands of ancient books in Tiangong's Sutra Pavilion. He is also quite accomplished in the methods of gods and ghosts. Although he does not know the details, he can also deduce the principle of this method.

If you give Ji Dao time to try.

Give enough material.

One day he will be able to use the few words in the ancient books to recreate the Yin Candle Skin Girl one to one in the Heavenly Palace.

However, there is a major prerequisite for this matter, that is, Zheng Yun directly turns evil and allows him to do unscrupulous things.

How to use this method?

Zheng Yun interrupted Ji Dao to ask for the key point. Ji Dao was very sharp-tongued. One or two hundred words only took ten seconds, but Zheng Yun did not have time to listen to what he had to say.

Master Immortal, I actually don't know much about it. There is no detailed description in the ancient book, but I guess it is similar to 'spitting'. There should be a mouth on the skin girl's face.

Because Yinzhupi Girl is originally a maid from Yinzhutai Mountain, it is most convenient for her to poison her when serving guests, especially when she meets a lustful one, or when she is serving food to the table.

Ji Dao moved closer to General Yin Zhugui, stood on tiptoes and looked carefully, trying to find the hidden mouth or other openings on the smooth and white face.


Zheng Yun gave the order directly.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether what Ji Dao said is right or not, because the candle-skinned girl in this dream was basically Ji Dao's fantasy, and all the settings were determined by Ji Dao.

Qili Guimeng is like this.

As long as the skin girl of Yin Zhu can scare people, Qili Guimeng will steal it from Ji Dao's mind and use it. Qili Guimeng doesn't care whether the skin girl is reasonable or not, let alone her principles.

Qili Guimeng just steals.

Being able to scare people is success.

So as long as Ji Dao always thinks that the skin girl has a mouth, then she must have a mouth. Even if the real skin girl in history has no mouth at all, it has nothing to do with the skin girl in Qili Guimeng.

What does Ji Dao think?

That's what a skinny girl would look like.

In the entire Qili dream, he was the only one who knew the words Yinzhupi Nu, and no one would argue with him.


The yin Zhupi Nu really vomited.

Zheng Yun and Jidao stared straight at it. There was indeed a woman's mouth on the skinny girl's face, but they couldn't see clearly because the lips were colorless.

While vomiting.

Only then did she open her mouth.

Exactly like an ordinary woman.

And with this sound, the candle-skinned woman spit out a stream of white liquid, which began to burn in mid-air and turned into a ball of white and bluish flames, falling into the depths of the cave.

Master Immortal, it's really good! The Yin Candle Skin Girl has other powerful methods. She can burn candles with her body and use the blazing Yin Candles to kill enemies in groups. She can also decompose her body in desperate situations and explode directly on the spot to kill and attack. The Hundreds of Tritons in the Villa.”

Ji Dao quickly came up with other ideas.

It's not necessary, just use this technique first.

Zheng Yun shook his head and asked the two dark-skinned women to stand around each other. They didn't have to do anything and would spit on whoever came.

The candle-skinned woman was dressed in an ancient palace attire. She was originally tall and graceful, and her words and deeds were polite. But now she was holding a lantern and holding a needle, and kept spitting in all directions.

To put it nicely, it’s called a passing candle.

To say it's not nice is to spit.

But this saliva is indeed unusual. It is light blue and whitish in color, and it ignites some delicate flames when it touches the air.

But the situation is not optimistic.

The ghost general in reality must have made corresponding actions, and was seen by himself and Jidao, and then turned into the scene at this moment because of the illusion of Qili's strange dream.

That is to say.

The ghost in the dream will be breathing fire.

In reality, the ghost general is really spitting.

And the ghosts are wearing diving masks, and they can only spit into the masks... It makes people feel distressed just thinking about it.

Master Xian, could this be Qili Guimeng's flaw? But with Yinzhupi Nu helping us to defend against the enemy, we can hold on for a long time. Ji Dao stared at Pi Nu and spoke.

This is too incredible.

The usually serious ghost master was actually spitting out water in his ghostly dream... no, he was spitting out fire.

It's not a flaw. This is exactly the opposite of what the surviving explorer said. He said that the most important thing to crack the strange dream is consensus, and we have no consensus at all now.

Zheng Yun quickly made a guess.

In fact, you can see the shadow of consensus in many places in the ancient city of Nanze. The ancients deliberately created a consensus. For example, the auspicious patterns all over the city are the biggest consensus.

If you think about it carefully, the consensus should be that it is a means to avoid extreme situations. Qili Guimeng steals dreams directly from people's brains. Without restrictions, it is easy to steal some unsolvable things.

For example, regular monsters.

If anyone slaps his head and dreams of a fairy, god, or monster who can swallow the sun and moon with the power of heaven and earth, and can inhale any living person into his mouth, he will be so scared that he will urinate at night.

Then it was stolen by Qili Guimeng.

And copied several of them in my dream.

Then the entire ancient city of Nanze is in ruins. Anyone who enters the dream will die. How can we use Qili Meng to fight the enemy through peace talks?

Consensus may be the limit.

Maybe a stabilizer too.

You dreamed of a great man-eating monster who could control the heavens and the earth, but I don't agree with it. From the bottom of my heart, I feel that this thing can't be real at all. It has no emotional fluctuations and even makes me laugh when I look at it.

Then Qili Guimeng might have a problem.

Zheng Yun doesn't know whether this problem is good or bad, but there may have been some accidents in ancient times, which caused the ancients to try their best to avoid such situations and try their best to limit Qili Meng.

The ancients studied the Qili Dream very thoroughly. There were basically no flaws in this Qili Dream. Even if there were some flaws, the ancients used various methods to repair them.

But now there is no consensus limit.

The things in Ji Dao's mind, from Nanze on the east route to the Christmas Islands on the west route, are probably all unique and have no semicolon. No one knows these weird things.


No one in the world agrees with Ji Dao.

Ji Dao is the only one, and no one can disagree with him, so what he says is what he says.

Master Immortal, this seems to be a way.

Ji Dao felt something vaguely but couldn't put it into words.

It is indeed a way. Get ready to open a fairy gate. Zheng Yun nodded. He already had a detailed plan.

At this moment, they are surrounded by evil objects from all directions, and they are not ordinary evil objects, they are all famous gods, ghosts and evil objects in history. Their ranks and abilities are the most terrifying ones.

As time goes by, more and more Yin Zhuskin Girl, Xikun Demon Mother, and Jingzhou Prince Gong appear. If the delay continues, there will even be real magic on the scene.

Zheng Yun has already felt it.

This bizarre dream makes people fall deeper and deeper into it, and the longer it goes on, the more terrifying it becomes. Although no real magic has appeared so far, it is only a matter of time.

As long as Ji Daogui will be present.

It would be impossible for no magic to appear.

The only suspense is how many celestial beings will appear at once, and how much inventory Ji Dao still has in his mind.

Zheng Yun had discovered from the beginning that as evil things were attacking from all directions, he was about to be unable to resist it. His heartbeat was getting faster and faster, and his emotions were fluctuating strongly.

Fortunately, now we have found a way.

Guixi has a special function here.

There is no need for him to retreat at all now. He can even stand here and fight Qili Guimeng fiercely.

Throughout the whole process of the ghost will spit out the black candle.

First of all, he brought two ghost generals who had not entered Qili's strange dream, and was able to control their actions in the dream, because although he was in the dream, he could give orders in reality.

Just like the situation with Song Wan and the others before.

He is not sleeping somewhere, but has been sleepwalking. He can move freely and speak.

Orders flowed freely.

On the other hand, after he and Ji Dao entered the dream, the world inside and outside the dream was separated, and all the things outside the dream were transformed into various evil things by Qiliwei.

The ghost general was also transformed into an evil thing.

Like all the evil things in Qili's dream, they will transform into similar things according to their appearance in reality.

The two ghost generals became the Yin Candle Skin Women.

Because ghost generals are in human form, they can only transform into human forms, either skinny girls or other human-shaped evil creatures.

Zheng Yun guessed that the transformation process was random. If he had brought out a Yin soldier earlier, perhaps Prince Gong of Jingzhou, who was fighting the ghost general at the moment, would have been one of his own.

Prince Gong of Jingzhou is also an evil creature in human form.

Yin Bing can completely become Prince Gong of Jingzhou.

Then if you bring out hundreds of Yin soldiers and ghost generals, what will they transform into? What would be the effect if I brought out all the Yin soldiers from the Heavenly Palace?

Even more so.

If all the obedient things like ghost figurines, celestial demon dogs, and cold immortals were brought here, what kind of evil things would they turn into? What would be the scene?

The Yin ghost figurines can replace the demon mother of Xikun.

Demonic dogs can also transform into evil things in the shape of dogs.

If I could command hundreds of evil creatures in my dreams, could I fight against the local evil creatures in Qili Guimeng?

It should be possible.

Qili Guimeng is a dead thing after all.

Its biggest flaw is its lack of brains.

It cannot distinguish between friend and foe, it just wants to scare the person in the dream to death as soon as possible. It can only wildly transform into evil objects, but it has no idea that its transformation is probably helping the enemy.

If as time goes by, Qili Guimeng begins to transform into an immortal magic, then he can also use the Yin Soldiers and Ghost Generals to catch it and let the Yin Soldiers and Ghost Generals turn into the immortal arts in Qili Guimeng.

If it were just that, it wouldn't be of much use, it could only be a show-off, but the key point is that you can command the dark soldiers and ghost generals outside the dream to kill the evil things in the dream.

Just like the demon general draws his sword and kills the black snake.

What's even more frightening is that they can even use the magic of ghosts, just like the ghosts can breathe fire.

All the yin soldiers and ghost generals controlled by him will all transform into real yin soldiers and ghost generals, possessing all kinds of earth-shattering magic and ghost methods, and even all of them will become fairy arts...

What are you afraid of?

They are even invincible.

Evil objects in dreams cannot harm them.

If this plan is feasible, then what does Qili Meng have to fear? There are at least 200 gods, ghosts and evil beings who obey his orders, probably even more than those who obey Qili's strange dreams!

Both sides are evil creatures that have been transformed into dreams by Qiligui. It is difficult to distinguish them in terms of strength. The key may depend on quantity and a certain amount of luck. Whether they can randomly obtain powerful magic spells.

Master Immortal, do we want to withdraw?

Jidao still didn't know what Zheng Yun was thinking.

If you don't retreat, just stand here and make good use of your brain. You don't have to do anything next, just identify and identify the gods and ghosts of each evil thing.

Zheng Yun patted Ji Dao on the shoulder. In this battle with Qili Guimeng, in addition to himself as the commander standing in the field, Ji Dao is also the most important key.

No matter what evil objects the Yin soldiers and ghosts randomly transformed into, Ji Dao had to recognize them immediately so that he could direct them to use methods to fight against the local evil objects.

Do it yourself.

Ji Dao's advice.

Only by cooperating with each other can evil be eliminated.

Let's see next, whether our own Yin Soldiers and Ghost Generals are more powerful, or the evil void here is better!

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