Endless route

Chapter 310 81 Dead Corpses on the Cliff Provoke the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 310 81. The corpse on the cliff provokes the Ming Dynasty

The picture outside the window makes people feel like they are in reality. At least hundreds of thousands of troops lie at the end of the mountains and rivers. Under the hazy night, the beacon fire of the military camp stretches so long that the bright moon above them becomes eclipsed.

But there's something strange about this perspective.

The Ming military camp was at the end of the line of sight, but he and others were at the corner of a cliff in the steep mountains. To the right of the window was the same high mountain, less than thirty meters away.

Two cliffs stand opposite each other.

This place is in the shelter of a cliff.

If the perspective is reversed, looking here from the perspective of the Ming military camp, one can only see a dark and steep mountain, with a little light in the hidden nook in the middle of the mountain.

What perspective is this?

Why is it a bit like voyeurism?

I can see the Ming army camp, but the army camp cannot see me. I am like a bandit in the mountains, looking at the bandit army through a simple cave in the mountain...

There is a very weird feeling.

Zheng Yun couldn't explain the source of the strangeness clearly, but the positional relationship between this place and the Ming Dynasty military camp seemed to be a clue, vaguely pointing the answer in a strange direction.

Master Immortal, you can actually stretch out your hand.

Ji Dao tried to stretch his hand toward the window, but it worked smoothly. He really extended his entire arm to the outside world, waving it left and right in the dark cliff.

Zheng Yun frowned.

He had been to this corridor countless times, but he had never found a window-like hole in the wall. Logically speaking, it was impossible for Ji Dao to put his hand into the wall.

How about I jump out and have a look?

Ji Dao looked at the window with great interest. He was clearly in an underground ruin before, but now he was on a high mountain.

This strange dream is really interesting.

Can there be another way out of thin air?

If you jump off this cliff, where will you jump next? He is currently in the water, and can float in the air with a slight jump. Even if he jumps out, he will not fall to his death.

Is there a possibility that we have gone in the wrong direction from the beginning? Zheng Yun began to doubt the route.

This ghost dream completely blinds people's cognition. Touch, pain, hearing, and vision can all be tampered with and transformed. What about the sense of space? Did they really come near the burial pit?


In the real world, a few of them are actually just standing in front of a wall, as if facing the wall and thinking about their faults. A few of them stare at the dark wall with big eyes and small eyes?

That scene was quite scary.

Several heavily armed living people, deep in the dark and strange corridor of the ruins, were all sticking to the wall, pointing at the wall, as if they were possessed by evil things.

If passing Western explorers had seen it, they would have thought that the Eastern archaeological team would have given up.

Zheng Yun also reached out of the window.

Nidao's hand being able to reach out of the window may also be an illusion. In the real world, he actually didn't even raise his hand.

It was just that he felt that he had raised his hand and had the illusion of raising his hand, so he infected this illusion to himself.

I really can't tell the difference.

But no matter what, you must not jump from this cliff. Where will they go after jumping? Go to the Ming army camp? Try talking to those soldiers in your dreams?

This is not an option either.

The Ming military camp is far away. As the saying goes, Wangshan is a horse running to death. No one knows how far they have to go to get there. Maybe the military camp is just a background and they will never get through.

Let's continue moving forward. We should not have gone uphill from just now. In reality, we are still underground in the collapse lake. Zheng Yun made a decisive decision.

Okay, I'll take one last look.

Ji Dao seized the last chance and actually lay on his back and leaned out of the window, stretching out most of his body to see what was above the cliff. This action was very dangerous.

I've looked at the bottom of the cliff. It's pitch black except for the military camp. I can't see anything. I haven't looked at the top yet.

And he did see something.

There was actually a dead man hanging on the cliff. He had been dead for who knows how long. His feet were hanging on the edge of the window. As long as he went down half an inch, Zheng Yun could see his toes through the window.

His eyes swept around.

There was more than one dead person.

The entire cliff is full of windows similar to this one, and dead people in ragged clothes are hung everywhere, like rags hanging on the mountain swaying in the wind.

What's wrong?

Zheng Yun noticed something was wrong with Ji Dao's expression.

There are many dead people hanging on the mountain. Jidao pointed upward and continued: Master Xian, there is something wrong with this mountain. This method of hanging people is very similar to...

like what?

Zheng Yun also stuck his head out and took a look.

After seeing this, he stopped talking.

Above the cliff where they were, the entire mountaintop was full of dead people. The dead were stripped down to their clothes and covered with wounds. They were hung with rags everywhere where they could hang people.

The one on top of the head is a typical example.

All he had left was a piece of white clothing, which was hung in tatters by the branches of a tree. The fabric was also blackened by the wind and rain, but the background was white, and it was still bright under the moonlight.

Isn't this for the Ming army camp?

There are at least a hundred dead people hanging on it. All the crooked old trees, protruding rocks, and cave walls are all the same scene. Even from a distance, you can see abnormalities.

White is rarely found in nature.

But the mountains are all white.

At the end of the line of sight, you can definitely see the white shadows of the Ming Dynasty military camp among the green mountains, and then discover these dead bodies.

Bright and clear.

It was almost made plain for the military camp to see.

Jidao didn't say the second half of his sentence, but Zheng Yun could tell the meaning. This method of killing people was very much like provoking the Ming army camp, and the provocation was extremely strong.

This kind of incident has happened in history.

Hanging the heads of the rebels on top of the city was originally a means of deterrence, but at this moment, the two sides turned around. These humiliated dead might be soldiers from the Ming army camp.

Master Immortal, something is really wrong.

Ji Dao spoke in a serious tone and touched his scalp. His bald head felt a little cold. He didn't know whether it was blown by the night wind between the cliffs or because of this scene.


Zheng Yun also felt a chill in his heart.

The Ming Dynasty's army of at least hundreds of thousands was in the distance, and the flames shot up into the sky with great force, turning the sky and the earth into a dark red, yet this place actually dared to do this in front of the military camp.

What a courageous person.

But what confidence do they have?

The army of the Ming Dynasty has already arrived at the city. They have been here for half a day at most, but they are still provoking people here. Is this a desperate attempt to jump over a wall that has already been defeated, or is it a wanton humiliation that guarantees victory?

There are not enough clues at present, and no one can tell which one it is, but what is certain is that these steep mountains are by no means a fuel-efficient light among many dangerous places with ghosts and ghosts.

A scene from a ghostly dream.

These are what dreamers fear most.

This ghost dream of the ancient battlefield is not Ji Dao's dream, nor is it probably the ghost general's dream, nor is it his own dream. Then it should be the dream of the 'ancient man' at the Nanze ruins.

This ancient man is suspected to be a general of the Ming Dynasty.

He had served as a soldier in the Ming army camp for many years, and had fought all his life outside the break of the Eastern Sea Route. He had seen so many weird and evil things, and killed so many strange-looking enemies.

I could never imagine how many battlefields this 'ancient man' had experienced and how many big scenes he had witnessed.

But what he fears most.

This is the moment.

Only this ancient battlefield was turned into a ghost's dream and became the nightmare of this 'ancient man''s life. Even if he lives to this day, he keeps repeating it in the ghost dream and cannot escape.

If you think about it from this perspective, then this place is by no means a simple battlefield, and the Ming Dynasty will never conquer this place with overwhelming force, and it is even possible that it has suffered several tragic defeats.

These dead people on the mountain are most likely the enemy provoking the Ming Dynasty, and using the corpses of the Ming Dynasty generals to humiliate the military camp when they have the upper hand.

Think of this.

Everyone’s hair stands on end.

Hundreds of thousands of troops were actually defeated here. How was this battle fought? How powerful is this place that it could actually repel hundreds of thousands of Ming troops?

Master Immortal, it can be seen from this method that this place is also a place of great evil. I just don't know whether they are people or something. Jidao said in a low voice.

Keep looking for clues and be careful.

Zheng Yun nodded and continued to explore until this point. They didn't know what kind of evil was hidden here or whether the enemy Daming faced was human or other species.

Although the hanging corpse is defiant.

But that doesn't mean anything.

Zheng Yun has actually seen this situation before. When he was on the Three Demon Islands, he saw the sea monster behave similarly.

Out of hatred, those sea monsters sneaked up on fishermen at sea, took the corpses back to Sanyao Island, ate them and wiped them clean, and strung the skulls on the reef to create a black bone beach in the Skull Reef Forest.

The Kraken has some intelligence, but not much.

They can all learn this way of venting their hatred because of hatred, so the hanging corpses here may not be caused by humans.

Several people continued to move forward.

At the end of the corridor is a set of steps, like the end of a Taoist view corridor. After exiting, there is an open-air valley with a very narrow width, and there are steep stone stairs below leading to other places.

Inferred from location.

This is the burial pit.

There are thousands of rotting wooden coffins in the burial pit.

The surviving Western explorers were hiding in the wooden coffins of this burial pit, screaming constantly.

Zheng Yun also wanted to know what this burial pit looked like in ghost dreams, so he quickened his pace to the edge of the pit.

Several people looked down together.

Below the steps is a bottomless hanging cave in the mountain. On the rock wall of the hanging cave, wooden beams are inserted in a dense manner, scattered horizontally and vertically, filling up all the holes.

This scene is equally weird.

The custom in some places is to bury the deceased on the cliff. For this purpose, holes will be dug out on the cliff to place the coffins. Over time, there will be countless holes.

The cave in front of me is similar to a burial cave.

At the same time, it is almost the same as a real burial pit, except that the wooden coffin is replaced by wooden beams, or the wooden beams are wooden coffins, and the wooden beams can be hollowed out to place the deceased.

Fairy Master, is Ghost Meng Lu timid? This is exactly the same as the scene you described. Ghost Meng is too resourceful to come up with new tricks, so she can only copy the real scene.

Ji Dao suddenly said something.

He thought Guimeng had a clever trick that could catch them off guard, but the scene before him was nothing new.

Say less, be vigilant, and take a closer look to see if there are any abnormalities. This may not be a local ghost dream.

Zheng Yun corrected Ji Dao's attitude.

They suffered a lot on the way here. After a few steps, they encountered the ghost dreams of Ji Dao and Gui Jiang. There was no progress in the exploration. They were just dreaming about their own people and harming their own people.

The same goes for this scene in front of me.

Who knows whose dream it was?

It may not be Nanze's ghost dream, but maybe it is the dream of a ghost who has been standing beside him, seemingly harmless.

Because now my dreams are complicated.

Ji Dao dreamed of Yin Zhutai Mountain, and was transformed into a Yin Candle Skin woman by the ghost general. The ghost general dreamed of a dead corpse and was stabbed, and then the ancient battlefield dreamed by the ancients of Nanze.

Even the scene is messed up.

It's a complete hodgepodge.

The elegant furnishings of this ancient corridor should come from the Yinzhutai Mountain in Jidao, the sarcophagus on the roadside comes from the ghost generals, and the picture outside the corridor window comes from the ancient people of Nanze.

Ji Dao said that Gui Meng and Qian Donkey had no skills.

But in fact, Guimeng has no tricks at all. It has always been 'adapted to local conditions', and what they can transform into it all depends on what they can put together.

When Ji Dao saw the corridor, he dreamed of the Yin Candle Corridor. When the ghost general saw the wooden coffin, he dreamed of the sarcophagus. Everyone had a dream and worked together to make the entire ghost dream full of dangers.

Zheng Yun can say for sure.

The ghost dreams here and now are completely different from the ghost dreams encountered by the surviving explorers before.

So no one knew whether the wooden beam burial pit in front of them was local or from other places.

But they still have to distinguish carefully.

If you continue in a daze, it won't take long before you become completely confused and you can't tell the boundaries at all.

What they came for.

Just looking for clues on the ancient battlefield.

If the dream is too complicated, you won't be able to find it.

For example, just now, if you connect the ancient battlefield outside the window with the candlelight corridor inside the window, you can easily infer that the enemy hanging the dead body must be a human being.

Because only humans can build such corridors, the enemies hanging dead bodies outside the corridors can only be humans.

But in fact, they have nothing to do with each other. They are just two dreams. No matter how luxurious the corridor is, it has nothing to do with the dead body on the cliff, but it is easy to get confused if you don't know where the corridor comes from.

This is just playing with your brain.

You have to sort it out to find the clues.

It shouldn't be mine. I have no memory in my mind. Is it the ghost master's? Ji Dao turned his head and looked at the ghost general.


The ghost will say nothing.

The two of them were quite aggrieved. They never said a word from beginning to end, but Ji Dao always asked them from time to time.

It’s hard not to make people wonder, did Ji Dao do it on purpose? Doesn't he know that his ghost master can't speak? Every time I ask a question at a critical moment, it makes people feel embarrassed.

Are you giving people small shoes?

Are there any people who expose others' shortcomings like you?

Zheng Yun sighed lightly, he really didn't expect that there would be a day when ghost generals would become the biggest shortcoming of exploring dangerous places, and their existence would actually have a negative effect.

Ghosts will not be able to identify their dreams.

Then I couldn't tell whether the burial cave in front of me was related to the ancient battlefield outside the window, or whether it was a clue.

How can one reason about this?

To be honest, Zheng Yun is now beginning to doubt whether the ancient battlefield outside the window is the ancient battlefield dreamed by the ancients in Nanze, or the ancient battlefield dreamed by ghost generals?

Not only the ancients of Nanze can dream of the ancient battlefield here, the ghost generals are also real ancients, and they are even from the Ghost Division of Haiwei Town. They can also dream of the ancient battlefield.

Moreover, I talk about the ancient battlefield every day, and I am so curious about the ancient battlefield that even ghost generals see it.

They cannot speak.

But what if they also want to take this opportunity to show their immortal master what the ancient battlefield looks like?

Moreover, the previous confessions of the surviving explorers did not actually mention this window...

Can't tell the difference.

You can't tell the ghosts apart without speaking.

But they really couldn't talk.

Zheng Yun looked sad and sighed softly. If that didn't work, he would have to send the ghost generals out of the ghost dream and let them continue to stay with him as a ghostly woman.


Right now.

There was sudden movement behind him.

Zheng Yun and others immediately looked behind them, and at the end of the distant corridor, there was the light of a flashlight.

It's actually a flashlight?

The flashlight in the ghost dream can only come from the Western explorers, and only they can dream about the flashlight.

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