Endless route

Chapter 234 4 Three Cities of the Same Generation

Chapter 234 4. Three cities of the same generation

Hearing the words of Jia Si Aileen, Zheng Yun immediately recalled that in Xu Yu's office of the Cultural Relics Bureau, Xu Yu said that there was an ancient city ruins in E-07, which was accidentally discovered by Western tourists the year before last. It had experienced abnormal conditions and still died. attracted many people.

Xu Yu called it the ruins of the ancient city of Nanze.

The location is deep in the rainforest, highly related to the route map on page 4 left by my adoptive father, and the distance is very close.

At that time, Xu Yu also gave himself a file of the ancient city ruins and said that he could go and take a look when he had time, but he was not in a hurry. The situation there was stable and there was an official archaeological team.

Zheng Yun later studied the file with Ji Dao on the ship and roughly understood the background of the ancient city of Nanze. The first time this place name appeared in records was in 1572.

At that time, it was only 170 years before the Ming Dynasty entered the endless sea route. The city of E-07 was built in such a remote place. This city was probably a landmark city with symbolic significance.

The time of abandonment is unknown.

The official archaeological team is investigating this time of abandonment. As long as this key node is known, they can find clues from history and investigate what happened in the ancient city.

After learning about this, he sent Zhang Ergou over, and Zhang Ergou was now around the ruins of Nanze Ancient City.

I didn't expect to meet here.

This matter is not simple.

Master Immortal, what did she say? Old Kate, translate for me. Ji Dao saw Zheng Yun's solemn expression, feeling anxious and unbearable, and quickly asked Kedester to translate.

After a while.

Jidao frowned and touched his scalp: They are actually involved with the ruins of Nanze Ancient City, but they actually came so far to find the key to the ruins in Deep Sea Ancient City?

Master Immortal, do you believe it?

Zheng Yun took a careful look at Nia.

Although this Nia only has her last two breaths, she is a Yin soldier. Now it is not a question of belief or not. Nia cannot lie, she must think so.

The question is whether her thinking is correct.

But there is no logical problem with her statement. The rules and regulations of the Ming Dynasty Haiwei are strict and orderly, and the abandoned cities of the same period have similar systems. It is very possible.

They came to W-07 Deep Sea Floating City to find the key to E-07 Nanze Ancient City. At first glance, it seemed a bit outrageous, but if you think about it carefully, it was still possible. Maybe she could actually find it.

There are many such things.

Commonly seen in archaeological work.

When archaeologists encounter problems that they cannot continue to investigate, they often refer to other contemporaneous sites to find answers.

Compared with other abandoned cities, the deep-sea floating city is indeed second to none in terms of its well-preserved condition.

It was only in the past few decades that human beings had just gained the qualification to challenge the floating city in the deep sea. For hundreds of years, this abandoned city was quietly suspended in the deep sea of ​​death.

There is also a saying for the term abandoned city.

It should have the same nature as the Forsaken Land. It is the choice that Triton will most likely make when faced with a difficult-to-handle case of gods and ghosts, to isolate the gods and ghosts within the city.

After all, there are still few controllable means of gods and ghosts. There are countless immortal continents on the endless route, and most of them are uncontrollable.

There are probably not many abandoned cities like this.

The degree of danger varies. Some cities only need to relocate the people and abandon them as empty cities, while some cities have reached the level of deep-sea floating cities and need to be suppressed by arraying floating boats in the deep sea.

As for who is more dangerous, the Lost Land.

I'm afraid it's impossible to make a simple comparison. It may be a matter of time. Before Triton created the Lost Land, the Abandoned City was a simplified version of the Lost Land.

Speaking of which.

Zheng Yun remembered another thing.

The ancient city of Nanze was built in 1572.

The Deep Sea Floating City and Nanze Ancient City were built at the same time.

But there is another year with very similar numbers in his mind, 1587, which was the earliest construction year of Hongying Dusi Hongwu Ancient City, and it was also the same generation in history...


Zheng Yun was slightly absent-minded.

Deep sea floating city.

Nanze Ancient City.

Hongwu Ancient City.

Putting these three names together, it makes people's minds go crazy. Each one is extremely weird. The Immortal Supervisor didn't even understand one of them, but the three of them are actually related in this way.

Is it a coincidence?

Three cities of the same generation?

For an ancient civilization with an extremely long history and a fondness for recording history, history always contains many unexpected coincidences, which are absurd, bizarre and dramatic.

Old Kate, ask her. She said that the Deep Sea Floating City and the ancient city of Nanze were abandoned at the same time. How did she know the exact time? What is the real name of the Deep Sea Floating City?

Ji Dao raises doubts and critical questions.

The Cultural Relics Bureau didn’t know when the ruins of Nanze Ancient City were abandoned, and the Supervisor couldn’t tell the age of the Deep Sea Floating City, but Niya actually knew everything, and she knew it was from the same period?

Kedester translated it truthfully.

Nia heard the question but had no reaction. It wasn't until Zheng Yun glanced at her that she regained her consciousness and continued:

There were great navigators and explorers in the West, and their logbooks are preserved in the British Museum. After knowing the exact location of the ancient city ruins, you can look for clues in the logs.

The ancient city ruins of E-07 were dated using this method. Roughly at the end of the 17th century, Western explorers discovered the abandoned ancient city.

The situation in the deep-sea floating city is complicated. By conducting carbon 14 testing on the body of the rare creature in the porcelain bottle, we determined that its approximate age was the seventeenth century.

Such a test is not accurate because there are many corpses from earlier eras, even from the 15th century. It wasn't until we salvaged a pontoon boat to detect carbon 14 on the wooden boards, and later found records of ghost figurines, that it was completely confirmed.

As for the name of the deep-sea floating city, we don't know. It is an abandoned city and will not leave a name deliberately.

There were more than 200 words. Nia spoke intermittently for a few minutes. If she continued to ask questions, she might die.

Carbon 14 is indeed a good method. I always thought that carbon 14 detection can only detect the age of ancient organisms. I didn't expect that it can be used even in this situation.

Kedester took this to heart.

They can also use this method to date in the future. Although it is more troublesome and time-consuming, at least it can be used.

Ji Dao said nothing.

He didn't even know what carbon 14 was. When it came to this stage, his eyes darkened and he could only listen.

should be no problem.

Zheng Yun turned to look at Ji Dao and Kedester, letting Nia rest for a moment before continuing to ask.

But I still don't know what is in the floating city in the deep sea, and what caused the vision just now.

Kedester took a deep breath.

Maybe it's not the movement caused by evil things, but a mechanism being activated? Ji Dao took over.

If the Deep Sea Floating City is a place where immortals are imprisoned, then why does it create a mechanism? What is this mechanism used for and what effect does it have? Kedester was puzzled.

We would know if we could go into the city and have a look, but we can't find the way into the floating city. Strictly speaking, there shouldn't be a way into the prison. Ji Dao frowned, paused for a moment, and suddenly had an idea and said to Zheng Yun opened his mouth:

Master Immortal, ask her where the gate of the Deep Sea Floating City is. Isn't she looking for the key to the city gate? If there is no door, where can the key come from? She must know where the city gate and this road are.

That makes sense.

Kedester agrees.

Let's ask again later.

Zheng Yun looked back at Immortal Burial Valley.

The Immortal Burial Valley is three thousand feet deep, and the cliffs are full of autumn. The mountains and plains are covered with rustling fallen leaves, as if an immortal once wielded a pen and sprinkled a thick layer of red and yellow ink.

This is also a place where immortals are imprisoned.

When the location of this kind of place was first selected, it was not considered that there would be living people visiting the prison in the world, and no way was left for living people at all.

But things are not absolute.

There is a crane that can go down to the Heavenly Palace Immortal Burial Valley. If you want to visit the Dragon Robe Blood Man, you can go there on a crane.

If the crane is afraid to sit on it, you can use a black jade pillow to sit down on it and go straight to the bottom of the valley to open the fairy gate, which will make you appear more calm.

The same goes for the floating city in the deep sea.

There may be special ways to get down, but the Immortal Gate should be universal and applicable to all similar situations.

It’s not just a place where immortals are imprisoned.

Back in the Pregnant Demon Tower, they used black jade pillows to enter the tower and rescued Li Huawan and many deaf girls.

Nia and the others are looking for the city gate key, and she believes that this city gate key can be used in the Forsaken City. No matter what the city gate looks like, this key can open it.

This concept should not be concrete, it is an abstract key that can be expanded to other aspects.

Zheng Yun could only think of Xianmen.

If there really is a universal ‘key to the city’ in these dangerous places where gods and ghosts are trapped or where immortals are imprisoned, then the Immortal Gate must be one of the answers, and it is also the most universal answer.

The reason why the black jade pillow is the symbol of the Immortal Supervisor is probably related to this point. Moving the Immortal Sect is too cruel, and the black jade pillow can go anywhere in the sky and on the earth that humans cannot go.

Except for the black jade pillow.

Triton also has a black jade gate.

Zheng Yun still doesn't know whether there is an immortal gate in the deep sea floating city. There is an immovable black jade gate in the Immortal Sacrifice Cave. This situation may not be unique.

But this small black jade door is not connected to the secret realm. If you want to enter the deep sea floating city in this way, you have to find the door.

Where would this door be?

Since Hongwu Ancient City and Deep Sea Floating City are of the same generation, and Hongwu Ancient City is connected to the Immortal Sacrifice Cave, is there a possibility that Hongwu Ancient City also has a fairy gate connected to Deep Sea Floating City?

The purpose of the Immortal Sacrifice Cave is to raise Han Immortals, and its fundamental purpose is probably to help Hongwu Ancient City go into battle to kill the enemy.

Is it possible that the Deep Sea Floating City is also a means of killing enemies left behind by the Ancient City of Red Mist or similar abandoned places?

What is the situation in the ancient city of Nanze?

These three strange ancient cities are of the same generation, which really makes people wonder. What is the connection between them?


Jidao and Kedester both kept silent and watched quietly as Zheng Yun faced the Immortal Burial Valley, looking into the distance with a serious expression. From a glance, they knew that Zheng Yun was wandering in the sky and thinking.

If there is no Immortal Master in the Immortal Supervision Department, then I and the others can just disband and go back to their respective families to find their own mothers.

Thinking of this, Ji Dao suddenly looked at Kedester, and at such a critical moment, he said in a shocking voice:

Is your mother still alive?

Gone, long gone.

Kedester shook his head calmly and answered in a low voice, not daring to speak loudly for fear of disturbing Zheng Yun.


Ji Dao sighed softly.

Everyone goes back to his own home to find his own mother, as the old saying goes, but where did these people come from, and where do they go back to? Where did mom come from? Where can I find mom?

It's not just him Ji Dao and Kedester.

Zhang Ergou's mother in Tiangong must have passed away. The mother of the Immortal Demon Immortal might be of the same generation as the ancient founder of Tiangong, and may now be in the immortal class.

The Tiangong Taoist priest has been brought back to the dojo by Master Zhang since he was a child. He doesn't know where he picked it up, so how can he go home to find his mother?

As for you ghost masters.

Forget it, those are ghosts.

Looking at the entire Jianxian Division, it is difficult to find anyone with a family, and there are not many people whose parents are still alive. If the Jianxian Division is disbanded, everyone will be no different from a lonely ghost.


Zheng Yun glanced at Jidao.

What kind of brain circuit does this guy have? I thought he would have something to say when he spoke, but I didn't expect that he suddenly asked if Kedester's mother was still alive.

Nothing to say.

Ji Dao is definitely an ordinary person.

Master Xian, do you want to continue asking? Ji Dao smiled and did not ask Zheng Yun what clues he had just thought of.

Niya, what is the city key you are looking for? Zheng Yun looked at the wicker chair and pointed to the core.

I don't know. I didn't find the key, so I don't know what the key is, but it can be a structural diagram. As long as there is a structural diagram of the ancient city, the answer can be found.

Nia answered weakly.

Can you enter the ruins of Nanze Ancient City? From the ruins of an abandoned ancient city, it is impossible to deduce the blueprint of the ancient city? Zheng Yun immediately frowned and asked after noticing the problem.

It's not an ordinary blueprint, it's a core blueprint. The craftsmen who built the core of the ancient city in Triton will all be killed after the completion. No blueprints have been leaked, and the situation of the ruins is also very complicated. Even the core cannot be found.

Nia finished her sentence stumblingly.

After Kedest translated it to Ji Dao, Ji Dao's expression changed and he yelled in a low voice: You are so open-minded. Who told you that craftsmen will be killed? Our sea guards never kill craftsmen. Those are all done by the emperor. What does it have to do with Minghaiwei?

Core drawings...

Zheng Yun subconsciously looked at Jidao.

I remember very clearly that Jidao found a drawing of the Red Mist Ancient City from somewhere, and he and I studied it on the display cabinet of the pawn shop, looking at it for a long time.

That drawing is the key?

But that drawing is the drawing of the ancient city. What is its core? Is it a city gate mechanism or an arrangement by gods and ghosts?

Go get the drawings of the Red Mist Ancient City.

Zheng Yun sighed softly and asked Jidao to get something. There was nothing worth arguing about whether to kill the craftsman, especially when he was arguing with a dying man when the language was still unclear.

It's totally a chicken-and-duck talk.

No one could understand what he said.

Okay. Ji Dao hurriedly went to do it.

Let's go back to the island to check out the situation. Keep an eye on her and don't let her die too early. Zheng Yun led Kedester out of the courtyard and warned the little Taoist at the door.

I will obey the immortal order.

The little Taoist priest bowed and saluted.

Zheng Yun walked out of the stone corridor speechlessly. He didn't bother to ask who taught him this now, he could just say whatever he wanted.

Now there's just one problem.

If they don't find the answer on the drawing, will they have to go to Hongwu Ancient City in person in the future?

Now that the deep sea floating city is in trouble again, they can only leave this place after thoroughly confirming the safety of the floating city. Before that, they still need to continue their investigation.

The ruins of the ancient city of Nanze is where the adoptive father drew a circle for himself. Although the situation has been brought under control, he will definitely take a look in person to find the cause of Jiang Meng's illness.

The ancient city of Hongwu was left in ruins.

There are real remnants of the Ming Dynasty Haiwei inside, who are my brothers and sisters. I must go and take a look in the future.

These three cities are top priority.

I'm afraid that in the next period of time, the main task will be these three cities, and their problems must be solved in turn.

Fortunately, it's not an emergency.

They still have a lot of breathing room.

The monthly ticket rankings are all in the top 80, and the 800 orders are all in the 70s. It’s so outrageous that I cried to death. Thank you everyone for your monthly tickets. Thank you very much!

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