Endless route

Chapter 223 62 Dramatic changes at the bottom of the valley Chapter 223 Chase under the sea

Chapter 223 62. Dramatic changes at the bottom of the valley, pursuit under the sea

In the dark depths ten meters away from the sea, Zheng Yun and the others were walking in the stone corridor. The biting seawater at the bottom of the lightless valley soaked them and this ancient building built hundreds of years ago.

Along with the explosion just now.

The sound and vibration of the water in their ears suddenly increased, and they could feel with their bodies that the current under the sea had changed.

It has started leaking.

And the amount of water is very large.

A propeller the size of a thermos cup pumped water at full speed, and several people wearing ghost cloaks swam upstream. Their figures were hidden in the darkness, like fish in the deep sea, and they swam silently towards the corner of the stone corridor.

Master Xian, have you gone down to the depths? I feel a vibration. Is something happening down there? Is the water deep? Should I take Han Xian and Master Gui and jump in directly?

Ji Dao exclaimed in the headset.

No need, you are too late.

Zheng Yun walked at the front of the team with a solemn expression.

In just ten seconds, they rounded the corner, faced the deep light source, and saw with their own eyes the scene ahead.

The vision suddenly became brighter.

The cold and steep rock wall blocks the front, sealing off a stagnant lake at the bottom of the ancient abyss. It is like a stone corridor on the submarine plank road. Continue along the rock wall to reach the end of the lake.

The lake is less than a hundred meters in diameter.

But the length is close to 200 meters.

A large number of light sources are right in front, with warm yellow light bulbs hanging on the water, illuminating the entire backwater lake.

You can see clearly under the sea.

At the end of the lake, there is a blue brick platform above the water, with a large amount of modern materials piled on it. It should be the third camp of Nia and others, and it is brightly lit by lights.

This camp is relatively simple, but it has moisture-proof formwork houses supported by steel plates, a large water pump by the lake, lifting and landing equipment on the rock wall, several steel cables hanging from high places, and a welded steel plate hanging at the end. Shipping platform.

And on the right side of the camp.

There is a bronze gate on the rock wall, which is three feet high and engraved with the Minghaiwei pattern. The whole body is dark and strangely decayed, exuding a strong smell of oriental relics.

Just looking at this bronze door left by the Ming Dynasty Haiwei makes people feel fearful and numb, because no one knows what is sealed behind the grand door.

But there is a deep and large hole in the center of the door.

The edge of the cave is two to three meters high and is located below the water surface. At first glance, it seems that it has been broken open by people using modern equipment.

A large amount of sea water is flowing out of the hole.

Zheng Yun and others can now clearly see that there is a searchlight moving near the cave and there are figures moving around.

The waterfalls hanging down from all sides of the rock wall made a lot of water noise, and they could not hear the sounds in front of them, but there was no doubt that those people were the explorers such as Gaselinia.

Chief, the landing platform is at the bottom of the steel cable. Nia should have taken this 'elevator' to come down. It also proves that no one should have taken the elevator up during this period.

Kedester lowered his voice.

If there is no other exit inside the cave of the bronze door, they can just block it and catch them all.

Zheng Yun glanced at it.

The set of steel cable lifting and landing equipment should have been found by Nia and others from a nearby mine. The same goes for the water pump and door-breaking equipment. They are all professional equipment from modern mines.

In order to explore the Triton ruins in the ancient East, these people actually acquired such a set of tools and used specialized mining machinery to destroy the ruins in a mess.

Explosives were even used.

Treat relics like mining.

But compared with their crimes of releasing the ghost chrysalis from the floating city and trying to release the floating city, this is nothing worth mentioning.

Go ashore quietly to protect yourself from explosives.

Zheng Yun immediately ordered that the lethality of underwater explosives is much higher than that on land. If it happens again, someone will really die.

Everyone took action immediately.

Continue along the stone corridor, quietly approach the camp about ten meters underwater, and then slowly surface to check the situation.

There are people in the camp.

After surfacing, human voices could be heard. The other party also used a device similar to headphones, and the voices were drowned by the sound of water.

Find a blind spot.

Zheng Yun led the people to swim to the right and get ashore from behind a pile of supplies. The ghost general went up quietly and crouched in the dark. Only after Zheng Yun went up to confirm that it was safe, did the others come up.

Kedester immediately rescued Licia. Fortunately, she was only knocked unconscious and not seriously injured, and she could be woken up soon.

During this period, Zheng Yun had already grasped the situation in the camp. On the right side of the bronze door were two people also wearing closed diving suits, waiting with professional detonating equipment in their hands.

The location of the other seven is unknown.

Before they used explosives, they had lifted a small submarine to the shore to prevent the submarine from being damaged. It was a transparent-shell sightseeing submarine that could seat four to five people.

Deal with the submarine first.

Zheng Yun looked back at Kedester. They had no time to wait any longer. Let him use his rifle to deal with the submarine first, and then slowly deal with the remaining people.


Kedester stood up and raised his gun.

Zheng Yun also took off the pistol from Li Xiya's waist, stood up and pointed it at the two people in front, preparing to shoot at the same time.


Zheng Yun spoke softly.

Bang bang bang!

As they pulled the trigger, violent gunfire exploded at the bottom of the rift valley, and bullets poured towards the submarine and the enemy.

The submarine's shell shattered instantly.

Zheng Yun didn't hold back either. His marksmanship was average, but it was enough to hit the opponent's torso.

They're coming!

One of them yelled, and even though his thigh had been shot, he still removed all the detonators in his hand.

Boom boom boom!

A violent explosion suddenly came out.

Water splashed in all directions inside the bronze gate, and a large amount of seawater spurted out, gushing directly into the entire camp.

The earth shook.

The camp lights dimmed simultaneously.

The entire Rift Valley returned to darkness.

Zheng Yun and others were stunned by the explosion. The other party must have wanted to blast at fixed points in batches. After being shot by Zheng Yun and others, they actually detonated all the explosives at once.


The sound of water suddenly amplified.

A second jet of sea water suddenly spurted out.

After the explosion ended, the vibrations under the feet continued, and loud noises could be heard as a large number of rock walls smashed into the water. There were even boulders falling off overhead and hitting the lake one after another.

Master Immortal, what's going on? Are they trying to kill each other? I just took back Hanxian, what should we do?

Nobuyoshi exclaimed in the earphones again.

If he himself was definitely not afraid of danger, but he couldn't see Zheng Yun and didn't know Zheng Yun's situation, he panicked when he thought that Zheng Yun might be killed by a gangster at any time.

You go up and block the exit.

Zheng Yun patted his ears and replied.

They were shocked to the point where their ears were full of noise. They couldn't hear any sound for at least ten seconds, and now it's just easing.

The other party may also have night vision equipment. Kedester immediately distributed the night vision equipment he carried to Zheng Yun and others.

They don't use it.

Zheng Yun took a night vision device and refused it on behalf of the four ghost generals. For the ghost generals, darkness is their home field.

Look back towards the direction of the bronze door.

Just like a reservoir opening to release water, a huge amount of seawater gushes out. The vibrations in the entire rift valley continue to become more and more violent. The entire bronze door cannot withstand the impact of water pressure and is about to fall off the rock wall.

The rock wall may have been blasted through.

The bronze gate is about to burst.

This is definitely not good news.

Chief, let's block the door or arrest the person. Kedester took a deep breath. Now is the moment to make a decision.

If we can't block it, kill first.

Zheng Yun immediately ordered with a solemn expression.

The trend of breaking the dike is unstoppable, because behind the bronze door is the underground sea, and it is a deep sea of ​​three thousand meters.

Such deep sea water pressure has probably been rarely seen in the entire history of mankind. Even those extremely deep mines are very rare. The energy of the water flow is unimaginable.

Once a small opening opens. It is only a matter of time before the Bronze Gate bursts, and even the rock wall in front of us will collapse.

This situation is no longer not about whether Haiwei Supervisor Xiansi can stop it, but that the entire human civilization has little to do.


Kedester gritted his teeth and shouted. He heard the coldness in Zheng Yun's tone, and Zheng Yun directly used the word kill.

Hit him directly to death.

No one can escape.

However, at this moment, the seawater spurting out from the bronze door expanded for the third time. The entire bronze door was pushed out of the rock wall, and an even larger amount of deep sea water gushed out.

With this huge force.

The rock wall began to collapse on a large scale, and the hard rock wall disintegrated like soil. Even the bronze door, which weighed ten thousand kilograms, was wrapped in the sea water and pushed twenty meters away.


Zheng Yun took a deep breath.

It is impossible to describe this scene. The water outlet, which is more than ten meters long, is rapidly expanding. The inestimable water output is still growing exponentially. The seawater level is rising visibly with the naked eye.

The land beneath their feet was instantly submerged by the sea water, and the materials in the camp were washed deep by the sea water. Even they could not stand firmly and were pushed to the edge of the platform by the sea water.

This volume of water is too large. The current rising speed of the sea water is about ten centimeters per second. Kedester looked inside the camp with his gun, looking for other people.

The two culprits who were hit by Zheng Yun were dragging their legs and running towards the left front, hiding behind the supplies, and they could vaguely see other people responding.

Bang bang!

Kedester fired directly.

As a famous explorer, his marksmanship was better than Zheng Yun's, and his rifle's range and power were also greater. Moreover, after Zheng Yun made his decision, he aimed directly at the opponent's head.

Accompanied by two or three gunshots.

The two culprits fell to the ground.


There was another violent vibration.

A rock wall with a height of forty meters fell off from the wall above the bronze door and crashed into the water.

The water splashed up to a height of tens of meters.

Completely blocking everyone's vision.

If boulders continue to fall from the rock wall, maybe this hole can be blocked? Licia said, covering her chest.

The water can push the rocks away.

With a serious expression on his face, Kedester aimed at the place on the left front where someone was suspected of being contacted, and fired hard to empty the magazine.

This is probably the last chance.

The water line has risen to their waists, and it won't be long before they sink underwater again. By then, the lethality of the bullets will rapidly diminish, making it almost impossible to kill anyone.

Send flares that way.

Zheng Yun looked up and saw that the location they were in was actually very dangerous. If the boulder fell off, they might be hit.


Licia took out the launcher and fired the ammunition, and the dazzling blue light poured from mid-air, illuminating the rapidly deteriorating chaotic situation and also illuminating the opponent's shadow.


A search bomb fell into the water.

The stone platform was dim again.

But with the help of those two seconds of light, both Zheng Yun and Kedester could clearly see the movements of the remaining people on the other side.

They held some things and jumped into the sea. Zheng Yun even clearly saw that there were six of them, two of whom were women and wore full diving suits.

What are you holding?

Kedester sounded confused.

Get into the water.

Zheng Yun made a prompt decision and went into the sea as well. Using the search blue light to observe that direction, he quickly discovered the figures, but they actually swam towards the deeper sea.

One is to avoid falling rocks.

The second is to avoid yourself and others.

It does not rule out that they still have means.

A rough estimate of the distance between the two sides should be about 120 meters, but they also have underwater boosting equipment, and their speed is not slow at all. Only a few blue figures can be seen.


Suddenly there was a loud bang from the wooden structure.

Zheng Yun looked in the direction of the bronze door underwater, only to see that it was the remains of a deep-sea pontoon. It was carried into the bronze door by the current, and was cut off by the current.


There are actually pontoons over there!

Not only was the current strong on their side, but the underground sea across the wall also had terrifying currents, enough to push the already delicately suspended deep-sea pontoon out of the hole.

These deep-sea pontoons are extremely fragile. They have not experienced such an impact for hundreds of years and cannot withstand the huge force at all.

Once the pontoon is destroyed, the evil things sealed inside will emerge and be washed to the Rift Valley with the current.

The situation is more complicated.

No one knows how many floating boats there are in the deep sea on the opposite side, and even the floating city may be in serious trouble.

what should we do?

Kedester also looked solemn. He understood the situation and knew that the situation was getting out of their control.

Go after the people, and you guard the stone corridor.

Zheng Yun raised his hand expressionlessly and pointed, and the ghost general beside him quickly dived and chased after the other party.

The words just fell.

He himself immediately followed.

Kedester hesitated to speak and looked back at Licia. He could only lead Licia back to the corner of the rift along the stone corridor. This position was also a top priority and needed to be guarded.

Chief, be careful.

Li Xiya whispered with a complicated expression. She was knocked unconscious by the explosive. How could she not know the power of the blow just now? Zheng Yun and the others all suffered internal injuries.

But Zheng Yun chose to continue chasing.

This time it is obvious that he will fight to the death, but the other party may have other tricks and vicious plans, and Zheng Yun may also die!

Keep firing flares.

Zheng Yun left a word, then concentrated on diving, and hid in the deep sea with the four ghost generals. The ghost cloaks were gathered under the sea, like five black swordfish heading straight towards each other.

Just half a minute.

They have dived hundreds of meters under the sea.

Beyond the searchlight blue light and into the depths.

Compared with the earth-shattering chaos on the sea, the world under the sea is extremely peaceful, and even the vibrations are blocked by the deep water.

But deep water also blocks light.

Zheng Yun almost lost his ability to observe, and even the night vision goggles were useless. Fortunately, the ghost generals were not restricted at all. They were tracking the target tightly, and he only had to follow.

He dived another few dozen meters.

The surroundings were completely dark. The dive speed of the search ammunition was too slow. They were beyond the lighting range. It was so dark that Zheng Yun could neither see nor hear anything.


The ghost general suddenly slowed down and drew his sword.

Their ghost cloaks spread out under the sea, and they stood upright in the deep water, looking coldly ahead like stingrays.

Zheng Yun immediately became alert and also raised the blood sword, observing the environment ahead with great vigilance. However, in the dark green image of the night vision device, another stone corridor appeared in front of them.

There is a figure hiding behind the stone gallery window.

This man raised his head and looked directly at their five figures, holding a deep-sea shooter in his hand.


He pulled the trigger.

A sharp steel thorn rushed towards him.

This thorn is more than one meter long and has an extremely sharp end. It is a modern harpoon used to hunt deep-sea creatures.

At this moment, the ghost general next to him took a step forward, raised his sword and slashed slowly, easily cutting the steel thorn aside.

The figure paused for a moment.

From his perspective, he could vaguely see five cloaked shadows with the help of the blue light behind him. He hid in the stone corridor and suddenly attacked, but was easily defused by the opponent.

He seemed to have no way to hide, and his every move had been noticed by the opponent. This was not a sneak attack at all!

Think of this.

He immediately took out his pistol and fired.


Zheng Yun's expression was calm.

A ghost general quickly came out of the queue, jumped into the fish and rushed into the stone corridor. In a flash of cold light, he raised his knife and sprayed blood in all directions. The opponent fired a shot before he died, but he couldn't even penetrate the ghost cloak.

The original Daming Haiwei Town Ghost Division may not have this level of strength, but with the assistance of modern diving suits and oxygen bottles, ghost cloaks and underwater thrusters.

The strength of the ghost general is even more terrifying.

It is no exaggeration to say that they are not afraid of modern technology at the moment, so even if the Yin Ghost Chrysalis comes, they may not be sure of victory.

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