Endless route

Chapter 205 44 Ba Yuan Cave, the place where immortals are imprisoned?

Chapter 205 44. Ba Yuan Cave, the place where immortals are imprisoned?

Kedster and the other party continued to communicate through the track, and the manor church showed a certain degree of sincerity and pointed out a route to the depths, that is, along the underground sea channel.

The two parties kept laughing while communicating.

It seems that enemies have really turned into friends at this moment.

Chief, do we really have to believe them? Li Xiya's voice sounded in the earphones.

You still have to be more vigilant. Zheng Yun communicated with the other party with the purpose of sneak attack on the other party. From this starting point, he also had to worry about the other party pretending to surrender.

Because from the beginning to the end, the 'Deacon Bird' in the conversation did not clearly express his attitude. Only the other two people kept persuading, but he did not make a decision.

Deacon Bird's status is higher than the other two. He obviously knows the detailed background and destination of Jiasi Aileen and others, as well as other information provided by Nia.

Nia runs away when she sees Triton.

Who knows what she is hiding from? They may have had a conflict with Triton twenty years ago, knew Triton's behavior, and fled immediately when they learned Triton was chasing them...

Then let's move on?

Kedester nodded and looked forward. The road pointed out by the Manor Church should be fine. This place should have been the only passage from the beginning of the Ming Haiwei design.

The entrance to the rock wall they just passed was too small. They were carrying oxygen bottles and diving equipment and could not enter through the entrance.

Still maintaining formation.

Zheng Yun nodded and dispatched the Yin soldiers and ghost generals to drag the fishing boat carrying Hanxian into this area, preparing to go deep into the front.

The drugged fishing boat was pierced by bullets, and a total of four Yin soldiers were shot dozens of times. They eventually died from the opponent's poison. I wonder if they can be saved with blood pills.

It should be enough.

Regardless of whether the opponent's poison is translated as secret witchcraft or magic potion, it is a very powerful natural toxin. The Yin soldiers have gas masks, but they cannot prevent skin invasion.

Master Immortal, what exactly did you say?

Ji Dao asked eagerly. Until now, he doesn't know the content of the conversation or the decisions he and others made.

We have reached an armistice agreement with them. Li Xiya, the translator designated by the Supervisory Immortal Division, roughly explained to him.

During this process.

Zheng Yun and others have completed preparations. They asked Li Xiya and another person from Xichang to stay, firstly to take care of the victims, and secondly to guard the only escape route for the large force.

The rest moved on.

At this moment, they also have ten Yin soldiers wearing simple diving masks, four ghost generals wearing closed diving suits, Zheng Yunjidao, Kedester and Hunter, a total of four people.

In addition, the light source ship and the cold fairy ship can continue to move forward. At the same time, in this environment, they can find a place to open the fairy gate at any time and return to the secret realm to avoid enemy attacks.

Almost invincible.

There is no reason to fear the other side.

Master Immortal, they said there is a floating city in the deep sea below? Ji Dao exclaimed in a low voice after hearing the translation.

Do you have an opinion? Zheng Yun looked at him.

No, but after what you said just now, Master Xian, I suddenly thought of something. In fact, the terrain of Ba Yuan Cave is somewhat similar to that of Tiangong Immortal Burial Valley. They are both bottomless and large caves, which are suitable for processing. Weird stuff.”

Ji Dao stretched out his hand to make a gesture, and opened his hands in the air, as if there was a bottomless ditch in front of him.

It is indeed very similar to Immortal Burial Valley.

Zheng Yun nodded softly. This is what he had guessed just now. The Immortal Burial Valley is three thousand feet deep, and the boulders of the Eight Abyss Cave can penetrate twenty thousand feet. One is more than 9,000 meters, and the other is more than 6,000 meters, and both have extremely small openings. The rift valley cave.

It's an excellent 'trash can'.

Speaking of the depth of land rifts and submarine trenches, all shipping routes are over 10,000 meters deep, and the deepest ones are 100,000 meters deep. However, there are not many such natural 'bottlenecks'.

Especially for the Ba Yuan Cave, the records of this place are even more mysterious. The eight undersea caves are intertwined with each other like a maze, and the number of cave entrances will gradually decrease over time.

From the perspective of modern science.

It should be due to the movement of submarine plates. It only takes one earthquake to reduce the eight sea caves to only six.

But from a ‘trash can’ perspective.

The ‘trash can’ in Ba Yuan Cave even has an ‘automatic lid’ that can be closed automatically after throwing away the garbage. It is more convenient than the Immortal Burial Valley in Tiangong, so you don’t have to worry about the garbage escaping.

Moreover, another advantage of sea caves is that the water pressure is so great that weird things on land can be tied to boulders and sink to the bottom, which is almost a death sentence and it is impossible to escape from the bottom of the sea.

Master Immortal, in places where immortals are imprisoned, immortal objects are usually imprisoned. If Haiwei imprisons something in the Bayuan Cave and specially builds a floating city to monitor it, then the things here should not be underestimated. It is very likely that they cannot be killed. Dead 'ghost fairy.'

Ji Dao continued to add with a solemn expression.

It was impossible for him to use a trash can as a metaphor for the place where the Triton sealed off the supernatural beings, even though the metaphor was very vivid, so he chose to use the term immortal prison as a metaphor.

It has the flavor of oriental gods and ghosts.

He also has the courage of the Ming Haiwei.

In addition, his reasoning is also very reasonable. If Haiwei can kill something on the spot, why bother to go to the Eight Abyss Cave to deal with it? Only the things that are difficult to kill will be imprisoned at the bottom of the sea.

But when Ji Dao said these terms, it was a bit difficult for Kedester and Licia, who could understand Chinese, to accept them.

The place where immortals are imprisoned?

Imprison ghosts and immortals?

If such words were spoken by other people, they would certainly disdain them, but from the conversation between Zheng Yun and Jidao, they had to believe them completely no matter how unbelieving they were.

People who come out of the Immortal Sacrifice Cave in the Hades Pavilion have no doubt about the legends of gods and ghosts in the East. Even if they know that it may be some unknown phenomenon, they will feel deeply trembling.

Triton never plays tricks.

Things that can be called gods and ghosts by Haiwei will only be more terrifying and weird than the gods and ghosts in the hearts of ordinary people.

And compared to places like Hades Pavilion and Immortal Sacrifice Cave, this place is likely to be out of control. The undersea cage built by Triton hundreds of years ago may be damaged in the passage of time.

“So watch out for what’s under water.”

Zheng Yun's expression was relatively calm. He also knew very well that as long as Haiwei could control something, Haiwei would never let it go. Since he chose to imprison him, he really couldn't control it.

Triton is having trouble handling it.

The level of terror is appalling.

The level of mystery is unprecedented.

At least all the gods and ghosts they have experienced have been banned or locked up by Triton. At most, they have caused trouble again. They have never seen anything that even Triton has trouble handling.

Moreover, there is no record of it in the Immortal Mansion Map, which makes the matter even more confusing and casts a scary shadow.

The only similar level is Oblivion.

The Lost Lands can bring Triton down.

But all this is just speculation. Maybe the floating city in the deep sea is just a place used by Triton to lock something. There is no record just because it failed and the place was abandoned by Triton.

This is also possible.

Because if it was an extremely dangerous place with ghosts and ghosts, why would the Manor Church have been operating here for hundreds of years? Can their level be higher than that of Triton, and can they take root here?

Jias Irene and others are also below.

It also proves that the level of risk is controllable.

Before getting more clues, they don't need to daydream here, they just need to maintain a certain degree of vigilance.

lets go.

Zheng Yun walked to the shore and entered the water.

The others followed closely, but Kedester spoke significantly less, his face became so serious that it was covered in wrinkles, and he kept observing the dark shadows under them with extreme caution.

Instead, Ji Dao talked more.

He mentioned another previous clue. In addition to the porcelain bottles, there were actually some debris inside the jellyfish, including things similar to human bones and some sunken shipwrecks.

Zheng Yun also had some doubts.

Palyeon Cave is more than 6,000 meters deep. If the porcelain bottle was sunk to the bottom of the sea, it would have to withstand terrifying water pressure. How did the porcelain bottle withstand it? What role did the jellyfish play?

This is a scientific question.

The depth here is not one or two hundred meters, but often thousands of meters, and the water pressure is completely different.

If you want to withstand the pressure of the deep sea bottom, there cannot be much air in the porcelain bottle. It can only be filled with sea water to maintain the same internal and external water pressure, so that it can sink to the bottom of the sea intact.

All porcelain bottles from the Ming Dynasty shipwreck sites in the deep sea are in a similar situation. Porcelain bottles have strong resistance to pressure, but only completely empty bottles or encapsulated liquids will not break.

But what would happen if the porcelain bottle was inside a jellyfish? Jellyfish, squid and other soft-bodied deep-sea animals have the ability to regulate water pressure, and most of them live in deep sea waters.

When molluscs move from shallow sea to deep sea, their bodies will be squeezed and reduced by water pressure, changing from a big guy to a small ball. Can they withstand the water pressure for the porcelain bottle?

What would happen if there was a person in the porcelain vase? How did Triton build the city in the first place? Even modern technology cannot do such a thing. How did Triton do it?

Zheng Yun shook his head to disperse his thoughts.

The behavior of the Ming Dynasty Sea Guards is mysterious and unpredictable, and nothing they do is surprising. Once the prefix of the Ming Dynasty Sea Guards is attached, any deep-sea floating city becomes reasonable.

The answer is not far away.

Let’s think about it then.

Everyone continued to move forward along the underground sea.

The detector showed that the depth of the seabed was gradually getting deeper, crossing several levels in just a few minutes, and rapidly falling from a depth of 100 meters to a depth of more than 200 meters.

The road ahead also becomes more tortuous.

This cave passage is sometimes high and sometimes low. The highest space above the water surface is ten meters, and the lowest is only 30 centimeters. The width is also limited, so only fishing boats can penetrate it.

The same applies to the sea. It is also a cracked terrain. Although the water is deep, it is narrow and difficult to pass.

They kept swimming at a depth of ten meters under the water, and each one was equipped with a Yin soldier as a body armor.

Ji Dao keeps sound monitoring at all times. In addition to the sounds under the water, he occasionally floats to the surface to listen.

Master Xian, those people seemed to be doing something. I heard the sound of moving things. They were very close to us, only a few hundred meters away at most. Jidao said.

be prepared.

Zheng Yun warned everyone.

There is a platform ahead. Should we go up there in advance? Kedester pointed his hand forward and whispered.

The light source ship illuminated the sea space and water bodies. Under the sea, they could vaguely see a shoal to the right and a rock wall slope slowly protruding from the deep sea.

Without a detector, they can also judge the topography of the shore through the underwater rock walls, which is one of the advantages of diving.

Let them go up and test it.

Zheng Yun nodded and sent out the Yin soldiers. The church manor did not see their true bodies from the beginning to the end. All they saw were Cadest and the Yin soldiers. The other party could not recognize the identity of the Yin soldiers.

I'll join in too.

Kedester took the initiative and said that he was the one who had been talking to the other party. He should hide at the end of the Yin soldiers team to communicate with the other party, so that it would appear more real and natural.

Others are ready to take action.

Zheng Yun looked back at Gui Jiang and Jidao.

I'm still on drugs.

Nobuyoshi reached for the waterproof backpack on his back, but the diving suit was too bulky and his arms were short. When he reached for it, he ended up flipping upside down underwater and spinning in circles.

Zheng Yun sighed softly and swam to him, and helped him take out a bag of poison from his backpack, which was contained in a waterproof bag.

At the same time, Zheng Yun also took out the black jade pillow in the waterproof bag from his backpack in case of emergency.

After delaying for a while.

Everyone is ready.

Keldest landed on the shore with the Yin soldiers, walked forward along the shore, and made some noise.

Others were lurking underwater. The ghost general drew his sword, Ji Dao drew his sword. The hunter and Zheng Yun chose firearms. At the same time, Zheng Yun controlled the actions of the Yin soldiers and tried to act as realistically as possible.

The final trump card is Hanxian.

The people of the Manor Church must be on land. As long as there is land, Hanxian's home field is Hanxian. Hanxian can kill the opponent in an instant, even if the opponent has a diving suit, it will be useless.

When they invited Han Xian to come out, they brought a certain amount of fragrant sand with them. It was impossible for everyone to get it, but as long as they sprinkled it on the ground, they could be safe.

Once things change.

They can ask Hanxian to clear the place.

This is also the reason Ji Dao dares to continue exploring. Even if there is something under the sea, they still have Han Xian in their hands. They may not be able to win under the sea, but they are invincible on land.

Where are you guys?

Kedster asked loudly from the shore.


A light source swayed from the distance on the right front, about a hundred meters away, and three figures were seen walking out of the corner. These three people were all wearing black robes that seemed to be from the church.

They were dressed like heretical missionaries of the last century. They held twentieth-century style Western portable lamps in their hands, and their bright yellow light poured into the ground and sea.

The moment the other party appears.

Everyone immediately became vigilant.

We have no intention of attacking.

Kedester mingled with the Yin soldiers and walked slowly towards them. At the same time, he took out a flashlight to illuminate the Yin soldiers' empty hands, while Zheng Yun and others dived deeper to observe in the dark.

We were also unarmed.

The other three stood there holding oil lamps, and they were also highly focused on observing the incoming people. One of them counted them, and the other looked at the two boats on the sea and the depths of the sea.

With distance comes proximity.

Everyone saw each other.

The three people in the manor church were all wearing black robes, with the tails of the robes trailing on the ground. Only their hands were exposed. The masks under their hoods could be faintly seen through the oil lamp.

It appears to be a gas mask.

A very old style 'fly head'.

Moreover, there is something wrong with the outline of their black robes, and they don’t know what they are carrying on their bodies, so they need to be more careful.

How many of you are there? There seems to be more underwater, right? One of the men in black robes suddenly said, staring at the deep sea.

Are there any Orientals?

The person in the middle asked suddenly.

Why are you so obsessed with Orientals? Orientals have problems? Kedster asked tentatively.

It's nothing. What kind of organization are you? What is the purpose of finding Jiasi Irene and the others? Can you tell me more about it? The other party asked politely.

They stole something from our private museum. Kedester immediately said the prepared answer. This sentence was very true from every angle.

So that's it.

The man in black robe in the middle spoke suddenly.

This answer may come as a bit of a surprise, but if you think about it carefully, you will find it very reasonable and natural.

When they spoke, the distance between the two parties was less than twenty meters. This was the most dangerous moment, and everyone held their breath and concentrated.

Zheng Yun started counting down.

Be prepared to go all out.

But at this moment, the man in black robes in the middle suddenly bent down and placed the Western portable lamp on the shore. The bright yellow light completely tilted towards the sea, making the sea surface sparkling.

Everyone can see more clearly underwater.

That light was penetrating. It suddenly appeared in the field of vision above the head. It could shine down through dozens of meters of sea water, passing through the deep seabed where they were thrust into the depths.

Something's not quite right.

This light seems to bring out something.

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