Endless Game: Get the Necromancer Career at the Start

Chapter 143: The Witch Goli and the Oracle Machine

"Defective part? Tell me in detail."

Lin Chu suddenly became interested. If Goli could deprive her of the mana gained from outside the world, it would basically mean abolishing all her combat power.

"It is mentioned in the diary that the oracle machine uses a certain lens to project a special light to capture another layer of the world... One of the lenses has a problem for some reason, and the projected light happens to block Goli. Relations with outsiders..."

Klia took out the diary and handed it to Lin Chu:

"You'd better see it for yourself, I haven't figured out the purpose of that oracle machine too much."

Lin Chu took over the diary and looked through it.

The above handwriting is messy and illegible. It's really forgiving that Kelia can understand it. If he hadn't had the translation ability of Endless Game, he wouldn't be able to recognize it even if he had learned the words of this world.

I flipped through the diary a few times and glanced at it roughly.

"Okay, I see."

Roughly jot down the useful information mentioned in it, Lin Chu threw away the diary:

"You are looking at Goli here. I will steal the damaged parts of the oracle machine, and try to see if installing that component can really eliminate the out-of-boundary magical power Goli possesses."

The witches in the entire hall were almost emptied by them, and only one Goli was left. If she left the office and noticed that the hall had become empty, she would definitely be alert.

It is not easy to fight whether it is to run away or face off.

To deal with these teleporting witches, the skeleton soldiers who are not sensitive enough are not very useful, and the tactics of siege of the Skeleton Sea that can be used by the number advantage disappear under the teleportation.

Only the undead apostle may be able to rely on the bone spear and the blood blade to pin down the Tier 3 witch a little bit, and even the skeleton mage in the battle is too weak and too slow to be worthwhile.

Bombing a Tier 3 corpse may be the only way to cause fatal damage to Goli.

But the problem is that he no longer has a Tier 3 corpse on hand.

"There is also no experience bar for the class level. I don't know how many Tier 2 creatures I killed... I should be up to level 20, right? Up to level 20 can raise all the most important skills. "

Lin Chu mumbled to himself.

Because he has killed too many and complicated recently, he has been too lazy to record how much experience he still lacks in order to level up.

Anyway, before facing Delilah, he must raise his level above 20.

In other words, after level 20, it should also become a third-level upgrade, right? Wouldn't he be able to upgrade several levels quickly?

After all, ordinary Tier 3 enemies are weak chickens in his eyes, unless it is the kind of combat power exceeding 300, or the actual combat ability and life-saving cards are as strong as the Tiger Explorers, it will make him feel a little bit. Tricky.

Back to the subject.

He sneaked into the laboratory on the third floor of the museum as recorded in the diary.

The damaged lens was placed on the table unsuspectingly, with a small note written by Goli posted beside it, stating that this damaged lens needs to be studied carefully and no one can take it away without authorization.

Out of caution.

Lin Chu first asked Yinling to investigate whether there were any mechanical devices in the laboratory.

There is really an infrared siren at the door. Once it is triggered, it will activate preventive measures, and quickly wrap the entire room with an alloy iron plate hidden on the upper layer of the wall.

Send a silver bell to destroy the line to the infrared device.

After confirming that there were no other institutions, Lin Chu called on the undead apostle to take away the damaged lens on the table.

When the lens was picked up, a red rune flashed past the tabletop under the lens.

The figure of the witch Goli suddenly appeared in the billowing black mist.


Lin Chu secretly said something was wrong, and ordered the undead apostle to run quickly.

Yinling can detect all kinds of organs, but it can't detect the trigger traps arranged by mysterious energy.

Golly saw that the silver armor guy in front of her was holding her important oracle lens, and she immediately realized that an enemy had sneaked into the museum, and raised her hand to summon several pitch-black vines to entangle the undead apostle.

The undead apostle did not slow down at all.

After receiving Lin Chu's order to escape, it retreated quickly, drew a few **** blades and split the pitch-black vines, leaped towards the window of the museum, and quickly fell into the hall.

Fortunately, he sent the undead apostle to take it. If he personally went into battle, he would be killed by the witch backhand.

Lin Chu, who was in a state of invisibility, was not discovered by Goli.

But Kelia, who didn't know the truth, found that Goli on the fourth floor suddenly disappeared.

And the sound of fighting came from the direction Lin Chu was in.

She subconsciously thought that the two were in a head-on conflict, and hurriedly used Far Climb to come to support, but ran into Goli, who was teleported out after chasing the undead apostle.

When the two women met face to face, they were both stunned for a moment.

While tacitly understanding, he used spells to extend the distance, raising his hand to summon black vines to attack the opponent.

According to Kelia, the black vine is the direct release of magic power. Anyone who has a deep grasp of magic can do this trick, but it is not easy for the magic vine to play wherever it can.

The strength of the vine has a great relationship with the total amount of mana.

Klia's magical power is far less powerful than the witch Golly who has the Mark of Delilah. The vines on both sides are entangled for a few times, and her vines are twisted by the other party. Faced with the vines, she can only use far climbing to dodge.

"Hold it up!"

Lin Chu yelled and recruited all the skeleton warriors and skeleton mages to help Kelia.

But he himself did not take the initiative to show up, but used teleport to come to the side of the undead apostle, took away the damaged mirror, and then asked the undead apostle to besiege Goli together.

He used teleport one after another to rush to the oracle machine on the second floor.


Goli realized that something was wrong.

She was obviously at her home court, why would she be besieged by the enemy instead?

Looking at the entire empty museum again, it suddenly dawned on her that all her subordinates had been emptied ahead of time, and now she is the only polished commander in the entire museum.


Witches are generally a little nervous, but Goli is different. As a person who can be valued by Delilah and handed over to the leadership of the witch group, she is very sensible.

Realizing that something was wrong, her first reaction was to escape.

But she quickly turned back and released the magic vines and more than ten lasing pitch-black gravels toward the oracle machine on the second floor, intending to destroy the machine first.

"The corpse exploded!"

Lin Chu was already standing in front of the spectrometer of the oracle machine, and was about to replace the lens inside.

Facing the attack launched by Goli, he threw out a few witch corpses to block the magic vines without changing his face. The blood mist after the corpses exploded extremely restrained the magic, and instantly eroded all the magic vines that spread.

Facing the pitch-black gravel, Lin Chu simply held his shield in front of him.

Bang bang!

The gravel was shot on the enchanted shield, and several consecutive gravel pierced the shield.

Immediately afterwards, the rubble fell on the bone armor, and the remaining huge penetration force quickly shattered the bone.

Fortunately, under the resistance enchantment of the sun's armor and the body guard of the blood qi deficiency bead, the gravel did not hurt Lin Chu's body, otherwise it might consume part of the power of the fantasy heart shield.

Lin Chu, who was holding a wave of rubble, quickly summoned the undead apostle in front of him to stop the damage.

He quickly installed the damaged mirror on the oracle machine under his hand and pulled down the machine's start switch.

Chi Chi!

The machine started to run, emitting a strong golden light!


Goli, who failed to destroy the oracle machine, yelled in despair.

This machine called the oracle is not huge and complicated.

It is a spectrometer with many lenses and two huge energy glass furnaces on both sides.

The design and shape of the oracle machine and the magic circle are very cool. On the opposite side are four coffins and three azure blue symbols painted with skulls. They follow the flow of runes and converge into the circle in front of the machine. It looks unclear. Jue Li.

Under the golden light of the oracle machine.

The four coffins directly opposite, and even the corpses of the four bishops inside, began to emit golden light.

The witch Goli disappeared out of thin air, as if being pulled away from the void, teleported to the inside of the circle in front of the machine, and a billowing black mist appeared on the surface of her body, constantly rising under the twinkling of golden light.

"No! No! No! My magic power!! My link to the Void Realm..."

Goli tried madly to escape from the magic circle, but was held by the golden light and couldn't rush out until the magic energy in her body was completely stripped away.

In the end there was a pool of black liquid like blood flowing under her feet, completely losing the power of the void magic energy.

"It's over, everything is over, I'm ruined...that feeling, my ability, contact with the void, Delilah...other than that, I have nothing."

Goli the witch knelt on the ground, muttering to herself absentmindedly.

Lin Chu was not interested in listening to her nonsense, and let the undead apostle go up and hack her to death. The whole process was as simple as killing a chicken, and this guy did not resist at all.

"Magic energy will also drop drastically if it is stripped of life levels? It's a pity, a powerful corpse explosive material was destroyed."

No need for investigating eyes, just relying on the necromancer's instinctive estimation of the corpse, Lin Chu knew that the life level of the witch Goli had fallen below two hundred points, barely falling to the third rank.

"It's simpler than expected. This oracle machine is really easy to use. It would be convenient if Delilah was cut off from the Void Realm."

Lin Chu knew in his heart that it was impossible.

The connection between Delilah and the Void Realm could not even be cut off by the outsider. If it could be cut off by a machine, the outsider would have told him this method for him to try.

Search for Goli the Witch.

Two special black bone amulets were found.

The abilities of these two amulets are powerful and special.

One of the characteristics of a talisman is that it can turn the first long-range attack on itself into a blood mosquito, with a cooling time of one hour.

Another characteristic of the amulet is to make the monsters summoned by the enemy and the magic creatures such as blood rats and blood mosquitoes betray and attack their masters instead.

"This bone amulet that made the summoned creatures defect is too scary. Fortunately, it only targets magic creatures and has no effect on my skeleton soldiers."

Lin Chu also didn't quite understand the effective range of this amulet.

Bring out this world in the future, and try to see if you can make the elemental summons of other worlds betray.

In addition, the value of the bone talisman to defend against long-range attacks is much more stable.

Lin Chu didn't hesitate to equip this amulet.

Being able to dodge a long-range attack is equivalent to an extra life at some point, such as being sniped from a distance.

After searching the good things, he threw the corpse into the storage space and cast his sight on the oracle machine.

Replace the damaged lens with a normal lens.

Turning on the machine, in the golden light, he tried to listen to the feeling of the oracle.

There was a messy whisper in the ear.

A few valuable words can be discerned faintly from it.

"What is this black glass knife used for? Is it a pagan object? Or is it something made by a convict?"

"I see stains under the nails, long and fine nails, not blood, not fuel, not red wine, but squid ink..."

"It was the squid caught by the ADATA sailor in the icy waters of the West Cape of Divia. The squid caught from the dark waters of the deep sea with a regular red thread...No, it is totally meaningless."

"The cold cane is wrapped around him, like a solid rock attached to his body."

"I saw those hands again, with ink stained on them, and picked up the knife from the folded box of colored paper..."

"A tree that contains huge magic power and draws magic power from a weak place in the void is spreading in the imperial city..."

It's totally unclear!

What are these voices talking about? The chaotic all come together, making people confused.

Lin Chu gave up listening to information from the oracle.

He guessed that his life level was not high enough, and he couldn't directly capture useful information from it. If he changed to Kelia, maybe he could get some information?

"Kelia, do you want to give it a try?"

"I'll forget it."

Kelia was not very interested in this machine, and even resisted a little.

"Then this oracle machine is still there?"

Lin Chu's storage space was far too large to fit this large machine, and he couldn't take it away.

"It's better to destroy it. This kind of machine is too weird to use the corpse of the bishop of the Holy See as a medium, and there is no need to keep it."

Kelia looked at the four corpses in the coffin whose mouths and noses were sealed and tightly bound, her expression a little unpleasant.

No wonder she was so resistant to using the oracle.

Since Lin Chu didn't want to use it, Lin Chu wouldn't force her.

Take out a magic explosive from the storage space and place it on the oracle machine, and detonate it remotely, exploding it to a smashing blast.

However, Lin Chu removed all the lenses from the machine in advance.

The refractive index of these lenses is very interesting, and it is said to be able to connect the deep void of the world through the representation of reality.

It is necessary to study.

After destroying the oracle, Lin Chu took out the mana heart and began to search for the mana runestones in this city.

The magic runestones in the entire city seemed to have been collected by the witch Goli in advance in the museum.

He found a total of eight magic stones in Goli's office and laboratory together! This number surprised and delighted him.

He didn't hesitate to absorb a part of the magic stone, and the teleportation was deepened to accelerate the thinking.

Lin Chu tried to jump from a high altitude ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ using teleport.

When he condensed the magic moment.

Everything in the field of vision slowed down, and even the speed at which he was falling seemed to be ten times slower.

Under normal circumstances, just choosing the landing point without using teleport to pull the body will not consume magic, but this time choosing the landing point in slow motion, his magic is slowly consuming.

However, this consumption is not a problem at all, and it does not matter if he maintains the total amount of magic power for an hour.

On the contrary, the mental power is inexhaustible...

Although the total amount is small, mental power is different from magical power. It belongs to one's own energy that is difficult to recover quickly with external force. Once exhausted, it can only be recovered through sleep or meditation.

Lin Chu deliberately maintained the accelerated thinking state for six minutes.

Reality only passed less than half a minute.

Sure enough, he felt a trace of unspeakable mental exhaustion, and his head was dizzy, which might affect his fighting state.

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